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So many people… loudly and proudly walking on the street fighting for

their freedom. Will I ever be that confident? Will I ever be able to shout at the
top of my lungs who I really am, without giving a slight thought what other
would think? There are a lot of people who stand on the sidewalk judging,
insulting anf throwing objects at the demonstrators. Yet the demonstrators
don’t even look at their way. It is like they are invisible to them. They don’t
back down or get intimidated by them.
While I was lost in my thoughts, I have realized I am standing in the mittel
of the crowd and become the part of the demonstrators. That exact moment a
man standing next to me handed me the banner that says something about
lesbians and gays, despite my protests. After a few seconds his friends
approached us, who are clearly also a part of the demonstrators. One of them
was telling something about the miners and collecting money for them. The
one with the banner argued with his idea saying that they have to focus on
their thing, but the other said, that if they support the miners, they might
support them as well, which would make them more powerful.
As they were discussing with each other, I have found myself out of the
crowd. Just that time a lady walking by called me disgusting. As if I wasn’t
just like the ones that this lady hates, I agreed with the her, to make it clear
that I am not one of them, which was clearly a lie. I don’t even know why I
felt the urge to defend myself against the woman. Her opinion shouldn’t
matter to me. In fact no one s opinion shouldn matter. I shouldn’t feel
ashamed for being just myself. I should not feel any hesitation in showing I
am also a part of these demonstrators.If some people having a hard time
dealing with that, it is no ones but their problem.
Just like that I decide to go back in to the crowd and find the group of
lesbians and gays, who now try to collect money for the miners. That is the
moment that I make my mind. I am not going to let other people’s opinions
dictate my life. I will not to hesitate to defend what I believe to be true, just
like this group, who confidently show their true selves without being
ashamed and afraid to be judged.

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