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Hi dear friend

my ,

I that
working about
identity and
. Today
you are on
your essay I came across

with article magazine about similar topic that

you are writing Therefore I thougth
an on a
german a .

That might benefit from it However can't understand I'm to

you gerna , going summaine

the article

The article deals with basically individualization and staderdization of the . The
society arther
says that

these to notions contradict but are also has also commen denominators
. At first the Author talks ...

about the individualisation becaming a new trend in the society and how this affects people .

The arther interprets it as a

push for people to find their identities ,
to become an

individual and diffirenciate from Once find their identities it with others
others .
they , they shoe ,

people often in Need to express themselves in

any way
. In the following the arther explain the r

reason behind this

. He says that beein in need to express themselves
pushes prole

to share their experiences on social media platforms, where a bt of people see

them That's .
where the paradox begins
. The mere people share their lives with others

the more
they influence other people and also get influenced by others ,
who also

shas .
their lives that leads people to alter their tre self and act as most

people As a result the globalisation mere and more which leads to the stader-
grows ,

dization of all people : Therefore one cannot say that these to concepts ,

and stadardization ,
have no orection and are completely opposites
. The very opposite

they embrace each and thus affects each othe

As a conclusion the aither says that the motien of stadordization is and has not been

obstack to finder your

own identi , on the contray it is a helpful and necessarig ,

find out
your own

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