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25/10/2023, 19:48 POST TEST in Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles (C...

(24A-(Filipino IV-1) CBE 2)

POST TEST in Child and Adolescent

Learners and Learning Principles (Copy)

1. Fear of something that was caused by a painful experience in the past is an

example of: (1 Point) *


Classical conditioning


Operant conditioning

2. A teacher rewards a child for doing things correctly. This technique is called:
(1 Point) *





3. In rural areas, most students absent themselves especially during planting seasons.
What could be an innovative solution to this problem? (1 Point) *… 1/17
25/10/2023, 19:48 POST TEST in Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles (C... (24A-(Filipino IV-1) CBE 2)

Refusing readmission of pupils who have been absent for long

Observance of seasonal school calendar

Keeping a record of absences for information

Giving lecture to parents on the importance of schooling

4. Utilizing both sides of the brain is important in achieving holistic learning,

cognitive and affective, and the logical along with the ________. (1 Point) *





5. This is a Filipino trait that involves practicing conflicting values in different regions
and social groups. (1 Point) *

“Kanya-kanya” mentality


Existential intelligence

Crab mentality

6. Contrary to Freud’s concept that the primary motivation of human behavior is

sexual in nature, Erikson’s is _______ in nature. (1 Point) *

Biological… 2/17
25/10/2023, 19:48 POST TEST in Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles (C... (24A-(Filipino IV-1) CBE 2)




7. A child who always fights with his/her classmates, who has a very short attention
span, and who has frequent tantrums is believed to be suffering from: (1 Point) *

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Learning disability

Mental retardation

Downs syndrome

8. A child who is cold towards the people around him might have failed to attain
what basic goal based on Erikson’s theory on psychological development? (1 Point)





9. A pregnant, unmarried woman aborted her baby to avoid disgrace. Is she morally
justified to do that? (1 Point) *

Yes, it can save her and the child from disgrace when he grows up… 3/17
25/10/2023, 19:48 POST TEST in Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles (C... (24A-(Filipino IV-1) CBE 2)

No, abortion is immoral

No, the unborn child cannot be made to suffer the consequences of the sins of his/her

Yes, it is better to prevent the child from coming into the world who will suffer very much
due to the absence of a father

10. Lately, authorities advice parents of left handed children to: (1 Point) *

Train the child with left-hand tendency to use the right

Train the left handed child to use both right and left hands

Allow children to use the hand they want

Discourage the child in using his left hand

11. ______ is described by Freud as the component(s) of personality that is concerned

with the idea of right or wrong. (1 Point) *




Super-ego and ego

12. _______ reflects the teachers’ understanding of development as results of

maturation and learning (1 Point) *

Patience when dealing with the slower ones

Creativity with the classroom strategies or task… 4/17
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Cheerfulness and enthusiasm when discussing

Fairness when giving grades of school marks

13. Interpersonal intelligence is best shown by a student who ______. (1 Point) *

Keeps interest to himself/herself

Seeks out a classmate for help when problem occurs

Works on his/her own

Spends time meditating

14. ________ are rights that cannot be renounced because they needed for a person to
fulfill his/her primordial obligations. (1 Point) *

Inalienable rights

Acquired rights

Alienable rights

Perfect rights

15. The effectiveness of learning is based on the fulfillment of the basic needs in the
hierarchy of needs. This is based on the theory of _______. (1 Point) *



Maslow… 5/17
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16. A child was punished for cheating in an exam. For sure the child won’t cheat again
in short span of time, but this does not guarantee that the child won’t cheat ever
again. Based on Thorndike’s theory on punishment and learning, this shows that
______. (1 Point) *

Punishment removes response

Punishment doesn’t remove a response

Punishment strengthens a response

Punishment weakens a response

17. The following functions are done by the brain’s right hemisphere except: (1 Point) *

Visual function

Detail-oriented function

Nonverbal functions

Intuitive functions

18. This constitutional provision is the full and partial integration of the capable deaf
and blind students in the classroom. (1 Point) *

Creating scholarship for poor and deserving students

Providing citizenship and vocational training to adult citizens and out-of-school- youths

Protecting and promoting the right of all citizens to quality education… 6/17
25/10/2023, 19:48 POST TEST in Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles (C... (24A-(Filipino IV-1) CBE 2)

Academic freedom

19. ________ is Erikson’s, Piaget’s and Freud’s thought about play (1 Point) *

Develops in the child highly competitive attitude because of the nature of play

Contributes to the child’s mastery of his physical and social environment

Prepares a child for an excellent academic performance in formal schooling

Makes a child’s life so enjoyable that he will tend to hate school life later

20. A student has been staring at a puzzle. He/She is figuring out how to solve it and
suddenly, an idea flashed in the student’s mind and excitedly she was able to learn
how to solve the puzzle. This exemplifies _______. (1 Point) *

Analytical learning

Insight learning


Trial and error learning

21. If one is asked to develop himself to the fullest, what need is he trying to satisfy
according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? (1 Point) *

Physiological needs


Safety needs… 7/17
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22. The right brain involves __________ functions. (1 Point) *

Visual, Nonverbal, Logical

Visual, Intuitive, Nonverbal

Visual, Intuitive, Logical

Visual, Logical, Detail-oriented

23. A student with Attention Deficit Disorder exhibits (1 Point) *

Excessively quiet

Care for his/her personal things

Completes work before shifting to another

Impatient while waiting for his/her turn during games

24. Schema theory states that (1 Point) *

We are totally conditioned by our environment

We learn by the process of conditioning

We organize what we learn according to patterns

We are passive learners… 8/17
25/10/2023, 19:48 POST TEST in Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles (C... (24A-(Filipino IV-1) CBE 2)

25. A person who is friendly and has a capacity to make people laugh possesses:
(1 Point) *

Interpersonal intelligence

Spatial intelligence

Intrapersonal intelligence

Naturalistic intelligence

26. _________ puts emphasis on the importance of sensitive periods in development.

(1 Point) *

Ethnological Theory

Ecological Theory

Psychoanalytic Theory

Social Cognitive Theory

27. Who is the forerunner of the presence of the Language Acquisition Device?
(1 Point) *




Gardner… 9/17
25/10/2023, 19:48 POST TEST in Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles (C... (24A-(Filipino IV-1) CBE 2)

28. A teacher maximizes the cognitive development of students by having an

environment that gives multisensorial stimulation. In this situation, the teacher’s
role is: (1 Point) *

Dispenser of knowledge

Facilitator of learning

Molder of character

Evaluator of learning

29. A student is finding it hard to read. When the guidance counselor traced the
child’s history, the counselor was able to find out that the student came from a
dysfunctional family, aside from that, the child was abused and neglected. What
could have caused the student’s reading disability? (1 Point) *


Emotional factors

Neurological factors

Poor teaching

30. Based on Jung’s psychological theory, a child who is shy and prefers to be alone
falls under what classification? (1 Point) *



Ambivert… 10/17
25/10/2023, 19:48 POST TEST in Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles (C... (24A-(Filipino IV-1) CBE 2)


31. A grade 1 pupil likes to play with his friends, but gets angry when defeated.
Piaget’s theory states that this pupil is under what developmental stage? (1 Point) *

Sensor motor


Formal operation

Concrete operation

32. ________ embodies a teacher’s duties and responsibilities as well as the proper
decorum in performing them. (1 Point) *

Code of Ethics for Teachers

Philippine Constitution of 1987

Magna Carta for Public School Teachers

Bill of Rights

33. According to Friedrich Froebel, education should awaken the child’s dormant
potentials and develop them in the best way possible. This showcases the teacher’s
role as: (1 Point) *

Dispenser of knowledge

Evaluator of learning

Molder of character… 11/17
25/10/2023, 19:48 POST TEST in Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles (C... (24A-(Filipino IV-1) CBE 2)

Facilitator of learning

34. In Piaget’s concrete operational stage, a teacher should provide _____. (1 Point) *

Activities for hypothesis formulation

Learning activities that involve problems of classification and order

Activities for evaluation purposes

Stimulating environment with ample objects to play with

35. Which among the statements below is true about Human Rights? (1 Point) *

Human rights are unlimited

All human rights are inalienable

Human right is might

Human right is a moral power not a physical power

36. When is a teacher prejudicial against a learner? (1 Point) *

When she makes a nearsighted pupil to sit in front.

When she considers multiple intelligences in the choice of her teaching strategies.

When she refuses a pupil with a slight physical disability in class.

When she makes a farsighted pupil to sit at the back.… 12/17
25/10/2023, 19:48 POST TEST in Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles (C... (24A-(Filipino IV-1) CBE 2)

37. In Philippine culture, the term “bahala na” implies: (1 Point) *

Lack of self-reliance

Willingness to take risks


Lack of foresight

38. A teacher attempting to develop a student’s metacognitive skills teaches the

student to: (1 Point) *

Recall past lesson


Formulate hypothesis

Think about their thinking

39. A child treats his friends highly aggressive. The reason behind this attitude is his
past experiences with his father who is also highly aggressive. This is demonstrated
on what theory? (1 Point) *

Classical conditioning

Cognitive development theory

Operant conditioning

Social cognitive theory… 13/17
25/10/2023, 19:48 POST TEST in Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles (C... (24A-(Filipino IV-1) CBE 2)

40. An adolescent exhibits what common characteristics? (1 Point) *

Feels intense emotions and sense of disequilibrium

Reasonable and secure

Passive and obedient

Slow but steady physical growth

41. What idea about age is not right? (1 Point) *

Chronological age, biological age, psychological and social age are related.

Psychological age and social age are two different things

Chronological age is the same as biological and psychological age.

Chronological age is different from biological and psychological age

42. Laughing at a two-year-old child who uttered a bad word is not a proper thing to
do because in this stage of the child’s life, the child is ______. (1 Point) *

Distinguishing sex differences

Considering the views of others

Distinguishing right from wrong


43. A child with ADHD is characterized by (1 Point) *… 14/17
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Inability to spell

Inability to read

Poor health


44. ______ supports equitable access but on the other hand, quality might be
compromised. (1 Point) *

Deregulated tuition fee hike

Selective retention

School accreditation

Open admission

45. Educational institutions’ efforts of developing work skills inside the school are
aimed at _______. (1 Point) *

Developing moral character

Developing vocational efficiency

Teaching the duties of citizenship

Inculcating love of country

46. A boy is closer to his mother and a girl is close to her father. These instances are
under ______. (1 Point) *

Latent stage… 15/17
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Phallic stage

Pre-genital stage

Oedipal Complex

47. Erikson labeled children who are two years of age as “terrible two” because___.
(1 Point) *

They are sickly.

They are inquisitive.

They are playful.

They are assertive.

48. The school director emphasizes the necessity of clean and green environment to
contribute to effective teaching and learning. This is an example of: (1 Point) *

Established rapport between teachers and pupils

Providing adequate physical facilities

Providing an atmosphere conducive to learning

Utilize educational technology

49. Erikson said that children aged 3-5 is most likely: (1 Point) *


Ego-centric… 16/17
25/10/2023, 19:48 POST TEST in Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles (C... (24A-(Filipino IV-1) CBE 2)



50. “Men are built not born”. This quotation by John Watson states that ______.
(1 Point) *

The absence of genetic influence on a person’s development

The ineffectiveness of training of a person’s development

The effect of environmental stimulation on a person’s development

The effect of heredity

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