Reading IELTS

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Reading IELTS


1. Develop skills of each type (there are 14 different type)
- Matching headings questions
Skills: Understanding the aim & general content of paragraphs &/ section, identifikasi
main idea dan supporting points.
Tips: read heading first (often more headings than you need), analyse heading before
match, answer often numerals (read instructions), answer do not come in order
- TFNG (true, false, not given)
Skills: scanning & understanding information and opinions
Tips: understanding false-> opposite information is found
True-> same information is found
Not given->information is not found,
Paraphrase the statements before trying to locate the answ, answ come in order
- Matching paraph. Inf. Quest.
Skills: identifying & scanning specific inf
Tips: Paraphrase & find the inf. Not all paragh. Be used
- Summary completion quest.
Skills: scanning specific inf., understanding ideas & suppr. Point, selecting appropriate
Tips: identify type word for each gap, locate the information in the passage, check
how many word can be used for each answer, summary must be grammatically
- sentence completion quest.
Skills: scanning, selecting, understanding
Tips: identify type word (noun, verb, adjec, etc), locate the information in the
passage, check how many word can be used for each answer, summary must be
grammatically correct
- multiple choice quest.
Skills: snanning & understanding
Tips: paraphrase, locate
- List selection
Skills: scanning, understanding, identifying
Tips: read through the list & prepare paraphrases, read quest & identify key word,
locate in the passage
- Choosing a title
Skills: identifying aims, distinguishing between detail & main aims
Tips: lookm different between possible titles, pay attention to the opening & closing
paragraphs, don’t spend too much time on this quest.
- Classification quest.
Skills: locating & categorizing inf
Tips: find inf in passage, decide which category belongs to, look out the paraphrases
- Matching sentence endings
Skills: locate & understanding inf
Tips: baca awal sampai akhir, prepare paraphases, find info., choose best ending,
grammarnya hrs bener, more endings given than u need
- Table completion
- Flow chart completion question
- Diagram completion question
- Short answer question
2. Skimming scanning
3. Develop your speed reading skills
4. Don’t try to understand full passage
5. Developing vocab
6. Key words
7. Grammars
8. Practice make perfect
9. Getting used to difficult passage
10. Ielts practice reading test
11. Know your weaknesses
12. Be realistic
13. Plan your training ielts reading
14. You must prepared

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