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Sinh viên: Mai Vân Anh

MSV: KDQT50B10171

Engagement ring
Listen and fill the gap
A Chinese man bought 5,000 (1) __people a free ___ bowl of noodles.
The man's name is Mr Wang. He lost a $45,000 engagement ring. He (2)
_wanted to ask____ his girlfriend to marry him. He told reporters that he
(3)_ visited a noodle__ restaurant in the city of Chongqing and left (4)
_left the ring there in _ his bag. He was lucky because a customer in the
restaurant found the bag and gave it to the manager. The manager found
Mr Wang's (5) _details in the __ bag and telephoned him. Mr Wang was
very happy to get the ring back. He then went to his girlfriend and (6)
_proposed to her__. She accepted his proposal.
Mr Wang wanted to say (7) _thank you to__ the restaurant. On Tuesday,
he bought 5,000 customers (8) _bowls of spicy __ noodles. This is how
many are sold in the shop every day. There (9) _was a long__ queue
outside the shop. People wanted a free bowl of noodles. Mr Wang told
reporters: "Chongqing has the (10) _woman I love__….I feel very
honoured and happy." He also put a thank-you (11) ___at the outside of
the ___ restaurant. It had a picture of his fiancée wearing the engagement
ring. A local man said: "I think the (12) _story is really _moving. Love is
beautiful and people's hearts are more beautiful."

Money and happiness

Listen and fill the gap
A song (1) _from famous__ English pop group the Beatles told us that
money can't buy us love. Many people (2) _also believe____ money
cannot buy happiness. In fact, there is an expression that says 'money is
the (3)____root of all evil __'. However, a new study from Cambridge
University suggests that money can buy you happiness. Researchers
conducted (4) __a study on the __ spending habits of customers in a bank.
They compared what the bank customers bought with their personality.
(5) __The research team ___ compared the personalities of 625 people
with a list of how they spent their money. The conclusion of the study
was that what people (6) __buy can lead to __happiness, but only if they
buy the right things.
One of the researchers believes the study may (7) __change the way ___
people think about money and happiness. He said it showed, "that
spending can increase our happiness when (8) _it is spent on___ goods
and services that fit our personalities". He said Internet companies could
use information about people's happiness (9) __to recommend ____
products and services that make people happier. Another researcher said
spending money could be more important (10) _in our lives __ than we
thought. She said: "Spending money on products that (11) __help us
express ___ who we are as individuals could turn out to be as important
to our well-being as finding (12) __the right job__, the right
neighbourhood or even the right friends and partners."
Multiple choice

Multiple choice

1. Which English pop group was 6. What does a researcher think the study
mentioned in the article? will change about money?

a) One Direction a) how poor we are

b) the Rolling Stones b) the way we think
c) the Beatles c) our wealth
d) the Spice Girls d) exchange rates

2. What did an expression in the article 7. What must goods and services fit to
say was the root of all evil? make us happy?

a) money a) our wallet

b) greed b) shopping bags
c) jealousy c) our body
d) spending d) our personalities

3. What kind of customers took part in 8. What kind of companies could use the
the survey? information in the study?

a) Internet customers a) personality companies

b) bank customers b) Internet companies
c) Amazon customers c) banks
d) shopping customers d) service companies

4. How many people did the researchers 9. What did a researcher say could be more
compare the personalities of? important than we thought?

a) 526 a) saving money

b) 562 b) spending money
c) 652 c) the Internet
d) 625 d) personality

5. What kind of things that we can buy 10. What did a researcher say spending
can lead to happiness? money was important to?

a) sweets a) our well-being

b) jewelry b) the economy
c) the right things c) the Internet
d) hobby goods d) banks

Airplane food

An airplane pilot felt sorry for his hungry passengers, (1) __so he bought
them all ___ pizza. The pilot, Gerhard Bradner, works for the USA-based
Frontier Airlines. His flight from Washington D.C. to Denver was
delayed. He felt hungry and thought he would (2) _get pizza
delivery__from a Domino's Pizza restaurant near the airport. Then he
thought his passengers would also be hungry, (3) _so he ordered 50_____
family-sized pizzas. He paid (4) __out of his own pocket ___, but the
owner of the airline said he would give Mr Bradner the money for the
pizzas. He announced onboard: "Ladies and gentleman, Frontier Airlines
is (5) _known for being one _ of the cheapest airlines in the US, but your
captain is not cheap. I just ordered pizza (6) __for the entire plane __."

Mr Bradner said his airline is (7) like a giant family __] and his
passengers are part of that family. That is why he wanted to buy everyone
pizza. He also told reporters that he (8) __knows other pilots who__ have
bought food for passengers. Frontier Airlines said in a statement: "Yes,
the pilot did buy pizza for the passengers. It is important (9) _to note that
it isnot ____ the first time one of our pilots has gone (10) __above and
beyond ___ to provide care for our customers." Bradner even got off the
plane and went to meet the pizza delivery (11) _guy at security__ and
helped carry the pizzas back to the plane. The manager of the Domino's
Pizza said he was surprised when he took the order and the caller told
him: "(12) _I need to feed my __whole plane."
1. How did an airline pilot feel about 6. What did the pilot compare the airline and
his passengers? passengers to?

a) he felt angry a) a travel club

b) he felt sorry for them b) the United Nations
c) he thought they were greedy c) a giant family
d) he loved them d) the world

2. Where was the airplane headed? 7. Who did he tell about knowing other pilots
who buy pizzas?

a) the frontier a) his boss

b) Domino's Pizza b) other pilots
c) Washington c) the restaurant's manager
d) Denver d) reporters

3. Where was the pizza restaurant? 8. Where did the pilot collect the pizzas?

a) near the airport a) the security area

b) Denver b) the restaurant
c) inside the airport c) the departure lounge
d) New York City d) behind immigration

4. What kind of pizzas did the pilot 9. How did the manager of the pizza
buy? restaurant feel about the order?

a) deep-pan pizzas a) surprised

b) half Hawaiian, half Neapolitan b) happy
c) family-sized ones c) fed up
d) all vegetarian d) hungry

5. What did the pilot tell the passengers 10. What did the pilot tell the restaurant he
about his airline? needed to do?

a) it always served good pizza a) eat a lot

b) it was one of the cheapest b) feed everyone
c) it was among the safest c) fly home
d) it was the best d) go to the toilet
Panic buying
Listen and fill the gap
Shoppers around the world (1) _are embarking on___ panic buying
sprees because of fears over the coronavirus. People in countries (2) _as
far__ as England, Japan, Singapore and Australia have been emptying
supermarket shelves of toilet paper, face masks, hand sanitiser and (3)
_dried and canned__ food. Governments have advised their citizens that
there is no need to "panic buy". They added that panic buying would only
(4) _ reduce the supply_ of products needed by medical staff and carers,
which could exacerbate the problems the COVID-19 virus is causing. (5)
___Footage_ in Australia brawling over the last pack of toilet roll in a
supermarket has (6) __gone a viral across ___ social media.
Psychologists say panic buying (7) __is an irrational __ behaviour that is
part of a condition called FOMO - the fear of missing out. Dr Katharina
Wittgens said a herd (8) _mentality sets in__ during disasters that causes
people to copy the actions of others. People watch the (9) _the news of
items __ being bought in bulk and immediately rush out to the stores to
do the same. She said people were overestimating the (10) _risks of
dying__ from the coronavirus. She said: "Far more people die in car
accidents or household accidents per year but we don't panic (11) __about
these things___ in the morning before we go to work." Singapore's prime
minister reassured Singaporeans that: "We have ample supplies. There's
no need (12) ___to stock up _."

Multiple choice

1) How many countries were mentioned where people are panic buying?
a) five
b) four
c) two
d) seven

2) What kind of food are people panic buying?

a) nuts and noodles
b) banes and lentils
c) soups
d) canned and dried food

3) Who said there was no need to panic buy?

a) governments
b) hospitals
c) supermarkets
d) suppliers

4) Who did governments say needed supplies being panic bought?

a) children
b) sick people
c) medical staff
d) old people

5) In what country were people fighting over toilet paper?

a) Italy
b) Australia
c) Brazil
d) China

6) Who said panic buying was an "irrational behaviour"?

a) a psychologist
b) a shopper
c) a supermarket owner
d) a doctor

7) What kind of mentality did a psychologist say people were exhibiting?

a) a tough mentality
b) a healthy mentality
c) a herd mentality
d) a confused mentality

8) What did a psychologist say people were overestimating the risks of?
a) dying from coronavirus
b) the kindness of others
c) getting toilet paper
d) the future

9) What did a psychologist say we do not think about the risks of?
a) car accidents
b) viruses
c) everyday life
d) touching hands

10) Who said his country had ample supplies?

a) Iran's leader
b) Italy's leader
c) China's leader
d) Singapore's leader

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