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Name: Godwin M.

Labaya (23-0246-135) Subject: STS 031

Course & Section: BSIT – G3 – AP5


When I was watching the movie, it made me realize how beautiful life is when you
are aware of where we came from. Just like in the movie, the old man told the young
man that people tend to forget where we truly came from. We came from nature, but a
lot of times we disregard the condition of where we came from. People started destroying
our home (nature), abusing it, and even going as far as not caring for it anymore. But
the movie shows a lot of ways it can portray how we live today.

The village's way of life, as portrayed in the show, was tranquil, prosperous, and
traditional. In order to carry out the procedures necessary for their customary way of life,
the village was truly utilizing its natural surroundings. I can see that the elderly man is
cautious about the environment or nature because he prefers to live a natural life without
using electricity. He also mentions that the night is meant to provide darkness so that
light does not have to overwhelm him. According to him, humans have forgotten their
stewardship duty because they are not satisfied with what they already have and are
constantly seeking more for their own convenience, disregarding the impact that this has
on the environment on which we depend. Rather, scientists create products that initially
make people happy but ultimately cause them to become unhappy.

The watermill village serves as a focal point for highlighting the stark differences
in how a lifestyle affects a person's ability to survive and prolong their life on Earth. There,
the old man explained that the funeral customs in their village symbolized people living
long lives and dying old because they had to work hard to survive and be appreciated.
Seldom did young people die, and when they did, they grieved deeply. In contrast, the
modern lifestyle does not guarantee happiness because, while scientific and technological
advancements have made it possible for us to take advantage of the environment, we
have also introduced pollution and harmed it. Environmental issues have a huge impact
on people and have an impact on all aspect of human life, including socioeconomic
development and health. Since humans are a part of nature and were made by a supreme
being, they are by nature dependent on their surroundings. In order to obtain the
environmental resources that provide us with food, water, medicines, building materials,
gases, minerals, and a host of other necessities, humans must interact with the
environment. As the elderly man in the film states, convenience becomes ingrained in
people. The most important thing these days is simplicity; people discard things that are
truly valuable. As far as I can tell, it celebrates life and the natural world while sharply
criticizing science and technology as the sources of pollution and suffering.

What is the story's central theme? ensure happiness because nature is something
we cannot afford to live without. What can be determined from the decisions that the
characters in this story made? natural way of life, and they can find mental peace there.
That is why it is always important to sometimes go back to your own roots and always
remember where we came from.
Name: Godwin M. Labaya (23-0246-135) Subject: STS 031
Course & Section: BSIT – G3 – AP5


Upon reading what western science is I’ve realized that there are tons of
definitions. But what strike me the most is that western science, which has its roots in
ideas primarily developed in Western Europe and later dispersed worldwide, is the
methodical approach to comprehending the natural world through observation,
experimentation, and analysis. It basically talks about how western science is more on a
bigger scope and limitation compared to the likes of for example: indigenous science.
That is why today I will be giving you some insights and how I see western science based
on what I’ve read online through this reaction paper.

The systematic study of the nature and functioning of the natural world, including
its physical and biological components, is known as science. The ultimate objective of
science, which is also a quickly growing body of knowledge, is to identify the most basic
general principles that can account for the massive complexity of nature. Learning about
natural phenomena through science is a relatively new work, having largely replaced the
influences of less objective approaches and worldviews. Belief systems that dominate all
cultures, including those founded on religion, morality, and aesthetics, are the main
alternatives to science. These belief systems are mainly focused on goals other than
science, like discovering purpose beyond life itself, teaching people how to behave
properly, and appreciating the importance of artistic expression.

Now, there are a lot of people asking where did western science begun? well,
western science, which had an impact on the Enlightenment intellectual movement,
started in Europe at the close of the Renaissance and lasted until the late 18th century.
The beginning of the scientific revolution is sometimes attributed to the publication of
Nicolaus Copernicus' De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the
Heavenly Spheres) in 1543, though the exact date of this publication is debatable.
Because it had been refined and expanded upon by Roman/Byzantine science and
medieval Islamic science, western science was based on the knowledge and science of
ancient Greece during the Middle Ages. In the 17th century, natural philosophers had
moved away from much of the Aristotelian tradition, but it remained an influential
intellectual framework. Important scientific theories from classical antiquity have
undergone significant change and, in many cases, have been proven false over time.
Western science drastically altered the concepts that persisted, such as the Ptolemaic
model of planetary motion and Aristotle's cosmology, which put the Earth at the center
of a spherical hierarchic universe.

It's critical to understand that science is a complex, fluid area with many subfields
and approaches, and that social, historical, and cultural influences shape how science is
conducted. Still, the above-mentioned ideas form the basis of the scientific method
usually linked with Western cultures.

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