The Two Generations Vivid A Huge Difference in Life Like A Film

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The two generations vivid a huge difference in life like a film.

It’s like placing a

black-and-white film beside the colored and much clearer one. Now talking
about films, people working in the entertainment industry are introduced to
make-ups and other beauty products. If we are to compare the (1a.a) BEAUTY
trends today to what they used to do five decades ago, the difference is pretty
much obvious. (Difference 1) Gen-X are used to putting lots of foundation in their
face not only to hide textured skin but also to fully-modify the face by creating
an illusion. Unlike that, Gen-Z are now learning to embrace natural flaws caused
by acnes and applies not much of a make-up to achieve that natural-look that
they desire. (Difference 2) By saying “learning to embrace natural flaws” includes
body figure. Modeling before is known to be strict when it comes to how your
body looks. In 1970s, you can only enter the modeling industry if you are fit and
slim. Different from that, some agencies now are getting models from different
sizes to model their product and to catch much wider scope of clients.
(Similarities 1) Even so, both generations still see beauty as something creative
and a form of art. (Similarities 2) Aside from that, beauty is still believed to be
unique and different from everybody’s eyes.

(1a.b)=courtship =similarities=1. involves emotional attachment 2. being done to

be with someone you love.

=Differences=1. Before, courtships take years before getting an answer (could be

no or yes) now it is widely believe that if you love someone you don't have to
waste a long time refusing to be with them. 2. Courtships before always involves
the girl's family. Now, men are no longer feeling the pressure of asking
permission to the girl's parents because it is already optional for the girl if she
wants to introduce him or not before the courtship.

(1a.c) life= similarities 1. People are still required to work in order to earn money.
2. People are still used to engage to events such as festivals and other

=Differences= 1. Before, most people are hard-working and often seen outside
the house working under the sun unlike to day that technology is making the
work much easier. 2. Before, people used to socialize to the whole neighborhood
to get along and have fun unlike now that most people choose to stay inside the
house instead of socializing to their neighbors and sometimes don't even know
their neighbors.

(1a.d) Love= similarities 1. Involves emotional attachment. 2. encompasses a

range of strong and positive emotional and mental states.

=Differences= 1. Before, people showoffs courtships to show love now it is widely

believe that if you love someone you don't have to waste a long time refusing to
be with them. 2. Before, arranged marriage are done to secure the families
wealth, now people refused to marry a person they don't love.

(1a.e) sex= similarities 1. Done for pleasure 2. Is a form of art and is aesthetic.

=Differences= 1. Before, most people treat is as sacred thing that can only be
done by married couple, now gen z are used to casual hook-ups. 2. Before, it is
done with love and only done by two people. Now a lot of people are doing it for
pure pleasure and are open for a group sex and such.

(2) Considering the big leap when it comes to the differences between the
Philippines today and it used to five decades ago, it is very evident that we are
now becoming more of greater self-expression – more I-self. The "culture" and
"used to" things are now being changed by embracing the modern life. This
includes everything about being more open to any acts and ideas that gives
acceptable outcome for the majority.

a. A young human being that is either abandoned or confined in some sort of situation that takes them
away from any type of human interaction or communication.

b. Sir Francis Galton

c. A kid who is introduced to education (reading and writing) is found more understandable and is able
to live a normal life (This is nurture). Unlikely to that, kids who lacks knowledge are more likely to be a
sick in the head and imposed problems (Only lives with their Nature). The school place a big part in a
person's life because they spent more of their life inside it starting from when they were kids, teenagers,
until they become adult before having a job. It basically molds them as a person they aspire to become.

d. As I answered in the previous question, school plays a huge role in a person's development
considering that they spent most of their time growing up there. With this, Nurture is more important to
develop because nurtures are naturally there which you never lose, but nurture are things that
originally, you do not possessed but is being develop with nurture. A person might be named according
to their family and the blood that they possess, but they are remembered by their behavior and actions
that they chose to display.

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