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IELTS Speaking Q3 P2 + P3 (Topic 16 - 20 )

Topic 16
Describe a party that you enjoyed
You should say
When you went to the party
Where the party was held
What kind of party it was
And explain why you enjoyed this party
Sample Answer
I'd like to share with you a memorable party that I thoroughly enjoyed, and it was my
mother's birthday party. This special celebration took place last summer, precisely on
the 15th of July. The party was held at our family beach house, which is situated along
the picturesque coastline. It's a serene and beautiful location, perfect for such
Now, this wasn't your typical birthday party; it was a surprise beach barbecue party. My
mother is a nature enthusiast, so we thought the beach setting would be ideal. What
made this party even more special was the fact that we invited close friends and family,
and some of them had traveled from different cities to be there.
The atmosphere was incredibly lively and festive. We had set up a barbecue grill right on
the beach, with tables and chairs nestled in the soft sand. Despite being a relaxed beach
party, we also had a touch of elegance with fairy lights strung along the trees and a
beautifully decorated birthday cake.
Now, the reason I particularly enjoyed this party was the sheer joy and surprise on my
mother's face when she arrived at the beach. If you could have seen her expression, you
would understand why it was so special. She was genuinely moved by the effort we put
into making her day memorable.
Furthermore, the combination of the soothing sound of the waves, the delicious aroma
of the barbecue, and the laughter of our loved ones created an ambiance that was both
relaxing and exhilarating.I also appreciated the fact that everyone came together to play
beach games and share stories around a bonfire, making it a truly memorable evening.
In retrospect, this party was more than just a celebration; it was a testament to the love
and togetherness that our family shares.
Part 3
1. Why do people like parties?
People are drawn to parties for several reasons. Firstly, gatherings like parties offer a
break from the routine of daily life, allowing individuals to unwind and relax. Moreover,
parties provide an opportunity for social interaction, helping people connect with
friends and family, which is especially important in today's fast-paced world.
Additionally, parties often feature music, food, and entertainment, creating an
enjoyable atmosphere that appeals to people's desire for fun and celebration.
2. Why do some people not like going to parties?
Some individuals may not enjoy attending parties for several reasons. Firstly, introverted
personalities might find large gatherings overwhelming and draining, preferring smaller,
more intimate settings. Additionally, some people may have had negative past
experiences at parties, such as feeling excluded or uncomfortable, leading them to avoid
such events. Furthermore, cultural and personal preferences play a role; for instance, in
certain cultures, socializing in a quieter, one-on-one manner is favored over large,
boisterous gatherings. Therefore, a variety of factors, including personality, past
experiences, and cultural norms, can influence why some individuals choose to abstain
from attending parties.
3. Do you think music and dancing are a must at a party?
While music and dancing can certainly enhance the atmosphere at a party, I wouldn't
say they are an absolute necessity. The preference for music and dancing largely
depends on the type of party and the cultural background of the attendees. For
instance, at formal events or family gatherings, people might prioritize conversation and
good food over music and dancing. On the other hand, at more informal or celebratory
occasions, music and dancing can add to the enjoyment. So, whether they are a 'must'
or not really varies from one party to another and the expectations of those attending.
4. What would you do if you were disturbed by a neighbor’s party?
If I found myself disturbed by a neighbor's party, I would approach the situation
diplomatically. Firstly, I might consider talking to my neighbor, expressing my concerns
politely and explaining how the noise is affecting me. If that doesn't yield positive
results, I could contact the local authorities or neighborhood association, following the
established noise complaint procedures. Ultimately, my goal would be to resolve the
issue amicably, as maintaining good relations with neighbors is important.
5. What are the differences between holding a party at home and in public spaces?
There are several distinctions between hosting a party at home and in a public space.
Firstly, privacy and intimacy often characterize home parties, allowing guests to feel
more comfortable and relaxed. Conversely, public space parties may offer a larger and
more diverse environment, potentially attracting a broader range of attendees.
Additionally, logistics differ; at home, hosts have more control over arrangements, while
public spaces may require permits and adherence to certain rules. Lastly, costs vary;
home parties can be more cost-effective, whereas renting public venues may involve
additional expenses. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on the occasion,
the number of guests, and the host's preferences.

Topic 17
Describe waiting a long time for a nice thing
You should say
When it happened
What the nice thing was
How long would we waited
Why you waited for a long time
Explain how you felt about the experience
Sample Answer
Let me share a memorable experience when I had to wait patiently for something I truly
desired. It happened a couple of years ago when I decided to save up for a brand new
It all began when I saw this sleek and advanced smartphone model in a store. I was
instantly drawn to its impressive features, stunning design, and the promise of
enhanced functionality. The decision to buy it wasn't impulsive; I meticulously planned
the purchase. It took me a whopping two years to save up the required amount.
Now, the reason for this prolonged wait was my commitment to financial responsibility.
I wanted to buy the smartphone without getting into any debt or impacting my financial
stability. So, I decided to set aside a portion of my income each month, no matter how
tempting it was to spend it on other things.
If I were to pinpoint why I waited for so long, it was primarily to ensure that this
purchase wouldn't strain my finances and to develop the discipline of saving for
something meaningful.
The experience, I must say, was a mix of anticipation and satisfaction. The anticipation
grew with each passing month, knowing that I was getting closer to my goal. It was like a
long-cherished dream slowly coming to fruition. When I finally had the smartphone in
my hands after two years of waiting and saving, the satisfaction was immeasurable. It
felt like a well-deserved reward for my patience and financial discipline.
In retrospect, I realized that waiting for something valuable can teach us a lot about
delayed gratification and the importance of responsible financial planning. So, even
though it was a long wait, I wouldn't trade the experience for anything else.
1. On what occasions do people have to wait for a long time?
People may find themselves waiting for extended periods on various occasions. One
common situation is at airports, where travelers often endure long wait times for flights,
security checks, and immigration procedures. Another instance is in healthcare, where
patients may have to wait for appointments, test results, or surgeries due to high
demand. Additionally, people can experience prolonged waits during major events like
concerts or sports matches, where large crowds and security measures can lead to
delays. Finally, administrative processes such as visa applications or government
paperwork can also necessitate considerable waiting times.
2. Do you like to wait for a long time? Why?
Well, I don't particularly enjoy waiting for extended periods, as it can be quite
frustrating and unproductive. Waiting often feels like a waste of valuable time that could
be spent on more meaningful activities. Additionally, long waits can be stressful,
especially when there's uncertainty involved. However, I do understand that waiting is
sometimes inevitable, and in such cases, I try to make the most of it by reading, listening
to podcasts, or simply practicing patience. So, while I don't like waiting, I recognize its
occasional necessity and strive to use that time wisely.
3. What do people do while waiting?
People engage in a variety of activities while waiting to make the most of their time.
Some opt for productivity by reading books, magazines, or catching up on work-related
tasks using their smartphones or laptops. Others prefer to stay connected through social
media, chatting with friends or scrolling through news updates. Additionally, people
often resort to entertainment to pass the time, such as listening to music, playing
mobile games, or watching videos. Lastly, for those seeking relaxation and mindfulness,
waiting periods offer an opportunity for meditation or simply observing their
surroundings and practicing patience.
4. Are most people patient while waiting?
Well, I believe that people's levels of patience while waiting can vary significantly. Some
individuals naturally possess a high level of patience and can endure long waits without
becoming agitated. They may use this time productively, engaging in activities like
reading or deep thinking. On the other hand, many people, especially in today's fast-
paced world, tend to become restless and impatient when they have to wait for
extended periods. Factors such as the reason for waiting, the environment, and
individual personality traits all play a role in determining how patient someone is while
waiting. So, it's safe to say that patience levels differ from person to person.
5. Why do most children have difficulties waiting for a long time?
Most children find it challenging to wait for extended periods primarily due to their
limited patience, which is a result of their developmental stage. Additionally, in today's
digital age, where instant gratification is prevalent, children are accustomed to
immediate responses and rewards from technology. Lastly, the role of parents and
caregivers is crucial; if they do not teach and encourage patience, children may struggle
to develop this skill.
6. Do people queue consciously while waiting for the subway train?
Well, queuing behavior can vary depending on cultural norms and individual awareness.
In some societies, people are generally conscious about queuing while waiting for the
subway train; they follow lines or designated waiting areas and maintain order.
However, in busier and more chaotic environments, such as crowded urban subway
systems, queuing might be less conscious. In these situations, people may adopt a more
opportunistic approach, trying to secure a spot on the train as quickly as possible.
Additionally, factors like time pressure and the level of crowding can influence queuing
behavior, leading to variations in how consciously people queue for the subway.

Topic 18
Describe a science subject that you are interested in (Biology, Robotics,etc.)
You should say
Which subject it is?
How and where did you know this subject?
How do you usually get information about this subject?
And explain why you are interested in this subject
Sample Answer
I'd like to talk about a subject that has always fascinated me, which is business
administration. My interest in business administration developed during my high school
years when I took my first economics class. The idea of understanding how
organizations function, make decisions, and achieve their goals intrigued me from the
To feed my curiosity and expand my knowledge in this field, I usually rely on a mix of
resources. Firstly, I regularly read books and articles on business management and
leadership. Online platforms like Harvard Business Review and Forbes have been
valuable sources of insights. Additionally, I attend seminars and webinars conducted by
industry experts to stay updated on the latest trends and best practices in business
What truly draws me to business administration is its practicality and real-world
application. It's not just about theory; it's about solving real problems, making informed
decisions, and driving organizations toward success. The subject encompasses a wide
range of disciplines, from marketing and finance to human resources and strategy,
making it incredibly diverse and engaging.
Furthermore, in today's highly competitive global business environment, understanding
how businesses operate and adapt to change is not only intellectually stimulating but
also a valuable skill set for personal and professional growth.
In summary, business administration is more than just an academic interest for me; it's
a passion. I see it as a lens through which I can better comprehend the complexities of
the modern world and contribute meaningfully to it.
Part 3
1. Did you ever tell anybody that you are interested in this subject?
Yes, I have shared my interest in business administration with several people. I often
engage in discussions about this subject with my classmates and professors, especially
during group projects or when seeking advice on career choices. Additionally, I've talked
about it with family and friends, as they have seen my enthusiasm for business-related
topics and have been supportive of my educational and career goals. Furthermore, I've
joined online forums and communities dedicated to business administration, where I
regularly interact with like-minded individuals, sharing insights and experiences. So, yes,
I have openly expressed my interest in this subject to various people and communities.
2. Some children don't like to study science subjects in school, why?
Some children may not enjoy studying science subjects in school for various reasons.
Firstly, science can seem complex and intimidating due to abstract concepts and
technical terms. Secondly, teaching methods and curriculum might not always align with
learning styles. Additionally, personal interests and external expectations can influence
a child's attitude toward science. So, a combination of factors, including difficulty,
teaching methods, personal interests, and societal pressure, can contribute to a lack of
interest in science subjects.
3. Is it important to study science in school?
Yes, studying science in school is undeniably important for several reasons. Firstly,
science equips students with critical thinking skills and a foundational understanding of
the natural world, fostering their ability to analyze problems and make informed
decisions. Additionally, science education plays a vital role in preparing future
generations for careers in fields such as medicine, engineering, and technology, which
are central to societal progress. Moreover, science education promotes scientific
literacy, enabling individuals to engage with and contribute to important global issues
like climate change and public health. Therefore, studying science in school not only
enhances cognitive abilities but also empowers individuals to address complex
challenges, making it a crucial component of a well-rounded education.
4. Which science subject is the most important for children to study?
Well, determining the most important science subject for children to study can be
subjective, as it depends on various factors, including individual interests and career
goals. However, if I were to prioritize one, I would say that biology holds significant
importance. Biology is the study of life and living organisms, and it provides essential
knowledge about human health, the environment, and the interconnectedness of all
living things. It not only helps children understand their own bodies and health but also
raises awareness about biodiversity and environmental sustainability. Moreover, biology
serves as a foundation for careers in healthcare, biotechnology, and ecological
conservation, making it a versatile and relevant science subject for children to explore.
5. Should people continue to study science after graduation?
Yes, I believe that continuing to study science after graduation is highly beneficial.
Science is a dynamic field, constantly evolving with new discoveries and advancements.
Staying engaged with scientific knowledge post-graduation helps individuals stay
informed about the latest developments, which can be especially crucial for those
working in science- related professions. Additionally, lifelong learning in science fosters
critical thinking, problem-solving, and adaptability, skills that are valuable in many
aspects of life. Furthermore, scientific literacy empowers individuals to make informed
decisions in an increasingly complex and science-driven world, whether it's about
healthcare choices, environmental issues, or technological advancements. So, yes, I
think people should continue to study science to remain informed, adaptable, and
engaged citizens.
6. What channels do you use to learn about scientific research news?
I employ various channels to stay updated on scientific research news. Firstly, I
frequently visit reputable websites and online platforms dedicated to science, such as
ScienceDaily and Nature. These platforms provide in-depth articles, studies, and
summaries of the latest research findings. Secondly, I follow renowned scientists and
research institutions on social media, particularly Twitter and LinkedIn, where they often
share insights and links to their studies. Additionally, I'm an avid listener of science
podcasts and radio shows, where experts discuss breakthroughs and discoveries in an
engaging and accessible manner. Lastly, I attend local science seminars and conferences
whenever possible, as they offer firsthand access to cutting-edge research and the
opportunity to interact with experts in the field. So, my approach involves a
combination of online sources, social media, podcasts, and in-person events to ensure a
well-rounded understanding of scientific research news.

Topic 19
Describe a time you received bad service in restaurants/shops
You should say
When it happened
Why you went there
What happened in the restaurants/shops
And explain why you thin their service was bad
Sample Answer
I'd like to share an experience when I received rather disappointing service at an Italian
restaurant. It happened a few months ago when I decided to go out for dinner with a
group of friends. We were in the mood for Italian cuisine, and this particular restaurant
had received good reviews online, so we had high expectations.
Unfortunately, our dining experience didn't quite live up to those expectations. Firstly,
when we entered the restaurant, we weren't greeted with a warm welcome; the staff
seemed a bit disinterested. It took us quite a while to get a menu, and even longer to
place our orders. The waitstaff appeared inattentive, and it felt like we were being
ignored for a significant part of the evening.
Furthermore, there were a few specific incidents that left a sour taste in our mouths.
One of my friends had dietary restrictions, and despite informing the server about them,
the dish arrived with ingredients that she couldn't eat. The server didn't seem
apologetic and it took another eternity to get her a suitable replacement. Additionally,
the overall pace of service was painfully slow, from the arrival of our food to getting the
I think the service was subpar because it lacked the essential elements of attentiveness
and professionalism. It felt like the staff was either overwhelmed or uninterested in
providing a pleasant dining experience. The lapses in communication, slow response
times, and the incident with my friend's dietary needs made it clear that the service was
below par.
In hindsight, it was disappointing because good service is an integral part of any dining
experience, and it can significantly influence how you perceive the quality of the food. In
this case, the service overshadowed what might have been a delightful meal.
Part 3
1. What kinds of services are bad services?
Bad services can encompass various aspects, but some common examples include
inattentive or indifferent customer service, prolonged waiting times, and incorrect or
unsatisfactory deliveries. Inattentive customer service occurs when the staff fails to
address customers' needs or concerns promptly, making them feel neglected or
unimportant. Prolonged waiting times, whether at a restaurant or a service center, can
be frustrating and indicative of poor service, especially if customers are left without
updates or apologies for the delay. Lastly, incorrect or unsatisfactory deliveries, whether
in the form of incorrect orders or damaged products, can lead to customer
dissatisfaction and are clear indicators of service quality issues. Overall, bad services
often revolve around the failure to meet customer expectations, whether it's in terms of
communication, timeliness, or quality.
2. Why do some people choose to remain silent when they receive bad services?
Some individuals opt to remain silent when they experience poor service for several
reasons. Firstly, some may fear confrontation or conflict, preferring to avoid potentially
uncomfortable situations. Secondly, they might believe that their complaint won't result
in any meaningful change, especially if they perceive the service provider as
unresponsive or uninterested in feedback. Additionally, cultural factors can play a role,
as in some cultures, openly criticizing service providers is considered impolite or
inappropriate. Lastly, time constraints or the perceived effort required to file a
complaint may dissuade people from speaking up, particularly if they view it as a hassle.
So, the decision to remain silent in the face of bad service can be influenced by a
combination of personal, cultural, and practical factors.
3. Who should be responsible for bad services?
The responsibility for bad services should primarily fall on the service providers
themselves. They are the ones entrusted with delivering a certain level of quality and
satisfaction to customers, and as such, they have a duty to ensure that their services
meet those expectations. This includes training their staff effectively, maintaining
standards, and addressing any issues or complaints promptly and professionally.
However, it's also important to acknowledge that customers play a role in the service
experience. Effective communication, respect, and clear feedback from customers can
help service providers identify and rectify issues. So, while the primary responsibility lies
with service providers, a cooperative effort between providers and customers can
contribute to better service quality overall.
4. As a boss, what would you do to prevent bad services?
As a boss, I would prevent bad services by focusing on several key areas. Firstly, I would
invest in comprehensive staff training to ensure employees have the necessary skills.
Secondly, I'd establish a robust feedback system for both customers and employees to
identify and address issues promptly. Additionally, I'd set clear service standards, foster
a positive work environment, and lead by example to create a customer-centric culture.
Overall, my approach would combine training, feedback, standards, workplace culture,
and leadership to ensure high-quality service.
5. Do you think services are better now than in the past?
I believe that services have improved significantly in many ways compared to the past.
The advancement of technology has allowed for more efficient and convenient services,
such as online banking, e-commerce, and digital communication, which were not
available in the past. Additionally, increased competition in the service industry has
compelled businesses to prioritize customer satisfaction and innovate to meet evolving
needs. However, it's essential to acknowledge that service quality can vary depending
on the specific industry and region, and some traditional services may have unique
qualities that some people still value. Overall, while there have been notable
improvements, the perception of whether services are better now or in the past can be
subjective and context-dependent.

Topic 20
Describe a sportsperson from your country who did well in a sports event
You should say
Who he/she is
What you know about him/her
What he/she is like in real life
What achievement he/she has made
And explain why you admire him/her
Sample Answer
I'd like to talk about Nguyen Quang Hai, a highly accomplished football striker from my
country, Vietnam. Nguyen Quang Hai is a well-known figure in Vietnam's football scene.
He's a dynamic and versatile player who has made a significant impact on our national
team's success in recent years.
In real life, Quang Hai comes across as a down-to-earth and humble individual. Despite
his fame and achievements, he remains dedicated to his craft and is known for his
strong work ethic. He's also very approachable and always takes time to interact with
fans and support charitable causes.
One of his most remarkable achievements was during the Asian Cup qualifiers in 2021.
In the crucial match against Qatar, with the score level, Quang Hai scored a spectacular
goal in injury time, securing Vietnam's spot in the Asian Cup final. It was an
unforgettable moment that united the entire nation and showcased his incredible talent
and composure under pressure.
I admire Quang Hai not just for his exceptional football skills but also for his dedication
to the sport and his commitment to being a positive role model. His goal in that Asian
Cup qualifier symbolized the resilience and spirit of our national team. He represents
the hope and pride of our country, and his contributions have inspired countless young
football enthusiasts, including myself, to pursue their dreams with determination and
Overall, Nguyen Quang Hai is more than just a football star; he's a symbol of inspiration
and unity for our nation, and his remarkable achievements on the field have left an
indelible mark on our hearts.
Part 3
1. Should students have physical education and do sports at school?
Yes, I strongly believe that students should have physical education and engage in sports
at school. Firstly, physical education promotes overall health and well-being among
students. It encourages regular physical activity, which is essential in combating
sedentary lifestyles and related health issues like obesity. Moreover, participating in
sports teaches valuable life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. It also
provides opportunities for students to socialize and develop important interpersonal
skills. Additionally, physical education and sports can serve as a welcome break from
academic studies, helping to reduce stress and improve focus in the classroom.
Therefore, incorporating physical education and sports into the school curriculum is not
just about
physical health but also about holistic development and enhanced academic
2. What qualities make an athlete?
An athlete possesses a unique set of qualities that contribute to their success. Firstly,
discipline is crucial. Athletes adhere to rigorous training regimens and maintain strict
diets, showing dedication to their craft. Secondly, physical fitness is a fundamental
quality, encompassing strength, endurance, agility, and flexibility, depending on the
sport. Additionally, mental resilience is essential as athletes often face setbacks and
pressure. They need to stay focused, maintain self-confidence, and handle stress
effectively. Moreover, teamwork and sportsmanship are vital, as many sports involve
collaboration and competition. Lastly, a strong work ethic, determination, and a
willingness to constantly improve are qualities that set athletes apart. These qualities
collectively enable athletes to perform at their best, achieve their goals, and inspire
others through their dedication and achievements.
3. Is talent important in sports?
Yes, talent does play an important role in sports, but it's not the sole determinant of
success. Talent provides a natural advantage in terms of physical abilities, such as speed,
coordination, or strength, which can give athletes a head start. However, it's essential to
recognize that talent alone isn't enough. Hard work, dedication, discipline, and effective
training are equally, if not more, important. Many successful athletes have
demonstrated that they can overcome talent deficits through relentless practice and
unwavering commitment. So, while talent can be an advantage, the combination of
talent and a strong work ethic often leads to the greatest achievements in sports.
4. Is it easy to identify children’s talents?
No, it's not always easy to identify children's talents. While some talents may manifest
early on, others may take time to develop or remain hidden. Identifying talents in
children requires a keen observation of their interests, activities, and abilities. It's
essential to provide them with a wide range of opportunities to explore different areas,
from sports and arts to academics. Encouraging and supporting them in these endeavors
can help uncover their talents. Additionally, it's crucial to remember that talents can
evolve and change over time, so continuous observation and encouragement are
necessary to nurture and develop these talents.
5. What is the most popular sport in your country?
In my country, football (soccer) holds the title of the most popular sport by a significant
margin. Football has an incredibly dedicated fan base, and it's deeply ingrained in our
culture. Matches, especially those involving our national team, attract massive
and fervent support. People of all ages and backgrounds passionately follow football,
and it's a common topic of conversation and camaraderie. The sport's popularity is also
reflected in the numerous local and national football clubs, youth development
programs, and football-related events and festivals. So, without a doubt, football takes
the top spot as the most popular sport in my country.

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