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The bar chart below shows social media use in Americans aged 12-24 between 2014 and

Summaries the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.

The bar chart shows changes in social media use for 12-24 years -old-Americans between
2014 and 2015. Three of the social media platforms (declined) in terms of their usage while
two of the sites (rose). The biggest (changed) is in the number of people using Tumblr, which
(plummeted) from 22% of 12-24 years old to just 15%. While Facebook (declined) by similar
amount, it still holds the position of the most popular social media site. The final site to show
a fall in number of users from this demographic was Twitter. Here the fall was less dramatic,
with the percentage (dipped) by just 4%.

In contrast the number of user Instagram and Snapchat (rose) during this time period. While
Instagram went up steadily from 53% to 59%, Snapchat (soar) by 11% from 46% to 57%,
nearly overtaking Instagram as the most popular social media site. The final site shown in the
bar chart, Vine, (remain flat) during this time period

In conclusion, social media usage is incredibly popular with 12–24-year-old American,

However, the popular of each site is generally changing.

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