Literature Matrix Plan

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Name: Romanito Roselim Grade Level: Grade- Quarter: 1st

10 quarter
Name of Instructor/ Evaluator: Mrs. Jobeneigh G. Apduhan

At the end of the discussion, students are expected to;
a. differentiate various themes of poetry
b. appreciate the authors purpose
c. identify the tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author
Chosen Assessment Specific Title/s of Text/s and Activities
Literature Task Aligned to Genre/s of Author/s Aligned to
Competencies the Poetry to Teach the
Competencies be taught Competencies
EN10LT- Explore different Poetry, "Solace in the Sea"- Analyzing
Ie2.2.3: themes of Lyric by Emily Dickson, Poetry:
Determine poetry: poetry, "The Quest for the
tone, mood, Narrative Fountain of Youth"- Instructions:
technique, and In this activity poetry, by Homer, "Aric and Read the
purpose of the the students Epic the Dragon of following
author well anticipate Poetry, Eldoria"-by Virgil, poem and
the different Haiku, "Cherry Blossom answer the
themes of Sonnet, Serenity"-by Matsuo questions that
poetry. Ode, Bashō, "Echoes of follow based
Ballad, Love"-by William on your
Free verse, Shakespeare, "Ode understanding
Lyric poetry: concrete to the Morning"-by of tone, mood,
"Solace in the Poetry, John Keats, "The technique,
Sea"- by Emily Elegy Ballad of Eliza"-by and purpose
Dickson Anonymous, "City in poetry.
Rhythms"-by Walt
Narrative Whitman, "Canvas of Poem:
poetry: "The Words"-by E.E
Quest for the Cummings, "Forever "The Road
Fountain of Remembered"-by Not Taken" by
Youth"-by Walt Whitman, "The Robert Frost
Homer Road Not Taken" by
Robert Frost, Questions:
Epic poetry:
"Aric and the 1.)Identify
Dragon of Tone:
Eldoria"-by a. What is the
Virgil predominant
tone of the
Haiku: "Cherry poem?
Blossom Support your
Serenity"-by answer with
Matsuo Bashō evidence from
the text.
"Echoes of 2.)Determine
Love"-by Mood:
William a. Describe
Shakespeare the mood
created by the
Ode: "Ode to poem. How
the Morning"-by does the
John Keats author
achieve this
Ballad: "The mood?
Ballad of Eliza"- Provide
by Anonymous examples
from the text.
Free verse:
"City Rhythms"- 3.)Analyze
by Walt Technique:
Whitman a. What poetic
Concrete does the
poetry: "Canvas author employ
of Words"-by to convey the
E.E Cummings theme of
choice and
Elegy: individuality?
"Forever Provide
Remembered"- specific
by Walt examples
Whitman from the

a. Reflect on
the purpose of
the poem.
Why do you
think the
author wrote
it? What
message or
lesson might
the author
want readers
to take away?

should be
written clearly
and organized
evidence from
the poem to
support your
c.)Use proper
spelling, and


Name: Romanito Roselim Grade Level: Quarter:4th
Grade- 10 quarter
Name of Instructor/ Evaluator: Mrs. Jobeneigh G. Apduhan

At the end of the discussion, students are expected to;
a. Students will demonstrate their ability to identify the theme(s) present in a piece
of prose fiction and analyze how elements such as plot, character development,
setting, and narrative style contribute to the exploration and development of
these themes.
b. Through engagement with the characters, events, and themes of the prose
fiction, students will develop empathy and understanding of the human
experiences depicted in the text. They will explore the emotional resonance of
the themes and consider how the author's choices in storytelling evoke
emotional responses in readers.
c. Students will articulate their understanding of the relationship between elements
of prose fiction and thematic development through verbal and written
Chosen Assessment Task Specific Title/s of Activities Aligned to
Literature Aligned to the Genre/s of Text/s Teach the
Competencie Competencies Prose to be and Competencies
s taught Author/s
EN10LT- Theme Analysis Mystery/ "The Da “Creative Thematic
IVf14.2: Scavenger Hunt: Thriller, Vinci Expression”
Explain how Science Code" by
the elements Instructions: Fiction, Dan Objective:
specific to a Fantasy, Brown, To creatively
selection 1. Prepare Romance, "Dune" by express
build its several short Adventure Frank understanding of
theme excerpts from Herbert, the relationship
different "The between elements
pieces of Hobbit" of prose fiction and
prose fiction, by J.R.R. thematic
each with a Tolkien, development.
clear theme "Pride
that can be and Instructions:
analyzed Prejudice 1. Provide
through " by Jane each student
elements Austen, with a short
such as plot, "Treasure piece of
character Island" by prose fiction
development, Robert to read.
setting, and Louis 2. Ask students
narrative Stevenso to identify
style. n the main
2. Divide the theme in the
class into text and
small groups consider
and provide how
each group elements
with one like plot,
excerpt. characters,
3. Instruct each setting, and
group to read style
their excerpt contribute to
and work these
together to theme.
identify the 3. Encourage
themes students to
present in the choose a
passage. creative
They should medium they
also analyze enjoy
how (drawing,
elements writing,
such as plot, acting, etc.)
character to express
development, their
setting, and understandi
narrative ng of the
style theme(s)
contribute to and how the
the story
exploration elements
and contribute to
development them.
of these 4. Give
themes. students
4. Provide a list time to work
of guiding on their
questions for creative
each group to project
consider, independentl
such as: y.
 What is 5. Once
the main completed,
theme of students can
the share their
excerpt? projects with
 How do the class,
the explaining
character how their
s chosen
contribute medium
to the represents
developm the theme(s)
ent of this and
theme? elements of
 How does the prose
the setting fiction.
n of the
 What
s are
used to
5. After a
amount of
time, have
each group
share their
analysis with
the class.
and debate
among the
students to
compare and
contrast their

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