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Republic of the Philippines


Fatima, General Santos City


Name of the Proponent/s

Title of the Study

Date of Proposal Defense Time

Section CRITERIA Points Points Earned

Title Page Research Title, name of the proponent, course title 5
date and period
Introduction Clearly and concisely gives an attention that grabs the 5
reader and the groundwork is laid as to the direction
of the research
Statement of the Indicate clearly and simply what is being examined. 5
Problem Purpose aligns with the need for the study, research
questions, theoretical framework and methodology
Scope and Indicates the variable to be include and the bound of 5
Delimitation or the study outside the control of the researchers that
Limitation of the might influence the validity of the result.
Significance of the Indicates the importance and benefits of the study to 5
study the fund of knowledge
Literature Review Provides appropriate related literature and studies 15
Related Studies aligned with the proposed topics.Literature are 15
arrange according to specific themes, all sources are
cited are paraphrase and properly formatted in APA.
Conceptual and Discuss the theories, concepts and or framework of 5
Theoretical the study, the purpose and the interplays of the
Framework variables.
Definition of Terms Define the terms both conceptually and operationally 5
Research Design Describes the research methodology or approach, 8
variables and threats.
Locale, Describes the locale, characteristics of the population, 5
Respondents, sampling procedure, selection criteria and how it will
Sampling affect the generalizability of research findings
Instrumentation Indicates how each of the study variable will be 7
measured, whether instruments are available or if
they need to be developed, and includes
measurement level and the potential range or values.
For Quali, study indicates how data will be collected in
each case, and nature of researcher’s involvement in
data collection process
Data Gathering Describes the details how data will be collected 5
Data Analysis For Quanti, identifies what descriptive and inferential 5
statistical technique will be employed, assessed
andidescribes its practical significance. For Quali,
describes the details of the method of analysis that
will be used.
References All works and sources are cited in APA format 5

Comments and Recommendations:

Rated by: Date:

________________________ ______________________
Signature over Printed Name
Republic of the Philippines
Fatima, General Santos City

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