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Apr 05, 2024

Plagiarism Scan Report

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De Beers and Attawapiskat joined forces for environmental care, business,
training, and jobs. But, not everyone in Attawapiskat has the skills for these
jobs. Attawapiskat and De Beers teamed up to outline their shared hopes and
commitments. They offer training programs for locals to gain job skills,
emphasizing values like environmental care and ethics. Despite good
intentions, Attawapiskat lacks people with the right skills for jobs. They need
extra support to ensure everyone has a fair chance at good employment.
Good leadership is crucial for growth that safeguards the environment and
community interests. We also need to see how De Beers treats diversity,
ensuring everyone feels respected and included. It's not just about profits;
they should show how they're helping the community, supporting good
causes, and doing things that benefit everyone, not just themselves. This
report will outline leaders' roles in addressing environmental challenges and
community development, as well as De Beers' corporate social responsibilities
and DEI practices. 1. Demonstrating effective leadership styles Employees are
the most important asset in an organization. Therefore, organizations need
to have capable leaders to lead and motivate their employees in their daily
operation and achieve the organizational goals. Based on the findings of this
study, transformational leadership is more important in terms of follower
satisfaction than transactional leadership. (M.L. Voon1, 2010) The business
needs to hire executives who respect Indigenous people's customs, beliefs,
and heritage and who are aware of the difficulties and viewpoints that they
face. In order to build mutual respect and trust, leaders should place a high
priority on collaboration and involvement with Indigenous populations. In
order to guarantee that the planned construction project has no adverse
impact on the environment, society, or future generations, they should also
place a high priority on environmental stewardship. Leadership behaviour
and styles A captivating vision and the ability to enable stakeholders to
contribute to its fulfilment are the characteristics of transformational leaders,
who also inspire and encourage others. In confrontations between
corporations and Indigenous people, they mobilize support for inclusive
decision-making processes and cross-cultural barriers by fostering
cooperation and a feeling of common purpose among disparate groups.
Prioritizing the needs and interests of others, servant leaders use humility,
sensitivity, and an openness to learning from those who are most directly
impacted by the company's actions to advance social justice and the

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common good. Having flexibility and resourcefulness allows adaptive leaders
to adjust their strategies in response to changing circumstances, which helps
them manage challenging and uncertain environments. Effective leaders
foster a shared feeling of accountability and ownership by enabling
purposeful dialogue and consensus-building among relevant parties. They
set up meetings, start trust-building initiatives, and support democratic
decision-making procedures that empower Indigenous voices and promote
social inclusion. Leaders that are ethical maintain elevated benchmarks of
truthfulness, integrity, and accountability, advocating for fairness,
transparency, and adherence to ethical and legal obligations. Cultural
competence and intercultural communication abilities enable cross-cultural
leaders to navigate and overcome cultural disparities in a variety of cultural
contexts. They seek to build meaningful relationships based on respect for
Indigenous worldviews and traditions, mutual understanding, and cross-
cultural dialogue when disputes include Indigenous communities. In
summary, organizations need executives who are aware of the particular
difficulties that Indigenous people experience and who place a high value on
cooperation, respect for their customs, and teamwork. 2. Recommendations
to manage the conflict due to differences in values, language, perception of
work of the community and company. Procedures for Resolving Conflicts:
Create convenient and unambiguous processes for resolving conflicts in
order to manage possible fights and disputes. Hiring mediators or facilitators
with experience in intercultural communication and conflict resolution may
be necessary to achieve this. These processes provide an unbiased forum for
negotiation and resolution, which can help to reduce tensions peacefully.
Contracts for Group Advantages: Negotiate community benefits contracts
that include monetary benefits and remuneration for the Indigenous
community in exchange for the company's usage of land or resources. These
agreements should be drafted together and address significant concerns that
the community has identified as top objectives, such as revenue sharing,
training initiatives, infrastructure advancement, and job opportunities.
Respect for Historical Expertise: Give the Indigenous community's traditional
wisdom and expertise in resource management, land usage, and
environmental care the credit it deserves. Acknowledge the value of
conventional ecological knowledge in enhancing project sustainability and
resilience, and consider it when making decisions. Possibilities for capacity
building and mutual learning: It is important to support both the business
and the Indigenous community. This could include skill-sharing workshops,
cross-cultural interactions, and collaborative projects that leverage the assets
and expertise of both sides. By fostering partnerships that are reciprocal,
based on mutual respect and learning, the company may strengthen its ties
with the community and build social capital. Training Leaders and
Professionals about Cultural Sensitivity: Provide cultural sensitivity training to
executives and staff who interact with Indigenous people. Understanding the
cultural norms, traditions, and heritage of the community ought to be the
primary objectives of this training. By improving their comprehension and
respect for Indigenous perspectives, employees can communicate more

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effectively and courteously. Conversation and Engagement: Encourage
sincere communication and consultation with the Indigenous people during
the decision-making process. This means aggressively seeking feedback,
attending to concerns, and incorporating community proposals into project
timelines. By treating the community as partners rather than as stakeholders,
the company may build trust and credibility. By managing diversity at the
workplace, organizations create an inclusive and harmonious environment
which enhances good reputation of the organization with people seeking
jobs hence able to attract the best workers in the market. The employees
feel valued, rewarded and motivated while working in an organization that
manage diversity. According to a research done worldwide three million
employees indicated that diversity brings about satisfaction and
organizational performance. It was also found out that creating an inclusive
and harmonious environment was a key driver in employee engagement and
commitment. (Tabitha Wangare Wambui, 2013)

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Therefore, organizations need to have capable leaders to lead and motivate
their employees in their daily operation and achieve the organizational goals.
Based on the findings of this study, transformational leadership is more
important in terms of follower satisfaction than transactional leadership.


4% Plagiarized
... The employees feel valued, rewarded and motivated while working in an
organization that manage diversity. According to a research done worldwide
three ...

2% Plagiarized
diversity. According to a research done worldwide three million employees
indicated that diversity brings about satisfaction and organizational
performance. It was also found out that creating an inclusive and harmonious
environment was a key driver in employee engagement and commitment.
Managing diversity creates greater

2% Plagiarized
satisfaction and organizational performance. It was also found out that
creating an inclusive and harmonious environment was a key driver in
employee engagement and commitment. Managing diversity creates greater
employee engagement which at the end leads to reduced labor turnover. The
following are steps on how to

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