1C 23 ENG Unit (5) Text

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Check yo ur un de rst an din g ho/ce q

ues tlon s, bla cke n one clrcfe only

1 For mulfip/e-c
from 「ext .
A Answer the que stio ns using Information

What is fusi on cuis ine?
£\}._~ ·1 61、 C, v.. 限 I ~ fr\ 0\l(勺

Wh at doe s'th em' (lin e 4) refe r to?

um' means 一一·

In line s 4-5 , 'acr oss the din ing spectr
A at eve ry Hon g Kong rest aur ant
B for brea kfas t, lun ch and din ner B C
0 •- ('、'。
C in a ran ge of eati ng plac es 0
D in dish es eve ryo ne enjoys
? Tick (✓) the cor rec t box es.
Wh at are they .
Par agr aph 2 has TWO mai n pur pos es.

e a fusi on dish
to give inst ruc tion s abo ut how to mak
to intr odu ce a wel l-kn own fusi on che
from Per u
to per sua de read ers to eat mor e foo d

in eac h blan k.
Com plet e the sen tenc e. Use one wor d
r e s 區沐占
5 serving
C~ 吐 who owns many (b)
Nobu Matsuhisa is a famous Japanese (a)
Japanese fusion cuisine.
to mat ch the foll owi ng defi niti ons .
6 Fin d wor ds o「 phrases in par agr aph 2
er is ava ilab le
(v) to mak e som eth ing by usin g wha tev
a) 与 fO'J 孕
che f or rest aur ant
S'i j'flD-\:u.re A_; 'J l\ (n phr) a reci pe that is link ed to a par ticu lar
I b)
info rma tion is
nts abo ut Nob u Ma tsuh isa are Tru e, Fal se or if the
Decide whe ther the foll owi ng stat eme

Not Given. i'iG
a) All of his fusi on dish es are Jap ane
se-P eruv ian. o 、7

b) His first fusi on dish was a Jap ane se

c) In 1970s Per u, he cou ldn't
styl e cev iche .
alw ays find Jap ane se ing red ient s.
d) He travels the world regu larl y for
insp irat ion.
o •

foo ds'( line 28)?

8 Wh at are 'Jap ane se-h yph ena ted fusi on
节、 e_..,' 「 C

ed in par agr aph 37

皇9 Wh at THREE fusi on dishes are men tion
三 fl\ ·, 弋(>- (() s !

10 Wha t word is used in parag raph 3

鹵丶 ~三二三二三
which has a simila r mea nm g to 'fus ion'?

H\J'o \ ( 入.
.,~.... - .~
.... .


11 According to the article, what cuisines are combined to create these street foods?
a) curried fish balls 崮l\ Q,> e 丑坞;`
b) pork chop buns 外 'i f\ 硐碣「6(t1>..<>i団
12 What is the main idea of paragraph S?

A Chefs should not try to invent fusion foods.
B Fusion food is no longer fashionable.
C In the future, all dishes w ill be a combination of cuisines.
D It is natural for different cuisines to come together.
B Comp lete the following paragraph using words from Text 1. FIii in each blank with one word only. You sho uld
ma ke sure your answers are grammatically correct.

Japanese _CU. \.s1 陴 一 is a popular component of <2l 忭岳 on dishes. This may be

because Japanese ingredients tend to be very <3l 启逕 and taste great as they have plenty of
(4) lA.\"1\ 0,.N\·,
. It may also be because Japanese chefs like
Nobu enjoy <5l - ~r~o..t1 "~. _ new dishes and are very good
Why might some people think fusion
at it. food is strange?
What is a good meal? One that is
familiar and comforting, or one
that surprises you (in a good way)?

晶C Complete the table with words from Text 1. Then use the correct form of the words to complete the sentences
tha t follow.

1 the foods/liquids that you use to make a particular dish (n, paragraph 1)
座 刁
,I I'\~ 心e.t\ts

2 the particular tastes that food and drink have (n, paragraph 2) 启0..\jO國

3 having a pleasant firmness and likely to make a noise when bitten (adj, paragraph 4) C..', 、 s~

4 soft and easy to cut and eat (adj, paragraph 4) \nhr

a) The fresh, _三 - . 一 lettuce goes well with the spicy, minced chicken

b) This sauce has an unusual t"\o.vo11..r . What spices did you add to it?

c) W e don't have all the 'I l\~ 遶',e,"\s for this recipe. Can you go and buy some milk and eggs?

d) This steak is nice and 弋 tfl()_~( . It's easy to cut into pieces.

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