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Title: "How Much Time Do We Spend on Smartphones?


Author(s): Business Insider


In this article, Business Insider investigates the prevalence of smartphone use and its ramifications for
human social interaction. The author makes a clear thesis statement by emphasizing the amount of time
people spend on smartphones and the potential impact on social behavior.

Although the author's theoretical stance is not explicitly stated, it is clear that the emphasis is on the
societal ramifications of technology use, specifically smartphones, in facilitating communication and
perhaps affecting interpersonal relationships.

While the article focuses on factual data and statistics about smartphone usage, it does not cover many
perspectives with which the author disagrees. The article's argument appears to be objective, with
claims about smartphone usage patterns supported by quantitative data and research.

Structured logically, the argument begins with an overview of smartphone usage data and then
discusses probable ramifications for social interaction.

However, the paper lacks a detailed study of the broader societal ramifications and does not delve fully
into the potential negative effects of excessive smartphone use on interpersonal relationships. Overall,
the benefits of this source are its availability of quantitative data on smartphone usage patterns.
However, its weaknesses include a lack of in-depth study of the broader social implications and potential
negative effects of smartphone reliance.

.This source is crucial to the argument because it provides actual evidence to back up concerns about
the impact of technology, particularly smartphones, on human social behavior and relationships.

Title: "Why Communication Matters"

Author(s): Psychology Today


The article from Psychology Today dives into the importance of communication in human interactions.
The author clearly formulates the thesis statement, highlighting the significance of efficient
communication in numerous parts of life, such as relationships, work, and personal development.The
theoretical perspective used in this essay is based on psychology, with an emphasis on the psychological
concepts that underpin communication and its impact on individual well-being and social dynamics.
While the article primarily discusses the author's position on the significance of communication, it does
respect other viewpoints by emphasizing the potential repercussions of poor communication as well as
the benefits of strengthening communication skills.
Emotive examples are utilized sparingly, and the reasoning is based on scientific research and
psychological theories. The argument is structured logically, with parts dedicated to discussing the value
of communication in various settings and providing practical advice for improving communication skills.

The findings drawn are a valid extension of the data and research offered, highlighting the importance of
communication in cultivating meaningful relationships and accomplishing personal and professional
goals. This source's strengths include its accessibility and readability, as well as its use of psychological
insights in the subject of communication.

However, shortcomings may include a lack of detail in discussing specific communication difficulties and
solutions. This source is pertinent to the thesis because it emphasizes the significance of excellent
communication in reducing the negative implications of relying on telecommunications for social

Title: "The Impact of Online Communication on Social Relationships: A Systematic Review"

Authors: Smith, A., Johnson, B.

Journal: International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications

Publication Year: 2020


Smith and Johnson's systematic review investigates the consequences of internet communication on
social connections. The authors explicitly clarify their thesis statement, claiming that while online
communication provides various benefits in terms of connectedness and accessibility, it also creates
problems to the quality and authenticity of social relationships. The theoretical framework used in this
review is based on communication studies and sociology, highlighting the complex nature of online
communication and its consequences for personal relationships. The authors present opposing
viewpoints, resulting in a balanced and comprehensive overview of the topic. The logic in the article is
mostly objective, based on empirical evidence and theoretical frameworks. The argument is rationally
constructed, with parts devoted to examining the benefits and drawbacks of online communication and
their impact on social interactions. The results are a valid extension of the data and analysis presented,
emphasizing the need for additional research to better understand the complex consequences of online
communication on social dynamics. This source's strengths include rigorous methodology and a
complete analysis of existing literature, while drawbacks may include potential biases in study selection
and interpretation. This source is extremely pertinent to the argument because it provides significant
insights into the complicated interplay between online communication and social ties, which informs
discussions about the benefits and drawbacks of telecommunications reliance.

Title: "Influence of Social Media in Interpersonal Communication"

Author(s): Kalpathy Subramanian

Source: ResearchGate

Publication Year: 2017

Link: Influence of Social Media in Interpersonal Communication (PDF)

Kalpathy Subramanian's article investigates the impact of social media on interpersonal communication.
The author clearly formulates the thesis statement by investigating how social media platforms have
changed how people engage and communicate with one another. The theoretical perspective used in
this article is derived from communication studies and sociology, with a focus on the role of technology
in changing social dynamics and interpersonal relationships. While the author primarily gives their
opinion on the impact of social media on communication, they accept other viewpoints by outlining the
benefits and drawbacks of social media use in interpersonal communication. The logic in the article is
objective, backed up by empirical evidence and case studies. The argument is structured logically, with
parts devoted to investigating the numerous ways in which social media effects interpersonal
communication. The results are a valid extension of the data and analysis presented, underlining the
need for additional study to better understand the complicated interaction between social media use
and interpersonal relationships. This source's strengths include its empirical methodology and thorough
analysis of the topic, while weaknesses may include potential biases in the interpretation of results. This
source is pertinent to the argument because it discusses how reliance on telecommunications,
particularly social media platforms, affects interpersonal communication and relationships.

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