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MidTerm Examination

Name: Fiorano Malik Izdihar

NIM: 20210510265
Course: Human Security

1. Human security shifts the focus from national security to personal security. Human security
aims to protect and enhance human well-being. It aims to address the multiple threats and
vulnerabilities facing individuals and communities.
Human security includes several dimensions such as economic, food, health, environmental,
personal, social and political. For example, economic security includes basic income,
employment and social safety nets. Health security includes access to safe drinking water,
health services and disease prevention. Human security is an inclusive and preventive
framework. The goal of human security is to create a world free of fear, poverty and
humiliation through cross-cutting, cross-sectoral solutions and cross-sectoral partnerships.
For example, the Japanese government includes human security principles in its international
development assistance. Human security promotes a people-centred understanding of security
and peacebuilding, prioritizing the safety and well-being of people.
2. Cultural relativity is the belief that human rights exist only in relation to a particular culture
and environment. "Cultural relativity" attempts to counter rights-based criticism by arguing
that each community has the right to respect its own cultural norms.
Human security is the belief that individual security is the best solution to global instability.
Human security emphasizes freedom from want as well as freedom from fear.
Next, one example of a case study is “female circumcision.” This case study illustrates the
tension between human rights and cultural relativism.
Female circumcision is a practice deeply rooted in many cultures. It is often seen as a ritual or
a way of controlling female sexuality. From a cultural perspective, it is considered a legitimate
cultural practice that should be supported. However, from a human security perspective, this
is seen as a violation of women's rights and an attack on their physical and mental health.
This case study illustrates the tension between preserving cultural traditions and protecting
human security and individual rights.


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