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Management Operations (Quantitative Technique)

By: Rirnoto E, Apo-oP Lincoln A, Boutisto Jonothon B. Cobero

Engr. George F. Cortez Prof. Benedicto L San Luis

A Function is a rule that associates with each element of a set,
called the domain, one and only one element of another set,
called the range. This generating a set of ordered tuples so that
any two having the same first element also have the same
second element.

1. Let the function
Y = 6x + 20
Be given. Then x is the variable over the set
X = (x e R I –

The element of this set of ordered tuples, which constitute the

function. The following ordered tuples called the table of values
are some of the element Z.
X 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Y 20 50 80 110 140 170 200

X independent variable
Y dependent variable
Y = f(x)
Where f(x) , read “f of x” is the value of function f at x.

Function like ordinary number can be combined with' operations

of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
2. Let the f(x) = 5x + 1 and g(x) = 2x:1,
then f(x) + S(x) : (5x + 1) + (2x - 1)= 7x
f(X) - g(x) = (sx + 1) - (2x - 1) = 3x + 2
f(x) x g(x) = (5x + 1) (2x - 1)' = 10x2-3x- 1
f(x) - 5x+1
g(x) 2x - 1

Inequalities and their graphs

Statements in which one expression is greater than (>), less than
(<), and less than or equal to (<) (another expression are called

If an inequality involves only constants of if its true for all

permissible values of its variables, then it is called absolute


10 > 1
X^2 > 0
(the square of x is a non-negative number for any real number x)

If an inequality is not true for some permissible value of the

variables involved, it is called a conditional inequality.


x + 6 > 11 is a conditional inequality since it is true for x

>5 and not true for x < 5.


The sense of an inequality is unchanged if the same real number

is added to, or subtracted from both sides. If a > b then a + c >
b + c and a- c > b- c.


If 10 > 8 then
10 + 4 > 8 + 4 or 14 > 12
10- 4 > 8 - 4 or 6 > 4

2. The sense of an inequality is unchanged if both sides are

multiplied or divided by the same positive number. If a > b and c
> 0, then ac > bc and a/c > b/c
If 4 < 10
then 4(2) < 10(2) or 8 < 20
and 4/2 < 10/2 or 2 < 5.

3. The sense of an inequality is reversed if both sides are

multiplied or divided by the same negative number. If a > b and
c > 0, then ac <bc and a/c < b/c

If 12 > 4 then 12(-2) < 4(-2) or -24 < -8
and 12/-2< 4/-2 or -6 < -2

Solution of an Inequality. Since conditional inequality is not

true for all permissible values of the variable(s) involved,
solving it consists of finding the values or range of values which
satisfy the inequality.


Find the values of x for which x + 5 < 12

then x < 7

If x = 7
Then 7 + 5 = 12

If x = 6
Then 6 + 5 < 12 or 11 < 12

If x = 8
Then 8 + 5 < 12 or 13 > 12 (wrong)

The Graph of an Inequality.

The solution of an inequality in one as well as in two unknowns
can be better understood by sketching their graph. Sketching the
graph of an inequality involves two steps:

1. Sketch the graph of the corresponding equation, and,

2. Determine the half plane of points which satisfy the given

Example: 2x + 7 < x + 12


The corresponding equation is2x + 7 < x + 12

The solution of this equation is x = 5 its graph is the solid line.

The solution of the inequality is x < 5 its graph is the set of

points with coordinates x < 5.

Example 2:
Sketch the graph of 2x + y - 6 > 0

2X + y -6 = 0

Example 3: Sketch the graph of the corresponding equation



A system of linear equation is the common point (ordered pair)

of any given linear equation.

a1x + b1x = c1 = first equation

a2x + b2x = c2 = second equation

Types of system linear equations

1. inconsistent. It has the empty set for its solution and the graphs consist of two parallel lines.

a1 = b1 = c1
a2 b2 c2


4x + 2y = 16
2x + y = 11

2, Dependent Equation. It contains an infinite number of solutions and the graphs are two
coincident lines.
2x + y = 6
4x + 2y = 12

3. Consistent Equation. It contains one and only one solution and the graphs are two lines which
intersect at one point.

2x + y = 16
X + 2y = 11

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