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S. Kambarova
Bachelor 1st year, Fergana State University
Abstract: The purpose of this thesis is to consider the experience of Germany
in the creation and development of waste recycling and sorting centers. The
thesis highlights the organization and functioning of these centers, as well as
their role in modern environmental practice. The principles of operation and
technologies for processing and sorting waste, as well as measures to support
and stimulate this industry from the state and society, are considered. The
advantages and results that Germany has achieved in the field of sustainable
waste management are analyzed. The presented data and research can serve as
the basis for the development of similar programs and projects in other
countries where the problem of waste management remains relevant.
Key words: Ecology, recycling, sorting, principles of support, society, creation
of programs and projects.

Today the world is faced with a huge number of problems that at first glance
seem to be something else and a simple nuance of our lives. As we do, we do
not notice the smallest problems of our everyday routine, which lead to the
depths and ruin a person’s life. Today, the most pressing issue is the topic of
environmental safety, or in simple words Ecology. To combat the problem, a
huge number of solutions and proposals are provided, for example, the
implementation of sorting centers.
The creation of a waste recycling and sorting center is one of the important
steps in sustainable development and environmental responsibility. Using the
example of Germany, we will consider the successful experience of organizing
such centers, their contribution to solving the problem of waste management
and achieving environmental sustainability goals.
“ Most of the waste in Germany is recycled or composted, which saves
resources and protects the environment” (1)
The process will take a huge amount of time and labor, since the introduction of
something new will have a bad effect on the reaction of the common population.
According to psychological principles, as we know, people are always afraid of
new things, only exceptions are not afraid to experiment or try something new.
“In Uzbekistan, together with foreign investors and international financial
institutions, a number of projects worth $364 million are being implemented in
the field of solid waste management, infrastructure development, optimization
of landfills, construction of reloading stations and waste processing facilities,
reports Dunyo news agency .” (2)
Ecological principles of environmental conservation are widespread in the
world and begin to be introduced into the social system from a young age. The
problem that Uzbekistan faces is that in educational institutions they talk less
and less about the rules of behavior in society. this is precisely the main aspect
of our cycle. Let's take a simple example of a school day in Uzbekistan and
1- Uzbekistan: a system of teaching languages and information technologies
is being introduced from the first grade, but I forget such subjects as
etiquette, the environment and others. Moreover, during the learning
process, children do not notice how they can form a pile of garbage
around themselves, which gives a signal to the student’s subconscious
and captures the picture. Instead of removing the trash, it remains on the
desk or under the desk, and maybe even on the floor. This is a problem
that should be studied in more depth since it already affects the form of
More importantly, if you do not get results during your studies, it is worth
noting that the family also plays an important role in the implementation of the
project of introducing proper waste sorting. For example, if each parent takes
responsibility and installs separate bins at home for waste plastic, glass and
other things, children will see and follow an example, which will then be a key
object in the fight against pollution for the future generation.
2- Germany: firstly, this process dates back to deep history and it can be
noted that the process was also not an easy decision, but people got used
to it and now in every house you can see three boxes which are then also
recycled. Secondly, the parents themselves are very responsible for their
actions and try to set the right example for their child while truly
observing the German order. Thirdly, the most interesting thing in the
West, in order to stimulate the people, the state decided to install special
machines that I accept, for example, only glass and for this they give out
a certain amount of money. This is a very promising solution.
“ The Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April
17, 2019 approved the “Strategy for the management of solid household
waste in the Republic of Uzbekistan for the period 2019-2028.” The
document provides for the creation of an effective and modern system for
processing solid household waste.” (3)
The implementation process is rapidly growing and showing good results. It
is worth noting that there are significantly more sanitary organizations.
A social survey was conducted of two generations of teenagers aged 13-18
and the older generation aged 35-65. Everyone's opinions were heard and
taken into account.
Teenagers expressed the idea of assembling a volunteer program for the
implementation of gatherings of young and promising individuals who want
to improve the condition of the city, and in exchange for assistance to the
state, the idea was proposed of issuing Certificates of Volunteer Assistance,
which in the future had a good impact on the student’s reputation, since most
universities, those stationed abroad take into account volunteer assistance.
Adults proposed the idea of allocating more waste containers for the entire
area (not just for the city centres). This helps to change psychological
thinking and the person himself, without realizing it, will follow the
instructions and rules for preserving the environment.

We live in the twenty-first century, where every day scientists are
developing new technologies to avoid environmental problems, but all this
will be useless until the person himself wants to change his life and take
control of it, no matter how difficult it may be , but until you change
yourself, no one will follow you. Today, young people are actively involved
in volunteer activities, for example, in the city of Fergana, students gather on
Sunday and clean the parks of garbage, thereby setting an example to
everyone who passes by.
The experiences of different countries can be taken as an example, and they
all have a long process of implementation and implementation of projects.
The main thing is not to give up and encourage people to do the right thing.


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