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About Industry: Poultry Farming

Introduction: Poultry fanning is a process of raising birds domestically or commercially, it is

done primarily for meat and eggs but also for feathers, litter also. Chickens, turkeys, ducks, and
geese are of primary importance, as they provide high protein meat for the consumer while
guinea fowl and squabs (young pigeons) are chiefly of local interest. This tells the principles and
practices of poultry fanning. This is also a kind of animal husbandry in which birds are used.
Some of the examples of birds which are involved in Poultry Fanning are ducks, chickens, geese,
pigeons, turkeys, etc. These birds are farmed under proper care for using their eggs and meat as a
source of food. Their eggs and meat are a rich source of protein and other kinds of vitamins and
minerals. Their waste material i.e. feces are used as a good source of manure which enhances the
fertility of the soil. Along with that they also provide employment to many daily wage workers,
so it also gives employment to people. To prevent them from any kind of disease they need to be
kept in a proper atmospheric environment.

Types of Poultry Farming

• Layer Farming: Layer poultry farming means raising egg laying poultry birds for the
purpose of commercial egg production. Layer chickens are such a special species of hens,
which need to be raised from when they are one day old. They start laying eggs
commercially from 18-19 weeks of age. They remain laying eggs continuously till their
72-78 w~ks of age. They can produce about one kg of eggs by consuming about 2.25 kg
of food during their egg laying period. For the purpose of producing hybrid eggs,
consider the various characteristics of cock and hen before breeding. There are various
types of highly egg productive layer breeds available throughout the world.
Brooding: When the female bird sits on her eggs in a nest to incubate them she is
brooding. Natural incubation or brooding is the simplest way of hatching a small
number of eggs. A broody hen (chicken) will incubate her own eggs or those of
another hen or a duck. Broody hens may refuse to leave the eggs to eat or drink.

They can suffer from external parasites (e.g. mites, fleas). Care must be taken to
feed the hen and treat her for parasites.
• Broiler Farming: Broiler chicken is the most popular bird in poultry farming in India.
Broilers are reared for commercial marketing of the chicken meat. Broilers are small
chickens that are 5-6 wee~s old. They are tender with flexible bones. Broiler farming
needs very little investment since they can be grown and marketed within six weeks. The
tender meat of a young chicken grown from a hatch is called broiler. In its broadest sense,
broilers are chicken raised specifically for the meat purpose from its hatch. It is an
important protein source. It also contains vitamins and minerals in sufficient amounts.
Owing to the technological advancements and commercial development there are
specially developed broilers available. These breeds are different from egg Jayering birds
used in layer poultry farming. These grow quickly and have a high efficiency of
conversion. In addition, poultry manure has a very high fertilizer value that can be used
for increasing the crop yield in organic farming.
• Hatchery: Hatchery is the important part of the poultry industry or we can say it is the
most important or the basic part of the poultry industry, without this process of hatchery
it is hard to imagine the success of the poultry industry. Because hatchery is the process
in which eggs are artificially hatched instead of the natural process. It is a process of
eggs being hatched under artificial conditions, especially those of poultry. It may be used
ex-situ conservation purposes, i.e. to breed rare or endangered species under controlled
conditions; alternatively, it may be for economic reasons.
• Organic Method:
Organic layer poultry rearing system is also one type of free range farming system. But
the important differences between the two systems are, in the free range farming method
a large numbers of poultry birds are raised together but in organic methods a certain
species of poultry bird are raised in small groups with low stocking density. Organic
laying system has few restrictions in the routine use of synthetic yolk colorants, water,
feed, medications, other feed additives and obviously a smaller group size with low
stocking density. The producer should keep the highest 1000 poultry birds per hectare
and maximum 2000 birds in each house.

Benefits of Poultry Farming

The poultry fanning business has plenty of benefits. Therefore, many farmers prefer to invest in
this business. People generally establish poultry farms for the purpose of producing eggs, meat
and generating high revenue from these products. Around, billions of chickens are raised
throughout the world as a good source of food from their eggs and meat.
❖ Less Capital Required:
The main benefit of poultry fanning is that it doesn't require high capital for starting.
You just need basic capital to start raising poultry. Also, most of the poultry birds are not
expensive to start raising.
❖ No Need for a Big Space:
Poultry farming doesn't need a big space unless you are going to start commercially. You
can easily raise some birds on your own backyard with one or numerous coops or cages.
Hence, if you are interested in poultry farming, then you can simply do it on your own
backyard with several birds.
❖ High Returns in Short Time Period:
Interestingly, commercial poultry farming business ensures high return of investment
within a very short time period. Few poultry birds such as broiler chickens take shorter
duration of time to mature and generating profit. Poultry products are not much
expensive. It can be afforded by most of the people.
❖ High Maintenance not required:
High maintenance is not required in poultry farm structures. Also, you can minimize
diseases and illness in poultry by following proper hygiene and care. Diseases are less in
some poultry birds such as quails, turkeys etc.
❖ License not Compulsory:
It must be noted that, in most cases, you don't need any license. As almost all types of
poultry birds are domestic. Also getting license from the relevant authority is also easy
for poultry.
❖ Huge Global Demand:
Poultry gives you fresh and nutritious food and has a huge global demand. Therefore,
global consumers of poultry products prefer them due to their nutrients and freshness.

❖ Easy Marketing:
re is an established market for poultry
Marketing poultry products is very easy. The
you can easily sell the products in your
products in almost all places of the world. So
nearest local market.
❖ Income & Employment Opportunities:
ent opportunities. Unemployed educated
Poultry fanning creates income and employm
ng poultry commercially. Women and
youth can easily make a great income by raisi
students can also do this business.

Equipment Used in Poultry

the field of poultry industry. In earlier times

>oultry equipment is a revolutionary change in
done only for household purposes. But as time
Jackyard poultry farming was popular and it was
to the high consumption of egg and chicken
Oy's population also grows over time. This led
ce of protein. It is highly demanded by the
As we all know that eggs are the cheapest sour
So to overcome this consumption crisis, new
bodybuilders for the purpose of bodybuilding.
inventions of poultry equipment for different
inventions take place over time . This led to the
poultry equipment are:
in the poultry industry. Some different types of

the automation equipment will make your fann

Automation Equipment: As the name suggests,
nt are;
management easier. Some automation equipme

• Automatic Cooling System Panel

• Auto Control Unit
• Pressure Control Unit

help you for the purpose of brooding.

Brooding Equipment: Brooding equipment will

• Gas Brooder
• Electric Brooder
• Diesel Brooder
• Homemade Brooder

41P age
Coops and Cages: There are many companies available who produce ready made coops or
cages for the poultry. This type of coops and cages are very suitable for small scale poultry

Feeders: Feeder is such equipment which is used for feeding the poultry birds. Generally some
foods are kept in the feeder and the poultry birds starts eating food from there. Plastic or metal
feeders are used mostly to feed the chickens.

Water Pot: This poultry equipment is essential for supplying water inside the cage. We all know
that clean and fresh water is very essential and helpful for poultry bird's health. Clean the water
pot regularly.

Heaters: Heat management is very necessary for poultry farming. Bulb, heater or other heating
equipment can be used to warm up the poultry cage.

Cooling Equipment: These equipment will help you to keep your poultry house/environment
cool. As you know, keeping the environment cool is very important for good growth and
production Exhaust Fan

• Air Circulating Fan

• Pad Cooling Systems
• Curtain Winching System

Disinfection Equipment: These equipment will help you for the purpose of disinfection, so that
bird does not get any type of diseases.

• G-kill Flame Gun

• Baby G-kill Flame Gun
• Pressure Water Cleaners

SI Page
In cu ba to r: Incubato
r is such a poultry eq •
utpment w h",ch is·
us e d fi0 r ha tc hi ng th e bird's egg in
artificial w ay s. Gen
erally in natural cond
ition, th e poultry bi
m ai nt ai n an d ha tc h rd s ha tc h th e eg g, bu
a limited nu m be r of t they can

E gg H an dl in g N es t:
E gg ha nd lin g ne st or
cages are used for tr
an ot he r places. It re an sp or tin g eg gs fr om
duces th e ri sk of da on e place to
mages of eg gs while
transporting fo r m ar
ke ti ng purposes.

Po ul tr y Fe ed :

T he re ar e m an y ty pe
s of Po ul tr y feed, w
hich varies accordin
fa rm in g ha s its ow n g to th e farming. E ve
process w hi ch includ ry ty pe of
es different types of
di ff er en t in na tu re as fe ed. B ro ile r an d la ye
th ei r process is also r fa rm in g ar c
different in nature. B
pu rp os e of br oi le r fa roiler fa rm in g de al s
rm in g is to produce in or th e so le
the chicken meat for
ha nd la ye r fa rm in g th e consumption as
deals in th e productio on th e ot he r
n of eggs. Poultry fe
pr ot ei n an d carbohyd ed requires a sufficie
rates, along w ith th e nt amount of
necessary vitamins,
su pp ly of w at er . La di etary minerals, and
ctose-fermentation an adequate
of feed can aid in su
po ul tr y. E gg la yi ng pp lying vitamins and m
he ns require 4 gram inerals to
s per day of calcium
eg g. O ys te r shells ar of which 2 grams ar
e often used as a sour e used in th e
ce of dietary calcium
of gr it, tin y rocks su . Certain diets also re
ch as pieces of gran quire th e use
ite, in the feed. Grit
it pa ss es th ro ug h th ai ds in digestion by grindi
e gizzard. G ri t is no ng food as
t needed if commerci
us ed as a supplemen al feed is used . Calcium
t of iodine. These ar iodate is
e some important m
aterials used in poul
try feed.

- - ---- -- -
& \P a g e

About Organization:

Coming into existence in 2020 and is centrally located in Mohali, India. "Egiyok" aims to
commercialize poultry into a digitally empowered Industry and economy full of knowledge.
With a user base of almost 35,000 people PAN India. "Egiyok" is set to be India's one of the first
largest digital poultry platforms for all the products and services needed to expand the poultry
industry. We aim to provide "one-tap" services for people involved in it such as Farmers,
Dealers, Poultry service providers, and consumers across the country. "EGIYOK" increases the
reach of common buyers/sellers and empowers them to perform their respective business
activities beyond their usual boundaries. This will indeed open up new business opportunities as
well and it would be instrumental in generating employment
Our Digital Solutions:
Android App:
Egiyok: Online Poultry Trading

The Glimpse of our management

Mr. Ashok Kumar, CEO and the man behind Egiyok upholds an experience of more than a
decade in the poultry world, with his supervision and brainstorming he came up with the idea of
revolutionizing the commercial backyard activity and going digital with it. Starting solo with
experience in the industry, Mr. Ashok in less than a year came up with a fully qualified team of
more than 70 people consisting of digital m?rketers, an in-house team catering to rates,
relationship managers, and in-house customer support executives for queries and problems and
content writers.

Our Vision:

While being in the poultry world, the CEO brainstormed and found out various loopholes and
where the industry is lacking. Keeping in mind all of the cracks and what needs to be rectified he
came up with our one-tap application, With a forecasted reach of 50,000 usemames by March
2022, we expect to create an impact in the Poultry world by introducing digitalization.

The Aim of Egiyok is to overhaul traditional poultry trading. We, at Egiyok, are increasing the
reach of common buyers/sellers and empowering them to perform their respective business
activities beyond their usual boundaries. This will indeed open up new business opportunities as
well as, would be instrumental in generating employment.

The Loopholes:
• Limited Access.
• Lack of a centralized market
• Exploitation by the commissioning agent
• Price fluctuations in the market trends and the burden of paid rates

Problems Solved with the existence ofEgiyok:

• We have created a platform where farmers can buy/sell their products and eliminate the
brokers from the supply-demand chain. In addition, the rates offered are FREE of cost.

• It is a digital platform to fulfill and facilitate all the requirements which means that it
minimizes the gap between the demand and supply.

• It helps to generate new business opportunities and employment. As it would be

accessible in PAN India, people would be able to find new business avenues and get
employed wherever and whenever it's feasible for them.
1. We have all the poultry world under one big umbrella, which states that we are a
one-stop destination for all the poultry needs, goods, and services.

SI Page
2. All of our product offerings simplify the marketplace for the buyers as well as the

Product Offerings on Egiyok :

• All Birds (Broiler)
• Eggs
• Chicks
• Feed Components
• Poultry Packaging
• Litter and Manure
• Machine and Equipment
• Poultry Medicine
• Chicken Meat

Service Offering on Egiyok:

• Skilled/Non-Skilled Workforce
• Contract (Integration) Fanning
• Fann Supervisor/ Manager
• Meat Processing Center
• Doctor Consultancy Services
• Real Estate Services
• Transportation Services
• Cold Storage Services
• Cutting and Dressing Services

Why should you choose Egiyok?

• We already have a user base of 35,000 plus people in PAN India and are already in
collaboration with different platforms and different business partners of the industry such as
farmers, poultry associations, esteemed doctor panels, etc.
•Weare one of the biggest digital platforms to offer rates, FREE OF COST.

• W e target
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• B e c a u se o
f th e exper,e
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10 \ P a g e
About the Topic

Digital marketing is a process of advertising delivered through digital channels such as search
engines, websites, social media, email, and mobile apps. Using these online media channels,
digital marketing is the method by which companies endorse goods, services, and brands. After
the pandemic digital marketing took a huge growth in the last 3 years, as due to lockdown no one
is able to go out of their houses. All the world's economy was shifted to physical means to
digital means in every field in the economy. As of today Consumers heavily rely on digital
means to research products. For example, Think with Google marketing insights found that 48%
of consumers start their inquiries on search engines, while 33% look to brand websites and 26%
search within mobile applications.

Types of Digital Marketing

• Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO is the process of optimizing the content,
technical setup, and reach of your website, so that your pages appear at the top of a
search engine result for a specific set of keyword terms. While PPC and retargeting have
their place, organic online traffic earned through search engine optimization has
enormous influence on search rankings and, by extension, organic site traffic. By using

11 I Page

,n two Seconds.


c your own website to impact your

·, on-page SEO, these include
,~ for off-site ranking factors
;ty, relevance,
On-PagefflNl ~ on the Internet
'v "vouching" for
Introduction: On-Page SEO (also known as On-site S!tJ;
elements on a website in order to rank higher and eata-.
engines. On-site SEO refers to optimizing both the CODteat -.t;

Guidelines for On-Page SEO:

• Title should be 50-SScharacters.

• Description should be 100-160 characters.
• Heading should be used Hl to H6.
• Content: - Unique & relevant.
• Relevant links likes: Internal links, External links.
• Keyword stuffing with <Hl> tags in the first 100 words and .
lll<~ta .
words. 81111._..__
keywords and phrases, you ~an use SEO to massively increase visibility and begin a
lasting customer relationship. SEO is defined as increasing a website' s rank in online
search results, and thus its organic site traffic, by using popular keywords and phrases.
Strong SEO strategies are hugely influential in digital marketing campaigns since
visibility is the first step to a lasting customer relationship.

On-Page (SEO)

Introduction: On-Page SEO (also known as On-site SEO) is the practice of optimizing
elements on a website in order to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic from search
engines. On-site SEO refers to optimizing both the content and H1ML source code of a

Guidelines for On-Page SEO:

• Title should be 50-SScharacters.

• Description should be 100-160 characters.
• Heading should be used Hl to H6.
• Content: - Unique & relevant.
• Relevant links likes: Internal links, External links.
• Keyword stuffing with <Hl> tags in the first 100 words and in <H2> tags in the last 100

12 I P age
How to do On-Page SEO:

• Insert Meta Tags.

• Use Relevant Keywords.
• Insert HI Tags.
• Insert Alt Tags.
• Page loading time should be less than Two Seconds.
• Keyword Placement Should be perfect.
• Keyword Density
• Description

Off-Page SEO

Introduction: Off-Page SEO refers to actions taken outside of your own website to impact your
rankings within search engine results pages (SERPs). Along with on-page SEO, these include
several of the factors of basic SEO that help a site to rank. Optimizing for off-site ranking factors
involves improving search engine and user perception of a site's popularity, relevance,
trustworthiness, and authority. This is accomplished by other reputable places on the Internet
(pages, sites, people, etc.) linking to or promoting your website, and effectively "vouching" for
the quality of your content.

Guidelines for Off-Page SEO:

• Title should be 50-55 characters.

• Description should be I 00-160 characters.
• Content: - Unique, relevant or useful.
• Relevant links
• Content should be unique, no copy content.

How to do Off-Page SEO:

Backlinks, also known as Inbound links or external links, are HTML hyperlinks that point from
one website to another. They're the currency of the Internet, as they act a lot like real-life
reputation. Internal links. or links that connect internal pages of the same domain. work very

similarly for your website. A high amount of internal links pointing to a particular page on your
site will provide a signal to Google that the page is important, so long as it's done naturally and
not in a spammy way. The engines themselves have refined the way they view links, now using
algorithms to evaluate sites and pages based on the links they find. Google decides the ranking of
the site. There are various method to do the SEO, like

• Profile Creation
• Video Submission
• Link Building
• Articles Submission
• Social Bookmarking
• Classified Ad
• E-book creation
• Biogs Posting
• App Submission
• Directory Submission
• Image Submission
• Infographics

Through these all methods we do the off-page SEO, to create the backlink which will help our
site ranking in search results.

Why does off-page SEO matter?

Off-page SEO helps build a website's recognition and domain authority. Without it, your site will
continually rank below other websites that already have a more substantial lead. While links are
not the only off-page signals that Google's algorithm applies to rank a site, it is perhaps the most
vital of the Jot. While search algorithms and ranking factors are constantly changing, the general
consensus within the SEO community is that the relevance, trustworthiness, an~ authority that
effective off-page SEO affords a website still play a major role in a page's ability to rank. While
we don't know the full algorithm Google uses to rank content, data from our Search Engine
Ranking Factors study show that off-site SEO-related factors likely carry more than 50% of the
ranking factor weight.

SMM (Social Media Marketing)


Social media marketing (SMM) is a form of internet marketing that uses social media apps as a
marketing tool. These social media platforms enable brands to connect with their audience to:

• build a brand;

• increase sales;

• drive traffic to a website; and

• build a community of followers to share and engage with content.

Producing relevant content that users will share with their own networks helps brands increase
their exposure. It also extends their reach toward fans, potential customers and even potential
employees when used as a recruitment tool. Some popular social media apps include Facebook,
Twitter, Linkedln, Y ouTube, Pinterest, Instagram and Snapchat. Each platform has elements that
makes it attractive to use. And when a company uses several in combination to deliver a
multichannel message, consumers can see those messages on their preferred channels.

5 Pillars of Social Media Marketing

Social Planning and Listening and

strategy publishing engagement

Analytics and

15 IP age
SMO (Social Media Optimization)


Social media optimization (SMO) was originally designed to drive traffic from social media sites
such as bookmarking sites and social networks. However, SMO is now significantly more
important and not simply because social networking has grown but because SMO also improves
SEO performance. Good SMO will drive traffic from both direct social site referrals and from
search engines.

7 Steps To improve Your SMO

• Reputation: - Build your reputation as positive as well as a reliable qualified source that
people can fully trust.
• Engagement: - Encourage more engagement, sharing & reciprocate on daily basis. So
that audience can feel a connection between your brand and themself.
• Authority:- Become a notable authority in your field of expertise, so that if people need
any type advice they first check with your brand, as it helps in mouth to mouth
• Leadership:- Harness originality & creativity, be a Thought Leader of your platform
profile, as social media platform themselfrecommend a brand that has unique and
creative content.
• Social: - Be social, find and engage sociable experts in your field. Make sure to always
be connected to the expert in your field, as they help you get more traffic across your
social media platforms.
• Media: - You should know about your social media platforms to maximize influence of
your brand.
• Optimization: - Improve technical aspects to increase optimization like use all the
services of the social media platform to get your brand recommended in the feed of the
social media platform.

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PPC (Pay-Per-Click)


Pay-per-click (PPC) is an online advertising model in which an advertiser pays a publisher every
time an advertisement link .is "clicked" on. Alternatively, PPC is known as the cost-per-click
(CPC) model. The pay-per-click model is offered primarily by search engines (e.g., Google) and
social networks (e.g., Facebook). Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Twitter Ads are the most
popular platforms for PPC advertising.

How the PPC Model Works?

The pay-per-click model is primarily based on keywords. For example, in search engines, online
ads (also known as sponsored links) only appear when someone searches a keyword related to
the product or service being advertised . Therefore, companies that rely on pay-per-click
advertising models research and analyze the keywords most applicable to their products or
services. Investing in relevant keywords can result in a higher number of clicks and, eventually,
higher profits.

Pay-Per-Click Models:

• Flat-rate model: In the flat rate pay-per-click model, an advertiser pays a publisher a
fixed fee for each click. Publishers generally keep a list of different PPC rates that apply
to different areas of their website. Note that publishers are generally open to negotiations
regarding the price. A publisher is very likely to lower the fixed price if an advertiser
offers a long-term or a high-value contract.
• Bid-based model: In the bid-based model, each advertiser makes a bid with a maximum
amount of money they are willing to pay for an advertising spot. Then, a publisher
undertakes an auction using automated tools. An auction is run whenever a visitor
triggers the ad spot. Note that the winner of an auction is generally determined by the
rank, not the total amount, of money offered. The rank considers both the amount of
money offered and the quality of the content offered by an advertiser. Thus, the relevance
of the content is as important as the bid.

17 IP age
Content Marketing


es, but it
Content marketing is another means for providing infonnation to customers and audienc
serves a lot of purposes within the realm of digital marketing. In simple terms, content
is the creation of collateral and other infonnational materials, and the distribution of
kind of
through various online networks. And above all, content marketing should create some
the content
action. A CTA, or call to action, is usually found at the end of any piece of content. If
send an
worked, then ideally your reader will do what you ask, whether it's to click through and
email, or just read another article.

How to Do Content Marketing?

• First, find where your audience is. Do they spend their time on YouTube watching how-
to videos, or do they read lengthy instruction manuals? Create content for the places
where they're already going.

• Next, create a list of topics you can talk about. Start with questions you get frequently
asked by customers or clients. Move on to relevant things in your business that only an
expert would know how to do, or that are interesting.

• Finally, ask for what you want. Want them to share your blog post? Fill out a form for
free consultation? Stop into your store? Use a clear call to action at the end of your post
that asks for what you're after. Never expect someone to simply do it on their own.
You're far more likely to get the action you want when you ask for it.

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C b a p te r -2
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Review of Literature

YouTube SEO: How to Optimize Videos for YouTube Search, Written by Braden Becker.

As recently as a decade ago, inbound marketing was a brand new idea. Marketers were learning
that they couldn't just publish a high volume of content - it also had to be high-quality and
optimized in ways that made it as discoverable as possible through search engines. That content
was once largely limited to the written word. Today, that's no longer the case.

YouTube Optimization: Complete Guide, Author Ivan Crnomaric, Published on February

04, 2019.

YouTube is the second most visited website in the world. Here's a complete guide to YouTube
optimization, ranking factors, search volume, analytics, etc.

YouTube SEO From Basic To Advanced: How To Optimize Your Videos, Written by Sam
Hollingsworth on November 19, 2021.

YouTube SEO can help your content reach a wider audience by actively targeting people who
are searching for your videos. First, you have to identify what topics people are searching for.
Then, you need to know why YouTube ranks videos the way it does.

YouTube SEO 101: Get started optimizing video, written by Stephan Spencer on January
10, 2018.

Given that YouTube is a video search engine, you should approach content creation in a strategic
way, as you would when optimizing your website. This means conducting keyword research to
find out what your audience is interested in and how they talk about it online.

19 I Page
YouTube SEO: How to Rank YouTube Videos in 2022, written by Brian Dean on Oct. 10,

Your first step is to generate a big list of potential keywords.(ln the next step I' II help you find
the best keyword from your list.) One of my favorite strategies is to use YouTube's Search
Suggest feature. All you need to do is head over to YouTube and pop in a word or phrase ...

YouTube SEO: Quickest Way to Rank #1, published by Neil Patel

I'll even go on record saying that some search engines can be more powerful than Google.
(Gasp!) Not as big, no. Not as popular. But if you tap into other search engines, you can boost
your search presence and conversions. Here's the thing: less popular search engines fill specific
roles. For example, if you do Bing SEO, you can reach an audience you can't reach on Google.

YouTube SEO Strategy: Tips to Boost Your Search Ranking, written by REBECCA
KLEIN on May 27, 2021

You may know the basics of SEO for YouTube videos, like including keywords in titles, meta
descriptions, and tags. However, there's more you can do for YouTube SEO through video
accessibility. Since search engine bots cannot watch videos, they rely on accompanying text data
to index them properly. A key component to a YouTube SEO strategy is harnessing the power of
your video's text in the form of transcripts, closed captions, and subtitles, which can positively
impact user experience, engagement, watch time, viewership, and SEO.

5 Ways to Ace Your YouTube SEO Strategy in 2022, by Lindsey Schmidt

The good news is, you don't need to be an expert in YouTube SEO to grow with video. The
strategies I'm going to share with you in this article are considered to be tried and true best
practices. They are strategies that we teach our clients here at IMPACT- and they've helped
thousands of businesses explode their traffic, leads, and sales with video. These YouTube SEO
tips include information about how to: Perform keyword research, Create chapters in your

20 IP age
YouTube videos, Make a You Tube playlist of related videos, Monitor watch time and retention,
Track engagement.

SEO Is Important for YouTube Too, by VERONIQUE WONG KAI on MARCH 3, 2021

A significant percentage ofYouTube video views come from the platform's recommendations,
including the up-next feature. That's why you want You Tube to look favorably on your videos
and channel. The algorithm factors heavily on audience retention and watch time. A YouTube
SEO strategy can help those numbers along with other analysis factors. Here are some best
practices to inform your strategy. (They assume you've done all the work necessary to find your

YouTube Marketing Strategy: 8 YouTube Tips to Grow Your YooTube Channel, by

(Elena Cucu) on October 21, 2020.

Just to briefly highlight how important this network is for the online users worldwide, let's
remember it is the second largest search engine, has almost two billion active users, and around
500 hours of content is uploaded on the platform every minute. So yes, YouTube video
marketing is a really serious job. But believe it or not, using YouTube for marketing may be just
that one missing piece that will skyrocket your business.

Poultry farming, By Wesley Patterson Garrigus

Poultry farming, raising of birds domestically or commercially, primarily for meat and eggs but
also for feathers. Chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese are of primary importance, while guinea
fowl and squabs (young pigeons) are chiefly of local interest. This article treats the principles
and practices of poultry farming. For a discussion of the food value and processing of poultry
products, see egg and poultry processing.

21 I Page
Poultry Farming: Difference between Layer and Broiler Chicken, by Shikha Parewa on
August 17, 2021.

Poultry fanning is a super profitable business. Chickens reared for the purpose of producing eggs
are called laying hens, while those raised for meat are called broilers.

Best 10 Poultry Equipment For Poultry Farming, by RF Staff on May 20, 2021.

There are many types of poultry equipment available which are necessary for successful poultry
farming. Having all of these equipment will help you to run your farm smoothly. Today, general
or unemployed educated people of many different countries are getting inspired in poultry
farming day by day as it is a great way of earning money.

Ch ap ter -3

Need, Objective &

Limitations of the Stu dy

Chap ter-3

Need , Objec tive &

Limit ation s of the Study


Primary Objective:

• The main objective of the study is to understand the consumer buying journey in
Digital era.

Secondary Obiective:

• To Know about the further expansion area.

• To know about the potential customers.
• To foster the growth of the organization.
• To create awareness in rural areas.
• To minimize the cost of promotion.
• To increase sales through the means of YouTube.
• To increase views on My YouTube Channel.


• Limited Access to Buyer & Seller: There is very limited access to buyers and sellers as
poultry market is very vast and scattered throughout the nation, & most of buyers and
sellers are from rural areas. This Is because of the low literacy rate in the rural areas. It is
difficult to convince them to transfer their traditional methods to modem methods or we
can say to traditional marketing to digital Marketing.

• Lack of Centralized Market: There is no centralized market for poultry products.

Because of the scattered market, the production of some products is high in some places
& some places have very low productions. For example, the production of eggs and other
poultry products are high in Haryana, but the need for Poultry products is all over the
nation. Poultry products themselves are a fragile commodity, we can't place them in
sunlight, it should be consumed within 3-4 days otherwise they start getting rotten.
23 IP age
• Unorganized Structure for Rates & Poultry: Poultry products rates are like vegetable
and fruit rates, constantly changing daily. There are no authorities by the government for
the rates of poultry product, as the rates are decided by organization called NECC. It is a
paid organization which let you know about the poultry rates.

• Poultry Consultancy: People think poultry is easy & profitable, but individuals start the
business & get in loss, as they don't Know how to do the poultry business because no one
is providing Poultry Consultancy, as they don't know how to take care of the birds, don't
know about their feed etc.

• Lack of technical knowledge: To carry out successful poultry fanning, sound

knowledge on several aspects of farming is necessary, but it is seen that due to
insufficient knowledge of poultry production, poultry farmers are not gaining their
expected return from the business. Therefore, training should be provided to poultry

• High cost Inputs: High cost of poultry equipment, Lack of finance for commercial
poultry management, Lack of financial support, High prices of land, Shortage of
laborers, High rate of laborers, High rate of vaccine and medicines, Insufficient services
of poultry expert.

• Quality Poultry Feed: Good quality feed is needed for better production of poultry
birds. Due to (a) high rate of poultry feed and (b) inferior quality of poultry feed, poultry
farmers get lower margin of profit.

• Loss by Predators: Picking of chicks and birds by its natural enemies like crow, kite,
mongoose and snake is a common event of poultry farming. Proper care is needed to
protect the birds from these predators by net fencing or iron wire fencing.

24 I Page
• Poultry Diseases: High incidence of disease and high death rate at outbreak of diseases
(bird flu and others.) harm most in poultry production. Other problems related to this are
mortality of the chicks is more (especially hatching mortality), no vaccination programme
at proper time at the village and nearby, Government veterinary doctor/dispensary is not
nearby village.

25 IP age
Research Methodology
What is YouTube?


YouTube is an online platform or service, where users can watch videos, like, share, comment &
upload their own videos. The service can be used through any android, IOS, or Windows
platform like PC's, laptops, tablets or via mobile phones.


YouTube is an online video sharing platform launched by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley & Jawed
Karim on 14 February, 2005. It is an American based social media platform situated in San
Bruno, California. Right after Google, YouTube is the 2nd most visited website. YouTube was
bought by Google for $1.65 billion, in October 2006. As of May 2019, videos were being
uploaded at a rate of more than 500 hours of content per minute. Google's ownership of
YouTube has also changed its business model; it no longer generates revenue from
advertisements alone, YouTube now offers paid content such as movies and exclusive content
produced by YouTube. It also offers a paid subscription option for watching content without ads,
YouTube Premium. YouTube and approved creators participate in Google's AdSense program,
which seeks to generate more revenue for both parties. YouTube's reported revenue for 2020 was
$19. 8 billion.

--- ---- ---- ----

26 I Page

they like.
YouTube is a free to use service and can be a great space for teens to discover things
to guide,
For many young people, YouTube is used to watch music videos, comedy shows, how
recipes, hacks and more. Teens also use the video-sharing service to follow their favorite
d in.
bloggers (video bloggers), subscribe to other YouTubers and celebrities they are intereste

What Are the Main Features ofYouTube?

1. Users can search for and watch videos.

2. Create a personal YouTube channel.
3. Upload videos to your channel.
4. Like/Comment/share other YouTube videos.
5. Users can subscribe/follow other YouTube channels and users.
6. Create playlists to organize videos and group videos together.

Their Mission is to give everyone a voice and show them the world. We believe that
deserves to have a voice, and that the world is a better place when we listen, share and
community through our stories.

How to make a YouTube (Media/News) Channel?

1. Sign up to YouTube on a computer or the mobile app.

2. Click your profile picture. Create a channel.
3. You'll be asked to create a channel.
4. Check the details (with your Google Account name and photo) and confirm to create

27 IP age

•1y from you, through your channel.

"ogle AdSense), by creating regular content on

provides into1,
"ube is completely free.
Whydowe uM,

• Audience engagement is high.

• Easy to Use.
• Target wider audience.
• Supports multiple languages.


I. Join the YouTube Partner Program (YPP).
2. Sell your own merchandise.
3. Create sponsored content.
4. Become an affiliate partner.
5. Get your fans to pay you directly (Super chat).
6. Use crowd funding.
7. License your content to the media.


With the means of YouTube you can connect to a much wider audience all over th
e World or to
the specific region. Some key features to use YouTube for business are:
1. Free of cost.
2. Easy to use.
3. Second largest platform in terms of online audience.
4. Marketing On YouTube Will Help You Get Found On Google.
5. Your Content Never Dies.

What are Media/News Channels?
The world is connected with the means of Media/News channels. As everyone is using mobile
phones, TV's, Tablets, and Computers etc. Media/News Channels provide all types of
information or any type of information related to the world. This channel provides all types of
information about current news, gossip, Fashion, and the latest gadgets in the marketplace. It also
provides information related to daily weather, daily news, etc.

Why do we use YouTube for Media/News Channels?

• Audience engagement is high.

• Easy to Use.
• Target wider audience.
• Supports multiple languages.


I. Join the YouTube Partner Program (YPP).
2. Sell your own merchandise.
3. Create sponsored content.
4. Become an affiliate partner.
5. Get your fans to pay you directly (Super chat).
6. Use crowd funding.
7. License your content to the media.


With the means of YouTube you can connect to a much wider audience all over the world or to
the specific region. Some key features to use YouTube for business are:
I . Free of cost.
2. Easy to use.

3. Second largest platform in terms of online audience.

4. Marketing On YouTube Will Help You Get Found On Google.
5. Your Content Never Dies.

28 IP age
6. Your audience can directly buy from you, through your channel.
7. Make money with the help of (Google AdSense), by creating regular content on

Advantages of YouTube:
• Free to use. Uploading and watching videos on YouTube is completely free.
• Gives you the opportunity to earn money through your videos.
• An Easy Way to Share Information.
• Backlinks Are Generated.
• Easy way to promote your Business or Brand.
• Easy way to gain/target audience.
• Means of Income.

(YouTube) EGIY OKN EWS Chan nel

to all over India's
EGIYOKNEWS is a one stop platform for all your Poultry News related
poultry industry. Not only about poultry news, it also provide

• Egg rates, Broiler rates, Chick rates etc.

• Special Coverage about poultry farms.

solutions, etc.
• Live section with poultry doctors related to any poultry problems & its

~ • Update on new technology related to the poultry industry.

On YouTube. Other than Egiyoknews Channel, Egiyoknews also

have its official website:
but also,, which provides you not only the poultry news

• Poultry Biogs.

• Recipes related to Chicken/egg.

• Poultry Rates( Egg rates, Broiler rates, Chick rates ).

• Expert Videos & Podcast on poultry (Problems & its solutions).

30IP age
What is Optimization?
to achieve the best possible
lt is a process in which, we find out the combination of inputs
outcome subjected to satisfy certain pre-specified constraints &

How to Optimize YouTube Channel?

The best way to optimize your YouTube channel is SEO (Sear
ch Engine Optimization).
ss of allowing search engines to
YouTube optimization totally depends on SEO, as it is a proce
te or YouTube traffic by
understand our content or it is a process of increasing your websi
t. While uploading on YouTube
improving your website or by improving your YouTube conten
, title & description are
the first thing we do is to add a title and description of the video
ization. As,
considered to be the main factor in the process ofYouTube optim
ch about your
• Pick your Keyword Wisely: To Choose your keyword, do a resear
upon your keyword &
keyword. Keyword searches should be high in volume, depending
rd with flexibility. If your
the competition should be low, so that you can use your keywo
for your YouTube
keyword competition is high, it is very hard to use that keyword
ouTube content. So to
content, as it may be possible that SEO didn't recognize your Y
ch tools, which you can
choose your keyword wisely, you can use some keyword resear
Optimization) like:
also use for your PPC(Pay Per Click) or for SEO(Search Engine

1. Wordstream's Free Keyword Tool: It is the free keywo

rd research tool which
the keyword
help you to find the right keyword for your content like, if i enter
keyword as you
(Poultry News Channel), it shows me the best result regarding my
TV YouTube),
can see in the table below it shows me the keyword (Poultry India
bid (high
search volume (30), top of page bid (low range: $0.00), top of page
range: $0.00), competition is (low) it is the right keyword.

Studuollat TopII p19t bid (low r1119t) Top of INtf bid ()11;11119t)

I0.00 LO'//
rmtr)'ild'a1vyouna I0.00

31 IP age
2. Google Keyword Planner: It is the free keyword research tool powered by
Google itself & one of the most used tool worldwide which help you to find the
right & the most relevant keyword for your content like, if i enter the keyword
(Poultry News), it shows me the best result regarding my keyword as you can see
in the table below it shows me the keywords (Poultry news, chicken news,
chicken news today), Avg.Monthly Searches (100-lk), Three Month Change
percentage, Yoyo changes %, Competition, Ad Impression Share, Top of page bid
(Low Range), Top of page bid (High Range) & Account Status.

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3. Moz Keyword Explorer: It is the free keyword research tool & one of the most
used tool worldwide which help you to find the right & the most relevant
keyword for your content like, if i enter the keyword (Poultry Media Channel), it
shows me the best result regarding my keyword as you can see in the table below
it shows me the keyword (Poultry Media Channel, Poultry India TV, Poultry
India, etc.), there searches, Relevancy, Monthly Volume. Through this tabular

32 I Page
you can choose the right keyword for your content.
JI ii Kryword Su9gection s (y E,;oor1 CSV [ +].-.. ,,,, ..

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intent of your
• Use Your Keyword in the Title: The first step is to understand the search
audience. As we know the most nonnal search intent are informational, comme
is & matching
navigational & transactional. So understanding what your customer intent
visible in
your video about it is going to be a really crucial part of your video getting
search results .

Secondly, it is crucial to understand, Why you want to make a YouTu

be video & Who is

the first one to watch it. For Example, if you are making a video on a Mobil e Review,
Simple, but
then use the Mobile name in the (Title) & (Description). It Sounds really
g in
some YouTube channels still miss this step & the video shows up low in rankin
Google and YouTube Search results.
Review s) is.
In the Below picture you can see how competitive (Lenovo Comp uter
This is someone searching for, when they are considering buying it. This result
es & blogs
that these videos are dragged through YouTube, but also from other websit
from around the web.

33 I P ag e
• Include Keywords in your Video File: Super simple, however YouTube can also
additionally use this as one of the ranking elements with regards to displaying your video
in search results. If the file name you're uploading has the targeted keyword in it, your
video can have a far higher chance of being ranked-and a far higher chance of gaining
more search volume. When uploading a brand new video, you can see the filename.
YouTube uses this to make certain the video is relevant, so make sure your file name is
updated before you upload it, this will help you get more visibility on Search results.

Processing video ...

Video hnk tnk

Dell GS gaming computer

• Optimize your YouTube video description: One of the most essential ranking elements
for YouTube SEO is making sure you've got a solid, optimized video description.
Whenever you exchange or update any YouTube video element (which includes video
descriptions, subtitles and closed captions, and video thumbnails). YouTube will
reevaluate the video. This may be good or bad, as YouTube sometimes doesn't approve
your video due to some mistakes so it's vital you get it proper the first time only, so that
it doesn't get rejected while the revaluation of the video.

Your most vital keywords should be placed in the first couple of sentences of your video
description, as YouTube recommends it & maximum limit of description is 200 word.
Make sure your description is useful and relevant to the video, if it isn't useful for the
user remove it. You can see below that the keyword I actually have typed into Google is
in bold in the descriptions of the Yoga videos which have shown up. This is YouTube's
manner of telling me the videos are relevant from the video descriptions.

, ~1., . ., 1,1, ·, ·J • •,oll "' ' , 1 • .1 , ,,. " ' •' , • , .J

YouTub e has a few excellent sources at the YouTube Creator Studio that's a useful
resource that is always up to date with current infonnation. It has an accessible listing
that guides you via the steps to a successful YouTube video description:

1. Include an overview of your video using natural languag e-now no longer only a
stream of keywords.
2. Insert the maximu m important keywords at the start of your description.
3. Pick 1-2 major words that describe your video and characterize them promine ntly
in each of your description and title.
4. Use keyword tools like Google Trends and the Google Ads Keyword Planner to
pick out famous keywords and their synonyms. Including those terms allows you
to maximize traffic from search.
5. Omit irrelevant words in your description as it creates a terrible viewing
experience and might violate Google's policies.

• Use Video Hashtag s to Drive YouTube Search Results:

Across social media, hashtags (#) are now used to assist customers in discovering content
that solutions to their questions many find content that solutions their questions on
number of platforms. You can use related hashtags (#) in video descriptions to assist
viewers to discover your video once they search for a particular hashtag. Tags
particularly help drive seekers as they make key trends more visible. Once you add
hashtag to the YouTube video description, it'll be shown above the title of the video and
then become hyperlinked.

35 I Pa ge


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Ptec-MltlOf'lt netd to 11M ln HAtthtfy II Proctlt ot (99 to Chk k RCPOO UPin · A/3
I D.,

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In the above picture, you can see that, It is also a crucial part to keep in mind if you
include video hashtags here. If you add a hashtag in the video title, hashtags from
descriptions won't get displayed in the video title.

• Select a Video Category Carefully: If users are trying to find a particular video with
advanced options, they are able to choose the search to show videos from selected
categories. When uploading your video, it's vital you contextualize your video with
categories so that you may have a higher chance of having found it by a user. YouTube
has numerous category options to choose from so you should be able to discover a class
that suits your YouTube videos. You can select the category options while uploading

FIim & Anlmatton

Autoa & Vehlclea


Peta & Anlm■II

Travel & Event ,
Peoplo & Rlogo

Now, & Pollllco

Howto & Style

Science & T1chn01o0v

• Customize Your Thumbnail:

361 P age
Thumbnails can help or restrict your YouTube videos. They are the primary element that
grabs people's attention after they have observed YouTube search results. A sturdy
thumbnail can result in a better watch time, which can have a huge effect on YouTube
ranking. Create something that grabs people's interest and stands out from the crowd so
that your video receives the notice. For instance, these thumbnails are simply taken from
the video itself and are possibly now no longer the most relevant for grabbing the user's

Recordable Talking Pegs Rechargeable Easi-Torches Recordable Talking

Assorted Colours from TTS... from TTS Group Interactive Wall from TTS ...

j . ,. , , 1· ,' 1 ·,, •. ., .::J

Creating a custom thumbnail is an excellent way to look at results-displaying to people

what your video is about and how it'll benefit them is the actual key to success.
An excellent example of a custom-designed thumbnail:
Latest from Eg1yok News

Precautions need to take in Hatchery II Process of Egg to Chick,: CPDO Ii PJr..

4/ 5

I- i .., • ,:
To Watch Subscribe EGIVOK NEWS lie " "

• Add Subtitles & Closed Caption: Using subtitles and closed captions is the final tip for
the success of your YouTube search. While video subtitles are designed to communicate
video dialogue for viewers who can't understand the video language, closed captions are
for viewers who can't listen to the audio. Both subtitles and closed-caption documents
include the text of what is said in the video, like a transcript. The document may also
contain time codes while every little bit of text needs to be displayed through the video,
so it could match up with speech or some other visual element. See what document
fonnats YouTube support here.

371 -:-P_a_g_e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

The different benefit of getting a transcript for your video is that it could be picked up by
broad search engines, just as a web log would. On the video upload screen, you can pick
your document and video language. There are lots of truly correct courses out there for a
way to create an SRT document on your video.
Here is the example
Language, subtitles, and closed captions (CC)
Select your video's language and, If needed, a caption certification

Video language Caption certification (i)

Select None


Strategies Used for YouTube Marketing Campaign

• SMM (Social Media Marketing)
• Content Marketing
• PPC (Pay Per Click)
• Influencer Marketing

SMM (Social Media Marketing)

Social Media is an important element for any online businesses, YouTube videos, ads etc. As it
helps to increase more traffic on your online business or on your YouTube video through Social
Media groups. Social media helps to create your online reputation through different social media
platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp etc. Social Media Marketing(SMM) is
used to increase the conversion, sales tracking, page views, as(SMM) is used as a branding tool
for online business, YouTube, News channel etc. Some Popular platforms used for (SMM) are:
1. Instagram
2. Meta (Facebook)
3. Twitter
4. Whatsapp
s. Pioterest
- - - •---- ------- ------- ------- --

lnstagram: is the second most accessed network behind Facebook. The famous visual-first
social medium sees over one billion active monthly users and 500 million daily Instagram
Stories. Everyone and their dog (literally) are on the social media platform. " Everyone" includes
individuals, pets, and, you guessed it, organizations. The growth in brands that have advanced a
presence on the platform has skyrocketed. Oberlin estimates that 71% of US companies use
Instagram. But is it really well worth their time, and should your business also be on the
platform? The answer is yes, and here's why:
• Instagram sees over one billion lively monthly users and 500 million daily Instagram
• There are 140 million Instagram users in the U.S Only, As of January 2022, India had a
total of 230.25 million Instagram users, the largest Instagram audience in the world.
• Instagram is the second most accessed network after Facebook. Users browse for a mean
of 53 mins per day.
• About 71 % of US organization s use Instagram for their promotions or as a strategy to

promote their business.

• Nearly 45% oflnstagram 's users are between the ages of 18 and 44.

History: Instagram is an American photo and video sharing social networking service founded
in 2010 by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger and later acquired by Facebook Inc. The app allows
users to upload media that can be edited with filters and organized by hashtags and geographical
tagging. Posts can be shared publicly or with pre approved followers. Users can browse other
users' content by tag and location, view trending content, like photos, and follow other users to

add their content to a personal feed.

39 IPag e
----- --- -------- --- - - - - - - -
How to Promote a YouTube Channel on Instagram?
products. Every
Jnstagratn also can help you develop your brand recognition and introduce new
you to
l30 million Instagram customers interact with shopping content. Instagram allows
ote/sell your brand and product in a friendly, real way without hard selling to
visible nature. If
customers. Instagram's best advantage over other social media platfonns is its
you have a business those benefits from the design of your product or if you have a service
that ,
that content. I'
has a visibly noticeable end result, Instagram is the best platfonn to showcase
As it helps your business to grow more and more through the means of its vast audien
more than 1500 categories for the businesses. As on instagram we can make both
ce and has
a personal
account & a professional account, which offers different kinds of tools to use in
than 1Ok followers
Instagram has its own monetization program, where a user needs to gain more
than they get monetized on their account.

Meta (Facebook)

Inc., and The

Meta Platforms, Inc. doing business as Meta and formerly known as Facebook,
in Menlo Park,
Facebook, Inc., is an American multinational technology conglomerate based
California. The company is the parent organization ofFacebook, Instagram, and
It is considered
among other subsidiaries. Meta is one of the world's most valuable companies.
, Amazon,
one of the Big Five American information technology companies, alongside Google
Apple, and Microsoft.

OO Meta
History: Facebook filed for an initial public offering (IPO) on January l, 2012. The
monthly active
J>l'Ospectus stated that the company sought to raise $5 billion, had 845 million

401Pa ge
0 zuckerberg
fter the (P '
rnrnents dailY• A f the voting shares.
•kes and co n 57% 0 I gest
b illion 11 d would ow b·tJion the ar
· 2.7 bOok an $104 1
bsite accrtlJllg. hate in face . the cornpanY at h [PO facebook
and a we nersh1P s h valuing before t e '
users, . 22% ow t $38 eac ' 16 one day d The IPO
would retain a ed the shares a . rnpanY• On MaY ' due to high deman . . . .
under¢iters valu.. r a newlY pubhc co than originally planned k price left the company
date 10 shares . The stoc . h
valuation t~ ould sell 25o/o rnore . Jargest in US history. . surpassing heavyweig ts
unced it w . 't the third· US corporations . h $ I9
ann° making I b t a few · · , t ck wort
. d $16 billion, . . tion than all u de Zuckerberg s s o
raise . h r market cap1tal1za d Kraft foods and ma ·1 If becomes the
with ahig e cDonald's, Disney, an new era. f acebook I se . .
has Amazon, M . . dustrY to a whole h d. ital commun1cat1on '
sue . lead a onhne in . munication to t e 1g
billion. As it hich leads the physical com world.
revolutionar)' company, w . a whole lot & connects people all over the
I an interact with
where peop ec

How to Promote a YouTube Channel on Facebook?

. p . A F book page is a great free

• Making the Most of Your Facebook Busmess age. ace . .
marketing tool for YouTube. These pages let businesses & YouTube channels 1dent1fy
themselves-not just through listing product offerings and services, but also by sharing
links, images, and posts on a customizable page to give a better sense of a business's
personality and character. Your Facebook business page is a great spot to develop your
brand identity and show your human side. Facebook is where you can loosen the tie a bit
, don't be afraid to be funny. Ultimately you should consider what your key audience
would want to see. Share social media images, links, videos, anything, as long as it is
con~ected to your business or YouTube Channel and it seems like something your target
aud'.ence would enjoy. Use Facebook Insights to see what resonates most with your
• Sponsored Stories: Sponsor d S . .
marketin e tones seeks to capitalize on the "word of mouth.,
. . g concept. If a user sees that three of his friends Ii . ,
mchned to pay attenf Th ke a ce1 tam page, he is more
ion. e goal of Sponsored St . . .
action as their friends Ad rf ones is to have a user toke thu sumc
. ve isers can choose t h ti .
page likes, show friends who ha " . o s ow ricnds "likes" if lhQy Wlltlt mm-c
ve claimed this offer" if b .
411 Page u usineBs wunts mmu us01·s to
claim offers, etc. While the action perfonned by a friend liking n pngc or clni111l11g nn
offer is automatically posted in a user's news feed, these posts cnsily get overlooked.
Sponsored Stories get preferred positioning, capable of nppcnring in news fce<.ls und tho
right sidebar. Sponsored Stories is also the only ad formnt nvnilnblc on mobile devices.
Facebook claims that Sponsored Stories have 46% higher CTRs nnd 20% lower CPC~
than regular Facebook ads, making them a very serious strategy for marketing on
Facebook. It will help your business & YouTube to get more rclevnnt traffic.

1\, itter

Twitter is an American micro-blogging and social networking service on which users

post and interacts with messages known as "tweets". Registered users can post, like, and
re-tweet tweets; however, unregistered users have the ability to only read tweets that arc
publicly available. Users interact with Twitter through browser or mobile frontend
software, or progTammatically via its APls.


Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams in March
2006 and launched in July of that year B 2012 . .
. . tweets a day and th
million . . y , more than 100 m1lhon users posted 340
, e service handled an average of I 6 b'Jr .
day. In 2013, ·i1 was one of the ten most-visited w b . · 1 t0n search quenes per

SMS of the Internet'' B th e sites and has been described as "the

. Y e start of 2019, Twitter had
active users. In Practice th . . more than 330 million monthly
. , e vast ma.ionty of tweets . .
Pnorto April 2020 serv· are written by a minority of users.
. , ices were accessible via SMS Th . .
Twitter, Inc., a corporation b . . e service is provided by
0 fli1
ased in San Francis c t·fi •
ces around the world. Tweets Were . . co, a 1 om1a, and has more than 25
was doubled to 2SO fior non-CJK Ian originally . restricted to 140 characters, but the limit
remain limited to 140 g\lages in November 2017. Audio and video tweets
nds for most accounts.
Me dia/News Channels?
Why is Twitter Important for

for news, and the

IO Tw itter use rs in the stu dy (86%) say they use Twitter
, Nearly 9 in
so daily.
vast majority of those (74%) do
ber of peo ple say s the y use Twitter to be alerted to breaking
, Roughly the same num
s generally (39%).
(40%) as to keep up with the new
ters, and
arters of Tw itter new s use rs follow individual journalists, wri
, Three-qu
%). Twitter
(73%) and nea rly two -th ird s follow institutional accounts (62
commentators tly follow
y lik ely to dis cov er new jou rnalists and writers and consequen
users also are ver
rms beyond Twitter.
their work, often on other platfo elines or
r new s use rs get their new s either through scroJiing their tim
, Fully 94% of Twitte tance,
se they foll ow . Oth er fea tures are used far less often: For ins
browsing tweets of tho
topics and 30% use
say they get news from trending
just 34% of Twitter news users
search. r across
rs access the platform on their phones and many access Twitte
• 82% of Twitter use

multiple devices. from friends ,

of non -Tw itter users (51%) have seen tweets. 45% on TV, 33%
• A majority t signing up, 12%
new s articles the y read, 22% from going to withou
27% in
from search and 8% in a newspa

Channel on Twitter?
How to Promote a You Tube

your Twitter bio: Use the Tw

itter bio to inform
your YouTube channel in
• Mention oad . Also include a
of videos you upl
·vouTube channel and the kind
tioII owers about your
uTube channel.
link to direct viewers to your Yo ing hashtags: Post an announcem
. •d os with relevant and trend
• Post )mks to your v1 e video to your YouTube channel.
Provide a
. every t'1me you publish a new
on Twitter er, Use
"de o along with a brief description of what it has to off
. .
direct lmk to your vi your YouTube videos. So when
users search for
. hashta gs on all tweets about

43 IP ag e
video . This helps you reach
1 ashtag, they will com e acro ss the twee t abou t your
your t
ti8 I view ers who are not follo wing you.
Avoi d spam ming follo wers with
post different kinds of cont ent on your Twit ter feed:
• tweets only abou t your You Tube video s. This may
prom pt them to un-fo llow your
relev ant twee ts that relat e to your
Twitter account. Post inter estin g, infor mati ve and
us abou t your conte nt. you only
video. Further, post twee ts that mak e follo wers curio
it coun t.
have I 40 chara cters to prom pt an actio n, so make
Enga geme nt with Twit ter follo wers
Engage in conv ersa tions with your Twit ter fans:
• otes loyal ty. Post a twee t and ask your
strengthens your relat ionsh ip with them and prom
ming video . Prom pt a discu ssion abou t
followers what they wou ld like to see in your upco
tiona lly, you can also ask follo wers
a particular issue or topic relat ing to your video. Addi
powe rful video mark eting tool and
for feedback on your prev ious video s. Twit ter is a
abov e tips to prom ote your You Tube
should be used to max imum poten tial. Follo w the
channel and incre ase visib ility amon g Twit ter users


inter natio nally avail able Ame rican freew are,

WbatsApp Messenger, or simp ly Wha tsAp p, is an
voice -ove r-IP (VoI P) servi ce own ed by
cross-platform centr alize d insta nt mess agin g (IM) and
and voice mess ages , mak es voic e and
Meta Platforms. It allow s users to send text mess ages
ions, and othe r conte nt. Wha tsAp p's clien t
video calls, and share imag es, docu ment s, user locat
e from desk top comp uters . The servi ce
application runs on mob ile devi ces but is also acce ssibl
up. In Janu ary 2018 , Wha tsAp p relea sed a
requires a cellular mob ile telep hone num ber to sign
owne rs, calle d Wha tsAp p Busi ness, to allow
standalone business app targe ted at smal l busin ess
the stand ard Wha tsAp p clien t.
companies to comm unica te with custo mers who use

Wh atsA pp
. WbatsAPP was founded by Brian Acton and Jan Koum, former employees of Yahoo!.
. WbatsAPP was not intended to be a messaging app. In January 2009 after Koum
Initta!lY, '
an iPhone, he and Acton, keen to jump into what they saw foresaw as a newly
purchaS~;.,g . . dollar app industry
multi-b1lhon created by the Apple App Store Koum came up
burgeo•=· '
with an idea for an app to provide dynamic information about the people listed in your address
t,ook: it would show statuses for each person, for example: "if you were on a call, your battery
was Jow, or you were at the gym." Their discussions often took place at the home ofKoum's
Russian friend Alex Fishman in West San Jose. They realized that to take the idea further, they
would need an iPhone developer. Fishman visited, found Russian developer
Igor Solomennikov, and introduced him to Koum. Named the app WhatsApp to sound like
"what's up". On February 24, 2009, he incorporated WhatsApp Inc. in California. However,
when the early versions of WhatsApp kept crashing, Koum considered giving up and looking for
a new job. Acton encouraged him to wait for a "few more months".

' .. . :

i" \
Sandr.J !:. C;ike:. 1
Feature ofWhatsapp:
1. Business Profile
2. Quick Replies
3· Automatic Greeting Message
4· Automatic Away Message
5· Contacts Labels
6· Message Statistics
? . Catalogs

8· Interactive Business Message
1 Pa-:--
g _e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
and Reply Buttons
. ~,essages
9. k shops Integration
JO. APP payments
Whats .
I· A p Business Directory
12. Whats P
Whatsapp Promotion Strategy

I. Pin down your target audience.

2. Get the business app.
3. Create a brand persona.
4. Build a contact list.
5. Design your communication.
6. Deliver great customer service.
7. Promote your YouTube through sharing links on your whatsapp.

Pinterest is an image sharing and social media service designed to allow the saving and
discovery of information (specifically "ideas") on the net through the usage of images, and on a
smaller scale, animated Glfs and videos, in the form of pin boards. The site was created through
Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp, and had over 430 million global monthly active
users as of February 2022. It is operated by Pinterest, Inc., based in San Francisco.
History: The development of Pinterest began in December 2009, and the site launched the
prototype as a closed beta in March 2010. Nine months after the launch, the website had 10,000
users. Silbermann said he wrote to the first 5,000 users, offering his phone number and even
meeting with some of them. The launch of an iPhone app in early March 2011 brought in more
downloads than expected. This was followed by an iPad app and Pinterest Mobile, a version of
the Website for non-iPhone users. Silbermann and a few programmers operated the site out of a
small apartment until the summer of 2011 . Pinterest grew rapidly during this period. On AuguS
IO, iou, Time magazine listed Pinterest in its "50 Best Websites of2O11" article. In December
20II, the sit b · to H.itwise
e ecame one of the top 1O largest social network services, accord mg
_ Wit· h 11 million total visits per week. Pinterest won the Best New Startup of201 l at tbe
46 j·p·;·g-;···· ······-·······-·-········· -········-·--·- ··········--·· ····-····-··· -- .. .- ... --- ··-··· ...

7 11 .
,ch ru nchies Awards. For January 2012, comScore reported the site had I l . m1. 10n
C. •tors making it the 1astest site ever to break through the Io m,·11,·on un·
~, . h"11
Cl).S. v1s1 , C • •.
1que v1s1tor
~01qUCAt the
•"'· l 2 Webby Awards, Pmterest
• won Best Social Media App and People's Voice
1,est functioning vJSual design.
;,ward for

How to Promote a YouTube Channel on Pinterest?

. Distribute your content: 85% of Pinners search for and prefer visual content. This
makes Pinterest a uniquely strong place to distribute all types of content, including
written blog content. Unlike lnstagram, users can click-through live links. On Pinterest,
you share content on Pinterest boards. Boards save all of your Pins and distribute your
content for your followers to explore. You can have as many boards as you want, and
they can be organized into themes, ideas, plans, or types of inspiration to make it easy for

your audience to find the content they're looking for.

2. Build a community: Online communities bring together like-minded people and serve as
helpful hubs for businesses. With a Pinterest community, you can count on your
followers and fans to interact with your boards, consume your content, and make their
way to your website - driving traffic in the process. There are over 335 mill ion people
who use ?interest every month. By treating your Pinterest board as a two-way street
through which you can interact with and engage users (not like a one-way billboard), you
can build a Joyal community of ?interest users who may become customers, too. Instead,
consider the following methods to build out your base of fans and followers on Pinterest.
a. Promote your Pinterest account via your other social networks.
b. Follow accounts you believe would want to follow you back.
etitors are doing to increase their base of followers and
c. Watch what your c Omp
learn from their techniques.
d hashtags in your posts (we'll discuss these tactics in more
d. Use keywords an
detail later).

47 IPag e

e, Ask influencers to re-post some of your content to gain the attention of their

f. pay for a Pinterest ads account to run ads on the platform.

. ri"e website traffic and boost YouTube Channel·• Pinterest, unl"kI e ns agram, a ows
1· t II
3 D
you to link your visual content to another website - namely, your website. This feature
allows you to share both written and visual content and direct users back to your website
in the process. This is a powerful addition to your marketing as it can boost online sales,
too. Many brands use Pinterest to showcase product images while sharing content. For
example, this board, created by the clothing company Made well, serves as a source of
travel inspiration and is paired with real products they sell to get their audience excited
about their brand, the lifestyle they promote, and the idea of purchasing some clothing.

Content marketing

Content marketing is a fonn of marketing focused on creating, publishing, and distributing

content for a targeted audience online. It is often used by businesses in order to achieve the
following goals: attract attention and generate leads, expand their customer base, generate or
increase online sales, increase brand awareness or credibility, and engage an online community
of users. Content marketing attracts new customers by creating and sharing valuable free content.
It helps companies create sustainable brand loyalty, provides valuable information to consumers,
and creates a willingness to purchase products from the company in the future.
Content mMketing starts with identifying the customer's needs, After that, the information can be
presented in a variety of formats, including news video, white papers, e-books, infographics,
email newsletters, case studies, podcasts, how-to guides, question and answer articles, photos,
and biogs, etc. Contont marketing requires continuous delivery oflarge amounts of content,

preferably within a content marketing strategy.

4 . ·-· --. ·----·-- ---- - . -- ..

Bl Page
How Content Marketing Works?
. ..,hat type of content marketing is most relevant to your audience can be a challenge
r•&" h-'e to be. When you take the time to understand your target customers and their ,
the ideas will flow. Consider each of these tried-and-true content marketing channels to

·eyour strategy:

, B\ogs: search-optimized blog posts are simple yet powerful tools for engaging your
target audience. These top-of-funnel assets capture web traffic and address customer pain
points within a branded digital environment. Content writers leverage advanced SEO
tools to identify the right keywords, topics, trends and perspectives. Then, they add
industry subject-matter expertise to craft insightful pieces that provide readers with value.
Interested customers will follow calls-to-action and internal links to learn more and
eventually take action. Once a blog is live, a strategist can monitor its perfonnance using
Google Analytics. If the data shows users bouncing (leaving the site) from the blog, it

may indicate that the piece could use a stronger call to action.

• E-Books and white papers: Mid-funnel content like eBooks and white papers provide
readers with in-depth information and compelling research. As part of a larger content
strategy, they help to pull readers further along the buyer'sjoumey. Additionally, these
longer pieces support lead generation when deployed as gated content. Reade,s can
'd h · d ·1 ddress in exchange for a free asset. To get these assets to
prov1 . e t eir name an ema1 a · d by a supporting blog post.
rank m search, they should be accompanie
. T day's consumers live in a world of constant
• lnfograpbics and visual design: . u to \earn that 95% of marketers believe visual
stimulation. So it shouldn't surprise Iyone lnfographics make 1t. easier
. for readers to
d a which
content is more effective than text · is often essential to the sales process. They

visualize and process complex ata, ed in a blog post. L1kew1se,

. . 11lustrat1ons,
. .
• I dia or eJl\phY
can be shared on soc1a me ' make wntten
. content more .mterestmg. .
graphic design and cuS OJll photogra


j\du\ts in the U.S. spend nearly six hours per day consuming video conte t A
,deos: n. s a
,art<eting tool, videos are highly engaging and capable of attracting awide audience.
marketers report an average 73% ROI on their video content. These days
~D 0213 '
videos are appearing in more and more search engine results pages, which makes them
great for attracting organic traffic. Whether it's live action or animation, video content
aUows brands to te\\ their story in an emotiona\, personality-driven manner.
Social media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, lnstagram, Linkedln, Pinterest, Telegram,
and Snapchat - the list of social media platforms seems to grow with each passing year.
To gain the attention of your target audience and get them to convert, you have to
understand where they exchange information online. Using knowledge of your industry
verticals and the latest social media trends, you can pick the top two or three channels
through which to promote your messages. Social media campaigns often leverage user-
generated content to promote greater levels of engagement. Likewise, influencer
marketing can be an effective way to market to audiences who are generally resistant to

These are some most common means through which content marketing is done. Through these
same means you can also do the promotion of your websites, YouTube channels, etc. all through
content marketing. These methods will help you to increase your YouTube traffic & help you to

gain more followers.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

d rtising model in which advertisers pay each time a user clicks on one of
online a ve
rrC is an fhere are different types of PPC ads, but one of the most common types is the
~ir on roe
I ads.Th e ads appear when people search for things online using a search engine like

pa1·dsearch ad.. eswhen they are per fiormmg · I searc hes, meaning
· commercta · that they' re
espec1a Y
GoOgle, . t buy This could be anything from a mobile search for e.g. (someone looking for
ething O •
for SO01 e" on their phone) to a local service search (someone looking for a dentist or a
''!fl near m
•~, . heir area) to someone shopping for a gift ("Mother's Day flowers'') or a high-end
JUfJlber int
P . terprise software. All of these searches trigger pay-per-click ads.
·iem ]Ike en
1 -click advertising, businesses running ads are only charged when a user actually clicks
. ad hence the name "pay-per-click." Other forms of PPC advertising include display
on their '
advertising (typically, serving banner ads) and remarketing.

How Does Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising Work?

In order for ads to appear alongside the results on a search engine (commonly referred to as a
Search Engine Results Page, or SERP), advertisers cannot simply pay more to ensure that their
ads appear more prominent than their competitor's ads. Instead, ads are subject to what is known
as the Ad Auction, an entirely automated process that Google and other major search engines use
to determine the relevance and validity of advertisements that appear on their SERPs.
Role of Keywords in the PPC:
• As its name implies, the Ad Auction is a bidding system. This means that advertisers
must bid on the terms they want to "trigger," or display, their ads. These terms are known
as keywords. For example, that your business specializes in camping equipment. A user
wanting to purchase a new tent, sleeping bag, or portable stove might enter the keyword
"camping equipment" into a search engine to find retailers offering these items.
• At the moment the user submits their search query, the search engine performs the
complex algorithmic calculations that the Ad Auction is based upon. This determines
Which ads are displayed, in which order, and by which advertiser. Since you have to pay
for each click on your ads, it's imperative to only bid on keywords that are relevant to
siTii ag-;- - - ----- - -- ------- ---- ----- - ----
·ness so you can be sure to get ROI from your ads d
your bus1 , pen . A keyword tool
11 find the right keywords to bid on that are both likel t d . can
help yo . .. Y O rive sales or
convers l·ons' and are not proh1b1ttvely expensive.

How to Optimize Your Pay-Per-Click Ads?

-click marketing can be a very cost-effective way to drive traffic to . b .
pay-per . . your we site and
ur business. But 1t takes time and effort to do it right A number off: cto
pJOW yo • a rs can affect
your ppC costs, including:

• The relevance of the keywords you choose to bid on - Are they the search tenns your
best audience is really using to find products they want to buy, or solutions to their

• The quality of your ads and landing pages - Google awards the best ad placements and
the lowest costs to businesses that provide a good consumer experience. Your click-
through rate, or CTR, is a good indication of whether or not your ad creative is resonating
with people.
• A solid account structure - Your PPC account is like a house. Everything needs to be
built on a strong foundation. Learn more about effective account structure in this guide.

. your PPC ads and campaigns in top shape.

There is a lot to think about when it comes to keepmg
Check out PPC University if you're ready to learn more about how it all works.

. Use d tior YouTube Optimization


d by Google, where
18 tfonn deveIope .
• advertising P. fti ·ngs, product i. lmg
GOOgle Ads: Google Ads is an onlme • or videos to
15 5'
. ents' servicehoengines
advertisers bid to display brief advertisem er1 like Google Search and on non-
. e results of searc
Web users. It can place ads both m th
search Websites, mobile apps, and videos.
}low to Create a Google Ad

ur goal: We'll tailor your ad based on the results you want And
I' jell ,i Y • , no matter
11eP' • . ·ng goal you choose, Google Ads can help you across the board·
. ,d"""' .

I. Get more calls to your business

II. Increase visits to your store
III. Drive people to your website

~,p-l: Decide where to advertise: Go global, or stay local. You decide wh010 you'd like to

show your ads, and we' II get them in front of the right people.
Sl,p-3: Create your message: Highlight what's best a!,oUt your busincsS in 3 short ,_nee, to
get cuSlomers excited. Or create compelling banner ads by adding images.
Set your budget cap: You'll never pay more tt,an 1he monthly cap you set, ,nd you can
~ust or pause anytime. Plus, we'll shoW you estimated results for your budget.
Sitp-S: Go li,e: We'll display your ads wt,co people ,..rch fur produc• or services like your,.
Yo,r ads can appear on Google s,orch ,nd !,lapS, and-• our - r k of partner sites. You'll
i"Y for resulis, like when people c:lid< 'I"" ad to ..U your l,usineSS, vi,it your website or get

direct'ions to your shop.

S3 IP age
Types of Google Ads

dard text Ads-Now Called "Expanded Text Ads" (ETAs): Standard text ads
511111 •h . charac ter 1·1m1t. and not much room to. get creative with
t, ed to be very basic, wit a stnct
~:pywnting or include top keywords for higher rankings. A few years ago, Google
ed these ads into what are now called expanded text ads (ETAs). ETAs offer room
for up to three headlines and two descriptions, along with "extensions" that allow you to
add things like phone numbers and opportunities to link to different pages of your
website. ETAs are a tried-and-true paid search tactic that all marketers should consider.

. Responsive Search Ads (RSAs): RSAs are like ETAs on steroids. They offer more
options for headlines (14) and descriptions (S) to allow greater reach and allow A/B
testing without having to create separate ads. Google will try different combinations of
your headlines and descriptions until it identifies the most effective combination,
effectively reaching potential customers with the most engaging copy at the right time.
These ad types have a drawback in that each headline must work well with all the others,
delivering a clear message no matter what order they appear. You can pin some headlines
- say, if you want to always show the brand name in Headline I - but these options are
limited. Ultimately, Google recommends including one RSA in a standard ad group along

with two ET As.

3 D . D ·c search ads offer an automated ad type in that

· ynamac Search Ads (DSAs): ynam•
. II 'th content from your website. These ads are
they populate search ads automat1ca Ywi
bsites that have clear categories of content and a
meant to be used with well-developed we h ontent housed on your website . to target your
large inventory of products. DSAs use t te c r services. This . saves you a lot oft1me
. .m
ads t0 users search'mg for similar pro uc so therwise have missed. However the
. keywords you may o ,
setup and ensures you are using over what exactly your ad will say
have tittle contro 1 .
automation factor means you vant to the pages you specify. If you're
the content re 1e
Google does its best to keep . st one range of products, you can upload a
or even JU
selling different product these ad types.
I to create
product feed for Goog e
Ads: lrnage ads run on the Google Display Network, which means they can show
. 1JIIII' . that partner with Google to provide ad space; Google will choose to show
1 on websites . . . often. Also known as display
bsites your target audience visits ads image ads
..,,,,we·cor interactive
. graphics
. and are recommended for brand awareness,
can be ·gns whereas text ads are geared more toward users further down the marketing
cainpat ,

,. ;pP p,oaiotion Ads: App promotion ads do exactly what they sound like: promote app
d<JY111ioads These ads are mostly run on mobile devices, like smartphones and tablets, bul
can also run on platfonns with the Google Search and Display Networks, including

Google Play, YouTube and Google Discover.

C Video Ads: Several different video ad formats allow you to deliver a more engaging
experience to user>, reaching customers on Google Partner sites and platforms including
YouTube. Video advertising is a lucrative ad format with high ROI, highly recommended
for companies who have the budget 10 invest in video assets. Fun facts, In a single day,
more than 500 million hours of video content are watched on YouTube alone, and one-

third of all online activity is video consumption.

1. Product Shopping Ads: Product shopping ads show ;,ems fo, sale wilh a produel
image, till~ price and a link lo the ~ore. All !his information is pulled from your Google
Me,chant Center account through ihe produel feed you provide. Yom product shopping
ad c · '\\ h G I Shopping Images search partner websites - and at the
ampa1gn w1 s ow on oog e • '
very top of the search engine results page (SERP).
8 Sh . hopping ads differ from product shopping ads in
· owcase Shopping
. Ads:
. f roducts
Showcase s together, allowing you to promote a variety
at they group a specified range P often than product shopping
. ads, but allow users to
of products. These ad types. show
. and
esshave a greater reach because they will
. be shown to
browse products before clickingeral things, such as "phone cases.,,
users who search for more gen

olY I< •·. can-only ads run on mobile devices and allow you top romote phone
~. call·O d be set to run on Y unng operating hours or at all times· Whenauser
r"'5' can \ d · ·
s. thO a ' the ad places a ca\\ to you d'1reclly from the SERP ' These ad types SIt'll Of~,er
c • and d descriptions and will resemble regular text ads. However these ad typ
. . , es
"'dilfe!'"t thaJ\ call extenstons m that they run as their own ad, prompting a user to call
l'1" business directlY, whereas text ads send the user to a landing page.

Google Ads Cost

,. Set, blldget that works for you: With Google Ads, you're in charge of your online
advertising costs. Never pay more than your monthly budget cap, and you can stop any

i time.
Ch- your budget. We'll estimate your results: Pay only for results, like clicks to
your website or calls to your business. Decide how much you want to spend, and we'll
show you the estimated results based on your advertising budget before you create your

l. campaign.
Adjust when you need, start orstop anytlDle: You're in control of your ads. You can
pause your ads for any period of time that you'd like, and you can resume your ads when

. t · f You'll only pay when your

you want.
4. Pay for real results: Signing up for an accoun is dree.
t visit your website or call your
customers take action, like when they c 1c your a orts and insights so you can track
.de re

business. To set you up for success, we II provi P

your ad's performance and costs.

Benefits of Google Ads

• Ad words works faster than SEO-

• Increase brand awareness. h their 0111a1l. lnboX-
• Reach more custorners
.. roug .
fyour website.
• Reconnect with visitors nee consistentlY•
• Measure your perforilla
. your ads.
• Explore rnore usingetition better.
• Tackle your cornP

Facebook Ads

f ~k'ds are paid messages from businesses that are written in their
. voice
. and help

'11" die "".ople

r- who matter. most
. to. them.
. Advertisers create campaigns
. that have specific
!"'~which we call advertising
. . obJect1ves and they create ads w'thi
1 n those campaigns
. to

thetn reach those obJectives.


Facebook ads

Create & Benefits of Facebook Ads

• Create New Ad: To Create new ad, Select campaign parameters, like an advertising
objective, to fit your business goals. You can also manage creative woil:: upload your ad
creative, write ad copy and review how your ads look on different devices.
• Choose Your Audience: Define your audience for smarter ad targeting. Adjust your

target audience to be as broad or well-defined as you like.

' Set up and manage your ad budgets: Set an overall budget for your caropaigns and
whether it applies to each day or to a campaign's entire lifetime.
• Run ads acro,s ,nultiple apps: Automatically ,xtend your ad across Facebook's family
of apps and services with automatic placements to allow our deliver)' system more

flexibility to get you better results. d' e placement options and creative-
• Adiust lw•Y"
your campaigns: Edit your budget, au ienc ' pause, duplicate or relaunch your
mcluding editing multiple ads at once · You can a
ad campaigns at any tune. ti ·ty· Automatically deliver personalized
· ads w1'th
• Improve performance with crea vi · d Ad comPonents like
. . images, videos,
. and
. t' o,mamic creative uses an
dynanuc crea ive. , -~ . .deal ways for your audiences.
111 1
text and combines tbetn

P a ge
• Test which ads perform best: Create an NB test to determine the best target audience,
delivery optimization, placements, creative or product sets for each of your ad
• Get real-time insights: See if your ads are driving their intended goal with reporting
tools. By spotting trends over time, you can identify areas to adjust-like your image,
budget or audience-to improve your campaign performance.

Types of Facebook Ads

• Image ads: Drive people to destination websites or apps through high-quality and
engaging visuals. Use your own images or create an ad with stock photos to tell your
• Video ads: Show off product features and draw people in with sound and motion. Upload
a video you created or create one in Ads Manager using our video creation tools.
• Carousel ads: Display up to ten images or videos within a single ad, each with its own
link. Use carousel ads to show different images of the same product, or create one long
photo that people can swipe.
• Collection ads: Encourage shopping by displaying items from your product catalog -
· d tior each 1·ndi·v 1·dual • Use our dynamic options to showcase your products in
various ways.

58 IP age
Influencer Marketing

At a fundarnenta 11evel, influencer

. marketing 1s · \ media marketing\\la\ uses
. a type of•soc,a
endorsements and product mentions from influencers-individuals who have a dedicated social
following and are viewed as experts within their niche. Influencer marketing works because ot
the high amount of trust that social influencers have built up with their following and
recommendations from them serve as a form of social proof to your brand's potential customets.

Importance of Influencer Marketing

While Instagram influencer marketing is a well-known strategy, there are many other
networks that are growing for influencers. According to Adweek, the industry is set to reach Sl
billion in worth by 2020. Other networks like Snapchat, YouTube and Telegram have their own0
set of influencers with different demographics. Influencer marketing agency Mediaku surveyed
marketers at the end of 2018 to see what their feelings on influencers were for the New Year. Of
those surveyed, 89% said ROI from influencer marketing was comparable to or better than other
networks. The same survey noted that 65% of marketers plan on increasing their budgets for

Strategy Used for YouTube Influence Marketing

• Find Influencers Accord'mg to Your Niche.

• Set a budget an d management strategy.

you want to deliver to your Audience.
• Decide on Goals and Message .
Influencer to make content for marketmg.
• Contact to t he .
. h the Content on JO
e for Marketmg.
• Pubhs

59 Ip·age

Data Analysis &
No. of Views in December


1-5 Dec. 3K

6-10 Dec. 2K

11-15 Dec. 6K

16-20 Dec. 9K
21-25 Dec.

26-30 Dec. 5.SK

I -

No.of Views
10 K

7.5 K


2.5 K

1•5 oec. 6-10 Dec. 11-15 Dec. 16-20 Dec. 21-25 oec. 26-30 Dec.

From 1he above data it is found out that the highest No. of Views are between 16-
20 December, which is 9k & the lowest No. of Views are between 6-IO December,

which is 2k.

Watch Time (Hours) 1•0 Decemb er

- 1
- 1-5 Dec. 0.5K
6-10 Dec. 0.7K
11-15 Dec. LOK
16-20 Dec. 1.3 K
21-25 Dec.
26-30 Dec. 1.4 K
I -

1.5 K



OK - -
- - - 6-10
- -Dec.
- - -11•15
- -Dec.
--- --
16-20 -. --21 ·2·s_D
Dec ec. -26-30
____ -- Dec.

From the above data it is found out that the highest Watch Time (Hour) is between
21-25 December• which is 2.Ok & the lowest Watch Time (Hour), is between 1-5

December, which is o.Sk.

61 \ Page
No. of Subscribers Gain in December
No. of Subscribers
1-5 Dec.
6-10 Dec.
11-15 Dec.
280 -
16-20 Dec. -
21-2S Dec. -
26-30 Dec. -
No. of Subscribers Gain



0 - - - - - --- -
1-5 Dec. 6,10 Dec. 11-15Oec. 16,20 Dec. 21-25 Dec. - 26-; Dec.


From the above data it is found out that the highest No. of Subscriber Gain is
between 21-25 December, which is 300 & the lowest No. of Subscriber Gain, is
between 1-5 December, which is 150.

62 I P age
No. of Views in (January to April)
1-15 Jan. 50K
16-31 Jan. 75K
1-15 Feb. 85K
16-28 Feb. 35K
1-15 March. 22K
16-31 March. 100K
1-15 April. 50K
16-30 April 35K -





From the above data it is found out that the highest No. of Views are between 16-
31 March, which is I00k & the lowest No. of Views are between 1-15 December,

which is 22k.

- - -- - - - -

63 I P3 ge
Watch T'une (Hours)· (
1'11\fi in January to April)
1-15 Jan. -.--- WATCH TIME (HOURS)
16-31 Jan. LOK
1-15 Feb.
16-28 Feb.
1-15 March.
16-31 March.
1-15 April. 3.0K
16-30 April

2 K





I I'

._'d~ ,.,

,,. ~•' -.ii.~·
..,.... *"'q

From the above data it is found out that the highest Watch Time (Hour) is. between
1-15 April, which is 6.2k & the lowest Watch Time (Hour), is between 1-15

January, which is 1.0k.

64 jPa ge
No. of Subscribe rs G ain in (J anuarv to April)
TIME PERIOD No. of Subscribers
1-15 Jan. 900

16-31Jan. 500

1-15 Feb. 750

16-28 Feb. 950 7

1-15 March. 300

16-31 March. 100

1-15 April. 425
I 16-30 April 650

No. of Subscriber Gain


From the at,ove data it is found out that the highest No. of Subscriber Gain is
between I 6-28 FebruarY• which is 950 & the lowest No. of Subscriber Gain is

March, which is 100.

16 31
between -

65 ----
I Pag e

Indian customers are highly information seek Th · h' & 1· te ·

ers. ey are mto watc mg 1s nmg
news, then believing it instead of reading it.

Advertisements have high impact for creating stimulus in Indian customers. But this
stimulus will get in to action only through Celebrities & Influencers.
Indian consumers have high tendency to go for online purchase. They have high affinity
to go online for electronic products, cloths, etc. To purchase it they first seek the video
proof related to it, and then think about purchasing it.
One of the current trends in Indian youth and young Indians are watching the T.V
programs on Y ouTube. May be the main reason is convenience of time, they can watch
programs which they had skipped due to some reasons.
The same thing is happening for the newspaper also, people have more affinity towards
online news portals. Here's the reason may be they can get news updates very early; they
don't need to wait for daily newspapers.
From the fitrst part Of th .,s research itself' we know that customers are highly information
seeker. It may be th e reason for high trust in online ads or news. They can search for
· aft er seeing an ad & also watch the live coverage of the news.
more .mformat,on . .
. ti t
Most of the Indians pre er o purchase from a retail shop only, but before gomg to retail
ho they will seek video.
or ·mtiormation about the product through . YouTube
. or an onlme
s p . h nge happens in consumer buymg Journey, early times
latform. Here is actua 11 y c a . .
P fter seeing the product m a retail shop.
b lief a product on IYa .
consumer e t conviction about a product before going to retai 1
. ustomers want to ge .
But now Indian c . h ant to convince their customers before gomg to a
o from a marketers view t ey w
h S
retail shop. over digital platforms because the customer will do
. d cool presence . .
Bran ds want to bu1I a t after seeing. an ad or after watching a review video.
h about the produc . to reach target group in a cost effective manner.
researc • g more touch pomts
d are gettin
Bran s

, Identify Which Videos Attract the Most Subscribers: Due to our data analysis, we
crune across that in some days, there is high rate offluctuation in the No. of Views, it is
due to some videos are not preforming well on the channel. So it is necessary to identify
which videos attract most of the subscriber base.

, Content should be Unique, Entertaining & Useful for Subscriber: There is high rate
of fluctuation in WATCH TIME, during our analysis. It shows that some of our video
content is not useful to the subscriber or it is not of good quality etc. So it is good to
make good quality videos for your channel.

• Add a YouTube Subscribe Button & YouTube Subscription link in the description
& to Your Videos Also: As per our analysis we find out that conversion rate is not
steady. So to make it steady, it is essential that users are able to locate the Subscription
link or button. So to make the conversion rate steady Add YouTube Subscription Button
to the Video & Add the YouTube Subscription link in the description.

• Do a YouTube Collab to Reach New Viewers: To Grow Your Channel & to get new
· th b st way 1•s to do a Collab with other Youtubers in Niche itself, so that your
viewers, e e
content is seen by new Viewers.

ords Thumbnails, and Video Titles Seriously: Your Keyword,

• Take YouTube Keyw '
. 'd T'tles helps in getting your video ranking acc. to the YouTube
Thumbnail, & Yi eo 1
e accepted by Youtube Algorithm, your video is raked in
al orithm. If these factors ar
g . hich will help you to grow your channel.
YouTube trending page, w

. New Videos: To keep a YouTube channel analytics steady, you

r Stop Posting
• :Neve . gularly. So that subscribers don't get disappointed & start
keep posting re
rnust . . your channe . 1

fhe successful completion of this project indicates that the future of marketing is in the hands of
digital. Digital marketing is not only concerned with placing ads in portals, it consists of
integrated services and integrated channels. Marketers want to use these components in an
effective way to reach target groups and to build a brand. In this digital era marketer is not the
custodian for a brand, people who are connected across the digital platforms are the custodians.

Brands want to build their presence over digital platform, because customers have high affinity
towards digital media than other media's. More than that customers are highly information
seekers and digital media is the only platform for two way communication between brands and

Digital media/news channels are the best platform to convert a product to a brand. Because it is
more cost effective and it provide lot of touch points to marketer. Brands can able to engage their
target groups in an effective way through digital platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube,
Google etc. Digital media is not only for engagement, brands can increase their customers or
they can retain their existing customers. Digital platforms help to increase the impact of brand
recall in target groups.

The research focused on the digital marketing & YouTube optimization shows that, Indian
. hly 1·n&ormation seeker and they will do research about a product before going
consumers are h 1g 11

. S b d want to give platforms to consumers to understand their product or to

to a retail shop. o ran s
get a really feel of that brand ·
. . t report will be at most useful for marketers to understand the
I honestly believe that this proJeC . . . . .
f t re strategies for YouTube optim1zat1on to improve their
digital marketing and also to p1an u u .

brand visibility.
. • that "Brands can't sustain without a digital face".
h by quoting again
I conclude my researc

68 IP age

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, FICCI-KPMG industry report, 2014. The stage is set. [online] Available from: 72/FICCI-Frames-2014-KPMG-Report-
Summary.pdf [Accessed on 24 May, 2022]
Says Digital Advertising In India Up 30% In 2013; Rs 3402 Cr Expected In 2014.
[online] Available From:
advertising-in-india-30-in-2013-rs-3402-cr-expected-in-2014/ (Accessed on 24 May,

• FICCI-KPMG industry report, 2014. The stage is set. [online] Available from: FICCI-KPMG-Report-2014:-Indian-ME-
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htt :// ital-advertisin -in-india-statistics-trends-2013

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• MADS, . Demand Side Plajtorm:What is a DSP and Why You Need One for RTB.
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[onhne] vat 1a e ·-
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:c=-- rne Advertising Explained: DMPs, SSPs, DSPs and R'(B. [online]
RAN JU,201 3. 0 n z .
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. o ulation-
h :// o . 2013/ [Accessed on 24 ay'

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h ://www.indiaonline a o ulation/india-current- o ulation.html [Accessed on
24 May, 2022)

• TOI,2014. Indian to have 243 million internet user byjune 2014: JAMAL [online)
Available from: htt ://timesofindia.indiatimes.corn/tech/tech-news/lndia-to-have-243-
million-intemet-users-by-June-2014-IAMAI/articleshow/29563698.cms [Accessed on 24
May, 2022)

• TOI,2013.With 243 million users by 2014, India to beat US in internet reach: Study.
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mar etma ifD' . ,,. k . . ,,.
S 2013. Pull or Pus·h·. Which Type o 1g1ta11V1Gr . etmg 1s. most Effective ?.
• Pamela, ·,
. =~~-::-:----:--::-~----=~~ce.::
·// ww i ost.corn/blo ema1l-marketm ush-or- ull-
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[onlme) Avai a • · I marketmg-i . .5-most-effective/ [Accessed on 24 May, 2022]
which-type-of-d1g1ta -

10 IP age

;\wareness Regarding of YouTube as a Marketing Tool.

I) How do you get latest News Update?

r Newsletters

r Family
r Newspaper
C YouTube

r Podcast

2) Do you read News about Poultry?

(' Yes

r No

3) In which time period the No. of Views are highest in the month of December?

r 16-20 Dec.

r 6-1 0 Dec.

r 1-10 Dec

r 26-30 Dec.

r 12-18 Dec.

W tch a News on YouTube?

4) Did you ever a
1 Yes

1 No

71 IP age
S) In which time period the No. of Views are lowest in the month of December?

n 16-20 Dec.

r J-10 Dec

r 6-10 Dec

Ji 26-30 Dec.
6) Do you watch Poultry News on YouTube?

r: Yes

'- No

7) In which time period the No. of Subscriber gain is highest in the month of December?

r, 21-25 Dec.
C: 1-5 Dec.

8) In which time period the No. of Subscriber gain is lowest in the month of December?

r 21-25 Dec

r 1-SDec.

9) Do you read News through on me.

r ?

('; Yes

(" No

top or pC?
10) Do you have a IaP

r Yes

r: ").Jo

"Tl, n do you use these gadgets?
Jl) vv11e

fj While watching TV

0 Office
r For watch News

D With friends

12) Do you ever notice advertisements ads on YouTube?

C Yes

C No

13) In 4 month time period (January to April), When is the highest No. of Subscriber gain is?

r 16-30 April
r 1-15 Jan.
r 16-31 March
r 16-28 Feb.

14) Mention one form of media from the list below, which you give more importance?

r Online

C Newspaper

r YouTube

C Out Door Hoarding

73 IP age
15)/n 4 m
onth time period (January to April), When is the lowest No. of Subscriber gain is?•

r 16-31 March

r 16-31 March
r 16-28 Feb.
16-30 April

/6) In 4 month time period (January to April), what is the highest No. of Views we get?

r lOOk

17) In 4 month time period (January to April), what is the lowest No. of Views we get?

r 90k

r !Ok

r 22k

r JOOk



74 IP age


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