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A Study on problem and challenges of working women

with special reference to MESCOM


Women's integration into the workforce has clearly

advanced in today's society, but there are still a
number of obstacles to overcome. Women are joining
the labour force at an evolving rate, yet they face many
obstacles that impede their growth in the workplace
and general well-being. Promoting inclusive workplaces
and gender equality require an understanding of and
commitment to solving these issues.

The purpose of this study is to examine the various

issues and challenges faced by working women in
various fields and businesses. We aim to offer insights
that can guide practices, policies, and actions targeted
at fostering more fair work environments by thoroughly
analysing these issues.
A Study on problem and challenges of working women
with special reference to MESCOM

Gender discrimination is one of the most common

difficulties that working women confront. Despite
major advances in social views towards gender
equality, employment discrimination persists in a
variety of forms. Women frequently face biases in
hiring, promotion, and compensation discussions
resulting in unequal possibilities for professional
growth and economic empowerment.
Furthermore, many working women continue to
struggle with maintaining a work-life balance. The
traditional gender roles and expectations put on
women frequently push them to balance several tasks,
such as caring, housework, and professional
obligations. Balancing these responsibilities can cause
stress, fatigue, and discontent in both job and personal

Another key difficulty is the prevalent gender pay gap,

where women, on average, earn less than their male
colleagues for performing.
A Study on problem and challenges of working women
with special reference to MESCOM

1. the Glass Ceiling: Exploring Challenges Faced by

Working Women"

2."Juggling Responsibilities: An Investigation into the

Struggles of Working Women"

3."Unveiling the Invisible Workforce: A Study on

Challenges Faced by Women in the Workplace"

4."Gendered Struggles: Understanding the Unique

Challenges Confronting Working Women"

5."Beyond the Double Shift: Examining the

Complexities of Women's Work-Life Balance"

6."Barriers and Breakthroughs: Investigating the

Obstacles Encountered by Working Women"

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