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FEN rene pas «pcb and needs ely rom is tend Mohamins White a sentence to complete each email vec. Read the emai Ise thee word in pares ce ee nineses, shmedorre gion com word Hi Mone Ok. Here 100M. | Seri my been nissay He hes answered meyer Been four dayst (1) gronden twlender jf he fe Asad at re. got your email. Don’t worry. I'm not busy right nove FF tmconvenionce) Meure not incomeniencing meatal micharned@enegagoal com L_spom_ Hello Anmed, Don't worry 50 much. Do you remember that time | thought you weren't answering my e of course! Although you sent emails, | didn’t get them, twas a technical problem. My computer was not sending your emails to my in-box. 2) (spam) epotogize Mohammed, | Oh, no! What do | do-now? Just youremail,I sent my boss ano: You were it because | thought he was not pa nto my previ t Me. (3) (apologize) lage ote Uthina dacha poles J2 = | fev last Fara il. EF saxch o0ch expression with ts dofintion 1, be onthe road ®. be excited about 2. import b. 3, _b. take advantage of & beonatip 4. urgent 4. very important 5, GL look forward to @. bring in from another country Y compte te semences wit your own wa ae april iy Cos a im On the road right now. RPO 1.255 (° Socause tm on tre co0d right now ‘ 2 Broihowhyoure ter own J /haK About you al the tm 3. | 100k advantage of every wonderful minute of my vacation becaus 4 | will be in your for a few days and all the hotels are full. Do you think Munaeuid pie} ie Up 2 eis h Fi looking forward to Vv. against. for. of. an. in, anc EV complete ine sentences. use the prepor tions about, o 1. My brothers dreaming OF ot answering ¥« 2. I'd like to apologize fe F_— no! a" JLo heving cinmer wath you next w 3, | look forward nner get 106 4, I'm thinking, of having od a Can you come? 5, She's tired _ of. _ going to school every day. 6. We succeeded _| r___ saving the big tree in the P the street 7, My grandmother asked fst learning to use email & They'e insisting_CoI___ having new computers in school next year 9. When are you gaing to apologize bo ___ Abdullah _ For forgetting his graduation day? 40. We look forward oie meeting your new friend. 1. He decided against getting a job for the summer. 12. Ibrahim asked bout taking you to the desert 57 tts Jette) Wine a Complete the sentences, Use the prepositions about, of. or to. 4. My catis used ee sleeping in its basket. 21m ved OF swaying for my biology test, 3. My whol . ‘My whole family is excited Aboufsoing to visit my aunt in Abha, ‘You : mecepabie OF dong aio vt ‘in math, TE Complete tne sentences. about you and the people 1 my trandoos fowerd to sloepiag late on th ee 2, Myparents are interested_Jn Starting eur Vacal bn early 2 arene weit ected cada iets Giving atest Joprorr ou a tmied cf si othe gym everY da Y ee s moonoverabout going ts thedinebon Saturday 6. Mysstevbrotnerisihinking OF Getting. a NeulCsmPu Leb % My mother msi Coal Ag dinnee Fer ws 8. My schools football team succeeded jy wlaning the cht pplonship this year a toseda boul dri ving My. brothe’ ar te scheol 40. Myler hes alaays creamed of idling bys bike across the ounbrs ee) Reo plete the sentences. Use although or in spite of. A ltho wg h he works very hard, he doesn't make much money, stil has problems with Russian jaspit ee studying every night Walkedto school JA SPIFE OF _ the an r) he bought his ticket early, he still didn't get a good seat.on the plane. ithe new Seth Anderson novel, Although - she didn't like the DVD, his broken leg, he still went on the ski vacation. papplication. ET complete tne sentences. Use the verb in parentheses 4. Ill send you an email as soon as | h ear from him. (hean 2. Kim will call her parents when she ZLK EL 25 _ at her hotel. (arrive) 3. My computer tells me when | —Fet spam. (get) 4, As soon as you jalien 6 right atthe light, you'll see my house on the tok», 5. Will you clean your room when you ged. home this aftemoon? (ger, 6. My neighbors turn on the TV loud as soon as! 4 oO _ to sleep (go) 7, Will you cheer tomorrow night when the football players ib to play? 8, Todd will be tired tomorrow when he Finishes ‘work finish) 9, The teacher will tell us Our test scores as soon as they a I i ready. (be) 40. He is going to get.a job as soon as recvadv-2t nn college. (graduate) oes Selene BEB itch tne sentence parts 1, He was so sick 4 a. we had to wait in line for an hour 2. The food was so good 3. There were bien oo ib, | wanted to shake hands with everyone ¢, we almost didn’t make our flight _ We had so ite time _C iy We Bll satin the frontrow at the conference @, we had to cover our ears. El READING Read about the Morse Cade. International Code There are a great many different ways to communicate today, We correspond by emai A we 4 fax. fettor, telephone, and cell phone. Every - Br day, electronics and technology help make ae communication clearer and faster oe 2 ‘Samuel Morse developed the Morse Code ea? Mig ee in the 1940s. This type of communication uses | Et N-- we asystem of short electical signaiscalled “dots =| «=F ose—» 0 - Kk mo and tong electrical signals called “dashes* to | G--. PB omm, Yoins communicate. For example, the international call H Bee? ~ + for help is sent with these signais:+++/———f+ | 4 4, nae ++. You would say it like this: “Dot, dat, dot, dash. dash, dash, dot, dot, dot” Three dots stand for the letter S and three dashes stand for the letter ©. When this SOS signal is sent, it means that som trouble and needs help, Before telephones, Morse's system was used for rapid communication in Europe and JAm Wooden poles carrying wires were set up so the electrical signals could be sent over the wire place to another: One person would tap out the code while & petsan in another place would fist the message, write the code down, and translate itnto letters and wards. This “telegraph” system wa: widely used during the 1800s. ‘Although it seems slow now, compared to today's technology, Morse Cade is stil sometimes used when emergencies occur today. This type of communication works best because it gets through interference better and works vrith very simple radios. Sometimes this is the only and best way to communicate during emergencies. You can learn more about the Morse Code using the Internet. There ar courses courses In its Use \ even schools that offer ran a Wilte T tor True or F for Fatse, 1. Ee Morse Code is faster than emall 2. 7 Morse Code isa system of dots and dashes thet are transmitted electronically The telephone is € Morse Code has BB teswer tne questons 4. What Is your fevorte form of communication? Why? faye fer of GamuUn ication t ul eause it oN fale pehatpite = ema thing beause | 2. Doyou need to communicate tast? Why? yeuldothave facommunicale fas}farPtofessianal eas ons Z How often do you rte leters? Why do you wie thon? lors onc@ok twice amonth Tit fe whe don Fave email ‘do you communicate with family members? Tusually alt fami! members or arbary e fa _see ther 5 Haw do you communicate with friends? Tallatect message, ensil chammunicate face-ta -face cds lw di Ce Bh Reo the situations and write how you would communicate in each case and wry. ‘email letter cellphone landline telegraph textmessage face to face 4. You are at the mall. Your friend hasn't turned up and its getting late, You wantta go home, so you need to getin touch with your brother to get a lit home. fweuld cltand Ip he dida't answer Zwouldbert Wir 2. Fohd is at work. He wants to let his family know that he is. going to be late, but he can't use his cell phone and someone else is using the phone in the office. oF | 3. Youare in the country. There is no Intemet connection and your cell phone Is not working will be returning by train the next day. ft. You don't like it when Ol. Seneca vi) Prote ¢ | i rss at eI Ce 1 weather chang es_are_monite asd so that damage by slaras con be vented 2 The controller watches the scieeenverds Cure Fury so4hat ace donk onbe avsided. 2 lenge scieens are used sa thal mnditions an bé shawn Cleat /y over apiiad abe init 4 Atal See . Lew 0S oa © writing Complete the chart. Use it to help you write about wre you communicate ‘with and how you = communicote with them. ; ews Ct ee Ga J How LF Communtcate Llint fo prmunitate wi th ws y Freids ether by ennaills ohfacclafece. LOomaaicate (ike thes hec age this Py Sim PIO a. a a FEI 00d the information. Complete the conversation. Use used to and alan't wee to. How Technology Has Changed Communication The 1970s and 1980s + People sent letters and cards through the mail, + Students often passed handwritten notes in class, + People used pay phones on the street The 1990s « People started using cell phones. - People started sending emails + People sent e-cards over the Inter GEAD tt) OO) a Disyeuknow that on speci hokday days people Lused da Gendt seng cares through the mail and not aver the internet? Yes, Idid. And alot oftomiies 1 SP fs Mae (2. have) 6 whole drawer fut of envelopes and stamps so that they didn't have to. ng t post office. pant Ugees Viele 0 Omar, | know. Before the 90s, mast people {8. nduihaves cell phanes. Yahya: Right. People (4. use) pay phones on the streets! Omar: They probably 1.5.60 bs Ca HY (6. cary) alot of change in thelr pockets 1o make those calls. : Yahya: Can you believe that students used ts wile write) notes to each other on small pieces of paper and pass them during break time at school? [n't that crazy? | can't imagine being out and about without my smartphone! ‘Me, too. I'm glad | didn't live back then! ‘Omar: Read the answers. Write questions. @: Where did Ali use to live? A: Ali used to live in the country. s , ! email altthe time? 1. @ when he was on vacation. A: check his email allthe time; even’ ; 2 @ (2 answering ma people use to leave messages on telephone answering machines. a A 1. Phebe abe 2, There 3. ghere 15 mine 4 Thebers omputer on th s. fhevé 15 9 cell phone on the kit 6 There ake hair 7 there 15 8, There /5 Sus Lew J Ua Vo cus LR Complete the paragraph with a, an, the or no article (}. cell phone has completely changed the way we cor Fy)_The the digtal world today. (2) "J [42 modern cell phone, or smartphone, is all your whats happening in (2) Th_@. world around you, From a.) cell phon¢ an conan text messages, but you can send (7) pio (9) FRAC _ news in veal ice: (10) The celle

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