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A Study On Impact of Welfare Measure on the Employee

Performance of MESCOM


The relationship between welfare measures and employee

performance has received a great deal of attention in modern
organisational contexts. With the workforce increasingly seen
as an organization's most precious asset, knowing how
welfare measures affect employee performance is critical for
long-term growth and competitiveness. The purpose of this
research is to look at the impact of welfare measures on
employee performance at the Mangalore Electricity Supply
Company (MESCOM).

MESCOM, as a critical body in the energy sector, relies largely

on the efficiency and productivity of its workers to ensure the
uninterrupted delivery of power services to customers.
Employee welfare at MESCOM includes a variety of policies
and initiatives aimed at improving their general well-being,
such as healthcare benefits and financial support, as well as
recreational facilities and professional development
A Study On Impact of Welfare Measure on the Employee
Performance of MESCOM
Understanding the link between welfare metrics and
employee performance is critical to MESCOM's strategic
planning and human resource management. By determining
how welfare measurements affect employee performance,
MESCOM can improve its policies and activities to create a
positive work environment that promotes employee
satisfaction, engagement, and productivity.mpact of

This study will use both qualitative and quantitative research

approaches to thoroughly examine the impact of welfare
indicators on employee performance at MESCOM. It uses
surveys, interviews, and data analysis to discover the main
welfare measurements that have a substantial impact on
employee performance metrics such as work satisfaction,
motivation, absence rates, and task completion efficiency.

The findings of this research endeavor will not only

contribute to the academic understanding of the relationship
between welfare measures and employee perfrmance but
also provide actionable insights for MESCOM's management
to enhance its welfare initiatives and ultimately improve
organizational effectiveness and efficiency.


A Study On Impact of Welfare Measure on the Employee
Performance of MESCOM
1. "Powering Performance: Welfare Measures and
Employee Productivity at MESCOM"

2."Harnessing Welfare: A Study on MESCOM

Employee Effectiveness"

3."Unveiling Effects Welfare Measures and MESCOM

Employee Performance"

4."Optimising Productivity: Welfare Measure Effects


5."Energising MESCOM: Welfare Measures and

Employee Performance"

6."Performance Improvement through Welfare: A


7."Unleashing Opportunities: Investigating MESCOM

Welfare Impact"

8."Welfare Measures and Employee Performance: A

MESCOM Perspective"
A Study On Impact of Welfare Measure on the Employee
Performance of MESCOM

9."Boosting Productivity: Welfare Measures at


10."Illuminating Impact: MESCOM Wellbeing and

Employees Performance"


1. To determine the various welfare measures

adopted at MESCOM

2. To analyse the impact of employee welfare

practices on productivity MESCOM
A Study On Impact of Welfare Measure on the Employee
Performance of MESCOM
3. To study the level of employee satisfaction
towards the Welfare facilities of freed at MESCOM


A Study On Impact of Welfare Measure on the Employee
Performance of MESCOM


MESCOM Recommendations


and Limitations:

A Study On Impact of Welfare Measure on the Employee
Performance of MESCOM

Research Design

In order to obtain thorough data and insights, the

research strategy for MESCOM's investigation into the
influence of welfare measures on employee
performance will use a mixedmethods approach that
combines quantitative and qualitative methodologies.
This method will capture both quantitative metrics and
qualitative viewpoints, enabling a comprehensive
analysis of the relationship between welfare measures
and employee performance.

Research with Quantitative Methods:

A Study On Impact of Welfare Measure on the Employee
Performance of MESCOM

A.Survey Questions: To gather quantitative

information from MESCOM staff members, a
systematic questionnaire will be created. The survey

will contain items intended to gauge many facets of


performance and welfare indicators, such as job

satisfaction, motivation, absence rates, and task
completion efficiency, as well as healthcare benefits,
financial aid, and recreational facilities. To quantify
replies, multiple-choice questions and Likert scales will
be used.

B.Secondary Data Analysis: MESCOM's human

resources department will provide historical
performance data, such as employee productivity
measures and welfare expenditure records. In order to
find patterns and connections between welfare metrics
and worker performance over time, this data will be
A Study On Impact of Welfare Measure on the Employee
Performance of MESCOM

Qualitative Study:

Semi-structured interviews: A number of MESCOM

staff members, including managers, HR staff, and
frontline workers, will participate in in-depth
interviews. The purpose of these interviews is to learn
more about how employees assess the efficacy of
current welfare programmes, how they affect work
output, and what needs to be improved. Thematic
analysis of qualitative interview data will be used to
find reoccurring themes and insights.

b. Focus Group conversations: Employees may be asked

to participate in interactive conversations about
welfare policies and how they believe they affect
performance through focus groups. These talks will
give more quality information and enable MESCOM to
explore different points of view.

Analysing Data:
A Study On Impact of Welfare Measure on the Employee
Performance of MESCOM
a. Quantitative Analysis: Regression and correlation
analysis are two statistical analysis approaches
that will be used to look at the relationship
between welfare

b. Qualitative Analysis: Data from focus groups and

interviews will be analysed using thematic analysis
method. The procedure entails discerning
patterns, themes, and categories within the
qualitative data, so facilitating a more profound
comprehension of the perspectives and
encounters of employees concerning welfare
metrics and performance.
Combining the Results:

Triangulating quantitative and qualitative data will

enable a thorough grasp of how welfare
programmes affect workers' performance at
MESCOM. The research endeavours to produce
sophisticated insights and suggestions for
augmenting welfare activities and enhancing
overall organisational effectiveness by merging the
two forms of data.
A Study On Impact of Welfare Measure on the Employee
Performance of MESCOM
Ethical Considerations:

Ethical considerations, including informed consent,

confidentiality, and data protection, will be adhered to
throughout the research process. Participants will be
informed about the purpose of the study, their
voluntary participation, and the confidentiality of their
responses. Data will be anonymized and securely
stored to protect participants' privacy.

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