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Copyright © 2024 by STEM 11 Blessed James of Viterbo

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form whatsoever
without written permission except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events,
and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any
resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Printed in the Philippines.

For more information, or to book an event, contact:

Book design by Martin C. Fuggan

Cover design by Charlizze Dana G. Zafe

First Edition: March 2022



1 7

2 13

3 20

4 29

5 36


About the Author 46

Acknowledgments 47

About the Author 48

Acknowledgments 49

About the Author 50

Acknowledgments 51

About the Author 52

Acknowledgments 53

About the Author 54

Acknowledgments 55

About the Author 56

Acknowledgments 57

“Innovate Today for a Better Tomorrow.”

Spending the entire day establishing complicated blueprints,

contractors, and clients, I don't have time to rest. I was fixing my things in
my bag so that I could go home early and not be caught by rush hour on the
way home when suddenly my phone rang. I answered it.

“Its Engr. Mariano.” The voice through the phone said.

“Good evening, Engr. Mariano. How could I help you?” I asked.

“Regarding Mr. Briona’s project, I observed some fractures

developing near to the building's base during the most recent examination.
I'm concerned that there could be hidden problems with the design or the
stability of the surface.” Engr. Mariano said.

I sighed. A problem again.

“Definitely. Safety is our top priority, and we don't want to take any
chances with the structural integrity of the building. I will inform Engr.
Harvey regarding this problem. Please tell him as well to arrange a meeting
with the client and their architect to propose necessary steps.” I said calmly
to Engr. Mariano.

Before I left the office, I talked to Engr. Harvey regarding the issue
and he was just as frustrated as me. While I was on my way home, I felt tired
of everything. It seems they everyone were right about life after college is
the real thing. I felt my phone vibrated. I checked and it was an unknown

“Good morning. Thank you for calling ABC Engineering Solutions.
This is Engr. Avellaneda, how may I help you?" I spoke professionally
because I didn’t know who it is.

“Wow! You've changed a lot, Zyran! This is Tiffany. Long time, no

talk.” I was surprised because we didn't talk for so long after graduation. We
had no communication to each other after that.

“Hey Tiffany, how are you? I'm still that Zyran you know, I just
thought it was a client who called. My bad.” I said to her.

“I just got back from the states. The next time I’ll go, I’ll be living
there for good.” She said and I was surprised she was outside the country all
these years. “That’s why when you’re free, let's hang out and catch up. It's
been a while since we talked and I also missed you.” I didn't answer right
away because I didn't want to make a promise that I wouldn't keep.

“I don't know when would I be free because I have an urgent meeting

tomorrow. But, I will text you as soon as I’m available.” I said.

“It’s okay! I understand. Just text me!” I said sure and we hung up.

I'm in my office again checking all these blueprints of Mr. Briona’s

project. I’m almost about done with my job for today so I texted Tiffany that
I can come later after my visit to the site. She texted back and sent me the

I left early today than the usual because I want to have my time for
myself as well. I also want to see my friends in SHS because I realized we
parted ways too quickly.
The ride to get there was quick because there wasn’t much traffic. I
entered the coffee shop and I already saw Tiffany. There was another girl
with her. But since she was facing her back to me, I can’t tell who she is.

“Hi, guys!” I said as I approached them. And there, I was shocked

to see Olivia.

“Long time, no see, Engr. Zyran!” She gave me a tight hug I could
barely breathe anymore.

“How are you, guys? I miss you all so much.” I said to them.

“Here, I’m finally happy with my profession and,” She raised her
hand and showed us a ring on her ring finger, “I am happily married!”
Tiffany said with a big smile to her face.

“I’m happy and contented with my work in Amsterdam. But

working could be hell too. It makes me want to experience a lifelong
vacation.” Olivia said.

“I’m happy for you for the both you. It's just like when we were
senior high students, don’t you think? It’s stressful whether it's right for us
to be here or not” I said and we just laughed.

“Right! I didn’t want to take the STEM before as I told you guys
before. I wanted to take HUMSS. I wanted to become a lawyer but my
parents didn’t believe in me.”

“Well, look at you now! You proved them wrong.” I said.

I missed the energy of everyone. They used to be my comfort when
I was having a hard time at school. With them, everything becomes light and

“You still remember that one student who suffered?” Olivia brings
up that topic.

“Who? O-oh! Yeah.” Tiffany’s mood changed. And so did mine.

“Yes, I still vividly remember what happened.” I said.

“Everyone was shocked that time, even us. I couldn’t believe it.”
Olivia said while drinking her coffee.

We talked to each other until it was time to say goodbye.

“Thank you guys for the time and effort. I appreciate it. I wish the
best for you guys. Keep on aiming higher. I'm always here behind you!”
Tiffany said.

“Thank you so much. I appreciate your presence today. I will miss

you guys. Good luck on your future journey!” I said giving them a hug.

“Thank you so much. I’m grateful I had you as my friends at

school.” Olivia said.

We took a selfie before we go home and I my time with them.

As I was walking towards my home, I suddenly remembered the

topic about the student who suffered. It’s been years since that happened. It
was something I didn’t expect.

Now, I’m reminded once again of a story I forever held on to.


The greatest mistake is when you don't take a risk.

My gaze lingers for a few moments at the fortune cookie held out
in my hand. My mind wanders at the thought of choosing my strand for
senior high school. It's only a few months away that I am about to start
my first year.

"STEM is the best choice. STEM is the best choice. STEM is the
best choice."

My mother's words would echo in my brain and it seemed to drift

me into an empty white room with no windows, no doors, and no
anything. My mind was a complete blank canvas unsure of what to paint.
It is as if I am stargazing but foggy clouds were depriving me of the
answer to whether STEM was the brightest star behind them.

STEM is the hardest, they say. I snap back to reality and set aside
the cookie. There is no use deliberating further. As a STEM student, there
will be a lot of opportunities that can help me improve and boost my
confidence. I could enhance my critical and creative thinking skills which
would help me in my future career. I just hope my judgment is not wrong
and that I won't regret my decision. I wish once school starts, I would
enjoy it and I will love it and it will be easy and I can do it and —

“You can do it.” My head snaps to the voice of my mother.

“What?” I asked, confused as I didn't hear her fully.

“Enroll for senior high school. I’ll be busy with my work. You
can do it yourself, right?” She slides her laptop towards me and I lean
forward to see what it says..

Admissions for Senior High School and College for 1st
Semester, AY 2023-2024 are now open!

Enrollment will start on July 20, 2023 (Thursday).

Please be informed that classes for College and Senior

High School departments will start on July 31, 2023

The first day of school is just around the corner. It's a few weeks
away and I am tying my shoelace to head to school. I have to pass all my
requirements as well as attend an interview.

“I think my mother is right. STEM is the best choice.” I told the

school’s counselor as she jots down notes on a piece of paper. She's the
one conducting every interview of the enrollees. It went on for a few more
minutes and she dismissed me.

“Thank you so much, Zyran.” She gave me the tenderest smile I

have probably seen in my life. “Welcome to San Sebastian.”

“Thank you, Ms. Arella.” I smiled back and headed out the door.

“Ms. Chavez?” I heard her call through the door and a girl strutted
her way inside while fixing her collar. There were other students sitting
waiting for their turn. They were either scrolling and tapping on their
phone or filling out a form. Some were alone and the others were with
their parents.

I made my way outside the campus and took the bus home. I was
greeted with my mother cooking in the kitchen. I did not even realize how
late I got home today. It was already 6 p.m. and it was never like this

back when I was in junior high school. My previous school was much
closer from my house and the dismissal of classes were much earlier. It
brings me back again to the reality that I am about to partake into
something completely new and different. I will not be with my previous
friends anymore as they all took different strands. I am now sitting by the
dining table and I cannot help but stare blankly at the plate in front of me.
It’s as if the plate was a tv screen flashing pictures of me finally being a
STEM student. The only problem was that the pictures were always me
failing and not catching up to any of the lessons. Ever since I graduated,
I was still contemplating on which strand to take. And now, I am
worrying whether my decision is correct or not.

“Zy, can you help me here?” My mother calls for me and I blink
a few times before I become aware again of her presence. These days,
my mind easily goes all over the place and it becomes harder to untie the
tangled thoughts inside my brain.

“Sorry?” I asked.

“I need you to throw these into the bin.” She points to the mess
at the sink and I immediately obey. I cleaned up and took all the litter to
throw it but our bin was nowhere to be found.

“You can throw it over there.” She pointed behind me and I saw
a bin with attached wires at the back of it. I approached it and I was only
less than a foot away from it when it suddenly opened automatically. I
stopped on my tracks and was taken aback by it opening on its own. I
faced my mother with shock, confusion, and amazement on my face.

“What’s this?” I asked and my voice was not able to hide the
curiosity for the automatic trash bin. I was looking like a fool, stepping a
few steps backward and forwards repeatedly. Every time I’m less than a

foot away, the bin would open and when I step further from it, it would
close on its own.

“It’s my class’s prototype for their research project. It’s an

automated trash bin with a hand sanitizer feature.” She explained and I
didn't even realize my jaw was dropping.

“A what —”

“Try it. Put your hand below the sensor.” My mother cut my
words off and as I looked back at it, I noticed a red indicator light. Below
it is a fixture where your hands are supposed to go. I placed my hand
below it and an adequate amount of sanitizer came out. For the first time
ever, my worries about my strand seemed to be going up in a puff of
smoke. I actually felt excited. My eyes lit up at the prototype in front of
me and my heart was jumping eagerly in my chest. My head was a
balloon not because it’s about to explode but because it was light and
empty with ‘what ifs’ and overthinking. I smiled at myself and rubbed
the sanitizer all over my hands.

If this is what’s waiting for me at STEM, I am decided.

“Zy! Are you up?” I hear my mother knocking hard while calling
for me behind the door.

“Yeah, I am!” I answered loud enough for her to hear me.

It’s July 31 and it’s the first day of school. I got prepared earlier
than I intended to because I woke up even before my alarm went off. I’m
already standing in front of my mirror as I button my shirt. I grabbed my
bag and headed to the dining area.

“Oh, you're dressed up already?” My mother asked when she

noticed me. “Eat before you go.”

As soon as I finished eating, I took the bus to head to my new

school. The day is still early and the sun has not yet blazing and boiling
the world until it becomes a sweaty mess, leaving stenches at every
corner. The breeze is cool against my skin as I watch the streets blur
through the speed of the bus I’m riding. I kept my eyes outside the open
window throughout the ride until I arrived.

I walked from hallways to hallways, stairs to stairs, and took turns

after turns. Room A-12. I see the room numbers just above every door.
Room A-11. I walk slower as I get nearer to the room I was assigned to.


There it is.

“Zyran?” A voice appeared behind me just as I was about to open

the door. I turned around and saw a familiar face. She’s tall but still a bit
smaller than me. She has her wavy, long, brown hair tucked behind her
left ear. I look at her eyes and they are an obvious brown. No sunlight

was needed for it to be noticeable. When she got a clear view of me, she
wore a smile and raised her pointy finger towards me.

“Zyran, right? Our last year’s valedictorian?” She asked.

“Tiffany,” We weren’t entirely close. She was at my previous

school but she was in another section. “Didn’t expect to see you here.” I
still offered a smile back.

“Yeah! Were you assigned to Room A-10 as well?” She seemed



Tiffany is the epitome of gregarious.

“Great! I’ll have someone to teach me math. You have no choice

but to sit next with me now. I have no bad intentions, don’t worry. You’re
not my type.”

And extremely unnecessarily talkative.

“Why’d you take STEM? Weren’t you excelling better at

writing? I would assume you’ll take HUMSS.” I said.

Tiffany won numerous awards at writing competitions. She was

always the representative of our school before.

“Oh.” I noticed her face changed. “Just thought I needed to

improve in other fields. Nothing special, really.” She smiled at me.

I don’t think I believe that. But I know better than to be
meddlesome. Being interrogated like a suspect in an empty room wasn’t
a particularly good feeling. Especially questions from someone you
barely know.

We went inside our classroom and it was still less than half full.
Some students were sitting well-behaved at their seats and some were
chit chatting quietly with their friends. There was no teacher yet. We took
seats at the middle corner beside the window and we could see the view
of the quadrangle below.

The whole time we were all waiting for the teacher, Tiffany was
using all her energy talking about the most random thing I’ve ever heard.
Her voice was even the loudest in the room.

“I learned about Tunki birds yesterday. If you ever want to get

back at someone, I think you should compare them to that bird. I bet it’ll
make them confused. And maybe a little offended?” She laughed at her
own words. “Kidding.” She stopped laughing and smiled slightly.

She went on like that for minutes after minutes until a teacher
came in. He was a middle-aged man wearing a polo shirt. He went
towards his desk and greeted everyone.

“Good morning, class.”

Everyone stood up and simultaneously greeted back.


The first day of school was not anything unusual. We were only
introduced to each other and to every teacher’s subjects. It’s been days
since the first day but so far, I’m not having any problems. Our seating
arrangement was never changed so me and Tiffany ended up staying
beside each other. She never stopped talking when she had a chance. But
that wasn’t totally a bad thing. I liked her company. She made class
meetings fun for me and I admit I’m grateful to her for that.

“Do you want to study for our quiz?” I asked Tiffany as we both
headed to the canteen.

“Sure! I think I have a few questions. Will you help me?” She
asked as she went straight to an empty table and dropped her notebook
on it.

“Anytime.” I answered with a smile and took a seat in front of


Later after our break, we will be taking our first quiz at

probability and statistics. I managed to fully understand the lesson so I
hope I will do well later.

“The possible outcomes when a die is thrown are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and

6. Therefore, the total number of possible outcomes is 6. If a die is rolled
once, the total number of possible outcomes of getting a four is one. So,
the final answer can be expressed as…” I started writing in her notebook.

P (rolling a 4) = ⅙

“... the probability of getting a four is equal to 1 over 6.” I looked

at her and saw her tapping her pen on her head.

She nods. “Oh, okay. How about this one?”

We were studying while occasionally spooning food on our

mouth until it was time to return. We took the quiz and fortunately, I got
a perfect score. I turned my head towards Tiffany and saw her head bent
down on the desk.

“How’s yours?” I asked.

“Two mistakes.” She said in monotone.

“That’s only two. And those were the confusing ones.” I tried to
comfort her.

“Yeah, but 5 points each, really?” She sat up aggressively and

fixed her hair. She turned towards me and was looking at me like it was
my fault. Her brows were furrowed and her lips were pursed.
“What’s with that look?” I raised an eyebrow.

“What look?” She also tried raising an eyebrow but the other was
going upwards as well which made me laugh. She realized she can’t do
it and ended up laughing as well. She kept trying to raise only one
eyebrow but failed every time. We both couldn't stop not finding it funny
but we had to hold back our laughs because our teacher was still there.

It was such a moment. It felt nice having a friend.

I’m glad she took STEM.


Weeks are surprisingly quick to pass. Midterms are already
coming near and our tasks are stacks up on stacks. Last week, we were
given assignments and almost all of them were due today. The other day,
we had 3 presentations. Yesterday, we took 3 quizzes, and today, we are
given an impromptu debate in science.

“Let me ask you a question, class.”

“What is a more viable option in addressing global energy needs?

Renewable energy sources or fossil fuels?” Sir Cairo asked in front of the
whole class. “Miss —”

“Fossil fuels. Fossil fuels give us a significant convenience in our

community as it is much cheaper and more accessible while still
generating a great amount of electricity…” A girl suddenly answered.

Tiffany and I both turned our heads at the same time at the back
of the room to take a glance at the girl. It was Olivia. I saw a glimpse of
people sharing looks of shock because she didn’t even bother raising her
hand before answering or waiting for the teacher to call names.

“...that’s why fossil fuels are —”

“Ms. Olivia's statement is right, however, when talking about

availability, what we have to consider is its resources. Renewable energy
has mostly infinite resources which mostly includes solar, wind, and
water. Moreover, it has a less impact on the environment unlike fossil
fuels which produce a lot of pollution. Unlike fossil fuels…” A boy also
stood up and interrupted her.

The boy finished and the class applauded the boy. I saw Olivia’s
face redden. The teacher stood there and seemed like he had given up on
even trying to stop them.

“Whatever!” She said as emphasized every syllable. She

slammed the notebook held in her hand on her desk and walked out of
the classroom.

“Whatever!” One of the students jeered.

“Such a show-off.” I heard one of them whisper.

“She’s so immature.”

“How come she’s an 11th grader yet still acts like a brat?”

The class was murmuring insults towards Olivia.

“She’s so —"

“Class, calm down!” Sir Cairo’s voice echoed through the whole
room. “Mr. Cruz, meet me at my office after classes. Kindly bring Ms.
Olivia with you.”

The whole class went quiet as Sir Cairo was preparing to leave.
He headed towards the door and left the room. As soon as he was out of
sight, the class went back to chit-chatting about Olivia.

“I can’t believe that happened.” Tiffany said. “I feel bad for
Olivia, that was probably very humiliating.”

I just shrugged and looked out the window. I honestly didn't know
what to say. During the first few days of school, Olivia easily became the
most hated classmate in our room.

“I told you your idea is way too time-consuming and expensive.”

I said to Olivia.

We were assigned our first task in life and earth science to make
a coastal model. It was due within 2 weeks and she keeps suggesting
making a massive model a winner will be chosen out of the 5 groups
divided. It honestly wouldn't be a problem only if workloads weren't
starting to pile up. We had to save time for the other subjects as well
especially research. Aiming for producing a model in such a massive size
while having to attend to heavy workloads doesn't seem too feasible for
me and for everyone else. We already voted if we we're in agreement with
Olivia but all of us said no.

“But I need to have good grades! This is a performance task! I

can't afford to slip up, you don't understand!” Olivia said. She doesn't
seem convinced.

“Sorry, but majority disagrees with you. Making the biggest

model out of every groups here doesn't guarantee that it'll be the best. In
fact, just by making the most accurate one even in a reasonable size will
increase our chance of winning.” I said and everyone nodded their

However, Olivia stood on her ground and was hard to convince.
It took a few long minutes to get into an agreement so our argument went
for longer than necessary.

“Do whatever you want then. I bet people like you never succeed
in the end. Always settling for just ‘enough’.” She stood up and crossed
her arms over her chest just as when the teacher announced dismissal.
She walked away from us with her brows furrowed and jaw clenching.

What happened between our group speeded throughout the entire

class and ever since then, they never liked Olivia.

The quadrangle was empty. The only noise that was probably
heard below is the slights breezes and the only chaos was the specks of
dust and fallen leaves circling the ground.

Beyond the window, there I saw Olivia. Her shoulders were

heaving as she occasionally brings her palms on her face as if she's
wiping some dirt on her face — wait, is she crying? I watch her sit on a
bench and rest her elbows on her knees as she covers her face with her
hands. Now that I see her clearly, it seems like the breezes had a
companion. It now has Olivia’s sobs to communicate with and those
specks of dust and leaves now has drops of tears as a new playmate.

Except Olivia probably still felt alone. The breeze was cold and
the dust must be suffocating.

Classes were about to be dismissed and Olivia is back in our

room. She was silent the whole time. Her eyes were a bit red and her nose
won't stop sniffing.
“Let's go?” I heard Tiffany.

“Right. Let's go home.” I said.

As we were walking through the hallways. I searched for my

wallet in my pockets and but it was empty.

“Wait. Where's my wallet?” I asked Tiffany?

“Huh? Did you check your bag?” She asked back.

I did but it wasn't there.

“I’ll go check in the room.” I said as I walk away from her.

“I'll wait for you downstairs!” She shouts from her place and I
wave a hand at her.

I was nearing to our room and just as I was about to turn right, I
stopped in my tracks when I saw Olivia and some grown woman which
looked like her mother. They had almost the same features.

“Do you realize that I was called here just to hear your
misbehavior at class? You were always incapable of being the top of your
class. Being the “second best” in everything is the only thing you'll
probably excel at and now,” I heard the woman said and I hid behind the
wall so they won't see me. “don't tell me you'll fail at it too?” Her mother
asked calmly. But even I could tell that there was deep anger inside those
words and probably was holding back since they were in a public place.

I took a peek and saw Olivia. Her back was facing me and her
head was bent down. She was fiddling with her fingers as she finds the
right words to say.

“N-no. I didn't mean — I just wanted to —” Olivia stuttered.

“Forget it. The next time this happens, forget about studying.”
Her mother said firmly.

She walks towards my direction and I take a few steps backwards

and pretend I just only came here. She passes by me and I go straight into
the room without looking at Olivia. I search the room and —

“Hey, is this what you're looking for?” I turned and saw Olivia
holding out my wallet.

“Yes.” I said but I couldn't take the wallet for some reason and
just stood there. I didn't know how to act after hearing them earlier. She
noticed I wasn't getting it so she placed it down on one the desk near me.

“There you go.” She forced a smile at me.

“Thanks.” I said but I think it came out in a whisper. I took my
wallet and starts heading out the door —

“Uh, Zyran?” She said and I slightly flinched. “I’m…”

“Yeah?” I asked.

“I’m sorry.”

And the next second, I was left alone inside the room.


All the feels and endless fun are getting the vibe of my everyday
life at San Sebastian. On a corner of the campus, a booth speaker are
encouraging students to joining their publication club.

“The application are now ongoing on Arrows, join us as we

pierce through on our everyday lives.” The speaker said.

As I gave my application to Arrows —

"Oh, wait! I almost forgot to tell you that I met a new friend who
is an officer of the Arrows.” Tiffany suddenly said.

“Hi! Nice to meet you. Let me introduce myself. I am Calix.” The

officer said smiling.

“Hey, nice to meet you.” I smiled back at him.

"I feel like I’m going to die with all these submissions. This
school is taking my life away from me.” Tiffany said and grabbed my
shoulder dramatically. She shook me aggressively as I try to let go from
her grip. “Zy,” She turned to Calix. “Calix, I need my life back. Hang out
with me.” Tiffany started fake crying and I shake my head. She's always
like this. She loves to be extremely dramatic.

“How about the new coffee shop nearby?” Calix suggested.

Tiffany gasped and we both looked at her.

“Perfect!” She said and clapped her hands. “I’ve missed coffee!
Did you just read my mind?” She asked and put her hands over her mouth
while her eyes widened at Calix.

Calix and I laughed.

“Coffee sounds good. Let’s finish our assignment along the way
too. How does that sound?” I asked

“Brilliant!” They both said at the same time.

Calix led the way to the cafe and we sat on the long sofa by the
window. Tiffany took the menu and sat in between me and Calix.

"Good morning, Ma'am and Sir, what can I help you with?" A
waiter approached our table.

“One caramel macchiato and a choco chip brownie please." I


“Matcha frappe and chicken sandwich." Tiffany said.

"Mocha frappe and chocolate cake for me, please." Calix said.

As we were waiting for our orders, Tiffany shared a story of her

recent interaction with Olivia.

"She just asked whether students were allowed at the rooftop.

And I said ‘Yes, if you have a position at school.’ For example, Calix
could enter since he's an officer in Arrows.” She went on and on and we
just listened until our orders came.

We started working on our assignments and would sometimes

help one another out. Having them with me made the demands of STEM
strands less stressful. As the semester progressed, everything became
bearable and lighter.

Or so I thought.

It's another day of classes and Sir Mark came to our room for our
homeroom session. He was fixing his laptop so we could see what he had
prepared for the PowerPoint. He sat down and flashed on the screen the
possible schedule for the event this week.

“Is everyone excited for the most anticipated event this coming
week? There will be a lot of events that you will experience. On
Thursday, we will kick off the event with a grand entrance for new
students, followed by eucharistic mass and salo-salong Sebastino for the
afternoon program. You will be having orientations and acquaintance
party as well.” Sir Mark explained.

Our adviser tells us about the most anticipated event where all the
new and transferring students are welcomed into the community, which
is the TAGASTE.

“Are you excited for this week?” Tiffany asked while listening to
Sir Mark's announcement.

“I don't know, I don't have enough energy for the party.” I


“You should join! If you think that you won’t enjoy it. We will
make it memorable together.” Tiffany said.

“For the second day's schedule,...” Sir Mark continued until we

were all dismissed.


Today is the day. TAGASTE finally came. When i arrived at the
Cañacao campus, I could feel the excitement of each student. I started to
look where Tiffany could be. I roamed around because there were a lot
of students outside the gymnasium getting ready for the grand entrance

“Zyran, here!” Olivia shouted, and I turned around and

immediately saw them.

“You're late again, Zy. You should get up early.” Tiffany said

“My alarm didn't go off.” I defended myself.

We started walking inside the gymnasium. The atmosphere inside

was insane. Everyone was cheering and shouting for their different
departments and we felt like we have finally been welcomed into this

The program proper started. The host prepared a little game for
us, and of course, Tiffany joined. And surprisingly won too. I didn't finish
the program because I was assigned to fix our meals for the salo-salong

We all ate after and headed back to the gymnasium for

orientation. After this, we will be having our acquaintance party. The
orientation went for about an hour until it's already 6:30 p.m.. The party
finally kicks off with a welcome speech from the student council

I was wearing a black suit and a black turtleneck because I don't
have time to prepare what outfit i want. Tiffany was wearing a dress with
a cardigan.

All the students were enjoying themselves. They were all dancing
and vibing to the song

“Let's join them!” Tiffany grabbed me towards her friends.

Throughout the night, games and activities organized by the

student council kept the energy high and the interactions lively. From
intermission numbers to dance-offs. Everyone was encouraged to
participate and join in on the fun.

I admit I enjoyed myself too. It was a long time after I had a time
like this.

Until I saw a girl in the corner.


And it was Olivia.



TW: Suicide

As I glide through the hallway heading to my first class, I kept

hearing murmurs around me.

“A student just passed away?”

“I heard it’s suicide.”

“I wonder who that is?”

I headed to our classroom and I went straight to Tiffany as soon

as I entered. When it was time for our break, we went to the cafeteria and
a lot of students kept talking about a student who committed suicide. It
was still a rumor though. Nothing has been confirmed yet.

Tiffany and I are having our lunch and even I can't stop
wondering who might be that student and if it's actually true or not.

“Do you have any idea who that student is?” I asked her as she
knows a lot of people in the campus.

“No, but I heard some rumors that it was from the other sections.”
She said.

I felt bad for that student, what they experienced must be too
heavy for them to bear.

A group of friends passed by chitchatting

“One of my friends told me that the student was from 11th grade.”

“Hold on.” A memory suddenly popped in my mind.

"She just asked whether students were allowed at the rooftop.

And I said ‘Yes, …” I remembered Tiffany's words.

The girl crying on the day of TAGASTE, it was Olivia. I told

Tiffany all these and she seemed shocked. Her mouth opened and I can
see it made her think. She also started to look worried. Even though
Olivia's image might not be the best, she was still our classmate.

“No way. You think —” She asked and I nod. “But they were
supposed to be from the other sections!”

I didn't know what to do or think. Our break was over and we

went back to our classes. We went to our seats and I looked around.
Olivia isn't here. I told Tiffany and she took a deep breath and sighed.

“Is it her? But why? Did she experience something?” Tiffany


I remember the day I lost my wallet and saw her and her mother.
It made me overthinking more that maybe it was actually her and not
some student from the other sections. My mind wanders to a lot of things
until a teacher entered the room.

“Good afternoon, class. Before we start, there’s a rumor that’s

going around the campus and it is concerning the whole administration.”
The teacher said.

“A student committed suicide and it’s been confirmed…” The

teacher continued speaking.

Tiffany and I were both holding our breaths and clasping our
hands together.

“I want you all to —” The teacher stopped when someone

knocked on the door. A girl entered the room.

And it was Olivia.

Tiffany and I let out a breath and we felt relieved. They looked at
each other wondering who the student was.

“If it's not Olivia, then who died?” She asked.

“Where’s Calix? I've never seen him all day.”

“Calix has been through a lot in the past few weeks. He’s been
busy with organization paper works, school work, and personal matters.”
A voice said. We turned around it was Olivia.

“Calix is…… dead.” She said as if something was stuck in her


“What?!” I said.

“No. No, it can’t be.” Tiffany said as she was about to tear up.

“Quiet at the back please!” The teacher shouted.

The meeting was dismissed and we went to the canteen.

“I didn’t expect the incident because it wasn’t obvious that

Calix was carrying that all alone. When it was just the two of us, he
was a very happy person. You wouldn't think he was carrying such a
heavy load.” Tiffany cried.

Despite of what happened, I still tried to do my best today.

There's a lot of organizational work to do, so I decided to go to the
office to finish all my tasks today.

When I entered the room, I felt so empty. I felt the presence of

Calix all around the room but I need to get used to it. I put down my
laptop and the papers that I need to pass later.

I forgot to print something so I looked around to find a paper

when i noticed an unfamiliar paper folded on the table. I picked it up
and when I unfolded it, I realized it was a suicide letter from Calix.

After I read it, I felt my chest got heavier. My whole hand was
shaking while holding the letter. I stayed like that for hours. I heard
the door opened and it was Tiffany.

“I found a suicide letter that Calix wrote.” I said in a trembling

voice. She grabbed the letter and read it.

We both break down. We felt our world crushed as we comfort

each other.

And this is the story I forever held on to.


It's been one year since I experienced losing a friend where I
wouldn’t actually see them again ever. It's also my first time where I lost
a friend because they wanted to this world themselves. They were willing
to leave everyone behind because they can't take any more hardships.

Today, I’ll be graduating. I am now standing beside the stage to

deliver my speech.

“May we call on Mr. Zyran Asher C. Avellaneda, to deliver his

speech as the valedictorian of Academic Year 2024 - 2025.” The host
said and I walk up the stairs and straight in front of the microphone.

“The greatest mistake is when you don't take a risk.” I started my

speech. “That was what I believed before I applied for STEM, I had so
many doubts as to whether choosing STEM would be best or not. But
despite that, I still took a risk even though I didn't know what to expect.”

My mind goes to my memories when Calix left us.

“And part of the things I didn't expect was my friends leaving

because of it. One of them gave up and left the world for good.” Calix’s
image flashes in my brain. “One left to pursue another strand because
they had a different passion from what they were forced to take.” I look
at Tiffany among the crowd in front of me.

Yes. Tiffany was only forced to take STEM because that's what
her parents wanted for her. She couldn't afford denying her parents’
wishes, therefore she applied for STEM. But after 11th grade. She chose
to decide for herself this time and took HUMSS. She then had to take the
subjects she couldn’t take as a HUMSS student.

“As I watch them leave beside me, I realize STEM isn't for
everyone. The demands of this strand won't make things work out if you
are struggling enough outside school or if you're passionate about
different things.” I said and look at the crowd.

“One was constantly pressured so it negatively affected her and

made mistakes along her journey. But fortunately, this one didn’t leave.”
I found Olivia among the crowd. Yes, we ended up being friends. Olivia
had a change of attitude ever since she returned me my wallet. We would
often cross paths and have to interact to each other because we usually
ended up being members in a groupwork. “She loves STEM ever since
in the beginning so she hung in there as much as she can through her

“I am saying this because I want you to know that even if you

made a mistake, the greatest of them all would be not taking a risk. If it
weren't for those experience, you wouldn't grow to who you are right
now. If it weren't for those experience, you wouldn't have the friends now
you made along the way. So,” I look at Tiffany and saw her nodding
while smiling at me.

“If things didn't work out for you, I want to remind everyone of
you that I am here standing right in front of you as a proof that succeeding
is still possible. That restarting is still possible. Changing is still possible.
Everything will be,” I take a short pause as I took a glance to the crowd.

“As long as you don’t give up.”

About the Author

Martin C. Fuggan is a young and aspiring author currently in

his 11th grade, specializing in the Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Mathematics (STEM) strand at San Sebastian College - Recoletos
de Cavite.

Prior to San Sebastian College - Recoletos de Cavite, Martin

completed his high school education at Saint Mary Magdalene and
Emiliano Tria Tirona Memorial National Integrated High School.
Born in July 2007, he brings a fresh perspective and youthful
enthusiasm to his writing.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Ma'am Rayn
Tan, for providing the opportunity to embark on this exciting journey
of writing a book. Your guidance and encouragement played a crucial
role in making this project possible. My Groupmates, for their
invaluable contributions and unwavering support throughout the
writing process. Their collaboration and dedication were instrumental
in bringing this book to life. My Friends, for their constant
encouragement and belief in my abilities. Their support throughout
this endeavor is deeply appreciated. It is through the contributions of
these individuals that this book has come to fruition. I am forever
grateful for their support and guidance.

About the Author

Charlizze Dana G. Zafe is currently an 11th grade student at

San Sebastian College - Recoletos de Cavite studying Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). She is 16 years
old and has been aiming to pursue architecture for years. She
graduated from Science Technology Institute at Rosario, Cavite
during Junior High School and with her utmost dedication, received
recognition for her outstanding academic performance.

I would like to acknowledge the people I have received help,
support, and encouragement. First and foremost, to Ms. Rayn Tan, for
your patience in guiding us in writing this book. Thank you for giving
us the opportunity to explore our abilities and creativity through
publishing a short story. I would also like to express my gratitude to
my co-writers who worked together and made this possible. I am
deeply touched with all the never ending support, encouragement, and
guidance I received from everyone.

About the Author

Maria Czarina C. Radan is currently studying at San Sebastian

College, Recoletos de Cavite, as an 11th grade student specializing in
the STEM (Science, Technology, and Engineering) strand. She is 16
years old and wants to pursue nursing. She graduated from Saint
Therese Catholic School. Noveleta Cavite during her junior high

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Ma'am Rayn for
giving us this opportunity to enhance our writing skills and for your patience
in guiding us on this journey. And for my parents, for their unwavering
support and encouragement throughout this journey. And I would like to
express my gratitude to my co-workers who worked together to make this
possible. And especially for my friends, for their unwavering support and
continued to believe in me.

About the Author

Brigham Tyler De Guzman, a 17-year-old aspiring and

dedicated author, currently in Grade 11 of senior high school at San
Sebastian College Recoletos de Cavite, specializing in Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Renowned for
his ambitious concepts and exceptional talents, Brigham is a
promising young writer poised to make his mark in the literary world.

I would like to sincerely thank Ma'am Rayn Tan, my
wonderful Reading and Writing Skills (RWS) teacher, for her
continuous support and priceless insights that have been helpful
throughout the entire writing process. Ma'am Tan's amount of
knowledge has been a source of inspiration for me, helping me to
successfully finish this book. Her continuous encouragement and
support have been a huge source of inspiration for me, giving me the
self-assurance to overcome obstacles and pursue greatness. It cannot
be disputed that this work would not have been possible without
Ma'am Tan's invaluable assistance.

About the Author
Vivienne Isabel I. Harrison is a young passionate and driven 17-
years-old, a 11th Grade Senior High School student from San Sebastian
College Recoletos - de Cavite, specializing in the Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) strand. She is known for her
unwavering dedication to academics, she's studying in SSCR since Grade 1,
born in October 6, 2006. She's exploring new hobbies like reading and
writing, and participating in extracurricular activities. Vivienne has a deep
passion for making a positive vibe to others with determination. She aspires
to become a nurse in the future.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my parents for their
unwavering encouragement and support. Thanks to my friends and love
ones who have been my source of inspiration and motivation during the
writing process. Their kind words of encouragement and belief in my
abilities have helped me to stay focused and motivated, even during the most
challenging moments. And I would like to thank my RWS teacher, Ma'am
Rayn Tan, for their guidance and advice throughout the writing process.
Their expertise and experience has been helping me to bring this book to
accomplishment. I am very grateful/thankful to them for their love,
continued support, believe, and encouragement, I know that without their
help, this book would not have been possible without their belief in me.

About the Author
I am Elaine Jasmine A. Toledo, 17 years old. I was born on Nov. 17,
2006. A grade 11 STEM Student at San Sebastian. Who was known for her
genuine and courteousness to the people around her. She enjoys playing with
her dogs while watching some fictional animated stories and writing some
stories during her free time as her hobby where she writes the things she is
free to express herself which gives her joy.

First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt message by
thanking God for helping me to make things possible, secondly, my
family who keeps inspiring me to be strong to pursue more of the things
I am interested in throughout my journey, thirdly I would like to thank
friend who was there with me making a sincerely remarkable story that
will bring great significant lessons to the readers, and Lastly I would like
to express my deepest gratitude to our subject teacher who was there to
teach us to learn such a valuable discovery that we can carry and use in
the future, you also teaches us on how to dream big to drive us to success
in life.


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