Brolac Trial Report

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Brolac Trial Report

A trial was organized by GREEN FEATHER BIOTECH, 585 Moishaghuni,

Rupsha, Khulna. The Motto was to find out the beneficial effect of the Product BROLAC
(Multi Strain Probiotic), innovation of INTVET PRODUCTS MFG. CO. (P) LTD,
The trial was conducted at a reputed farmers shed of its principal Company
ELORA POULTRY BREEDER, 20 Babu Khan Rd,Khulna-9100)
with 1400 day old Cobb 500 Broiler chicks. The Birds were separated randomly int
two sections viz 700 each. In the control part the farmer administrated antibiotic
for 5 days & in the Trial part for only 3 days. Brolac administrated
for 7 days @ 3gram/100 birds from the day 4 & was carried out up to 10th day.
The study focused on the following parameter.
Parameter: 1. Body Weight.
2. Feed Intake.
3. FCR
4. Mortality
Trial Report at a Glance

Age in Qty of Qty of Feed Feed Body Body Feed Body FCR FCR Mortality Mortalit
Days Birds Birds Intake Intake Weight Weight Intake Wt Control Trial Control y
Control Trial per Bird per Bird Control Trial Diff Diff Trial
Control Trial from from
Control Control

1 700 700 - - - - - - - - - -
7 700 700 - - - - - - - - 5 NIL
14 695 700 - - - - - - - - 2 3
21 693 697 1142 1168 910 940 +26 +30 1.25 1.24 4 5
28 689 692 2214 2256 1550 1604 +42 +54 1.42 1.4 2 NIL
30 687 692 2757 2811 1738 1826 +54 +88 1.58 1.53 2 1
Total 685 691 15 9

Mortality shown weekly Basis.

Feed Intake & Body Weight shown in ‘Gram’.
Individual Table of Control & Trial


Age In Days Body Weight Feed Intake FCR Mortality & %

(In Gram) ( In Gram)
UP TO 21 910 1142 1.25 11 (1.57 %)

UP TO 28 1550 2214 1.42 13 (1.85 %)

UP TO 30 1738 2757 1.58 15 (2.14 %)


Age In Days Body Weight Feed Intake FCR Mortality

(In Gram) (In Gram)
UP TO 21 940 1168 1.24 8 (1.14 %)

UP TO 28 1604 2256 1.4 8 8 (1.14 %)

UP TO 30 1826 2811 1.53 9 (1.28 %)

1. Body Weight: The study marked that Brolac had significant influences in
Increasing Body Weight in the Trial Section. The Difference was 88 gram
Compared to Control at the end of 30 days (DT of selling of Birds).

2. Mortality: More or less Mortality checked during the life cycle.

3. FCR: More or less it is good.

4. Special 'Report' (Observation):

(a) It was observed that Mortality in the Control section occurred after 17-18
& it was due to MYCOPLASMA(M.G) . The Batch of the bird actually were
2800 Pcs & we conducted trial on 700 Pcs birds Vs. 700 Pcs in the same shed. So
the entire 2100 birds ( Control – 700 Pcs + 1400 Pcs Birds in nearby shed)
Excluding Trial section were attacked by MYCOPLASMA. The Farmer treated
the entire birds (2100 pcs) except the Trial section.

(b) The litter condition was good in the Trial section comparing with Control. It
was necessary to change the litter ( Rice Husk) in the Control & the farmer taken
out around 30% litter & replace with new husk. But in the Trial part it was not


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