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Guide for the report

4-1. Describe the nature and role of an internal assessment in formulating strategies.

It is impossible in a strategic-management text to review in depth all the material presented

in courses like marketing, finance, accounting, management and the likes.

Now, strategic planning must include a detailed assessment of how the firm is doing in all
internal areas.

A complete internal assessment is vital to help a firm formulate, implement, and evaluate
strategies to enable it to gain and sustain competitive advantages.

Now, we have here a figure called The Process of Gaining Competitive Advantage in a Firm

Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of a business is essential for strategic planning,
resource allocation, competitive advantage, risk management, decision-making, performance
improvement, customer satisfaction, and investor confidence. It provides the foundation for
effective management and sustainable growth in today's competitive business environment.

Distinctive competencies are the unique strengths or capabilities that set a business
apart from its competitors. These competencies are special skills, resources, or characteristics
that a company possesses and that are not easily replicated by others in the industry.

illustrates that all firms should continually strive to improve on their weaknesses, turning them
into strengths, and ultimately develop distinctive competencies that can provide the firm with
competitive advantages over all the rival firms in that specific industry.

Performing an internal audit involves a systematic and independent evaluation of an

organization's activities, processes, controls, and risks. The process typically follows several
key steps: Establishing Objectives, Planning, Risk Assessment, Gathering Evidence,

Testing and Analysis, Identifying Findings, Reporting, Follow-up and Monitoring,

Continuous Improvement.

Throughout the internal audit process, auditors should maintain independence,

objectivity, and professionalism. Collaboration with management and stakeholders is also
essential to ensure transparency, accountability, and alignment with organizational goals. By
following a structured and rigorous approach, internal audits help organizations identify and
mitigate risks, improve operations, and enhance overall governance and control processes
within the firm.

Additionally, the process of performing an internal audit provides more opportunity for
participants to understand how their jobs, departments, and divisions fit into the whole organization.
this is a great benefit because managers and employees perform better when they understand how
their work affects other areas and activities of the firm.
The Resource-Based View (RBV) is a strategic management theory that focuses on
the internal resources and capabilities of a firm as sources of sustainable competitive
advantage. Unlike traditional approaches that primarily emphasize external factors such as
market conditions or industry structure, the RBV suggests that a firm's unique bundle of
resources and capabilities can be more important in achieving and maintaining competitive
success. And this could be group into three:

Physical resources include all plant and equipment, location, technology, raw materials, and

human resources include all employees, training, experience, intelligence, knowledge, skills, and

organizational resources include firm structure, planning processes, information systems, patents,
trademarks, copyrights, databases, and so on.

Overall, the Resource-Based View provides a valuable theoretical framework for

understanding how firms create and sustain competitive advantage through the strategic
management of their internal resources and capabilities. By leveraging their unique strengths
and developing dynamic capabilities, firms can position themselves for long-term success in
competitive markets.

4-2. Discuss why organizational culture is so important in formulating strategies.

Integrating Strategy and Culture involves aligning the organization's strategic objectives with its

cultural values, norms, and behaviors to drive performance, foster employee engagement,
and achieve long-term success. Here's how organizations can effectively integrate strategy and

Assess Current Culture: Conduct a cultural assessment to understand the existing values,

beliefs, and behaviors within the organization,

Organizational culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, norms, attitudes, and behaviors
that characterize an organization and shape its identity. Organizational culture is often deeply
ingrained and can have a significant impact on employee satisfaction, engagement,
performance, and overall organizational effectiveness.

A strong, positive culture that aligns with the organization's goals and values can foster
a sense of belonging, loyalty, and commitment among employees, driving performance and
contributing to the organization's long-term success.

Therefore, cultivating and nurturing a healthy organizational culture is essential for

creating a supportive and thriving work environment.


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