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Opening Remarks

The symposium's opening remarks on "Human Resource Innovation" and

"Technology Innovation" created an intellectually stimulating and perceptive tone.
During her introductory remarks, Dr. Leda Celis expressed her gratitude for the
combined effort and stressed the importance of the symposium, especially for
graduating students. The event provides a forum for further exploration of the fields
of "Human Resource Innovation" and "Technology Innovation," acting as a bridge
between academic knowledge and practical application. This symposium becomes an
invaluable opportunity for graduating students to learn about the latest developments
and trends in their professions.
It is essential that we comprehend cutting edge technologies and HR practices
as we move from school to the working world. It gives us a more comprehensive
understanding of industry standards and gives us the resources we need to adjust to
the changing environment. Furthermore, the instructor's desire that students would
take something away from the experience is consistent with the notion that success
requires constant learning. Graduating signifies the start of a lifetime process that
involves adopting creative ideas and staying current with industry developments, not
the conclusion of our educational journey.
Basically, the introductory remarks are an encouragement for the graduating
students to participate fully in the symposium, take away important information, and
use it in their future pursuits. It supports the notion that, in order to successfully
navigate the ever-changing problems of the professional world, embracing innovation
is not only a choice but also a requirement.

II. Inspirational Message

The inspirational message was given by the BSMA program chairperson Mr.
Geofrey Rivera, CPA, MBA. The message is for all the graduating fourth year
students who overcome all the challenges for the past years. After a brief moment,
our guest, Mr. Geoffrey Rivera, shared insightful words that laid the groundwork for
understanding the seminar's significance. In his speech, he emphasized the importance
of hard work in achieving goals, particularly as the students near the end of their
education. Mr. Rivera emphasized that success is a long-term endeavor that requires
time, unwavering effort, and a genuine willingness to toil.
In a simple analogy, he compared the path to success to a careful ascent to the
summit, urging students to remain steadfast and committed to their goals. He
emphasized that they should never give up in the face of adversity, echoing the
sentiment that resilience is a key ingredient in the recipe for success.Furthermore, Mr.
Rivera delved into the realm of Human Resource Management, shedding light on how
innovation has emerged as the solution to our society's rapid and constant changes. He
emphasized the transformative impact of scientific advancements in his speech, citing
examples such as the internet and AI software, which have significantly improved the
capabilities of HRM departments.
These technological marvels have sped up processes, promoting efficiency and
organizational performance excellence. Mr. Geoffrey Rivera's speech, in essence, not
only inspired the students to persevere, but also highlighted the critical role of
innovation in adapting to the changing landscape of Human Resource Management.
His words served as a rallying cry for embracing change and capitalizing on
technological advancements to achieve success in this fast-paced era.

III. Speaker 1: Ms. Emily D. Yulo, RPsy, MHRM

Ms. Emily D. Yulo delivered an enlightening lecture focusing on the pivotal role
of a social approach in driving work-related growth within the context of social media
platforms. She underscored the integration of this approach into performance
management, emphasizing its transformative impact on cultivating a collaborative and
dynamic work environment. Specifically, Ms. Yulo highlighted the value of
constructive communication within emerging social media group chats, emphasizing
their potential for facilitating effective exchanges within organizations. In today's
digital age, where swift and efficient communication is paramount, these platforms
play a crucial role in fostering a modern workplace environment.
The discussion seamlessly transitioned into an exploration of Human
Resources (HR) functions and innovative approaches. Attendees gained valuable
insights into how contemporary HR practices can adapt to the evolving dynamics of
the workplace. Ms. Yulo provided a comprehensive view, shedding light on strategies
organizations can employ to enhance their HR frameworks and align them with the
demands of the modern professional landscape. This part of the session underscored
the importance of staying abreast of evolving workplace trends and implementing
strategies that resonate with the diverse expectations and preferences of the
contemporary workforce.
In essence, Ms. Yulo's practical insights and examples showcased the tangible
impact of leveraging social approaches for work-related growth. The overall
experience equipped participants with valuable knowledge and perspectives to
navigate the intersection of social media, organizational communication, and HR
practices. By addressing both technological and human aspects, Ms. Yulo's talk
contributed to a comprehensive understanding of HR innovation, emphasizing its role
in creating a thriving and inclusive workplace.
To further enrich the educational experience, Ms. Yulo concluded the session
with an engaging open forum. This interactive segment facilitated active participation
and discussions among students from different sections, reflecting a commitment to
collaborative learning. It allowed participants to delve deeper into the topics covered
during the lecture. Alongside these interactive elements, Ms. Yulo generously shared
practical tips for students to reference in the future. This blend of theoretical
knowledge and actionable advice provided a well-rounded exploration, moving
beyond abstract concepts. Ms. Yulo imparted valuable advice to students,
encouraging them to embrace authenticity, maintain a positive outlook, and view
rejection as an integral part of personal growth. This guidance underscored the
importance of resilience and a positive mindset in navigating the challenges of a
dynamic and competitive work environment. Ms. Yulo's thoughtful responses during
the Q&A session further emphasized her commitment to providing practical insights
that students can apply to their future careers.
In conclusion, Ms. Emily D. Yulo's lecture stands as a testament to the
evolving landscape of HR practices and the importance of embracing innovative
approaches for organizational success. Her comprehensive exploration of HR
innovation, combined with practical tips and interactive engagement, provided a
holistic learning experience for all participants.
IV. Speaker 2: Mr. Arnel Maghinay, RN, Ph.D

The second resource speaker focused his talk on Technology Innovation with
emphasis on the 2024 Technology Trends. He mentioned about the Gartner -- an
American technological research and consulting firm that conducts research about the
possible future technologies. Accordingly, he started his talk by presenting Artificial
Intelligence such as ChatGPT and Quillbot. "There's nothing wrong in using this kind
of technology especially in education", he said. The duration of his talk presented
seven different topics: AI TRISM, CPEM, Augmented Development, Intelligent
Applications, Democratic Generative AI, Augmented Connected Workforce, and
Machine Customer.
Firstly, the AI Trust, Risk, Security and Management (TRiSM) that focuses on
the level of trust, risk, security and management. Gartner defined this kind of
technology as a framework that served as a backbone for Artificial Intelligence Model.
This kind of technology is very common nowadays because most of the companies
will move to a cloud-based technology which stores everything on the internet. The
first framework will move around the AI Trust, he specifically explained. He
emphasized that this framework focused on the association of being transparent or it
can be explained. This means that the systems that'd be using are very transparent in
terms of the processes.
The speaker discussed key technological trends highlighted by Gartner,
focusing on the growing significance of artificial intelligence (AI) in shaping the
future of technology. Gartner, an American technological research and consulting
firm, is known for its forward-looking analyses and predictions in the field. The
primary emphasis was on AI-TRiSM, an acronym for AI- Trust, Risk, and Security
Management. This framework serves as a foundational element for AI models,
particularly in the context of the increasing prevalence of cloud-based technologies.
The shift towards cloud-based systems brings about a higher level of risk, prompting
the need for robust trust, risk, and security management.
AI-TRiSM consists of three core components: AI trust, AI risk, and AI
security management. AI trust centers around transparency, ensuring that the
processes within an organization's AI system are understandable. AI risk involves
applying precise governance to manage potential risks, while AI security management
addresses the evolving threat landscape, urging organizations to stay vigilant. The
speaker presented Gartner's prediction that by 2026, enterprises implementing AI-
TRiSM controls would significantly enhance the accuracy of decision-making,
eliminating 80% of faulty and illegitimate information. This prediction aligns with the
current trend of integrating AI into decision-making processes, with the expectation
that it will play a more prominent role in the future.
The discussion also touched upon the importance of AI in enhancing various
controls and decision-making fairness within organizations. The ability of AI to
continuously collect and analyze data, promoting transparency and data protection,
was emphasized through a video presentation.Moving on, the speaker introduced
Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM), a proactive and continuous five-
stage program designed to monitor, evaluate, and reduce exploitability in
organizations. The term "exploitability" refers to the potential vulnerabilities that can
be taken advantage of within a system. The speaker shared personal experiences,
underlining the critical importance of data backup to prevent loss or corruption.
The five stages of CTEM were outlined, starting with scope identification and
proceeding through discovery, prioritization, validation, and mobilization. The
speaker stressed the need for organizations to identify potential attacks, prioritize
issues to prevent compromise of critical assets, validate potential attacks, and ensure
clear roles and responsibilities to prevent data leaks.
The speaker provided insights into the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, with
a strong focus on AI and its role in trust, risk, and security management. The
importance of proactive measures like CTEM and the significance of data backup
were highlighted as crucial components of a comprehensive technological strategy.
The overarching message conveyed the inevitability of AI's increased integration into
various aspects of business and decision-making processes in the near future.
The students were grateful as the speaker explained things in a way that made it
easy for everyone to understand. They were able to share their personal experience
and tips on how to effectively utilize technology. As long as we use alternative
intelligence (AI) appropriately, humans will not be at risk because we are the ones
who provide them with information and control over them.
V. Closing Remarks: Class Representative

As the Innovation and Strategy Formulation (ISFORM) webinar draws to an

end, a tangible achievement woven from the threads of dedicated effort and shared
wisdom leaves behind learnings and accomplishment. Miss Erlyn Mansia expresses
her deepest gratitude to our innovation and strategy formulation (ISFORM) adviser
Dr. Leda Celis, as well as to our guest speaker, Miss Emily Yulo, for her vivid
depiction of the human resource landscape and to Mr. Arnel Maghinay, who shares
his expertise in technological innovation. The two guest speakers imparted their
knowledge and expertise in two important types of innovation, which are human
resources and technological innovation, which brought us ISFORM students so much
knowledge and realization.

VI. Summary
The Innovation and Strategy Formulation (ISFORM) seminar unfolds with a
powerful exploration of success, resilience, and innovation. The SYMA program
chairperson, Mr. Geoffrey Rivera delivers an inspirational opening, emphasizing the
enduring commitment required for success, drawing parallels to a careful ascent. The
seminar delves into the dynamic landscape of Human Resource Management (HRM)
and the transformative impact of technological advancements.
Human Resource Management, also known as personnel management plays a
vital part in every business organization. HRM is the one that facilitates the most
effective use of people to achieve organizational and individual goals. It is the perfect
strategic business partner within the business to help develop and sustain a culture of
innovation and attract key talent for innovation. Ms. Emily D. Yulo, explores HR
innovation, emphasizing the need to address evolving employee needs. She discusses
workforce expectations across generations, advocating for diligence in fostering an
inclusive work environment. In the Q&A session, Yulo advises students to be
themselves, stay positive, and embrace rejection as part of personal growth.
Moving to technological advancement, specifically the 2024 Technology
Trends. Mr. Arnel Maghinay introduces Gartner's Top Strategic Technology
Trends: AI-TRiSM, Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM), AI
Augmented Development, Intelligent Application, Democratize Generative AI,
Augmented Connected Workforce, and Machine Customer. AI-TRiSM framework,
emphasizing transparency in AI processes. The speaker details AI's role in decision-
making and highlights Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) as a
proactive strategy for organizations. Mr. Mahinay also tackled AI Augmented
Development, the focus was on leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance
various aspects of technology and business. The Intelligent Application development,
which involves integrating AI capabilities into software to make applications more
efficient and user-friendly. The concept of Democratize Generative AI emphasized
the importance of making advanced AI tools accessible to a broader audience,
encouraging widespread innovation. Augmented Connected Workforce explored the
integration of AI technologies to empower and enhance the capabilities of human
workers. The idea of a Machine Customer emphasized the use of AI to enhance
customer interactions and service. The presentation underscores the increasing
integration of AI into business processes. The talk provided insights into the evolving
landscape of AI, offering a glimpse into the future where intelligent technologies play
a pivotal role in shaping development, connectivity, and customer experiences.
Moreover, Dr. Leda Celis gave certificates of appreciation and a token after
the speakers had given their specific talk on innovation. The certificates and token
served as a thank you to them for providing us their knowledge, skill and wisdom.
Above all, the seminar concludes not just as an event but as a nexus of shared
wisdom and dedicated effort. The seminar's impact is encapsulated in the fusion of
human resources and technological innovation, imparting valuable knowledge to the
participants. As the event gently closes, they leave behind a trail of insights, learnings,
and a collective realization of the pivotal role innovation plays in shaping the
professional landscape.
VII. Documentation

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