Notes Literally

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SK. No.92/DIKTI/Kep/1996
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Teknologi Industri, Ekonomi, Teknik Sipil & Perencanaaan,
Psikologi, Sastra
Program Diploma(D3) Manajemen Informatika, Teknik Komputer, Akuntansi, Manajemen
Program Sarjana(S1)Sistem Informasi, Sistem Komputer, Informatika, Teknik Elektro, Teknik
Teknik Industri, Akuntansi, Manajemen, Arsitektur, Teknik Sipil, Psikologi, Sastra Inggris,
Program Magister(S2) Manajemen Sistem Informasi, Manajemen, Teknik Elektro
Program Doktor(S3)Ilmu Ekonomi, Teknologi Informasi/Ilmu Komputer


Mata Kuliah : Man. & Kebud. Inggris Tanggal :
Fakultas : Sastra Waktu : 90 Menit
Jenjang / Jurusan : S1 / Sastra Inggris Dosen :Indah Lestari, S.S.,M.Sas
Tingkat / Kelas : VI / 4SA01-05 Sifat Ujian : Tutup Buku
Semester/Tahun : PTA 2018 /2019 Juml. Soal : 50 Soal Pilihan Ganda
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Read carefully the whole questions before you answer them!
Give the X mark for the option you think is correct on the answer sheet given!

Good luck!

1. Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic period are called...

a.Ice age
b.Stone age
c.Bronze age
d.Iron age

2. The end of pre-historic period of Britain is indicated by...

a. The end of the last Ice Age
b. People discovered how to build houses
c. The invasion by Roman troops
d. The revolts led by Caratacus

3. In what year was the arrival of Anglo-Saxons troops?

a.800 BC
b.AD 43
c.AD 480
d.AD 1066

4. The followings are the meaning of Briton, except...

a.The first people arrived in Britain
b.Barbaric people by the Roman’s impression
c.The term for British natives
d.Anglo-Saxon invader

5. Who is Anglo-Saxon?
a. The Angles, the Jutes, and the Saxons
b. The Romans
c. The French
d. The Britons

6. The end of Anglo-Saxon period in Britain is indicated by...

a. The establishment of the Seven Main Kingdoms
b. The conquest of England by the Norman
c. The conduct of the Wales Act
d. The separation of Catholic church and England church

7. What is ‘The UK’ short for?

a. The United Kingdom of Britain

b. The United Kingdom of Great Britain
c. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
d. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Southern Ireland

8. Which number in the picture is referred to Scotland

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4 4

9. Which number in the picture is referred to England

territory? 3 2
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

10. What is the name of the UK’s flag?

a. The Union Jack

b. The Union Flag
c. The United Flag

d. The United Jack

11. When did the Republic of Ireland gain its independence and separate from the UK?

a. 1920-1921
b. 1921-1922
c. 1922-1923
d. 1923-1924

12. What is the form of government of the UK?

a. Constitutional monarchy
b. Presidential republic
c. Absolute monarchy
d. Federal republic

13. Who holds the position as the head of government in the UK?

a. A monarch
b. A Prime Minister
c. A Queen
d. A President

14. Who holds the position as the head of state in the UK?

a. A monarch
b. A Prime Minister
c. A Queen
d. A President

15. Before the invasion of Anglo-saxons tribes, the inhabitants of Great Britain mostly
a. Englisc
b. Old Norse
c. Gaelic and Britonic
d. Celtic and Latin

16. The Anglo-Saxon era of English is also called...

a. Old English
b. Middle English
c. Early Modern English
d. Late Modern English

17. Celtic language is categorized as... group of language.

a. Afro-Asiatic
b. Indo-European
c. Austronesian

d. Slavic

18. New Englishes means...

a. English influenced by The practice of transporting cheap black labour from western
b. English influenced by the invention of printing press
c. Modern variants or dialects of English
d. English influenced by the arrival of Anglo Saxons in the Land of Britannia in 450

19. What family type is mostly found in the UK?

a. Egalitarian nuclear
b. Absolute nuclear
c. Communitarian
d. Indeterminate

20. When was the same-sex marriage first legalized in the UK?
a. 2010
b. 2011
c. 2012
d. 2013

21. What does a ‘cohabiting couple’ refer to?

a. A legally marriage couple

b. A couple living together without legally married to each other
c. A same-sex marriage couple
d. A divorced couple living together

22. What does a ‘civil partnership’ refer to?

a. A marriage of different-sex couple

b. A union of same-sex couple similar to marriage
c. An illegal union of different-sex couple living together
d. A union of divorced couple living back together

23. What is the average age for a British to be legally allowed to get married based on
Marriage Act 1929?

a. 13
b. 14
c. 15
d. 16

24. Who are the working class people?

a. Aristocrats

b. Highly-educated and well-paid people
c. Poor-skilled and low-paid people
d. Highly-skilled people

25. Based on the survey by BBC in 2013, who are categorized as the elites?
a. Aristocrats and very rich people
b. Highly-educated and well-paid people
c. Poor-skilled and low-paid people
d. Highly-skilled people

26. In medieval period, the social class was differentiated by...

a. Landownership
b. Education
c. Religiousity
d. Position in military

27. Based on the survey by BBC in 2013, who are categorized as the precariats?

a. Aristocrats and very rich people

b. Highly-educated and well-paid people
c. Poor-skilled and low-paid people
d. Highly-skilled people

28. Below are the religions brought to the UK by the immigrants, except:

a. Islam
b. Christianity
c. Sikhism
d. Buddhism

29. Which denomination is regarded as the Established Church or the Church of England?

a. Anglicanism
b. Methodism
c. Presbyterianism
d. Pentecostalism

30. Which one has the role as the branch of government which makes laws in the UK?

a. Judiciary
b. Executive
c. Legislature
d. Senate

31. Which one has the role as the branch of government which carries out the laws in the

a. Judiciary
b. Executive
c. Legislature
d. Senate

32. What is a member of the House of Commons called?

a. Member of Commons
b. Member of Parliament
c. Lord
d. Lord Chief Justice

33. How is a member of the House of Commons chosen?

a. By general election
b. By direct appointment
c. By random selection
d. By heredity

34. The title English system of government for being the model of democratic parliament

a. House of Common
b. Monarchy
c. The Mother of Pariliament
d. House of Lord

35. What are the two most dominant political parties in the UK?

a. Conservative and Democrat Parties

b. Republican and Democrat Parties
c. Conservative and Labour Parties
d. Labour and Green Parties

36. The event indicated the first movement of democratic system of government was...
a. Taxation
b. Magna Carta Agreement
c. de Montfront rebellion
d. The Civil War

37. Which stages of education are compulsory for all children in the UK?

a. Early years and primary education

b. Primary and secondary education
c. Secondary and further education
d. Further and higher education

38. What is the average age for a British to be admitted to primary education?

a. 2,5 or 3 until 4 years old

b. 4 until 11 or 12 years old
c. 11 or 12 until 16 years old
d. 16 until 18 years old

39. What is the average age for a British to be admitted to secondary education?

a. 2,5 or 3 until 4 years old

b. 4 until 11 or 12 years old
c. 11 or 12 until 16 years old
d. 16 until 18 years old

40. What kinds of courses are offered in Further Education (FE) stage?

a. Skill training and higher vocational courses

b. Under- and post-graduate courses
c. Special courses for disabled people
d. Informal courses

41. What kinds of courses are offered in Higher Education (HE) stage?

a. Skill training and higher vocational courses

b. Under- and post-graduate courses
c. Special courses for disabled people
d. Informal courses

42. Fear and distrust of that which is perceived to be foreign or strange is called:

a. Xenophobia
b. Racism
c. Postmodernism
d. Individualism

43. Below are the works of Shakespeare, except:

a. A Midsummer Night's Dream

b. Wuthering Heights
c. Much Ado About Nothing
d. The Tempest

44. In what year was Shakespeare baptized?

a. 1616
b. 1664
c. 1516
d. 1564

45. What is ‘Pub’, the name of a place which sells beer and other alcoholic drinks usually
found in Britain, short for?

a. Public place
b. Public house
c. Public bar
d. Public club

46. Sunday is the ‘'worship and rest' day in UK because

a. It is the day when people go to work
b. It is the day when most people were at home or at church
c. It is the day when shops are open
d. It is the day when people go to school

47. Economic system applied in England is...

a. Traditional
b. Command
c. Market
d. Mixed

48. The industrial revolution in 1800s changed the view of economy in the UK to be...
a. Capitalism
b. Imperialism
c. Traditional
d. Mixed

49. Islamic based-economy has begun in...

a. 1800s
b. 1970
c. 1990
d. 2009

50. The followings are the factors of industrial revolution in the UK, except...
a. Stabilized political situation
b. The invention by James Watt
c. Merchant and trade
d. Civil war


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