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Family and friends 6

1 Order the letters. Then match.

1 i d a s l n __ _island ___ .b. a b
2 l g l v i a e _____________ __
3 v e c a _____________ __ c d
4 s a r f o n r t i e _____________ __
5 e t d r s e _____________ __ e f
6 w t n o _____________ __

2 Order the words.

1 never / I / have / met / person. / famous / a
I have never met a famous person._______________
2 skiing. / We / been / have / never
3 written / poem. / She / never / has / a
4 plane. / They / never / a / in / flown / have
5 swam / ocean? / Have / in / we / ever / the

3 Write questions and answers.

1 (you / ever / go / to a rainforest / ?)
Have you ever been to a rainforest? ___________
( ) No, I haven’t._ _________ __ _
2 (he / ever / see / an oasis / ?)
( ) ______________________________
3 (she / ever / climb / a volcano / ?)
( ) _____________________________
4 (you / ever / visit / a desert / ?)
( ) _________________________ ______
4 Look and write.
an earache a cough take medicine feel dizzy a sore
1 2 3

___a sore throat___ ___________________ ___________________

4 5

___________________ ___________________

5 Order the words.

1 water. / should / You / drink
You should drink water.___ _____________________
2 stay / bed. / He / in / should
3 lots of / They / eat / shouldn’t / sweets.
4 music. / loud / shouldn’t / You / to / listen

6 Circle the correct words.

1 I can / could swim when I was six.
2 I couldn’t / could speak when I was one, but now I can.
3 We can / could run when we were four.
4 I couldn’t / can’t speak English when I was three.

7 Match the problems with the advice.

1 Matt feels dizzy. b a You should drink water.
2 I’ve got a sore throat. b He should stay in bed.
3 I’ve got a headache. c You shouldn’t eat lots of sweets.
4 We feel sick. d You shouldn’t listen to loud music.

8 Complete the sentences using could or couldn’t.
1 I ___ could ___ swim when I was six. ( )
2 I _____________ speak when I was one, but now I can. ( )
3 We _____________ run when we were four. ( )
4 He _____________ speak English when he was three. ( )

9-Look and circle the correct words.

1 2 3

fridge / blender peel / chop mango / strawberry

4 5 6

smoothie / milk lid / pour milk / mango

10- Write the object pronouns.

him me them you her us it

1 I 2 you 3 he
____me_____ _____________ _____________
4 she 5 it 6 they
_____________ _____________ _____________
7 we

11- Complete the sentences using who or which.

1 This is the girl ____who____ goes to my school.
2 This is the café _____________ sells smoothies.
3 This is the boy _____________ lives on my street.
4 This is the man _____________ trains the football team.
5 This is the car _____________ won the race.
6 This is the parrot _____________ ate all the fruit.

12- Write sentences using who or which.
1 (this / the girl / go / to my school)
This is the girl who goes to my school._____________
2 (this / the café / sell / smoothies)
3 (this / the boy / live / on my street)
4 (this / the man / train / the football team)
5 (this / the car / win / the race / last weekend)

13- Read. Then match the activity to the person in need.

I’m going to help people in my community. I’m going to raise money for new
wheelchair ramps by doing a bike ride. Then I’m going to do chores and earn
money so that homeless people have food. Finally, I’m going to help my
elderly neighbors by tidying their gardens and fixing things in their homes.
1 fix things 2 chores 3 sport a

a b c

14 - Look and complete.

1 2

3 4

5 6 7 8

1 mother-in-law_ _ 2 f _____________
3 w_____________ 4 h _____________
5 s _____________ 6 d _____________
7 n _____________ 8 n _____________

15- Circle the correct words.

1 We were / was looking at magazines.
2 She was making / make a smoothie.
3 Were your friends talk / talking in the café?
4 My brother were / was playing football in the park.
5 I was / were walking to school.
6 Was / Were you going to the museum?

16- Look and write the dates.

1 the eighteenth of April, 2009 __ 18th April 2009 __
2 the twenty-sixth of January, 2004 ___________________
3 the tenth of November, 2005 ___________________
4 the fifth of August, 1974 ___________________
5 the eighth of March, 1986 ___________________

17- Look and match.

a b c d e f

1 mechanic c 2 journalist 3 secretary

4 boss 5 builder 6 dentist

18- Look, read and match.
1 a He was doing his homework
when the phone rang.
b They were playing football when
it started to rain.
c We were watching TV when our
grandma came in.
d He was walking in the park when
he fell over.

19- Circle the correct words.

1 My friends are over their / there .
2 They’re / Their cycling to school today.
3 Sally and Clare are wearing their / they’re red jumpers.
4 There / Their are lots of people on the bus today.
5 My parents are cleaning there / their car.
6 It’s hot, so they’re / their wearing sun cream.

20 Read and answer the questions. / 10

A day in the life of a fireman

Rob Elliot has worked as a fireman for eight years.
Rob’s day starts at nine o’clock. Rob and the rest of
his team meet in front of the fire station to get their
instructions for the day. “Every day is different,” says
Rob. “On some days, I drive the fire engine. On other
days, I wear the breathing equipment. I enjoy every part of my job.”
Rob has rescued people from different kinds of trouble. “We get called to house
fires, road accidents, floods and train crashes,” says Rob.
But firemen do more than rescue people. They often work together with the police
and doctors, and they teach people about fire safety.
This morning Rob was checking the equipment when there was a call. A house
was on fire and there were two people trapped in a bedroom. The firemen jumped
into the fire engines and drove to the house quickly. Rob found a mother and
daughter in one of the bedrooms. He opened a window and helped the mother
and her little girl to climb down a ladder. Soon the fire was out and everyone was
safe. “And it’s only eleven o’clock!” said Rob.

A-1 Does Rob always drive the fire engine? _No, he doesn’t. ________
2 Does Rob enjoy his job? _______________________
3 Does Rob start work in the afternoon? _______________________
4 Do firemen work with other people? _______________________
5 Does Rob teach people about starting fires? _______________________
6 Was Rob driving when he got the call? _______________________
7 Did the firefighters hurry to the house? _______________________
8 Were the people trapped in the living room? _______________________
9 Did Rob help the mother and daughter? _______________________
10 Did they leave the house through the door? _______________________
11 Did Rob rescue the people in the morning? _______________________

B Read the text in Exercise 1 again. Order the information. /5

Rob helped the people climb down a ladder.

The firemen drove to the house.
Rob starts work at nine o’clock. 1
Rob got an important phone call.
Rob’s days are always different.
Firemen teach people how to be safe.

21 Read the website forum. Match the people and ideas. /5

Who should have a high salary?

Bright Star Posted at 2:20 on 12/4 Sports fan Posted at 5:40 on 12/4
I read that a famous footballer earned the I disagree. Footballers start training
same in one week as 150 factory when they’re very young, and they train
workers. Footballers just kick a ball hard every day. Also, athletes entertain
around. They are paid too much money. the public.
London girl Posted at 6:10 on 12/4 Bookworm Posted at 6:50 on 12/4
I don’t think any famous people should be I agree with London girl. Firemen and
paid so much money. Scientists and the police should earn a lot more. Their
doctors train for years too. They help jobs are dangerous and they help
people and improve people’s lives. people every day. Firemen are heroes!
Sports fan Posted at 7:30 on 12/4 Bright Star Posted at 8:00 on 12/4
Tickets to football games and concerts I think doctors and firemen should get
are expensive. These days, people pay more money than famous people. But
more for entertainment, so celebrities people pay a lot of money for
should earn more. entertainment, so celebrities are rich.

1 Footballers just kick a ball. a a Bright Star

2 Firemen are heroes. b London girl
3 People pay more for entertainment now. c Sports fan
4 Footballers train from a young age. d Bookworm
5 Policemen have dangerous jobs.
6 Doctors improve people’s lives.
/ 35

22- Choose three pictures. Write a dialogue using verbs from the box.

go in climb go across go through visit

Interviewer Have you ever 1 climbed a volcano?

Explorer Yes, I have.
Interviewer Have 3 _________________________________?
Explorer _______________________
Interviewer ______________________________________
Explorer _______________________
Interviewer ______________________________________
Explorer _______________________

23 You’re an explorer and you’re having a big adventure. Write a letter

to your friend, telling them about your trip. /9

where you’ve been what you’ve seen what you liked / didn’t like
how you felt where you’re going to go next


/ 15
24 Write two sentences about each picture.
1 2 3

4 5

1 he / have breakfast / phone / ring

He was having breakfast when the phone rang. __ __.
When he was having breakfast, the phone rang. ____
2 Grandpa / sleep / visitors / arrive
3 they / walk to school / see / a film star
4 Phil / buy / a drink / his team / score a goal
5 Jack / look out of the window / the teacher / ask a question

25 Look at the pictures. Write a story. / 15


26 Imagine you’ve done an event for charity. Write about the event. / 12

when it was where it was who was there

what you did how you felt



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