Tarih Exam

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•The shortest definition of history

->to know

•Why the history is important?

->The past teaches us about the present.

•The types of history

->Political,Diplomatic,Social,Economic, Cultural,Intellectual

•What are sources of history?

->Primary and Secondary

•Primary Sources

->Documents or Artifacts

•Secondary Sources

->Books and Articles

•Who is the father of History?


•Who is the father of Modern History?

->William Stubbs

•Ideal aim of history?

->Removal of the us and them in historical studies.

•14th,15th,16th centuries?

->Years of expansion,glory and high civilization.

•17th century?

->Balance between the empire and its enemies.

•18th century?

 Inability to adapt.

•19th and 20th centuries?

->Reform and Colonial Domination

•Mehmet 2nd {Fatih Sultan Mehmet} organized Millet System. Millet System was based on religions.

•3 Important Slogans of French Revolution?

 Liberty-Equality-Fraternity

•Ummah{Ümmet} is a Islamic society

•Karl Marx

->İsmi Önemli, Tanım Sınavda Verilecek

•Ottoman Empire’s Method

•>Defensive Modernization

•Sick Man of Europe

->Russian Empire’s word

•Selim 3rd’s European Reform

->New Order=Nizam-ı Cedit

•Mahmut 2nd{Gavur Padişah}

->He was the most reformist Sultan

•The main aim of Tanzimat Decree/Ferman

->To keep all Ottomon Subjects together

•A keyword for Tanzimat?


•What was the main idea of this period?

->Ottomanism=Equality between all subjects

•Kanuni Esasi didn’t limit the authority of Sultan. Sultan was top of every thing.

•The importance of Berlin Peace Conference

->The respect of territorial integrity of Ottoman State

•Sultan Abdulhamid the 2nd

->A Good Wrestler, A Poet

•Ideolgy of Abdulhamid the 2nd


•Slogans of FR?


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