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Selenium WebDriver Recipes in C#,

Third Edition Courtney Zhan

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Zhimin Zhan

Courtney Zhan

Selenium WebDriver Recipes in C#

Practical Testing Solutions for Selenium
3rd ed.
Zhimin Zhan
Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Courtney Zhan
Fitzgibbon, QLD, Australia

ISBN 979-8-8688-0022-1 e-ISBN 979-8-8688-0023-8

© Courtney Zhan, Edited by Zhimin Zhan 2015, This book's irst

edition was published by the author on CreateSpace., 2024

This work is subject to copyright. All rights are solely and exclusively
licensed by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is
concerned, speci ically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of
illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on micro ilms or in
any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and
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The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks,

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The publisher, the authors, and the editors are safe to assume that the
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This Apress imprint is published by the registered company APress

Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.
The registered company address is: 1 New York Plaza, New York, NY
10004, U.S.A.
This book is dedicated to my mum, Xindi.
It has been nearly eight years since Selenium WebDriver Recipes for C#
Third Edition was published. Since then,
Selenium WebDriver v2 → v4
Visual Studio 2013 → 2022
The uprising of VS Code
Browser market changes mean IE and Edge (classic) are gone.
It is about time to update this book.
There is one observation we want to point out. Before starting this
edition, we opened the recipes and ran all tests in Visual Studio 2022,
and 138 out of 171 tests passed. Please note this was Selenium
WebDriver v2 (from 8 years ago) running against the latest Chrome
browser (v114). The majority of the test failures were related to the
changes in external websites and Firefox tests (which were not
con igured). This shows the high stability of WebDriver.

What’s New
Selenium’s new features and improvements include the following:
DOM shadow roots
Relative locators
Chrome DevTools
New APIs
…and more!
What’s new in this book:
New (about 15% more) and updated recipes
Using Visual Studio Code as the tool for developing/executing test
Executing Selenium C# tests in a BuildWise continuous testing

Who Should Read This Book

This book is for software testers or programmers who are writing (or
want to learn how to write) automated tests with Selenium WebDriver.
To get the most out of this book, basic C# coding skill is required.

How to Read This Book

Typically, a recipe book serves as a reference, allowing readers to
navigate directly to the speci ic topic of interest. For instance, if you
encounter a challenge while testing a multiple select list and require
guidance, you can refer to the Table of Contents and locate the relevant
chapter. This book supports this style of reading. Since the recipes are
arranged according to their levels of complexity, you will also be able to
work through the book from the front to back if you are looking to learn
test automation with Selenium WebDriver.

Recipe Test Scripts

To help you learn more effectively, this book has a dedicated site1 that
contains the recipe test scripts and related resources.
As the old saying goes, “There’s more than one way to skin a cat.”
When it comes to achieving the desired testing outcomes, there are
often multiple approaches. The recipe test scripts in this book are
written for simplicity, so there is always room for improvement. But for
many, understanding the solution quickly and getting the job done are
probably more important.
If you have a better and simpler way, please let us know. All recipe
test scripts are Selenium WebDriver 4 compliant and can be executed
on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge on multiple platforms.

Send Us Feedback
We appreciate your comments, suggestions, and reports on errors in
the book and the recipe test scripts. You may submit your feedback on
the book site.

Courtney Zhan and Zhimin Zhan

September 2023
Any source code or other supplementary material referenced by the
author in this book is available to readers on GitHub
( For more detailed information, please
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Selenium WebDriver
Selenium Language Bindings
Set Up the Development Environment - Visual Studio Code
Set Up Visual Studio Code
Cross-Browser Testing
Internet Explorer
Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework
Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework Fixtures
Alternative Framework: NUnit
Run Recipe Scripts
Run Test(s) in VS Code
Find the Test Case
Run an Individual Test Case
Run All Test Cases in a Test Script File
Run Tests from the Command Line
Chapter 2: Locating Web Elements
Start a Browser
Inspect a Web Element in a Browser
Find an Element by ID
Find an Element by Name
Find an Element by Link Text
Find an Element by Partial Link Text
Find an Element by XPath
Find an Element by a Tag Name
Find an Element by Class
Find an Element by CSS Selector
Find an Element by Relative Locators
Chain FindElement to Find Child Elements
Find Multiple Elements
Locate a Web Element That Disappears After Inspect
Chapter 3: Hyperlink
Click a Link by Text
Click a Link by ID
Click a Link by Partial Text
Click a Link by XPath
Click the Nth Link with Exact Same Label
Click the Nth Link by CSS Selector
Verify If a Link Is Present or Not
Get Link Data Attributes
Test If a Link Opens a New Browser Window
Chapter 4: Button
Click a Button by Text
Click a Form Button by Text
Submit a Form
Click a Button by ID
Click a Button by Name
Click an Image Button
Click a Button via JavaScript
Assert If a Button Is Present
Assert If a Button Is Enabled or Disabled
Chapter 5: TextField and TextArea
Enter Text into a Text Field by Name
Enter Text into a Text Field by ID
Enter Text into a Password Field
Clear a Text Field
Enter Text into a Multiline Text Area
Assert a Value
Focus on a Control
Set a Value to a Read-Only or Disabled Text Field
Set and Assert the Value of a Hidden Field
Chapter 6: Radio Button
Select a Radio Button
Clear the Radio Option Selection
Assert a Radio Option Is Selected
Iterate Radio Buttons in a Radio Group
Click the Nth Radio Button in a Group
Click a Radio Button by the Following Label
Customized Radio Buttons with iCheck
Chapter 7: CheckBox
Check by Name
Check by Id
Uncheck a Checkbox
Assert a Checkbox Is Checked (or Not)
Chain FindElement to Find Child Elements
Customized Checkboxes using iCheck
Chapter 8: Select List
Import Selenium.Support
Select an Option by Text
Select an Option by a Value
Select an Option by an Index
Send Keys to the Select Element
Select an Option by Iterating All Options
Select Multiple Options
Clear One Selection
Clear All Selections
Assert a Selected Option
Assert a Label or Value of a Select List
Assert Multiple Selections
Chapter 9: Navigation and Browser
Go to a URL
Visit Pages Within a Site
Open Browser in a Certain Size
Maximize the Browser Window
Move the Browser Window
Minimize a Browser Window
Scroll Focus to Control via JavaScript
Scroll with Scroll Wheel Actions
Switch Between Browser Windows or Tabs
New Browser Window or Tab
Open and Close Browser Tabs Using JavaScript
Remember Current Web Page URL and Come Back to It Later
Chapter 10: Assertion
Assert a Page Title
Assert Page Text
Assert the Page Source
Assert Label Text
Assert Span Text
Assert Div Text or HTML
Assert Table Text
Assert Text in a Table Cell
Assert Text in a Table Row
Assert If an Image Is Present
Assert Element Location and Width
Assert Element CSS Style
Assert JS Errors on a Web Page
Chapter 11: Frames
Testing Frames
Find a Frame with FindElement
Test an IFrame
Test Multiple IFrames
Chapter 12: Testing AJAX
Pause for a Speci ic Duration of Time
Explicit Waits Until Time Out
Implicit Waits Until Time Out
Fluent Waits Until Time Out
Create Your Own Polling Check Function
Refactor with a Reusable Function
Wait for the AJAX Call to Complete Using JQuery
Chapter 13: File Upload and Popup Dialogs
File Upload
File Upload with a Relative Path
JavaScript Popups
Handle JavaScript Popups Using Alert API
Handle JavaScript Popups with JavaScript
Modal Style Dialogs
Timeout on an Operation
Popup Handler Approach
Basic or Proxy Authentication Dialog
Bypass Basic Authentication by Embedding the Username and
Password in the URL
Internet Explorer Modal Dialog
Chapter 14: Debugging Test Scripts
Print Text for Debugging
Write the Page Source or Element HTML into a File
Take a Screenshot
Leave the Browser Open After a Test Finishes
Debug Test Execution using Debuggers
Enable Breakpoints
Execute One Test Case in Debugging Mode
Step Over Test Execution
Chapter 15: Test Data
Get Data Dynamically
Get a Random Boolean Value
Get a Random Boolean Value with Timestamps
Generate a Number Within a Range
Get a Random Character
Get a Random String at a Fixed Length
Get a Random String in a Collection
Generate a Test File at a Fixed Size
Retrieve Data from a Database
Chapter 16: Browser Pro ile and Capabilities
Get Browser Type and Version
Set the Page Load Strategy
Set an HTTP Proxy for a Browser
Verify File Download in Chrome
Verify File Download in Firefox
Bypass Basic Authentication with the Firefox AutoAuth Plugin
Manage Cookies
Headless Browser Testing with Chrome
Test Responsive Websites
Chapter 17: Advanced User Interactions
Double-Click a Control
Move the Mouse to a Control (Mouse Over)
Click and Hold (Select Multiple Items)
Context Click (Right-Click a Control)
Drag a Slider
Send Key Sequences (Select All and Delete)
Chapter 18: HTML5 and JavaScript
HTML5 Email Type Field
HTML5 Time Field
Invoke the onclick JavaScript Event
Invoke JavaScript Events Such As OnChange
Scroll to the Bottom of a Page
Chosen - Standard Select
Chosen - Multiple Select
AngularJS Web Pages
Ember JS Web Pages
Faking Geolocation with JavaScript
Save an SVG Chart to a PNG Image
Save a Canvas to a PNG Image
Chapter 19: WYSIWYG HTML Editors
Chapter 20: Leveraging Programming
Throw Exceptions to Fail Tests
Ignorable Test Statement Error
Read an External File
Data-Driven Tests with Excel
Data-Driven Tests with CSV
Identify Element IDs with Dynamically Generated Long Pre ixes
Sending Special Keys Such as Enter to an Element or Browser
Use of Unicode in Test Scripts
Extract a Group of Dynamic Data: Verify Search Results in Order
Verify Uniqueness of a Set of Data
Extract Dynamic Visible Data Rows from a Results Table
Extract Dynamic Text Following a Pattern Using Regex
Chapter 21: Optimization
Assert Text in a Page Source Is Faster Than the Text
Getting Text From a More Speci ic Element Is Faster
Avoid Programming If-Else Blocks If Possible
Use a Variable to Cache Unchanged Data
Enter Large Text into a Text Box
Use Environment Variables to Change Test Behaviors
Testing a Web Site in Multiple Languages
Multi-Language Testing with Lookups
Chapter 22: Gotchas
Test Starts Browser But No Execution but a Blank Screen
Failed to Assert Copied Text in Browser
The Same Test Works for Chrome, But Not for IE
“unexpected tag name ‘input’”
Element Is Not Clickable or Visible
Chapter 23: Selenium 4
Chrome For Testing
New Browser Window or Tab
Basic Authentication via Register
Print to PDF
Save Element Screenshot
Drive Elements Inside a Shadow DOM
Relative Locators
Get the Element on the Right of a Checkbox
Get the Element(s) on the Left of a Checkbox
Above in a Table
Below in a Table
Chapter 24: Selenium DevTools
Emulate Browser Crash
CDP Send Command
Emulate GEO Location
Emulate Locale
Emulate Timezone
Network Interception
Network Latency
Security: Ignore Certi icateErrors
Chapter 25: Selenium Grid
Selenium Server Standalone
Execute Tests on a Remote Machine
Set Up Selenium Grid
Using Selenium Grid to Run Tests
Issues with Selenium Grid
Chapter 26: Continuous Testing
CI vs. CT
Source Control Test Scripts in Git
Compile Test Scripts
Execute a Test Script from the Command Line
Execute a Test Script with JUnit XML
Set Up BuildWise Server
Set Up a Build Project
Run a Suite of C# tests in BuildWise
What’s the Magic?
Chapter 27: Case Studies
Verify Chart Generation
Test Design
Test Steps
Test Script
Drawing on a Canvas
Test Steps
Test Script
Automated Testing Elements on a Lazy Load Page
Test Design
Test Steps
Generate a User Guide with an Automation Script
Test Design
Test Steps
Generated Files
What Does It Look Like?
Broken Link Checker
Test Design
Test Steps
Appendix 1: Visual Studio IDE Setup
Appendix 2: Visual Studio IDE Debugging Test Execution
About the Authors
Courtney Zhan
is a software development engineer at
Amazon Australia. She is passionate
about programming, end-to-end test
automation, continuous testing, and
graphic design. She shares tips and
guides on test automation and
continuous testing weekly on Medium at

Zhimin Zhan
is the founder and CTO of AgileWay Pty
Ltd, Australia. As an advisor and coach,
he helps organizations implement
continuous testing with open
technologies such as Selenium
WebDriver and Appium. Zhimin is the
creator of the TestWise Testing IDE and
international award-winning BuildWise
CT Server and an author.
© Courtney Zhan, Edited by Zhimin Zhan 2024
Z. Zhan (ed.), Selenium WebDriver Recipes in C#

1. Introduction
Courtney Zhan1
(1) Fitzgibbon, QLD, Australia

Selenium WebDriver is a free and open-source library for automating web applications. Basically,
you can use it to drive web apps in a browser and for testing purposes.

Selenium WebDriver
Selenium WebDriver is a merger of Selenium v1 and another automation framework called
WebDriver led by Simon Stewart at Google. (Simon later joined Facebook and Apple.) Selenium 2.0
was released in July 2011. We use “Selenium,” “WebDriver,” and “Selenium WebDriver”
interchangeably in this book. Selenium v3 and v4 were released in October of 2016 and October of
2021, respectively.

Selenium Language Bindings

Selenium scripts can be written in multiple programming languages such as Java, C#, JavaScript,
Python, and Ruby (the core ones). All examples in this book are written in Selenium with C# binding.
As you will see in the examples below, the use of Selenium in different bindings is very similar. Once
you master one, you can apply it to others quite easily. Take a look at a simple Selenium test script in
four different language bindings: C#, Java, Python, and Ruby.

using System;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;

class GoogleSearch
static void Main()
// Create a new instance of the driver
IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

// And now use this to visit Google


// Find the text input element by its name

IWebElement query = driver.FindElement(By.Name("q"));

// Enter something to search for

query.SendKeys("Hello Selenium WebDriver!");
// Submit the form based on an element in the form

// Check the title of the page



import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

public class GoogleSearch {

public static void main(String[] args) {
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
WebElement element = driver.findElement("q"));
element.sendKeys("Hello Selenium WebDriver!");
System.out.println("Page title is: " + driver.getTitle());


from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Firefox()

elem = driver.find_element_by_name("q")
elem.send_keys("Hello WebDriver!")



require "selenium-webdriver"

driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome ""

element = driver.find_element(:name, 'q')

element.send_keys "Hello Selenium WebDriver!"

puts driver.title

Set Up the Development Environment - Visual Studio Code

Both the free Visual Studio Code (VS Code, for short) and the traditional Visual Studio IDE
(Community or Enterprise edition) can be used to develop and execute C# Selenium tests.
VS Code is a popular, if not the most popular, code editor and is more lightweight than the Visual
Studio IDE. The Visual Studio IDE is better suited for development work. If you are only doing
testing, VS Code is more than enough. We will use VS Code in this book. If you would like to use
Visual Studio IDE, see the Appendix for setup instructions.

Download and install VS Code.
A browser, such as Chrome or Firefox
Have the browser’s driver (such as the ChromeDriver executable) included in the PATH.

Set Up Visual Studio Code

Install the .NET SDK.
Download it from
us/download/dotnet/7.01. Note that .NET SDK now works on all major platforms. We
chose macOS X64 since we were using a Mac. Obviously, it works on Windows too.
Run the installer (Figure 1-1).

Figure 1-1 .NET SDK Installer screenshot

Verify it was installed correctly by running this code in a new terminal window:

$ dotnet --version

Install the C# and NuGet package manager extensions into VS Code.
Click the Extensions tab on the left pane in VS Code (or use Command + Shift + X on a Mac
or Control + Shift + X on Windows). Search for C# in the Extension Marketplace. This
will add support for C# in VS Code. Install it (Figure 1-2).
Figure 1-2 Visual Studio Code’s C# extension

Repeat the same process for the NuGet Package Manager, which helps to add libraries, such as
Selenium WebDriver, to test projects (Figure 1-3).

Figure 1-3 Visual Studio Code’s NuGet Package Manager extension

Create a MSTest project folder.
The MSTest framework is a test framework which is included by default with Microsoft Visual
From the terminal, run the following command to create a project named

$ dotnet new mstest -o HelloSeleniumTest

Sample output:

The template "MSTest Test Project" was created successfully.

Processing post-creation actions...
Determining projects to restore...
Restored /Users/courtney/tmp/HelloSeleniumTest/HelloSeleniumTest.csproj
(in 1.16 sec).
Restore succeeded.

Open the newly created test project folder in VS Code.
Run the (empty) test case by clicking the Run Test link, as indicated in Figure 1-4.
Figure 1-4 How to run an empty test in Visual Studio Code

There is an extra compilation step, which was taken care of by VS Code, for readers who have
only used scripting languages, such as Ruby and Python, as C# is a compiled language. As you can
see, HelloSeleniumTest.dll is the output of the compilation (a.k.a. build).
This empty test case is meaningless, but if it passes, it means your MSTest setup (with SDK) is
Add the Selenium WebDriver package to the test project.
You want to run a Selenium C# test that drives a Chrome browser (on macOS). There are three
The Chrome browser
The ChromeDriver for the matching browser version is in the PATH
The Selenium WebDriver library must be installed and con igured in the test project.
The irst two are generic and needed for any WebDriver-powered automation. The third one
you can achieve with the NuGet package manager.
Press Command + Shift + P on Mac (or Control + Shift + P on Windows) to
start the Command Palette, type NuGet, and select the NuGet Package Manager: Add Package
option, as shown in Figure 1-5.

Figure 1-5 Executing NuGet Package Manager’s Add Package command in Visual Studio Code

Then type in Selenium and press the Enter key (Figure 1-6).
Figure 1-6 Adding the package Selenium.WebDriver in Visual Studio Code

Press the Enter key to select Selenium.WebDriver. Then select the latest version (in our case,
4.8.2). See Figure 1-7.

Figure 1-7 Selecting Selenium.WebDriver’s package version in Visual Studio Code

After that, you will see popups at the right bottom of VS Code (Figure 1-8).

Figure 1-8 Prompt to restore unresolved dependencies in Visual Studio Code

Click the Restore button.

6. First Selenium C# test
Add a new ile, LoginTest.cs, to the project (in VS Code). Paste in this content:

namespace HelloSeleniumTest;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;

public class SeleniumLoginOkTest
IWebDriver driver = null;
public void TestLoginOK()
driver = new ChromeDriver();
Assert.IsTrue(driver.PageSource.Contains("Signed in!"));

Run it (as shown earlier in Step 4). You will see a Chrome browser launch and log into the
AgileTravel site.

Cross-Browser Testing
One big advantage of Selenium WebDriver over other web automation frameworks, in our opinions,
is that it supports all major web browsers: Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Firefox. To be more
precise, all major browser vendors support WebDriver, a W3C standard.
The browser market nowadays is more diversi ied (based on the StatsCounter2, the usage
shares in May 2023 for Chrome, Safari, Edge, and Firefox are 66.0%, 12.8%, 9.9%, and 5.3%,
respectively). It is logical that all external facing web sites require serious cross-browser testing.
Selenium is a natural choice for this purpose because it far exceeds other web automation tools and

To run Selenium tests in Google Chrome, besides the Chrome browser itself, ChromeDriver3 needs
to be installed. Visit and choose a
version that matches your browser (Figure 1-9).

Figure 1-9 ChromeDriver downloads page

Download the one for your target platform, unzip it, and put the chromedriver executable in
your PATH. To verify the installation, open a command window, execute the command
chromedriver –version. You should see something like Figure 1-10.

Figure 1-10 Verifying the ChromeDriver version via the command line

The following code launches a new Chrome browser window and closes it one second later:

namespace HelloSeleniumTest;
using System;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;
public class HelloSelenium {
public static void main(String[] args) {
IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

C# beginners might be confused/frustrated when running this simple code snippet, with issues related
to “project,” “namespace,” and “compiling.” Don't worry. We will cover the test execution shortly. For
readers who have used a good scripting language such as Ruby: Yes, test automation with Ruby is a lot

Selenium for Firefox requires geckodriver5. The following test script will open a web site in a new
Firefox window:

using OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox;
// ...
IWebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

Safari is the default macOS web browser. While Safari supports WebDriver out of the box, you will
need to do minor setup to enable automation.
Enable Developer Tools in Safari.
Open Safari’s Preferences (Safari ➤ Settings on the top bar or Command + ,).
In the Advanced tab, check the “Show Develop menu in menu bar” box. See Figure 1-11.

Figure 1-11 Enabling the Develop menu in Safari’s settings

You should see the Develop menu in the top bar of Safari now.
2. Enable Remote Automation in Safari.
Under the Develop menu tab, check the “Allow Remote Automation” option (Figure 1-12).
Figure 1-12 Enabling Remote Automation in Safari’s menu bar

using OpenQA.Selenium.Safari;
// ...
IWebDriver driver = new SafariDriver();

Edge is Microsoft’s new default web browser on Windows 10+. The current Edge is based on
Chromium (the legacy version was deprecated in March 2021). To drive Edge with WebDriver, you
need Microsoft Edge WebDriver6. The installation process is the same as ChromeDriver, and the ile
is msedgedriver.exe.

using System.IO;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Edge;
// ...
IWebDriver driver = new EdgeDriver();

Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer has retired. In a rare case that you need to test a certain website against IE, it is
still possible. Selenium requires IEDriverServer to drive IE browser. Its installation process is very
similar to ChromeDriver. IEDriverServer is available at Choose the right one based on your Windows
version (32- or 64-bit).

using OpenQA.Selenium.IE;
IWebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();

Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework

The script examples above drive browsers. Strictly speaking, they are not tests (Selenium is an
automation framework). To make the effective use of Selenium scripts for testing, you need to put
them in a test framework that de ines test structures and provides assertions (performing checks in
test scripts). Here is an example using Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework:

using System;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox;
using OpenQA.Selenium.IE;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Edge;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Safari;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

public class GoogleSearchDifferentBrowsersTest {

public void TestInIE() {
IWebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();

public void TestInFirefox() {
IWebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

public void TestInChrome() {
IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

public void TestInSafari() {
IWebDriver driver = new SafariDriver();

public void TestInEdge() {
// Default option, MicrosoftWebDriver.exe must be in PATH
IWebDriver driver = new EdgeDriver();

[TestMethod] annotates a test case below, in a format of TestCapitalCase. You will ind
more about VS Unit Test Framework from its home page8. However, we honestly don’t think it is
necessary. The part used for test scripts is not much and is quite intuitive. After studying and trying
out some examples, you will be quite comfortable with it.

Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework Fixtures

If you worked with xUnit before, you must know the setUp() and tearDown() ixtures, which are
called before or after every test. In VS Unit Test Framework, by using annotations
([ClassInitialize], [TestInitialize], [TestCleanup], and [ClassCleanup]), you
can choose the name for the ixtures. Here is an example:

public static void BeforeAll() {
// run before all test cases

public void Before() {
// run before each test case

public void TestCase1() {
// one test case

public void TestCase2() {
// another test case

public void After() {
// run after each test case

public static void AfterAll() {
// run after all test cases, typically, close browser

Please note that [ClassCleanup] does not guarantee all tests from one test class have been
executed before a new test class is initialized. What does this mean for your execution? If you run
one test case or all test cases in a single test class, [ClassCleanup] is invoked, it will run as you
expected. However, when you run several test classes in one go, when [ClassCleanup] is
invoked, it is nondeterministic (which could lead to many opened browser windows). This is not
good. Read this MSDN blog post for explanation: “ClassCleanup May Run Later Than You Think.”9

Alternative Framework: NUnit

NUnit10, inspired by JUnit, is an open-source unit testing framework for Microsoft .NET. If you have
used JUnit before, you will ind similarities in NUnit. Compared to VSTest, NUnit is more lexible for
executing tests from the command line with JUnit style test reports (which can be easily integrated
with CI Servers).
However, you will need to spend some effort getting NUnit to work with Visual Studio.

Run Recipe Scripts

Test scripts for all recipes can be downloaded from this book’s site. They are all in the ready-to-run
state. We include the target web pages as well as the Selenium test scripts. There are two kinds of
target web pages: local HTML iles and web pages on a live site. Running the tests written for live
sites requires an Internet connection.

Run Test(s) in VS Code

The most convenient way to run one test case or a test suite is to do it in an IDE. When you have a
large number of test cases, the most effective way to run all tests is done by a continuous testing
process, which we cover in a later chapter.

Find the Test Case

You can locate the recipe either by following the chapter or searching by name. There can be
hundreds of test cases in one test project. Being able to quickly navigate to the test case is
important when your test suite is large.
Visual Studio Code has a Navigate To Symbol command; its default keyboard shortcut is
Command + T on Mac (or Control + T on Windows). See Figure 1-13.

Figure 1-13 Visual Studio Code’s Navigate To Symbol search box

A pop-up window lists all artifacts (test methods and classes) in the project for your selection.
The search starts as soon as you type, as you can see in Figure 1-14.

Figure 1-14 Visual Studio Code’s Navigate To Symbol search box jumping to a speci ic test

Run an Individual Test Case

Under the [TestMethod] annotation, there is an option called Run Test. Click this button to run
the single test case (see Figure 1-15).
Figure 1-15 The Run Test button in Visual Studio Code

Figure 1-16 shows a screenshot of the execution panel where one test case has passed.

Figure 1-16 Visual Studio Code execution panel after executing a test

Run All Test Cases in a Test Script File

You can also run all test cases in the currently opened test script ile by clicking the Run All
Tests button under the [TestClass] annotation, as shown in Figure 1-17.

Figure 1-17 The Run All Tests (in the current ile) button in Visual Studio Code

Figure 1-18 is a screenshot of the execution panel where all test cases in a test script ile have

Figure 1-18 Visual Studio Code execution panel after executing tests

Run Tests from the Command Line

One key advantage of open-source test automation frameworks, such as Selenium, is FREEDOM. You
can edit the test scripts in any text editor and run them from a command line. Here are two reasons
why a test automation engineer must know how to execute tests from command line:
You can eliminate issues from tools.
It’s required for continuous testing because the CT server invokes test executions this way.
To run a C# class, you need to compile it irst (if you’re using an IDE, this is usually done
automatically before execution).
1. Open a command prompt.
You can use the standard command window (cmd.exe) or PowerShell. Also, most IDEs
(including VS Code) provide an interface for the terminal. In VS code, you jump to the terminal
with Control + `.
Change directory to your solution/working folder.

cd C:\books\SeleniumRecipes-C#\recipes\SeleniumRecipes

Run all test cases using the dotnet test in one test script (class).
Run all tests in a ile with dotnet test -- ilter NameSpace.TestClass.

dotnet test --filter


Run an individual test case.
To only run a single test case, use NameSpace.TestClass.TestMethod instead. For

dotnet test --filter


To run multiple test cases, use double quotations around the ilter and the OR operator (|) to
separate test classes:

dotnet test --filter

"SeleniumRecipes.GoogleSearchDifferentBrowsersTest.TestInFirefox |

Sample output:

Starting test execution, please wait...

A total of 1 test files matched the specified pattern.

Passed! - Failed: 0, Passed: 2, Skipped: 0, Total: 2, Duration:

12 s
- SeleniumRecipesCSharp.dll (net7.0)









© Courtney Zhan, Edited by Zhimin Zhan 2024
Z. Zhan (ed.), Selenium WebDriver Recipes in C#

2. Locating Web Elements

Courtney Zhan1
(1) Fitzgibbon, QLD, Australia

As you may have already igured out, to drive an element in a page, you need to ind it irst. Selenium uses
locators to ind and match elements on web page. There are eight locators in Selenium, shown in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1 Selenium Locators

Table Example
ID FindElement(By.Id("user"))
Name FindElement(By.Name("username"))
Link Text FindElement(By.LinkText("Login"))
Partial Link Text FindElement(By.PartialLinkText("Next"))
Xpath FindElement(By.Xpath("//div[@id='login']/input"))
Tag Name FindElement(By.TagName("body"))
Class Name FindElement(By.ClassName("table"))
CSS FindElement(By.CssSelector, "#login > input[type="text"]"))

Selenium WebDriver 4 (released in October 2021) added a new locator type called Relative, which we
don’t ind that useful, yet. We include one simple example use of one relative locator in this chapter and
more in Chapter 25.
You may use any one of the locators to narrow down the element you are looking for.

Start a Browser
Testing websites starts with a browser.

static WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

// or
driver.Url = "";

Use ChromeDriver, SafariDriver, EdgeDriver, and FirefoxDriver for testing in Chrome,

Safari, Edge, and Firefox, respectively.

Note: Test Site We prepared the test pages for the recipes. You can download them (in a zip ile) from
the book’s site. Unzip to a local directory and refer to test pages like this:

siteUrl = "file:///Users/courtney/work/books/SeleniumRecipes-
C%23/site";driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(siteUrl + "/button.html");

For beginners, we recommend closing the browser window at the end of a test class.

There is also driver.Close(), which closes the browser window with the focus. driver.Quit()
closes all browser windows and ends the WebDriver session.

Inspect a Web Element in a Browser

Note Every web page is set by its page source in HTML.

A simple way to ind the HTML fragment for a web element is to right-click the web element in a Chrome
browser and select Inspect, as shown in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1 Inspect mode on the Chrome browser

Then choose an appropriate Selenium locator based on the HTML fragment. It is not hard, and you don’t
even have to know HTML well. After some trial and error (like the recipes in this book), you will get it quite
quickly. For example, for the text box in Figure 2-1, name="comment" can be used to locate it.

Find an Element by ID
Using an ID is the easiest and safest way to locate an element in HTML, if it exists. For a web page that is
W3C HTML compliant1, the IDs should be unique and identi ied in web controls. In comparison to texts, test
scripts that use IDs are less prone to application changes (e.g., developers may decide to change the label,
but are less likely to change the ID).

driver.FindElement(By.Id("submit_btn")).Click(); // Button
driver.FindElement(By.Id("cancel_link")).Click(); // Link
driver.FindElement(By.Id("username")).SendKeys("agileway"); // Textfield
driver.FindElement(By.Id("alert_div")).getText(); // HTML Div element

Find an Element by Name

The name attributes are used in form controls such as text ields and radio buttons. The values of the name
attributes are passed to the server when a form is submitted. In terms of the least likelihood of a change, the
name attribute is probably as good as an ID.

driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(TestHelper.SiteUrl() + "/locators.html");

driver.FindElement(By.Name("comment")).SendKeys("Selenium Cool");

Find an Element by Link Text

For hyperlinks only, using a link’s text is probably the most direct way to click a link because it is what you
see on the page.


Find an Element by Partial Link Text

Selenium allows you to identify a hyperlink control with partial text. This can be quite useful when the text
is dynamically generated. In other words, the text on one web page might be different on your next visit. You
might be able to use the common text shared by these dynamically generated link texts to identify them.
// will click the "Cancel" link

Find an Element by XPath

XPath, the XML Path Language, is a query language for selecting nodes from an XML document. When a
browser renders a web page, it parses it into a DOM tree or similar. XPath can be used to refer to a certain
node in the DOM tree. If this sounds a little too technical for you, don’t worry; just remember that XPath is
the most powerful way to ind a speci ic web control in HTML.

// clicking the checkbox under 'div2' container


Some testers feel intimidated by the complexity of XPath. However, in practice, there is only a limited
scope of XPath to master for testers.


The browser’s developer tool (right-click to select the Inspect element to show it) is very useful for
identifying a web element in a web page. You may get the XPath of a web element there, as shown in
Figure 2-2 (in Chrome).

Figure 2-2 Copying the XPath of an element

The copied XPath for the second Click here link in the example is as follows:


It works. However, we do not recommend this approach because the test script is fragile. If a
developer later adds another div under <div id="container">, the copied XPath will no longer be
correct for the element, while //div[contains(text(), "Second")]/a[text()="Click
here"] still works.
In summary, XPath is a very powerful way to locate web elements when Id, Name, or LinkText are
not applicable. Try to use an XPath expression that is less vulnerable to structure changes around the
web element.

Find an Element by a Tag Name

There are a limited set of tag names in HTML. In other words, many elements share the same tag names on
a web page. You normally don’t use the tag_name locator by itself to locate an element. You often use it
with others in chained locators (see the section below). However, there is an exception:


The above test statement returns the text view of a web page. This is a very useful one because Selenium
WebDriver does not have a built-in method to return the text of a web page.

Find an Element by Class

The class attribute of an HTML element is used for styling. It can also be used for identifying elements.
Commonly, an HTML element’s class attribute has multiple values, like so:

<a href="back.html" class="btn btn-default">Cancel</a>

<input type="submit" class="btn btn-deault btn-primary">Submit</input>

You may use any one of them.

driver.FindElement(By.ClassName("btn-primary")).Click(); // Submit button

driver.FindElement(By.ClassName("btn")).Click(); // Cancel

// the below will return error "Compound class names not permitted"
// driver.FindElement((By.ClassName("btn btn-deault btn-primary")).Click();

The ClassName locator is convenient for testing JavaScript/CSS libraries (such as TinyMCE), which
typically use a set of de ined class names.

// inline editing

Find an Element by CSS Selector

You may also use the CSS path to locate a web element.

driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("#div2 >

However, the use of a CSS selector is generally more prone to structure changes of a web page.

Find an Element by Relative Locators

The purpose of relative locators is to ind a speci ic element(s) regarding the position of another element.
There was hype about relative locators ( irst introduced in Sahi Pro). However, we have reservations for
two reasons:
We rarely have need for relative locators, so XPath is ine.
The proximity check (used in relative locators) does not always work as expected.
Here are quotes from Simon Stewart’s Selenium 4 master course on TestGuild2:
“The way that proximity works, things are looking like they should be found, but sometimes aren’t.”
“Be aware that relative locators are very sensitive to page layout.”
Here is a simple example:

using static OpenQA.Selenium.RelativeBy;

IWebElement submitBtn = driver.FindElement(By.ClassName("btn"));

IWebElement textField =

You will ind more examples of using this new relative locators in Chapter 25.

Chain FindElement to Find Child Elements

For a page containing more than one element with the same attributes, like the following one, you can use
the XPath locator.
<div id="div1">
<input type="checkbox" name="same" value="on"> Same checkbox in Div 1
<div id="div2">
<input type="checkbox" name="same" value="on"> Same checkbox in Div 2

There is another way: you can chain several FindElement instances to ind a child element.


Find Multiple Elements

As its name suggests, FindElements returns a list of matched elements back. Its syntax is the same as
FindElement, so you can use any of the eight locators.
The following test statement will ind two checkboxes under div#container and click the second one:

ReadOnlyCollection<IWebElement> checkbox_elems =
System.Console.WriteLine(checkbox_elems); // => 2

Sometimes FindElement fails due to multiple matching elements on a page, which you were not
aware of. FindElements will come in handy to ind them out.

Locate a Web Element That Disappears After Inspect

Dynamic elements are generated on the ly and often do not exist in the static page source. The only
practical way (we are aware of) is to get them by inspecting the dynamic element directly. However, some
web elements disappear after you select the Inspect menu item (via right-click) because their focus has
been lost.
There are two workarounds:
Open the developer tools in Chrome and select the Elements tab, right-click the parent node of the
element you want to inspect, and in the contextual menu, click Break on ➤ Subtree modi ications
(Figure 2-3).

Figure 2-3 Chrome’s “Break on subtree modi ications” setting

2. One simple workaround (more like a hack, but it works) is to type the following in the browser console:

setTimeout(() => { debugger; }, 5000)

This gives you 5 seconds to check the element source before the debugger shows up. See Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4 Chrome’s browser debugger mode


© Courtney Zhan, Edited by Zhimin Zhan 2024
Z. Zhan (ed.), Selenium WebDriver Recipes in C#

3. Hyperlink
Courtney Zhan1
(1) Fitzgibbon, QLD, Australia

Hyperlinks (or links) are fundamental elements of web pages. As a matter of fact, hyperlinks make the World
Wide Web possible. A sample link is shown in Figure 3-1 and then we show the HTML source.

Figure 3-1 An example of a hyperlink

HTML source:

<a href="index.html" id="recommend_selenium_link" class="nav" data-id="123"

style="font-size: 14px;">Recommend Selenium</a>

Click a Link by Text

Using text is probably the most direct way to click a link in Selenium, as it is what we see on the page.

driver.FindElement(By.LinkText("Recommend Selenium")).Click();

Please note that using CSS (e.g. text-transform: uppercase;) might change the text view from
its HTML source. In this case, use the text as you see.

Click a Link by ID

Furthermore, if you are testing a web site with multiple languages, using IDs is probably the most
favorable option. You do not want to write test scripts like the following:

if (isItalian()) {
} else if (isChinese()) { // a helper function determines the locale
driver.FindElement(By.LinkText, "登录").Click();
} else {
driver.FindElement(By.LinkText("Sign in")).Click();

Click a Link by Partial Text

driver.FindElement(By.PartialLinkText("Recommend Seleni")).Click();

Click a Link by XPath

This example inds a link with the text “Recommend Selenium” under a <p> tag:
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Names of the Deceas’d belonging to
Capt. John Ruſſell, Barn. Lothrop, Daniel
Hall, Tho. Caſley, Eben. Bacon, Jaſey Garritt,
John Berry, Barnabas Howes, Stephen
Bacon, Jon. Lothrop, Boſton, a Negro Man.
The SHIPWRECK: A Hymn of Praiſe.
Deep calleth unto deep at the noiſe of thy
water-ſpouts: All thy waves and thy
billows are gone over me.—Yet the
L O R D hath ſhewn his loving kindneſs in
the day-time: In the night my song shall
be with him, and my prayer unto the
G O D of my life.—When I remember
theſe things I pour out my ſoul in me, with
the voice of joy and praiſe. David.
W HEN mountain billows o’er me roll
I poured out my troubled ſoul
When waves of adverſe fortune meet,
Thou prov’d a guide unto my feet.
2. My ſong ſhall always be on GOD,
I’m ſav’d by his uplifted rod;
My utmoſt ſearch ſhall be to know
The LORD who ſav’d from froſt and ſnow.
3. LORD may I fear thee all my days,
Thy mercies claim my higheſt praiſe;
For in the time of deep deſpair,
Preſerv’d I was by heav’nly care.
4. The LORD is good to thoſe who call
On Him, and do depend for all;
In adverſe fate if we depend
On GOD, he will deliv’rence ſend.
5. In deep diſtreſs and trouble ſore,
When ſurging billows round me roar,
Altho’ he ſlay me, yet I’ll truſt
On God, my Saviour, who is juſt.
6. Not only truſt but I will call
On Him, who is the L O R D of all;
My day-ſong ſhall in thee accord,
And in the night I’ll praiſe the L O R D.
7. Thy goodneſs and thy tender care
Reliev’d me when in deep deſpair;
Thy gracious and thy friendly Crook
I will record in this my Book.
8. Had it not been for thy controul,
The deep would ſwallow up my ſoul;
Tho’ froſt me of my feet deprive,
Yet I will praiſe thee I’m alive.
9. Alive to praiſe thee, O my G O D,
Tho’ chaſt’ned with afflicting rod;
But ſhould my ſins been marked well,
My ſoul would have been ſent to Hell.
10. But bleſſed be his holy Hand,
I am return’d to native land;
Tho’ ſickneſs did my ſpirits waſte,
Thy flowing mercy I do taſte.
11. My Kindred and my Friends ſo dear;
Truſt in the L O R D and always fear
Him who can ſave, if you rely
On One who rules above the ſky.
12. Lo, Seamen, one and all attend,
Look well to what I here have pen’d;
Let me intreat you not to ſwear,
But live in G O D’s moſt holy fear.
13. He will vouchſafe when danger’s
To help, if on Him you rely;
Tho’ ſtorms ariſe on raging main,
He’ll bring thee ſafe to Friends again.
14. I ſay to all truſt in the L O R D,
He will your grottos always guard,
From tempeſts dire and ſickneſs ſore;
Your baſket fill, and bleſs your ſtore.
A H Y M N. By another Author.

M Y ſoul, my powers bleſs ye the

With Hymns of praiſe his wonders ſound,
When threat’ning danger round me ſtood
I ſought his help and ſuccour found.
2. Hopeleſs I saw my gloomy caſe,
When burſting waves broke o’er my
Then did my ſoul addreſs his throne,
And all its wants before him ſpread.
3. Then in the mount did G O D appear,
And made his light in darkneſs ſhine,
At his rebuke the Tempeſt fled,
To magnify his arm divine.
4. He ſaid I have a ranſom found,
Therefore ye ſons of men return,
I will no more with you contend,
Nor let my wrath forever burn.
5. I am the L O R D who rules the ſeas,
My voice can huſh the roaring waves,
The keys of death are in my Hand
To ſhut or open oozy graves.
6. Come truſt the L O R D in all your
His great ſalvation call to mind,
My own experience can atteſt,
The L O R D is good, his dealings kind.
7. Within the book of his accounts,
Each of my members written are,
Without commiſſion from his Hand,
There ſhall not fall a limb or hair.
8. With joyful heart I’ll tread his Courts,
And pay my vows among his Saints,
To Him my life, my all devote,
Who bow’d his Ear to my complaints.
Transcriber’s Note
Archaic and inconsistent spelling retained, along with
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