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Republic of Liberia




OCTOBER 10, 2023
The tally of the results for the 2023 General and Presidential Elections will begin after the
Tamper-Evident Envelopes (TEEs) start arriving at the NEC Magisterial Offices from
voting precincts.

The Magistrates are responsible for organizing the tally in their respective magisterial
areas. The Magistrates will monitor the tally to ensure that proper procedures are
followed at all times.

The results from each polling place will be entered electronically into the Tally Database.
The Tally Database will provide numerous safeguards and checks on the results data, to
ensure correct tallying is achieved.

As the receipt of materials and tallying of all polling places is likely to take few days, the
NEC Magisterial Offices will keep the public and the Data Center (NEC HQ) updated with
progressive tally reports during the course of the tally. Communication of the tally to the
NEC HQ will require internet connectivity between Data Center and Magisterial Offices.
The Magistrates will therefore be required, at a pre-determined time every day - from 11
October to the conclusion of the tallying process at the county level to send the tally
results to the Data Center (NEC HQ).

The Data Center (NEC HQ) will maintain an electronic tally in the Tally Database for every
polling place in the 19 Magisterial Areas. Once all data has been received electronically
from the counties, and once the NEC Board of Commissioners have adjudicated on all
electoral related complaints and appeals, the Data Center (NEC HQ) will issue the final
results for the 2023 General and Presidential Elections to the NEC Board of
Commissioners, no later as prescribed in the timeline of the 2023 General and
Presidential Elections.

Transparency of the Process

It is crucial that the process remain transparent during the tallying of results. The NEC
Magisterial Offices must maintain frequent updates to the public, political parties’ agents,
observers and other stakeholders during the tally process. In addition, the tally must be
well organized, such that the results are trusted and verifiable.

Tally Preparations
The NEC Magisterial Offices must designate an area where the tally will be conducted
with the exception of Montserrado County. The tallying hall should have sufficient space
for NEC staff operating there.

In addition, there must be adequate space made for boxes containing Intake, Processed
and Quarantined TEEs, a projector screen, printer, photocopier and agents/observers.

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Structure and staffing in the Tally Center
The Tally Center will operate daily from 09:00 AM – 06:00 PM with one hour break in
Each Magisterial Office will have teams of NEC staff operating in the Tally Center with
predefined duties. In order to enable easy flow of the process, the following teams will
operate in a Tally Center:

1. Intake of TEEs Team

2. Reading officer

3. Tally Officer

4. Photocopying Officer

5. Pasting Officer

For Intake of materials, Intake Form will be used to track materials received from the ESs.

The Magistrate will be responsible for overall operations during the tally process at the
local Tally Center and will organize the tally in his/her area of responsibility, deal with
the quarantined TEEs and shall communicate continuously with the NEC HQ during the
entire tally process.

Stages of the Tally Process

The tally process has several stages, which include the following:

1. Intake of the TEEs in the Tally Center,

2. Copying and issuing copies of the Record of the Count forms to the
agents/observers, and
3. Tally process (entering results in the database).
4. Archive/Storage of processed TEEs.

Though the organization of the Tally Center may differ from one magisterial office to
another and depending on the office space; the setup of the Tally Center can be very
helpful. Below is an example of a possible Tally Center setup. A projector will be available
for each Data Entry team to project what is being computed for everyone present to see.

2023 General And Presidential Elections Tally Procedures Page 3

Received TEE Processed TEE
Queue Queue

Photocopier Printer

Data Entry Clerk

Photocopying Officer

Barrier Tape

Quarantined TEE
Tally Center Processing



Barrier Tape

Barrier Tape
Tally Center


Barrier Tape

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Intake and Tally Process
Intake of the Tampered Evident Envelopes TEEs at the Tally Center
Intake of the TEEs is the first stage of the tally process. The intake of the materials is the
process of checking in the TEEs after polling and counting has been completed. This
process will take place at each magisterial area at the Tally Center or in areas designated
by the Magistrate. Each Magistrate must plan to have a space available for intake of the
TEEs in the Tally Center.

Purpose of intake is to account for all TEEs that should be retrieved from all polling
places, check the condition of the TEEs and verify if they have been delivered and secured
according to the instructions in the polling and counting manual.

Tamper-Evident Envelope-3 (TEE-3) which contains the Record of the Count form, will
be delivered to the NEC Tally Center, by the Electoral Supervisor (ES) as rest of the polling
materials are delivered to the magisterial warehouses.

The ES will travel under the security of the Liberia National Police (LNP), as per county
movement plans. Upon arrival at the NEC Magisterial Offices, TEEs will be handed over
to the County Logistics Officer in charge of receipt of the TEEs.

The Logistics Officer, will upon receipt of TEEs, separate TEE-1, TEE-2 and TEE-3; and
place each TEE in a secured place. TEE-3 will be kept separately to be processed by the
County Tally Staff.

All remaining sensitive and non-sensitive (ballot box with ballot papers, ballot boxes,
polling place kits, etc.) materials will then be placed in magisterial warehouses, and will
be checked in by the designated NEC staff.

Intake process
At the conclusion of the polling, TEEs and other polling materials will be returned to the
magisterial office as per county movement plans. There will be TEEs and other materials
retrieved from the polling places. The Magistrate has to allocate one location for intake of
polling materials, ideally the warehouse and a space in the Tally Center for intake of the

For the intake of materials, three areas for storage of TEEs will to be arranged, which
should include:

1. TEE1 and TEE2, one area,

2. TEE3 one area, and

3. Quarantined TEE3

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In the Tally Center, the ES shall only handover the TEE-3, before the other
materials are handed over in the warehouse.
The process of intake of the TEEs is as follows:

1. The ES team brings the TEE3 by voting precinct,

2. When the ESs are handing over TEE-3, they have to ensure that TEEs of one
precinct are handed over together,
3. The Intake Team will use the intake of TEEs form to record the received TEEs from
the ESs,
4. The intake form will have all precinct codes and number of polling places pre-
printed on the form, this will enable the Intake Team to know exactly how many
TEEs they have to record for each voting precinct,
5. If the ES team handing over the TEEs for a precinct is missing one or more TEEs
of a polling place, then the Intake Team will ask the ES team to locate the missing
TEE(s) and then handover the missing TEEs for that particular precinct. Partial
handover of TEEs for one precinct is not accepted,
6. Upon receipt of the TEEs for one precinct, the Intake Team will separate TEE-1
and TEE-2 from TEE-3and place all TEE-1 and TEE-2 for one precinct together and
all TEE-3 for a precinct together; ensuring that all TEE-3 for a precinct is kept

7. The ES will be asked by the Logistics Officer to sign against the precinct handover

Questionable TEEs
When receiving TEEs, the Intake Team may come across missing TEEs or tempered TEEs.
The Intake Team should be prepared to deal with these cases during the intake.
Missing TEEs – when receiving TEEs, the Intake Team has to make sure that all TEEs for
one precinct are handed over at the same time. In case there are missing TEEs (TEE1,
TEE2 and TEE3) of one or more polling places within the precinct, the Intake Team can
request from the ES team to look out for the missing TEEs for the precinct and then hand
over the TEEs for that particular precinct.

The ES can still hand over TEEs for precincts that have all polling places intact.
If an ES is unable to locate the missing TEEs, he/she shall report to the Intake Team, that
the TEEs were not found. The Intake Team in this case will record in the journal details
regarding the missing TEEs and ask the ES to sign.

If TEE-1 or TEE-2 for a polling place is missing and cannot be located, the tally can still
continue if the TEE3 for that polling place is available. In that case, the Magistrate has to
inform the NEC HQ on the missing TEEs.

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Missing TEE3– if a TEE-3 is missing (any polling place from a voting precinct), tally of
the results cannot be completed for the entire voting precinct. In that case, the Magistrate
shall inform NEC HQ on the issue and will wait for further instructions on the way
Tampered TEEs – the Intake Officers, when receiving TEEs from the ESs have to check
any tampering signs on the TEEs, such as torn or unsealed TEEs. If the TEEs are unsealed,
the ES has to clarify the reason why the TEEs were not sealed. At the same time the
contents of TEE-3 need to be checked if all the forms are in and if there are any signs of
tampering with results.

If there are no visible signs of tempering with results, the Intake Team will process the
TEEs by making a note in the journal.

If the TEEs are torn especially the TEE-3, the Intake Team will request for clarification
from the ES team on why the TEEs are torn. The Intake Team will make a note of the ES
statement and will place the TEE aside with the quarantined TEEs in the quarantine area.
The Intake Team reports the case to the Magistrate who in turn informs the NEC HQ and
requests further instructions.
In the intake center, the Intake Team must have a journal where they can keep notes on
all the cases set aside as quarantined. At the end of the day, they complete the electronic
report form and they send it to the NEC HQ.
In addition, Voting Precinct Code and Polling Place number of the quarantined TEE must
be entered into the Tally software along with the reasons for being quarantined.

Commencing the Tally

It is important for transparency of the process that the tally commences in the NEC
Magisterial Offices as soon as good numbers of TEEs are received. It is critical that county
offices don't wait for all polling places to return materials before commencing the tally.

Tally Process

In the Tally Center, there will be three areas for TEE3; an area for Intake TEE3s, an area
for Processed TEE3s and an area for Quarantined TEE3s.

The Count Reading Officer will retrieve TEE3 for the entire voting precinct from the
queue of received materials. The Count Reading Officer will open the TEE3 one by one for
each polling place to ensure that all the forms are enclosed in the TEE3. TEE3 for each
polling place will contain the following:

1. One Presiding Officer’s Worksheet

2. One Record of the Count Form

3. One Polling place Journal

Once the Count Reading Officer concludes that the above forms are enclosed in each
TEE3, he/she will request from the Photocopy Officer to make copies of the Record of the
Count Form for all observers/agents.
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The Photocopy Officer has to ensure that, when making copies, he/she does not misplace
the forms from the TEE3 as these are needed to enter the results in the database. Once
he/she completes copying of results for the precinct, the Photocopy Officer issues copies
of the Record of the Count Forms to the agents/observers present. Then the Photocopy
Officer gives back all the TEEs to the Count Reading Officer in order for tally to start.

The Count Reading officer will start tallying with polling place one, followed by second,
third and so on. In addition, for each polling place, Count Reading Officer will read the
President/Senate/Representative Record of the Count Form (RC-02) for the polling

For each polling place the Count Reading Officer will compare data entered in the POs
Worksheet and the top portion of the Record of the Count Form where information is
copied from the POs Worksheet. Portion of the form shown below:

If the information on the part shown above matches with the one entered in the POs
Worksheet, the Count Reading officer will start reading the results to the Tally Database

For each Record of the Count, the Count Reading Officer will begin by reading out loud
the, county name, electoral district, voting precinct code, voting precinct name, and
polling place number. As the Count Reading officer is reading the Record of the Count, the
Tally Operator will enter the information into the Tally Database (ET-O1). All party agents
and observers are free to watch the data entry process as it will be projected in the
presence of everyone at the Tally Center.

The Count Reading Officer will then proceed with reading the portion of the POs
Worksheet in the Record of the Count Form. Then count reading officer will proceed with

• the number of “Votes Obtained” by each candidate;

• the number of “Total Valid Votes” cast;
• the number of “Total Invalid Votes” cast; and
• the number of “Total of Valid and Invalid Votes” cast.

As the count reading officer is reading the Record of the Count, the Tally Operator will
enter the respective information into Tally Database. Once the Count Reading Officer
finishes reading, “Votes Obtained” by each Candidate, Tally Database will automatically
calculate the “Total Valid Votes”. The Count Reading Officer will confirm that this
number corresponds to the number on the Record of the Count, if “Total Valid Votes” in
Record of the Count and the “Total Valid Votes” in the database do not match, then:
a. Check “Votes Obtained” by each candidate and identify error/mistake and
correct in the Database.
b. However, if the “Votes Obtained” by each candidate is correct and the mistake
is on the “Total Valid Votes” in the Record of the Count form, then [Count

2023 General And Presidential Elections Tally Procedures Page 8

Reading Officer] should correct the Total Valid Votes on the Record of the
Count form using red pen.
c. The process MUST be carried out in the presence of all party agents and
observes present at the Tally Center.

Important: The Count Reading Officer cannot under any circumstances do any
correction to the Votes Obtained, correction on the form can be made only on the
“Total Valid Votes” and “Total of Valid and Invalid Votes”, unless there is a
mistake on calculation of votes.

Any required correction during the tally period MUST be done in the presence of
party agents and observers.

The error and correction made need to be communicated by the magistrate/Tally

Supervisor to the agents present.

The Tally Database will perform several validation checks on the data entered by the
Tally Operator, such as checking that:

1. The voting precinct is listed in the correct county,

2. The “total of valid and invalid votes” is equal to the number of ballots withdrawn
from the ballot box (row D of the POs Worksheet).

If there is a discrepancy, and the discrepancy is higher than 2 %, the database will
recommend that the information be rechecked.

In this case the Reading Officer will check:

1. All entries and calculations in the POs Worksheet,

If the mistake is rectified and corrected and the Tally Operator has completed the entry
of a Record of the Count, a paper copy of the database record ("Record of the Count from
Tally Database ET-02") in the same format as the original "Record of the Count" should
be printed. The printed copy should be compared to the original "Record of the Count". If
there are any differences, the record should be corrected in the database and another
copy of the record (ET-02) printed. If after the check, the Tally Database record matches
the "Record of the Count", the Tally Operator saves the file, and the printout of "Record
of the Count from Tally Database ET-02" is signed by the Count Reading Officer and the
Tally Operator and attached to a bulletin board or otherwise made available for viewing
by political party representatives, observers and media.

If the error cannot be rectified, the Tally Operator will save the file and the Count
Reading Officer will place the TEE in the quarantine box, informs the Magistrate/Tally
Supervisor on the issues and asks him/her to communicate the issue to the NEC HQ and
requests from the Magistrate to inform the agents on the issue.

Party agents, observers, and others present should be informed that, data entered is
provisional until verified by the National Elections Commission. Any corrections to such

2023 General And Presidential Elections Tally Procedures Page 9

records will ONLY be made at the NEC Tally Center in each Magisterial Area, while party
agents and observers are present.

Materials to be used in Tally

The Record of the Count forms should be returned to the appropriate TEE3 after the
forms have been read and processed by the Tally Operator. The TEE3 will then be
returned to the area designated for storage of processed TEE3. To ensure that sensitive
materials are not mixed with materials from other polling places, this should occur before
another TEE3 is retrieved and processed. For Magisterial Areas, where more team will
operate, same procedures will apply.

Reporting Tally Results

Communicating progressive results to Data Center NEC HQ
The Tally Database through an automated and secured process will send periodic
updates via internet to the NEC Data Center until the tally is complete.

Each Magisterial Office/Tally Operator will be required to transfer the results

electronically using Tally Database’s built-in feature to the Data Center NEC HQ
during the following hours of the day:

1. Between 12:00 noon. to 13:00 p.m.

2. Between 15:00 p.m. to 15:30 p.m.

In cases, where there is no internet connectivity, the application will have an

option of exporting and saving encrypted reports to an external drive. If this is the
case the Tally Operator will send the external for the day to the NEC Data Center.

The detailed communication plan will be communicated to the Magisterial Areas

before Tallying.

Communicating Preliminary results to the Counties (Magisterial Areas)

In order to ensure transparency of the process and keep the voters updated on the
results of the Elections, the Data Center will communicate results to the NEC Board
of Commissioners. The same results will be communicated to the Magistrates in
order to keep the voters updated on the results of the 2023 Presidential and
Legislative Elections.

The tally staff will print copies of the result after each polling place records have
been computed for pasting at the Magisterial Office. The copies for pasting will be
signed by party agents and the tally clerk before being pasted at the Magisterial
Office for public viewing.

Communicating completed tally results

After all the results are communicated to the NEC Data Center from the Magisterial
Office, and the Data Center will collate such results for the counties and Magisterial
Offices, for announcement by the Board of Commissioners.
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Any tallied result that is QUARANTINED by the Results Management System will
NOT be announced until the quarantined case is resolved and data is resubmitted
to the NEC Data Center.

Communicating final official results to the Magisterial Areas

Upon signing of the 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections official final
results by the BoC, the results will be communicated to the 19 Magisterial Offices.
Copy of the signed 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections results will be sent
to each magisterial area for pasting.

Annex 1: Forms to be used during Tally Process

Form Form Name Quantity Purpose

ET-01 Record of the Count Electronic form To enter the “Record of

Data Entry Form (supplied with the Count” forms from
(electronic) tally software) each Polling Place into
Tally Database

ET-02 (b) Record of Count from Electronic form To print a copy of the
Database (supplied with “Record of the Count” as in
tally software) the Tally Database.

ET-03 Progressive Tally Electronic form To be printed and

Report by Polling Place (supplied with published outside the
tally software) Tally Center on daily basis.

ET-04 Progressive Tally Electronic form To be printed and

Report (Consolidated) (supplied with published outside the
tally software) Tally Center on daily basis.

ET-05 (b) Declaration of Electronic form To be printed, signed by

Preliminary Tally (supplied with Magistrate, and sent to
Results tally software) National Tally Center
upon completion of the

ET-06 Data Entry Progress Electronic form To review Data entry

Report (supplied with progress on Tally.
tally software)

2023 General And Presidential Elections Tally Procedures Page 11

The Online Results Portal

The NEC online Results Portal ( shall serve as a one-

stop shop for all results of the 2023 General Elections. Upon announcement of
results by the NEC Board of Commissioners, the portal shall be updated with the
latest results for viewing by the public. The results shall be available per Polling
Place, Voting Precinct, Electoral District and County. Anyone with internet on a
device is free to access this platform. NO LOGIN CREDENTIALS REQUIRED.

Annex II: Materials Required for Tally Process

• Scissors
• Brown packing tape
• Pens- Red
• Pens -blue
• Staple machine
• Staple pins
• Glue stick
• Rubber band
• Plastic seals
• Markers
• Ruler
• A4 paper
• Validating stamp
• Stamp pad
• Chairs
• Tables
• Desk
• Projectors
• Projector Stands.

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