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1/The given table illustrates the figure for employees and factories which produce silk in two

different countries England and Wales from 1851 to 1901

Overall, it is clear that the number of employees followed an downward trend, while the opposite
was true for the figure for factories producing silk.In addition, the volume of female employees
always higher than the male employees during the survey years.

The number of male reduced dramatically from 53.964 to 13.375 between 1851 and 1901.Similarly,
the volume of female employees decreased from 76.786 in 1851 and hit the bottom at 25.567 in

Regarding the number of total employees, it went down significantly during the suvey years from
130.750 to 38.942.Despite the reducing of employees number, the figure for factories producing silk
had followed an upward trend, from 272 it increased to 623 between 1851 and 1901.

2/The given picture illustrates the changes of a bookstore in 2000 and now.

Overall, it is clear that the bookstore has experienced significant changes through the survey years.
In addition, the facilities next to the entrance still remain through years.

In 2000, there was a fiction on the North of the entrance and another fiction next to it.Moreover,
there was a travel face the fiction and art, cookery, and hobbies books next to it.Finally, in the South
of entrace, there was a new books, non-fiction and a service desk.

Up to now, the bookstore has experienced significantly changes,in the North of the entrance, the
fiction books have reduced the size to have place for different kinds of book such as art hobby and
cookery.Moreover,in the up-left corner, another fiction books have changes to nonfiction. The old
place of these art,hobbies,cookery books have taken place by tables and a cafe in the South of

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