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Presentation topic choices Games & Tasks

What type of topic you think would be a good idea for a presentation? List as many as you can think of please.
1- all about you ( telling them a little bit more about yourself ) 2- Free time activities
The power of positive thinking and self-belief this is for personal development, Effective communication strategies for the workplace that is for business also we
Self love , internet, Cultures between languages.
Health benefits of (anything) for instance studying
how to choose a career. the best rated movies in the world. Influences of music on mental health. the most well-known books and novels. student bullies should b
1- (Black Holes) Nature's most mysterious objects 2- An interesting holiday 3- Is there ever a good reason for war?
The impact of social media on society
Mental Health Awareness, Effective Leadership Strategies, The Power of Networking, The Power of Positive Thinking
How to manage time effectively
social psychology ways to change the brain
Unusual hobbies, weird phobia, how hobbies effects your life and personality
My idea is to talk about Earth Hour
Talking about my favourite sport
The impact of electronic games on mental and social health
a special story of your life , something you like/love , music , health care
The effects of social media, protecting the environment
Maybe talk about your favourite book , talk about mental health ,presentation about the subconscious mind
People with adhd. People with Social anxiety
Diabetes - Vitamin D - The importance of mental health - The importance of sports
A person you find successful and his success story
books media life skills, movies, hobbies ,cultural things, tourism ,places
how? Taking care of your health and how you do that.
health benefits of anything
football , or English poetry .
Life in social media vs real life -music effects-how to manage your time
A sport that you would like to try - A movie that you enjoyed watching - A book that you read and liked it -
Healthy lifestyle , how to make your lifestyle healthier
A role model in my life.
A role model in your life
1- celebrity inspire you 2-favourite sport team 3-Scientist 4-favourite book or author
How social media affect our lives
Expo2030 ، Prince Mohammed bin salman

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