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Hi, thank you for the wonderful choice you have made to join us and for
creating time to read this orientation. This orientation will cover critical
topics that will help you get your business off the ground. The following
topics will be discussed:

• -Your “WHY.”
• -Goal setting
• -Time management
• -Branding
• -Rejection
• – The 7skills in MLM success (CIPFERE FORMULA)

So before we get started I would like you to understand a few things about
what is expected of you.

• Teachable.

You should have an open mind and should be willing to learn and implement
what you have been taught.

• Self-driven.

Having started your own online business, you should be responsible and
hold yourself accountable for how you run it.
Anything that doesn’t bring value to your life should be abandoned e.g.
wasting time either hanging out with your friends, watching movies, playing
games, and many other activities that don’t bring value to you.

Don’t get me wrong, and am not suggesting that you should stop having
leisure time, simply reduce the amount of time you spend on leisure
activities e.g. don’t spend more than 5hrs watching a TV show maybe watch
1 – 2 episodes per day instead of spending the whole day watching it.

• Personal Development.

In this business your inviter/up-line/sponsor will only give you about 20% of
the skills you’ll need to succeed in this business, the remaining 80% is on
you. The most effective way of accumulating 80% is by Personal
Carrying out your research online about the industry of Network Marketing

You can also learn how to go about your business through mentors both
online and in-house mentors. (people who are succeeding in your company)

Reading books about Network Marketing

Attending your company’s training seminars

• Rejection.

In life, everybody has faced rejection in one way or the other. In this
business or any other business, you will face a lot of rejection.
Teenage Boy Feeling Intimidated As He Walks Home

The most common reasons for rejection are:

• Ignorance in the market

• Lack of awareness in the market
• Lack of trust in you may be because of results and how you brand
yourself and many other reasons.

So you should learn how to manage your expectations, have this in mind:
some will, some won’t, and someone else is waiting for the opportunity.

Kindly watch a video on YouTube by Jim Rhon about the parable of the
One last thing you should get to your head is the fact that this is a business.
Therefore don’t expect any salaries.

Your income is dependent on your effort and the effort of the team you

We will walk and work with you but we will never work for you


We all have a reason that drives us in life, your “Why” is that compelling
reason that drove you to join GIF.

• Some of your reasons could be:

1. -Earn a job replacing income

2. -Earn an extra income
3. -Pay your tuition fee
4. -Buy your car
5. -Change your neighborhood
6. -Build or buy a home
7. -Clear your debts
8. -Gain Time freedom
9. -Gain financial freedom

And many others. All these reasons are your dreams and should make you
focus, work smart, motivate you when business is tough, and motivate you
when everyone you know discourages you or doesn’t support what your

Your “WHY” should be your guide and rock as you are working out your
Network Marketing business.

NB: If you don’t have a compelling reason for joining this business, get one
and work towards it.

• Goal Setting.

Goals are very important because they are a breakdown of our dreams into
certain time frames that help us achieve our ultimate dream.
So you should set your goals in a SMART way. What is SMART?






Your goals should be categorized into short-term and long-term goals.

You can check how Brian Tracey puts it on Goal Setting.

• Time Management.

We all have 24hrs in a day to carry out our schedule or tasks we have set to
do in that day, so how you use or manage your time will be very crucial in
terms of generating income.
• How to use your time

School or work (the most hectic day you can spend in a class or work is 10hrs
in a day)

Sleep (sleep for 6hrs a day it won’t affect your health or your daily

Network Marketing business (dedicate at least 6hrs in a day to your

business, if you can add more time it would be an advantage to you)

And you have an extra 2hrs to study, relax and do other activities.

This is an example of how you can use your time depending on your

At the start of each new business, you will have to sacrifice more time and
dedicate it to your business so that it can take off.

• Branding

Branding is crucial in any business because it’s an identity of who you are
and what you represent.

Branding is very critical as it will determine whether someone will or will not
join your business. Assuming you went to a butcher to buy meat. The meet is
well displayed and attractive, but the person selling to you is very dirty.
Would you buy the meet? I believe NOT. The same applies to your business,
there’s no second chance to make a first impression. So do it well your first
As a distributor, how you brand yourself will determine how well you market
and resell our products and the way the company is viewed by the market.

• Branding yourself covers :

Your social media accounts layouts design

Your social media posts i.e. Photos, Texts, and Videos

• Physical appearance
• Language and tone
• Messaging
• Calls
• Emails

Some basic tips on branding your social media accounts to look


• Use your official Names on every social media platform you are
• Your profile picture should be official and professional (taken in
a studio)

Here are Examples of Branding taken in a studio.

A perfect and professional Branding for ladies, Tip Dress well and head to the studio for such a
Our Muslim sisters are Not left behind.
For men who don’t have a suit yet, you should not worry at all. You got covered as well. Dress
as they have dressed and to a studio for a professional photo. Use such branding for a start and
when you make money You can upgrade to get a suit.

Professional look for Gents. If you are lucky to get a suit put on that professional look, Look like
the CEO of your Business.
• Have A good cover photo.

Here are some examples of a good cover photo on Facebook

• Your status/bio should be attractive, captivating, and mature in
terms of what you write.

Below is some professional Bio on Facebook You can be creative and get
a unique one.
• Your post (what you share speaks volumes about your
character) shares topics that a neutral e.g. business, educative
content, articles, testimonials of your business, and your

• NB: Never share topics that have 2 divides e.g. sport, politics,
religion, tribe, etc. If you have to take an approach that won’t
hurt your brand.

The 7 Skills In Network Marketing success


What is the CIPFERE FORMULA? It is the sales process that one needs to
follow so that he or she can succeed in this company or business.
• What does it stand for?

• C – Contacts
• I – Inviting
• P – Presenting
• F – Follow up/close
• E – Enroll/Upgrade
• R – Retain/coach
• E – Events (B.O.M’s, Team meetings, Training, organized company
events like retreats and team bonding events)

The above–listed skills are discussed in detail below:


How do you get contacts? You get contacts by prospecting.

Prospecting is the art of getting contacts. There 3 ways of getting contacts.
• Personal contacts
• Online contacts
• Offline contacts
• Personal contacts.
1. Phone book
2. You’re our Diary if you keep one.
3. Business cards

When you start your own business e.g. your restaurant or boutique you’ll
share it with your friends.

If it is a restaurant you would have invited all of your friends or the people
you know to come and eat at your place.
If it was a boutique selling clothes you would have invited all of the people
you know to come and buy clothes at your store.

When it comes to your business you should do the same whereby you
share/show the opportunity to all of your friends, family members,
workmates, and schoolmates so that they can be your first customers.

NB: As you are sharing your Opportunity with your inner circle, know
that not everyone will join your business. You should work with numbers
and the minimum number of people you should have referred is at least
150 people if you can do more it would be an advantage to you.

Your inner circle (people you know) should be invited by your up-line
because you being new to the business your friends might ask you questions
that you may not be in a position to handle.

• Online Contacts
You can use social media platforms and job sites to get contacts with

E.g. of social media platforms:

• Facebook
• Instagram
• WhatsApp

And many others but we are going to major on the 3 most popular social
media platforms used by many.

• Facebook

First, you have to start with Branding as we discussed earlier. Facebook

gives you a lot of methods to interact with people e.g.

1. Sharing your opportunity with people through GROUPS.

2. In boxing people on MESSENGER or chatting with them about what
you do.
3. Timeline and tagging; you can share with people about your
business on your timeline and tag your friends to reach more
4. Your Page – you can use your page to share about your lifestyle or
the lifestyle of other business members, motivation, inspiration,
and educative articles through your blog.

• Instagram

First, build a professional brand

• Put your real Names

• Professional Photo
• A good Status or Bio.

Instagram is about gaining followers.

So for you to gain followers first you have to be:

Active. Always share something to keep your followers engaged there are
various things you can share about the most important lifestyle, inspiration,
and motivation and you can also share articles. (And also remember NOT to
share topics that have 2 divides)

Always like other people’s posts that is how you gain followers.

You can DM or inbox your followers on your opportunity.

• WhatsApp
• Brand your WhatsApp
• Use Real Names
• Professional picture

A good status should be either motivating, captivating, inspiring, or creating


On WhatsApp we have various methods you can use e.g.

Pic status

You can share your lifestyle or your business partners’ lifestyle e.g.
achievement in the business, testimonials either yours or of your business
partners, and team bonding events or company events.

And we also have groups in which you can join and interact with its members
and share with them your opportunity via inbox.

• Offline Contacts
• Posters
• Fliers
• Business cards
• 3 party contacts
• Referral forms
• One-meter rule (one on one invitation)

Events like Birthday parties, graduations in general social events.

Print media e.g. magazines, newspapers

Digital media like radio advertisements, radio talk shows

The last 2 are expensive.


The purpose of making an invitation is to create curiosity about the

opportunity you are offering in detail through a seminar, webinar, video, or
one on one presentation.
NB: It should be brief and formal (using English)

And you can do an invitation using :

A phone call (saves time and gets instant feedback when you’re talking to
your prospects.

• WhatsApp – we highly recommend you use WhatsApp
• Email (But it’s pretty slow)

Here are some of the important points on why we recommend you invite
your guests to our offices.
The purpose of presenting is to share with your prospects how your
company works and how they can benefit from working with you.

There are many ways you can present your Opportunity to your prospects

1. B.O.M’s (Business Opportunity Meetings) This is company

organized business seminars conducted by the company’s
management and its members on specific days and times.
2. Online presentations e.g. webinars conducted by you or the
company, videos presentation, and written presentations.
3. One on One – this is a sit between you and your prospects and you
take them through a presentation of your business.

NB: It’s very important you know how to do a One-On-One presentation

because it will give you confidence, it will show your prospects that you
know your business and you will provide coaching, mentorship, and
support once they join your business.

• What is the follow-up?
It is keeping in touch with your prospects by creating a bond of friendship
between you and your prospects.

The purpose of follow-up is to help your prospects decide to join your

business. The following will help speed up the process:

Providing support, mentorship, and assuring them that you will be there to
guide them every step of the way.

Share your story or journey (results that you have achieved in the business)
that will give them the confidence that the business works.

Show them how the services are benefiting you or other members may be in
terms of growing someone’s business online and how the services are
helping you or another person to make money.

Get to know their dreams or what they would like to achieve and show the
people in the business who have achieved their dreams and also you can
share what you have achieved.

“If you want to achieve your dreams help others achieve theirs and you will
achieve yours”

And lastly, the purpose of follow-up is to keep in touch with your prospects
not necessarily to remind them about your business but to create a bond of
trust and friendship. You can contact them once in a while to know about
their well-being maybe about their school, work, Business, or family.

• ” Your prospects don’t care how much you know about the
business but how much you care for them .”


This is a very crucial step that you need to know by heart and it’s a very
simple process. To Enroll is simply the sign-up process whereby you are
helping your prospects to create their DTC account under you.

• Below is the guideline that will help your prospect enroll:

Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Select your country.
Step 3: Click the “SUBMIT” button.
Step 4: On the top right, click the striped button.
Step 5: Click the “DTC Login” button.
Step 6: Click the “Register” button.
Step 7: Fill out the registration button and click the “Register” button.
Step 8: Check the details of your Placement Information.
Step 9: Click the “Ok” button.
Step 10: Fill in the required personal details and click the “Save Changes” button.
Step 11: Refresh the webpage.

Retention is a very crucial part of our business because it’s where the money
is. Before you can be able to retain others you must first retain yourself and
how are you going to do so by doing the following:

• Your WHY?

Your dream is what is going to keep you in business when times a tough,
because this is a business just like any other you will face


What will keep you in the business is the goals/dreams you’d like to achieve.

• Knowledge

In any business, you will need skills and knowledge about your business and
the industry you are in. This will enable you to gain traction and scale your
business thus higher profit margins. So seeking knowledge is very important
it ensures your business growth.

• “Your income will never surpass the level of skills you have.”
• Results
Getting results is very important because it is what keeps you in the
business. You will need money for upkeep and also money to achieve the
goals that you have set out. You must work so that you can get the results.

• Mindset

Keeping a Positive Mental Attitude will maintain your passion for the
business. To maintain it you can watch motivational videos on YouTube or
read books.

Make it a habit to always interact with, your in-house mentors, people who
you admire or look up to. You can always meet them and they can assist you
and mentor you.

As a company, we understand the importance of holding events. The events
help members bond and enhance teamwork. The events also allow each
member to learn from other members. We offer various types of events e.g.:

• Members’ Training
• Team Meetings
• Team bonding events
• Company events (Christmas party, incentives, and many other

Members training seminars are where you can learn a lot about how to grow
your business and also learn how to use the services.

These training seminars are offered in various locations in Kenya: Nairobi,

Eldoret, and other training centers will be opened by the company in major
cities or towns when the demand arises.

Regular Webinar Training will be offered from time to time by the company
for people who are in other locations either locally or internationally.


TEL: +2547 91 333 415
WHATSAPP: +2547 43 862 496

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