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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of the
formation of the elements during the Big Bang and
during stellar evolution.
B. Performance Standard The learners should be able to make a creative
representation of the historical development of the
atom or the chemical element in a timeline.
C. Learning Competency Give evidence for and describe the formation of heavier
elements during star formation and evolution.
D. Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students should be able
1. recognize the importance of knowing the formation
of elements in the universe by answering the teacher’s
question at least once and by listening attentively in the
2. demonstrate understanding of the formation and
evolution of star by completing the star life cycle
graphic organizer correctly during group activity;
3. compare Big Bang nucleosynthesis, stellar
nucleosynthesis, and supernova nucleosynthesis by
using a Venn diagram effectively.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Module Lorenzo, B. J. (2020) Physical Science Quarter 1-Module
1: Exploring the Formation of Elements during Stellar
Formation and Evolution. pp.4-5
3. Additional Materials from resources (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources • Life Cycle of a Star: stages, facts, and diagrams.
Science Facts. Retrieved from:
• Life Cycle of a Star - Seven main stages of a Star
- Stellar evolution, video, and FAQs. BYJUS. Retrieved
• Studypool Homework Help - Formation of the
elements and nuclear reactions. (n.d.).
• Wales, W. M. (2021, February 10). Formation of
elements in the Big Bang and stellar evolution
Preliminary Activities (3 minutes)
a. Prayers
“Please all stand.” Students will all stand for the opening prayer.

“Before we start, can anyone please lead the “Almighty father……. Amen”

b. Greetings
“Good afternoon class!” “Good afternoon, ma’am!”

“You may now take your seats.” Students will now take their seats.

c. Checking of Attendance
“May I know who is absent?” Answer may vary.

d. Reminders
“Please arrange your seats properly so that I can see Students will arrange their seats properly in a much
each and every one of you.” organize manner.
1. Elicit (5 minutes) Expected Answers:
The teacher will ask questions of what they learned
from previous years.

“How do the universe originate?” Answer may vary.

“What are the theories in the origin of the


“Where do you think all the things that you see now “The Big Bang theory says that the universe has
came from?” “Please raise your hand if you want to developed by expanding from a hot dense state with
answer.” everything exploding away from everything else.”

“Yes, the big bang theory, the widely known

explanation of the origin of the universe which
states that the universe came from a massive
explosion around 13.8 billion years ago.”
2. Engage (5 minutes)
The teacher will raise a provoking question that
might hook students’ interest in the topic.

“What do you think happen next with a few minutes

after the Big Bang?”

“I will post pictures on the board. Try to guess a

word that will describe the pictures.”

The teacher will post different set of pictures but

these set of pictures pertains only to one word.
Therefore, the students will analyze the pictures and
form the hidden word based from the given set of

Expected Answers:
1. + + =
1. Hydrogen

2. + = 2. Helium

3. Lithium

4. Beryllium

3. + + =

4. + + =

“I will be calling 4 students to write their answers in


The teacher will call four students to write their The students will write their answers on the board if
answer on the board beside the pictures. they are called to do so.

“If the Big Bang only formed 4 elements, where did

the other elements come from?”

The teacher will hold the answer for this question

and will proceed to group activity.

3. Explore (15 minutes) Expected Answers:

The teacher will now divide the class into 4 groups
for the group activity. These groupings will last until
the end of the third quarter.

“Now I will be dividing you into 4 groups. Your “Okay po, ma’am.”
grouping will be permanent until the end of the
third quarter. If there are any concerns regarding
your groupings, please ask me directly.”

The teacher will announce the members for each

“Group 1 will stay here.” (Points out the designation
of group 1) “Then Group 2, 3, and 4.” (Points out the
designation for groups 2-4.)

“You may now proceed to your designated groups.” The students will now go to their designated group
The teacher will now give each group the materials
needed for the group activity. (Manila paper,
worksheet and Marker)

“I have given each group the materials needed for

the group activity. Let me first state the direction for
the activity”
Group Activity: Stellar Evolution
Direction: Read the story carefully and analyze to The students will work with their groups to complete
complete the graphic organizer of the life cycle of a the graphic organizer with the expected answer below:
star. Discuss your answers with your groupmates.

Life Cycle of a Star

I’m Stella, I came from a distant galaxy. I am a star, Nebula
which started off as a a giant cloud of gas, ice, and
dust, a nebula. Eventually, gravity brings the matter
in the nebula together to form a protostar. Before Birth Protostar
fusion begins, the protostar goes through a period
called the T-Tauri phase. At this stage, the core
temperatures are still too low for hydrogen fusion, T-Tauri
so all the star energy comes from the gravitational Phase
force only. This period can last up to 100 million
years and represents a period of fluctuations in the
brightness of a star as it tries to balance its internal Main Massive Star
Average Star
and gravitational forces. Once nuclear fusion starts
and equilibrium is achieved, the star is considered a
Main Sequence star. The stars in the Main Sequence Old Age Red Giant Red Supergiant
are of many different masses, colors, and
brightness. As for me, I am just an average star, but
some stars are massive. That was when I was young, Death and Planetary Nebula Supernova
but now in my old age, I am now a red giant, my Remnant
massive friend is now red supergiant. Later on in my
life, I will become a planetary nebula. My core will
White Dwarf Black Neutron
continue to heat up, reaching temperatures of up to
Hole Star
100 million K, and helium fusion can now take place
in the core. Once the helium in the core is used up,
the star expels the outer layers of gas in an Black
explosion, called a planetary nebula, leaving behind Dwarf
a white dwarf. The final stage of my life as average
star is becoming a black dwarf. As for my friend, the
Red Supergiant, when its core urns to iron, it has
reached the end of its life. The star collapses
instantly under the enormous gravity exerted on its
heavy iron core. The core shrinks from around 5000
miles across to just a couple dozen in a matter of
seconds, and the temperatures can reach 100 billion
K. This collapse triggers an incredible explosion,
known as a Supernova. After a supernova explosion,
all that remains of the star is its core. What happens
to this core depends on its mass. It can either be a
neutron star or a black hole.

“Each correct answer is equivalent to one point with

a total of 13 points plus 2 points to make it 15 points
in total.”

“I will give you 15 minutes to finish the activity.”

“Your time starts now.”

After 15 minutes.

“Time is up, please post your answers on the board. The students will post their outputs on the board and
Choose a representative for each group to present present their answers.
your answers.”
4. Explain (20 minutes) Expected Answers:
The teacher will first check the work of the students
before the discussion.

“Let us check your answers.”

“Can anyone share their thoughts or findings based Answer may vary.
from that activity?” “Please raise your hand if you
want to answer.”

“Why did I let you organize the stages of the life

cycle of a star?” “This is because, to understand the
star’s life cycle is crucial in comprehending the
formation of elements in the universe. Our main
topic for today is the formation of elements during
the big bang and stellar evolution.”

“Based from the group activity, the life cycle of a star

has stages.”

“All stars, irrespective of their size, follow the same

7 stage cycle, they start as a gas cloud and end as a
star remnant.”

Seven Main Stages of a Star

1. Giant Gas Cloud
A star originates from a large cloud of gas or a
2. Protostar
When the gas particles in the molecular cloud run
into each other, heat energy is produced. This
results in the formation of a Protostar.
3. T-Tauri Phase
A T-Tauri star begins when materials stop falling into
the Protostar and release tremendous amounts of
energy. The mean temperature of the Tauri star isn’t
enough to support nuclear fusion at its core. The T-
Tauri star lasts for about 100 million years, following
the most extended phase of development – the
Main sequence phase.
4. Main Sequence
The main sequence phase is the stage in
development where the core temperature reaches
the point for the fusion to commence.
5. Red Giant
A star converts hydrogen atoms into helium over its
course of life at its core. Eventually, the hydrogen
fuel runs out, and the internal reaction stops.
Without the reactions occurring at the core, a star
contracts inward through gravity causing it to
expand. As it expands, the star first becomes a
subgiant star and then a red giant. Red giants have
cooler surfaces than the main-sequence star, and
because of this, they appear red than yellow.
6. The Fusion of Heavier Elements
Helium molecules fuse at the core, as the star
expands. The energy of this reaction prevents the
core from collapsing. The core shrinks and begins
fusing carbon, once the helium fusion ends. This
process repeats until iron appears at the core. The
iron fusion reaction absorbs energy, which causes
the core to collapse. This implosion transforms
massive stars into a supernova while smaller stars
like the sun contract into white dwarfs.
7. Supernovae and Planetary Nebulae
Most of the star material is blasted away into space,
but the core implodes into a neutron star or a
singularity known as the black hole. Less massive
stars don’t explode, their cores contract instead into
a tiny, hot star known as the white dwarf while the
outer material drifts away.

“What particular part in a star does the formation of “Elements are formed deep within the cores of certain
elements takes place?” types of stars.”

“What do we call this process?” “It’s called


Nucleosynthesis is the process that creates a new

atomic nucleus from pre-existing nucleons,
primarily protons and neutrons.

Three Types of Nucleosynthesis

1. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis:
• Big Bang nucleosynthesis refers to the
process by which the lightest elements in
the universe were synthesized shortly
after the Big Bang, during the first few
minutes of the universe's existence.
• During the initial moments of the Big
Bang, the universe was extremely hot and
dense. Temperatures were so high that
atomic nuclei could not hold together,
and a dense soup of subatomic particles,
such as protons, neutrons, and electrons,
filled the universe.
• As the universe expanded and cooled,
protons and neutrons began to combine
to form the nuclei of light elements,
primarily hydrogen (H), helium-4 (He-4),
and small traces of lithium (Li) and
beryllium (Be).
• Big Bang nucleosynthesis is responsible
for the primordial abundances of these
light elements and provides crucial
insights into the early universe's
conditions and composition.
2. Stellar Nucleosynthesis:
• Stellar nucleosynthesis occurs within the
cores of stars during their lifecycle,
primarily through nuclear fusion
• In the core of a star, extreme
temperatures and pressures facilitate
nuclear fusion reactions that convert
lighter elements into heavier ones.
• The most common fusion reaction in stars
like our Sun is the conversion of hydrogen
nuclei (protons) into helium nuclei
through a series of fusion processes
known as the proton-proton chain or the
CNO cycle.
• As stars progress through their lifecycle,
they synthesize increasingly heavier
elements, such as carbon (C), oxygen (O),
and iron (Fe), through various fusion
reactions occurring in their cores.
• Stellar nucleosynthesis is responsible for
the production of most of the elements in
the universe, up to iron, and plays a
crucial role in shaping the chemical
composition of galaxies and stellar
3. Supernova Nucleosynthesis:
• Supernova nucleosynthesis occurs during
the explosive death of massive stars or
during the merging of compact objects
like neutron stars.
• These cataclysmic events generate
tremendous temperatures, pressures,
and energy, creating conditions
conducive to the synthesis of elements
heavier than iron.
• During a supernova explosion, rapid
neutron capture processes (r-process)
occur, where free neutrons are rapidly
captured by atomic nuclei, leading to the
formation of neutron-rich heavy
• Supernova nucleosynthesis is responsible
for the production of elements heavier
than iron, including precious metals like
gold, silver, and platinum, as well as
radioactive elements like uranium and
• The elements synthesized in supernovae
are dispersed into space, enriching the
interstellar medium with heavy elements
that become incorporated into
subsequent generations of stars, planets,
and other celestial bodies.

Pieces of Evidence
One remarkable evidence to support stellar
nucleosynthesis and star formation theory is the
discovery of interstellar dusts and gasses which
justifies the stages of stellar formation which are
happening across the universe. In addition, infrared
radiation being emitted in the process of stellar
formation serves as a strong indication that stellar
nucleosynthesis is a concurrent with stellar
formation and evolution.

“Is there any question? Is everything clear?” Answer may vary.

5. Elaborate (5 minutes) Expected Answer:
The teacher will summarize the idea so that
students will understand more the topic.

“To summarize, Big Bang formed the 4 elements:

Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, and Beryllium. While
the other elements such as carbon (C), oxygen (O),
and iron (Fe) which are heavier, were formed by
stellar nucleosynthesis. And other much heavier
elements were formed by supernova
nucleosynthesis, elements heavier than iron,
including precious metals like gold, silver, and
platinum, as well as radioactive elements like
uranium and thorium.”

“Why is it important for us to know how elements “Because it helps us understand where everything in
were formed?” the universe comes from. Understanding how elements
were formed gives us insights into how stars, planets,
“Based from your understanding of the life cycle of and even life itself came to be.”
a star, how would you relate the evolution of a star
to the life cycle of a person?” Answer may vary.
6. Evaluate (5 minutes) Expected answers:
“Please get a ½ crosswise. With a minimum of 5 Students will write the summary or highlight of what
sentences. Explain the process on how the they have learned from the discussion.
formation of elements took place during the Big
Bang and evolution of star.”

“I will give you five minutes to answer.”

After 5 minutes.
“Is everyone done?” “Yes, ma’am.”

“Please pass your papers in front.” Students will now pass their answers.
7. Extend (2 minutes)
“Please get your notebook and copy your

Compare and contrast the following using a Venn The students will copy their assignment on their
diagram: notebooks.
a. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
b. Stellar Nucleosynthesis
c. Supernova Nucleosynthesis

“Is every one done?” “Yes, ma’am”

“That would be the end of our discussion. Thank you

for listening. See you again next meeting.”

“Goodbye everyone!” “Goodbye ma’am.”

A. No. of students who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who required 80% additional
activities for remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help resolve?
G. What innovation or localized material did I
use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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