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Trung tâm Tiếng Anh Bigtreeland Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 CLC NC


Lịch học: Thứ 2 & thứ 5 từ 18h-19h30
Meeting ID: 677 610 0408
Passcode: 123456

Lesson Nội dung Trang Ngày học

76 REVIEW 17 Trang 1-11 15/4
77 ENGLISH PRACTICE 3 Trang 12-19 18/4
78 MOCK TEST 7 Trang 20-28 22/4
79 LISTENING Trang 29-36 25/4
80 READING Trang 37-46 2/5


B1: Phụ huynh in tài liệu cho con
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B6: Xem kết quả báo cáo điểm, nhắc nhở và xem lại bài đã được chấm chữa, sửa lại lỗi
sai ở bài trên giấy của mình.
B7: Có thể in lại bài và làm lại cho chắc nếu có thời gian.
Chúc các con chăm ngoan - học giỏi!
Cô Huyền Chang

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Ex1. Complete the reported speech.
1. 'I think my battery has run out.'
Andy said ____________________________________________
2. 'We don't want to go home now.
We said ______________________________________________
3. 'Beth texted me an hour ago.'
Julia told us ____________________________________________
4 ‘I won’t be going to school tomorrow’.
My brother said _________________________________________
5. 'Do you have a signal?'
My friend asked _____________________________________________.
6. 'How much credit would you like?'
The assistant asked her _______________________________________.
7. 'Have you switched off your phones?'
The examiner asked us _______________________________________.
8. 'Did you have a good time yesterday?'
My mum asked _____________________________________________.

Ex2. Rewrite the sentences using the verbs in brackets as a reporting verb.
1. 'Let's have a party!’ my friend said. (propose)
My friend _________________________________________
2. 'Why don't you join the debating society? ‘the teacher asked me. (encourage)
The teacher ________________________________________
3. 'You've been reading my text messages!' Tina said to her brother. (accuse)
Tina ______________________________________________

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Ex3. Read the dialogue. Then complete the summary.

Mary I heard about the robbery at the jewellery shop yesterday.
Ruby So did I! I can’t believe that they stole so many diamonds!
Mary And no one saw anything.
Ruby Because the CCTV cameras aren’t working …
Mary Oh dear! The police are interviewing some of the staff tonight.
Ruby Maybe one of them took the diamonds.
Mary It’s not impossible. The shop isn’t doing very well and the manager was out
of the country at the time.

Mary said that she had heard about the robbery at the jewellery shop the day (1)
________________. Ruby said that she (2) _________________ believe that the robbers
had stolen so many diamonds. Mary told her that there were no witnesses. Ruby said that
it was because the CCTV cameras (3) ________________. Mary said that the police (4)
_________________ interviewing some of the staff (5) _________________ night. She
also said that the manager (6) _________________ out of the country at the time.

Ex4. Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letter of each word
has been given.
1. When the police caught the s__ __ __ __ __ __ __ at the airport, he was carrying a
suitcase full of cigarettes.
2. The m__ __ __ __ __ __ __ killed several people before he was caught.
3. After the earthquake, l__ __ __ __ __ __ took things from shops without paying for
4. The robber was wearing a b__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ so that nobody knew his identity.
5. The shop manager caught the Hollywood actress s__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ in an
expensive clothes shop.

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6. The two v__ __ __ __ __ __ caused damage to the building by throwing paint all over
the walls.
7. I left my handbag on my desk at work yesterday and I think a t__ __ __ __ has taken it.
8. The police believe that the fire at the school was a__ __ __ __ .
9. The mugger s__ __ __ __ the woman’s handbag from her when she was walking across
the platform.
10. The drug d__ __ __ __ __ was caught with 5 kg of drugs in his car.

Ex5. Complete the texts with the correct form of the verbs and nouns below.
Verbs appeal / interview / launch / make
Nouns footage / house
Police have (1) __________________ an investigation after they found a body in the
river last night. Police officers are currently studying CCTV (2) __________________ of
the path next to the river, as well as searching a (3) __________________ for clues. They
believe that this may be a murder. They have (4) __________________ several suspects
who were with the victim that day, but haven’t (5) __________________ any arrests yet.
They are (6) __________________ for more witnesses, so if you saw anything suspicious
have any information about the crime, contact them on 0808-1570994.

Nouns area / balaclava (mũ trùm che mặt) / culprit / damage

People living in the small village of Leek Wootton were scared to go out yesterday
evening as a group of teenagers wearing (7) __________________ vandalised cars
outside people’s
houses and did lots of (8) __________________ to houses and gardens. Several people
phoned 999 to report the crime and police arrived to patrol the (9) __________________

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later in the evening. Police are asking anyone with information to contact them so that
they can identify the (10) __________________.

Ex6. Read the text. Choose the correct answers.

Once, when I was teaching English to children in Cambridge, I died while eating
my dinner. The children were eleven to fourteen years old and there were about one
hundred and twenty of them in the large hall of a boarding school. We were all eating ice
cream when I made strange noises and fell forward onto my plate.
This was not some unusual way of teaching the children about crime, but a murder
mystery game. It was a bit like a play in the theatre, but the whole school was involved.
All of the teachers were either victims or suspects and all of the children were detectives
trying to find out who the murderer was. The children knew the situation was serious as
many teachers were ‘dying’, so they were all very excited!
Lying next to my ice cream, I loved being a ‘victim’. However, I had to remember
not to smile as the teachers dragged me across the floor to get rid of my ‘dead body’ so
the students knew I was really ‘dead’. This was just the start of my murder mystery
Soon after that, one of my friends bought a murder mystery game and invited me
and several other friends to a dinner party. We all had to dress up as different characters.
The story was that one of our close friends had been murdered and we were all suspects.
We had to tell the other characters important information and question people about the
information they gave. Then, at the end of the evening, we tried to work out who had
done it. I wasn’t very good at the police investigation part, but I loved playing a part and
the excitement of knowing that one of the people in the room was a ‘murderer’.
Now I run my own company – Murder Mystery Occasions. I organise murder
mystery parties in restaurants or historic buildings. Usually I hire a private room so that
the ‘murder’ doesn’t upset other guests. Castles are particularly popular with my guests
because they’re so atmospheric, so I use them if they’re available. I write the scripts and

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employ actors to be some of the key characters. People pay to come along and join in
with the fun while having a wonderful dinner. The murder usually happens somewhere
between the starter and the main course and there is always a lot of excitement when the
police arrive to take fingerprints and interview key suspects. People tell me that’s the best
part. Then, at the end of the evening, there is a prize for the table that guesses who the
murderer is, but everybody who comes along seems to enjoy the drama. So, you could
say I’ve made a good, honest career out of murder!
1. When the writer was eating her dessert, she ______
a. became ill. b. had an accident.
c. did some acting. d. made a mess.
2. The writer tried not to smile because ______
a. she didn’t want the students to think she was enjoying herself.
b. she was trying to look like she wasn’t alive.
c. she wasn’t sure who was watching her.
d. she knew the situation wasn’t funny.
3. At her first murder mystery party, the writer enjoyed ______
a. asking the other guests about themselves. b. deciding who the murderer was.
c. being a different character. d. telling people her story.
4. The writer’s company organises murder mysteries in castles because ______
a. they are always available. b. guests like them the most.
c. they have lots of space. d. the rooms are so interesting.
5. What title would be best for this article?
a. My love of murder mystery b. Different ways to die
c. In search of a criminal d. A life of crime

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Ex1. Complete the reported speech.
1. 'I won't be going to school tomorrow.
Peter said _______________________________________________
2. 'I didn't have time to call you.
My dad said ____________________________________________
3. 'I was angry because you'd forgotten my birthday.'
She told him ____________________________________________
4. 'I'd like to get a new phone.'
Sue told her parents _____________________________________
5. 'Where did you leave my tablet?'
Kate asked me___________________________________________.
6. 'When will you have finished the book?'
I asked Jack_____________________________________________.
7. 'What are you doing tonight?'
Amy asked Mark_________________________________________.
8. 'Can I call you back this evening?'
Holly's boyfriend asked ____________________________________.

Ex2. Rewrite the sentences using the verbs in brackets as a reporting verb.
1. 'You should check your phone bill, Fiona's mother said to her. (advise)
Fiona's mother _____________________________________
2. 'I'll get back to you later,' Max told me. (promise)
Max ______________________________________________
3. 'I'm sorry I'm late,' said the student. (apologise)
The student________________________________________

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Ex3. Read the dialogue. Then complete the summary.

Mary I saw the fire at the factory last night!
Ruby Me too! I can’t believe that it took so long for the firefighters to arrive!
Mary The police think someone set fire to the factory on purpose.
Ruby Really? It’s a shame there aren’t any CCTV cameras there.
Mary The owner closed the factory down for the summer to save money.
Ruby I heard that some people lost their jobs.
Mary I hope not. Anyway, the police are interviewing some suspects later today,
so let’s see what happens.

Mary told Ruby that she had seen the fire at the factory the night (1)
________________. Ruby said that she (2) _________________ believe that it had taken
so long for the firefighters to arrive. Mary (3) _________________ her that the police
thought someone had set fire to the factory on purpose. Ruby said that it was a shame
there weren’t any CCTV cameras there. Mary said that the owner (4)
_________________ closed the factory down for the summer to save money. She also
said that the police (5) _________________ interviewing some suspects later (6)
_________________ day.

Ex4. Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letter of each word
has been given.
1. The r__ __ __ __ __ was wearing a balaclava so that nobody knew his identity.
2. The police thought the man was s__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ drugs, so they searched his
3. The murderer k__ __ __ __ __ several people before he was caught.
4. There was a lot of l__ __ __ __ __ __ from shops after the earthquake.
5. The mother said her baby had put the sweets in her bag when she was arrested for s__
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ .

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6. The police caught two v__ __ __ __ __ __ damaging the school property.

7. When I couldn’t find my mobile phone, I realised there was a t__ __ __ __ in the
8. An a__ __ __ __ __ __ __ started the fire at the shopping centre.
9. The m__ __ __ __ __ snatched the woman’s handbag when she was walking across the
10. The woman caught the b __ __ __ __ __ __ as he was climbing in through the

Ex5. Complete the texts with the correct form of the verbs and nouns below.
Verbs search / study
Nouns arrest / investigation / suspect / witness
Police have launched an (1) __________________ after they found a body in the river
last night. Police officers are currently (2) __________________ CCTV footage of the
path next to the river, as well as (3) __________________ a house for clues. They
believe that this may be a murder. They have interviewed several (4)
__________________ who were with the victim that day, but haven’t made any (5)
__________________ yet.
They are appealing for more (6) __________________, so if you saw anything
suspicious or have any information about the crime, contact them on 0808-1570980.

Verbs break / patrol

Nouns fingerprint / gum
Many people living in Bristol city centre phoned 999 to report burglaries last night. The
police believe that a number of burglars are watching houses to see when people go out
for the evening. They then (7) __________________ into the houses through an open

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window or door. These burglars are taking expensive items like televisions and computers
and then trying to sell them on eBay. Police have taken (8) __________________ at the
properties and they are (9) __________________ the area so that people living there feel
safer at night. They also found some chewing (10) __________________ which they
believe belonged to one of the burglars. They have sent this to a laboratory. They would
like anyone with information to contact them on 0808-1570994.

Ex6. Read the text. Choose the correct answers.

Once, when I was teaching English to children in Cambridge, I died while eating
my dinner. The children were eleven to fourteen years old and there were about one
hundred and twenty of them in the large hall of a boarding school. We were all eating ice
cream when I made strange noises and fell forward onto my plate.
This was not some unusual way of teaching the children about crime, but a murder
mystery game. It was a bit like a play in the theatre, but the whole school was involved.
All of the teachers were either victims or suspects and all of the children were detectives
trying to find out who the murderer was. The children knew the situation was serious as
many teachers were ‘dying’, so they were all very excited!
Lying next to my ice cream, I loved being a ‘victim’. However, I had to remember
not to smile as the teachers dragged me across the floor to get rid of my ‘dead body’ so
the students knew I was really ‘dead’. This was just the start of my murder mystery
Soon after that, one of my friends bought a murder mystery game and invited me
and several other friends to a dinner party. We all had to dress up as different characters.
The story was that one of our close friends had been murdered and we were all suspects.
We had to tell the other characters important information and question people about the
information they gave. Then, at the end of the evening, we tried to work out who had
done it. I wasn’t very good at the police investigation part, but I loved playing a part and
the excitement of knowing that one of the people in the room was a ‘murderer’.

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Now I run my own company – Murder Mystery Occasions. I organise murder

mystery parties in restaurants or historic buildings. Usually I hire a private room so that
the ‘murder’ doesn’t upset other guests. Castles are particularly popular with my guests
because they’re so atmospheric, so I use them if they’re available. I write the scripts and
employ actors to be some of the key characters. People pay to come along and join in
with the fun while having a wonderful dinner. The murder usually happens somewhere
between the starter and the main course and there is always a lot of excitement when the
police arrive to take fingerprints and interview key suspects. People tell me that’s the best
part. Then, at the end of the evening, there is a prize for the table that guesses who the
murderer is, but everybody who comes along seems to enjoy the drama. So, you could
say I’ve made a good, honest career out of murder!
1. The writer wanted the students to ______
a. take part in a play. b. pretend to be suspects.
c. participate in a game. d. understand that crime is serious.
2. At her first murder mystery party, the writer enjoyed ______
a. deciding who the murderer was. b. asking the other guests about themselves.
c. being a different character. d. telling people her story.
3. The writer’s job now involves ______
a. investigating crimes. b. creating stories.
c. doing some acting. d. cooking food.
4. Which part of the murder mystery parties does the writer say her guests enjoy
a. the police investigation b. the prize ceremony
c. the murder d. the food
5. What is the writer doing in this article?
a. describing why she enjoys a certain activity
b. advising people about a certain crime
c. encouraging people to do an activity
d. advertising a party

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Ex1. Choose the underlined part that pronounced differently from the others
1. A. looked B. watched C. stopped D. carried
2. A. bath B. father C. theater D. health
3. A. danger B. angry C. language D. passage
4. A. whole B. when C. where D. while
5. A. improvement B. equipment C. comment D. development

Ex2. Choose the word whose stress is different from the others
1. A. extraordinary B. inexpensive C. development D. understanding
2. A. organize B. promise C. forget D. beautify

Ex3. Put the verbs in brackets into correct tenses

1. Yesterday, I (1. spend) ___________ two hours (2. do) ___________ the homework.
2. The thief (3. catch) _______________ when the (4. leave) _______________ the bank.
3. Two hours ago, Mrs. Brown (5. Have) _______________ Alice (6. take)
_______________ her son to the school.
4. How many times you (7. be) _______________ to Ho Chi Minh City?
5. The moon (8. move) _______________ around the earth.
6. Next summer, my parents will let me (9. visit) _______________ my grandfather.
7. How about (10. go) _______________ to the zoo?

Ex4. Choose the correct part underlined to complete each of the following sentences.
1. He asked me (if I have/ whether I have/ if I had/ whether I have had) a driving licence .
2. Cool the burn immediately (so as/ so that/ in order to/ because) to minimize tissue
3. She promises she (is/ be/ has been/ will be) back in about ten minutes.

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4. This project (is carried out/ will carried out / carries out/ will be carried out) next
5. I saw him (watering/ water/ is watering/ to water) the flowers in the garden.

Ex5. Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions

1. Mrs Vui always prides ________________ her cooking.
2. It is safe to keep medicine ________________ locked cupboards.
3. Lipton tea is different________________ Dilmah tea.
4. How ________________ going to Vinh Market this afternoon?
5. Mr John is very interested ________________ the history of Viet Nam.
6. When my parents arrived home, I was waiting ________________ a phone call.
7. Mary regretted not bringing a lot of clothes ________________ her. It was very
8. Hoa got up late as her alarm clock didn’t go ________________
9. Would you mind if I had a look ________________ your luggage?
10. Because of the heavy storm, the ship moved up and ________________ the water.

Ex6. Put the words in brackets into correct forms

1. Ha Long Bay is in __________________ Vietnam (north).
2. The wild animals are being __________________ (appear).
3. I couldn’t find any __________________ between the two picture (different).
4. She is a __________________ she sells flowers at a shop in Canada (flower).
5. Long put __________________ on that towel to stop the bleeding (press).
6. The question isn’t good. It’s __________________ to ask (import).
7. His father soon died of a __________________ heart (break).
8. Don’t let the child go out because it’s __________________ (wind).
9. I am going to have a __________________ check-up next Monday (medicine).
10. The knife is __________________ it can cut everything (use).

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Ex7. Choose the best answer

1. I finish …………... the book and went to bed.
A. read B. to read C. reading D. reads
2. That man can tell us where …………….
A. does John live B. is John living C. John lives D. John live
3. …………… clothes do you prefer, T- shirt or pullover?
A. Which B. What C. Where D. How
4. Can you …………… your paper with you when I come there, please?
A. collect B. bring C. get D. take
5. Smoking is harmful …………….. your health.
A. on B. for D. about C. to
6. Do you find anything …………….. there?
A. interested B. useful C. bored D. easily
7. Ann is very busy these days. She has …………… free time.
A. a little B. few C. a few D. little
8. It’s raining very ……………
A. wet B. badly C. hard D. firmly
9. A new shopping is ……………. In my neighborhood today.
A. being opened B. opened C. opening D. be opened
10. The stolen machines were ………………. a lot of money.
A. valued B. cost C. price D. worth

Ex8. Read and choose the words or phrases that best fit each of the blank spaces.
Paper was (1) ___ by the Chinese in the first century AD. Most paper is made (2) ____
wood. When trees are (3) ___, they are transported (4) ___ land or water to paper mill.
Here they are cut (5) ____ and the wood is broken up into fibers. Which are (6) ___ with
water and chemicals. This wood pulp is then dried on a machine and (7) ___ into paper.

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One tree is needed for every 400 (8) ____ of a typical forty-page newspaper. If half the
adults in Britain each buy one daily paper, this uses up over 40.000 trees a day. Trees are
being cut down faster than they are being (9) ____, so there may be a (n) (10) ____ paper
shortage before the year 2010.
1. a. imagined b. invented c. thought d. brought
2. a. from b. of c. by d. with
3. a. cut in b. cut of c. cut down d. cut up
4. a. on b. of c. through d. by
5. a. up b. all c. over d. in
6. a. turned b. mixed c. beaten d. joined
7. a. make b. making c. made d. to make
8. a. covers b. texts c. sheets d. copies
9. a. set up b. replaced c. grown up d. found
10. a. able b. important c. serious d. essential
Ex9. Rewrite the following sentences using the given word.
1. ‘Has anyone asked you for your opinions?’ Nam said. (HAD)
=> __________________________________________________
2. I had a dog once, but I don’t have anymore. (TO)
=> __________________________________________________
3. The water was so cold that the children couldn’t swim in it. (TOO)
=> __________________________________________________
4. “Eat more and more vegetables” the doctor said. (ADVISED)
=> __________________________________________________
5. To live on your salary must be hard. (IT)
=> __________________________________________________
6. Tom is the best player in the team. (NO)
=> __________________________________________________
7. I am interested in this book. (FOND)
=> __________________________________________________

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8. I spend half an hour traveling to work by motorbike every day. (TAKES)

=> __________________________________________________
9. Peter said ‘I am not feeling well now.’ (THEN)
=> __________________________________________________
10. A boy was injured in the accident, he is now in the hospital. (WHO)
=> __________________________________________________
Ex1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the
1) A. honest B. hour C. honor D. house
2) A. deaf B. beat C. lead D. teach
3) A. there B. thank C. youth D. thirsty
4) A. fund B. upset C. tutor D. rug
5) A. safe B. mall C. nature D. face

Ex2. Choose the word whose stress is different from the others
1. A. pioneer B. volunteer C. employee D. designer
2. A. technology B. historic C. terrible D. terrific

Ex3. Choose the correct part underlined to complete each of the following sentences.
1. My mother is (enough/ too/ so/ very) tired to cook tonight
2. They haven’t seen each other (since/ for/ at/ in ) Christmas.
3. Alexander Graham Bell invented the (washing machine/ computer/ television set/
4. Mr Hoang is used (eat/ to eat/ to eating/ ate) no thing before going to work
5. Tim saw his friends while he (cross/ was crossing/ is crossing/ crossed) the street.
6. Angkor Wat is the (large/ largest / larger/ most largest ) temple in the world.
7. In the rice – cooking festival, a fire is made in the (modern/ new/ traditional/ old time)

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8. Hoa told me that she (is / was/ were/ had been) hungry.
9. It (sounds/ hears/ says/ listens) interesting. How does it work ?
10. It isn’t good for children (to eat/ eating/ for eating/ eat) too many sweets.

Ex4. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following questions

1. Would you _________________ cleaning the floor for me?
A. like B. please C. mind D. rather
2. I’ve never seen such an interesting _______________
A. performing B. performer C. performance D. performed
3. I’m sorry. I’m not ___________ to help you lift the table.
A. enough strong B. too strong C. strong enough D. enough strength.
4. I usually go to work by bus, but ________ and then I use my motorbike
A. again B. once C. now D. ever
5. There are not _____________ jobs for all of us.
A. so B. such C. too D. enough
6. She went to market without ____________ anything.
A. buy B. to buy C. bought D. Buying
7. ____________ she plays the piano!
A. How well B. How good C. What well D. What good
8. The new shopping mall is quite ____________ the present shopping area.
A. different from B. the same C. like to D. similar
9. There were _________________ flowers that I couldn’t decide what to buy.
A. so many B. so few C. so little D. so much
10. Of my parents, my father is _________________
A. the stricter B. the strictest C. strict D. strictest

Ex5. Fill a suitable preposition in each blank.

1. She went out the room _______________ saying a word.
2. The life in the countryside is changing _______________ better.

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3. She was born _______________ 2 o’clock _______________ 18th July.

4. Mary is thinking_______________ importing flowers _______________ China.
5. They are traveling _______________ the airport _______________ a bus.
6. I am afraid _______________ Ghost.
7. The fight _______________ deforestation is very important.
8. What do you often do ________________ weekends.
9. We haven’t seen him _____________ last month.
10. He had an accident and was taken __________ hospital.

Ex6. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. The lecturer is giving us first-aid ________________________ (instruct)
2. Relax for some minutes and you’ll feel more _____________________ (comfort)
3. He said “Good morning” in a most ________________________ way. (friend)
4. This book is ________________________ enough for me to read. (interest)
5. Sa Pa is a wonderful ________________________ resort in Viet Nam. (mountain)
6. Nam’s sister has been an ________________________ for seven years. (act)
7. Diana is a __________________ She sells flowers at a shop in New York. (flower)
8. The view of this mountain is ________________________ (beauty)
9. My mother doesn’t like me to wear short skirts to church. She thinks they are
________________________ (suitable)
10. Christmas songs were ____________________ for people in towns and villages.

Ex7. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. Will you wait a minute while I (look) ________________________ through the text?
2. “I hear you’ve bought a new house.” - “Yes, I (move) ________________________ in
next week”
3. Look at those black clouds. It (rain) ________________________
4. The film (begin) ________________________ at 7.30 or 8.00 this evening.

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5. Mai (telephone) ________________________ you when she comes back.

6. These pens (produce) ________________________ by Thien Long Company. They
are cheaper and in the better quality than the ones from other companies.
7. “Do you mind if I sit here?” – “I ‘d rather you (sit) __________________ over there”
8. The price (become) ________________________ more and more expensive these
9 + 10. Mr Binh (know) ___________________ how to drive a car although he (not /
learn) ______________________ it yet.
Ex8. Rewrite these sentences so that they have the same meaning
1. She studies English so that she can improve her knowledge.
⮚ She studies English so as ______________________________
2. The last time I went to Ho Chi Minh City was 6 years ago.
⮚ I haven’t ___________________________________________
3. “Where is the post office?” A visitor asked Lan.
⮚ A visitor asked Lan ___________________________________
4. May I borrow your ruler?
⮚ Would you mind _____________________________________
5. We spent five hours getting to London.
⮚ It took us ___________________________________________
6. Someone is going to tune my piano tomorrow.
⮚ My piano is going ____________________________________
7. Nam keeps forgetting his homework.
⮚ Nam is _____________________________________________
8. My mother gave me a very nice watch yesterday.
⮚ I was _______________________________________________
9. We’d prefer you not to smoke.
⮚ We’d rather __________________________________________
10. “You should not believe him, Minh” said Toan
⮚ Toan advised _________________________________________

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Ex1. Choose one word whose underlined part pronounced differently from the
1. A. Sugar B. Sorry C. Seaside D. Summer
2. A. Page B. Village C. luggage D. Heritage
3. A. Seat B. Great C. Please D. Beach
4. A. Hotel B. Photo C. Move D. Pagoda
5. A. Typhoon B. Goose C. Food D. Flood
Ex2. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others
1. A. realize B. improve C. possible D. comfortable
2. A. important B. especially C. prefer D. influence
3. A. general B. opinion C. abroad D. surprise
4. A. comfort B. nation C. apply D. moment
5. A. medical B. advise C. vegetables D. physical


Ex3. Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences: (10 0,2=2,0 pts)
1. “Recycling” means not …………… way.
A. throwing things away B. throw things away
C. blowing things away D. not blowing things away
2. I think it is good to spend time ………. English pronunciation.
A. in B. on C. with D. at
3. Two teams take part in the ………… contest
A. fetching – water B. water – fetching
C. fetched – water D. water - fetched
4. She is not old ………………….to go out alone in the evening.

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A. enough B. for C. so that D. that

5. Ha Long Bay, one of the most picturesque sights in Viet Nam, was …………. by
UNESCO as world Heritage Site.
A. recognized B. signed C. realized D. collected
6. Could you help me ………………this door, please?
A. push B. pushing C. pushed D. for pushing
7. At the end of the street there is path ……………. To the river.
A. leads B. leaded C. leading D. led
8. All letters ………………. today should arrive tomorrow.
A. posted B. post post D. posting
9. When I arrived, there was a big red car ……………outside the house.
A. park B. parked C. parking D. parks
10. I live in a pleasant room …………. The garden.
A. overlook B. overlooks C. overlooker D. overlooking

Ex4. Write the correct form of the words given in capital letters:
1. Farmers are always faced with _____________________ brought about by typhoons,
floods or droughts. (destroy)
2. They made a decision to close down the factory _____________________
3. She was _____________________ for days after the accident. (conscious)
4. A few passengers received serious _____________________ in the accident. (injure)
5. Children often feel a lot of _____________________ about their first day at school.
6. He drinks a lot of coffee to keep him _____________________. (wake)
7. Linda is one of the. _____________________ from Friends of the Earth. (represent)
8. Attractive _____________________ can help to sell products. (package)
9. These products are _____________________ friendly. (environment)
10. It’s difficult to find. _____________________ at busy time. (accommodate)

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Ex5. Supply the correct form of the verbs in the brackets:

1. When the phone rang, I (water) _____________________ the flowers in the
2. You should practice (speak) _____________________ English every day.
3. It (get) _____________________ hotter and hotter in June.
4. His doctor advised him (give) _____________________ up smoking.
5. My uncle (not visit) _____________________ us since he (move)
_____________________ to the new town.

Ex6. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions:

1. Instead _____________ going to the theater, we'll go to the concert.
2. There is nothing to prevent the children _____________ playing there.
3. They will be here _____________ a few minutes.
4. Most children often participate __________ outdoor activities in their free time.
5. You are very different _____________ your brother.

Ex7. Read and circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the passage.
There (1) .................... many simple things we can do to stop the (2). ...................... of the
environment. First of all, we should not dump our rubbish without (3) ................... which
things, such as bottles and paper can (4). ......................
We should put objectives that we can recycle in (5) ............. bins. Secondly, instead of
talking our car wherever we go, we ought to leave it at home (6) .................. possible, and
go on foot or (7) .................. public transport. When we have to drive to the market (8)
............... our shopping, we should always remember (9) ............. our own bags (10).
................ we don't need to use the supermarket's plastic bags.
1. A. are C. was D. were
2. A. destroy B. destroyed C. destructive D. destruction

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3. A. think think C. thinking D. thought

4. recycled B. recycle C. recycling D. being recycled
5. A. recycle B. recycles C. recycled D. recycling
6. A. where B. whenever C. when D. wherever
7. A. on B. in C. by D. to
8. A. to do B. do C. to make D. making
9. A. taking take C. take D. took
10. B. that C. so that D. so as

Ex8. Use the following words and phrases. Make all the necessary changes and
additions to write complete and meaningful sentences.
1. I / not / see / him / since / we / leave / school.
2. This / be / first time / Tim / see / rice paddies.
3. compost / make / from / household and garden waste.
4. he / tell / me / that / he / borrow / book / school library.
5. would / you / mind / if / I / sit / here?

Ex9. Complete the second sentence, using the word given in brackets so that it has a
similar meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the words given in any way.
1. ‘Can I borrow your bike, Nga?’ Nam asked.
→ Nam asked Nga ………………………………………………………………….
2. They haven’t cleaned the streets this weed.
→ The streets ……………………………………………………………………….

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3. Apples are usually cheaper than oranges.

→ Apples are not ……………………………………………………………………
4. Mai broke the cup because of her carelessness.
→ Because Mai ……………………………………………………………………..
5. You are not allowed to smoke here.
→ Would you mind …………………………………………………………………
A. Phonetics
Ex1. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) which has the underlined part pronounced
differently from the others in each group.
1. A. climate B. comic C. hike D. website
2. A. worked B. laughed C. hoped D. naked
3. A. cover B. category C. ancient D. decorate
4. A. erupt B. humor C. UFO D. communicate
5. A. Buddhism B. bomb C. viable D. bulb

Ex2. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) which has the stress pattern different from
that of the other words.
1. A. comprise B. depend C. design D. novel
2. A. tropical B. collection C. tendency D. charity
3. A. friendliness B. occasion C. pagoda D. deposit
4. A. importing B. specific C. impolite D. important
5. A. federation B. unpolluted C. disappearing D. profitable

B. Vocabulary and Grammar

Ex3. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1. All the sentences below use “the”, which one is correct?
A. Can you pass the sugar please? B. The crime is a problem in many big cities.
C. The apples are good for you. D. I love the skiing.

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2. Our friends have lived in Ho Chi Minh city __________ 2002

A. for B. since C. in D. about
3. He prefers soccer ___________ tennis
A. from B. than C. to D. or
4. If they worked more carefully, they ___________ so many mistakes.
A. won’t make B. don’t make C. wouldn’t make D. didn’t make
5. He __________ to his friend’s party when his parents asked him to go home.
A. goes B. was going C. went D. has gone
6. There’s a strange man behind us. I think_______.
A. we are followed B. we are being followed
C. we are being following D. we are following
7. Which of the following is the strongest advice?
A. You should get a hair-cut. B. If I were you I’d get a hair-cut.
C. You ought to get a hair-cut. D. You really must get a hair-cut.
8. ________ you mind if I use your dictionary?
A. Will B. Do C. Can D. Did
9. Mr.Vo Van Kiet, ______ was our former Prime Minister, was born in Vinh Long.
A. that B. whose C. who D. whom
10. All that rubbish will have to be _____ at once.
A. get rid of B. got rid of C. got rid D. getting rid of

Ex4. Give the correct form of the verbs in the brackets to complete the passage
1. My friend was (make)____________ (pay) ______________ back the book.
2. He (read) ____________ up the book when the phone (ring) ________.
3. Can you imagine what I (come)___________ across when I (roll)__________ up the
carpet yesterday?
4. If she won the prize, it (be) _________________ perfect.
5. He had expected the minister to see him at once before he (leave)

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Ex5. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete each sentence
1. A lot of toys encourage children’s ___________________. (imagine)
2. The factory has provided many cheaper ___________________ lately. (produce)
3. According to some scientists the earth is losing its outer atmosphere because of
________________________. (pollute)
4. She has one of the biggest art ________________________ in Britain. (collect)
5. The police are interested in the sudden _________________ of the valuable painting.

Ex6. Each of the following sentence has four words or phrases underlined. The four
underlined parts of the sentence are marked A, B, C, D. You are to identify the one
underlined word or phrase that should be corrected or rewritten
1. Preserving natural resources mean reserving them for our future.
2. Despite of the increase in air fares, most people still prefer to travel by plane.
3. Regardless of your teaching method, the objective of any conversation class should be
for students to practice speaking words.
4. The injured man was taken to the hospital.
5. In order for one to achieve the desired results in this experiment, it is necessary that
he work as fastly as possible.

C. Writing

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Ex7. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the sentence
printed before it, begin with the given word(s) or phrase
1. I advise you not to buy that car.
If ______________________________________________________
2. We like ice-cream but we don’t have it every day.
Although ________________________________________________
3. When did you start working in that factory?
How long _______________________________________________
4. Oil was covering the sand of the beach.
The sand_________________________________________________
5. “Where is the station car-park?” Mrs. Smith asked.
Mrs. Smith asked __________________________________________

D. Reading
Ex8. Read the text. Choose the best answer.
Benjamin Franklin
Few people can embody the spirit of early America as much as Benjamin Franklin. He
lived through almost the whole of the eighteenth century, being born six years after it
began, and dying ten years before it ended. In this time he saw the American colonies
grow from tiny settlements into a nation, and he also contributed much to the
development of the new state.
At the age of 17 Franklin ran away to Philadelphia. He had already received some
training as a printer’s apprentice, and this helped him seven years later, with his first
publication, the Pennsylvania Gazette. He also received a contract to do government
printing work, which helped him to rise from his poor background to become a successful
entrepreneur. Some of his experience in business was shared in his famous Poor
Richard’s Almanak, which established his reputation throughout the American colonies.
In another of his works, the Autobiography, which was written toward the end of his life,
he shows the same quiet common sense.

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He was deeply interested in science and natural history, and his experiments with
electricity and lightning led directly to the invention of the lightning rod. He was also
interested in improving the conditions of his fellow men. He was involved in a number of
projects in his native Philadelphia, including the setting up of a library, a university, a
philosophical society, and - because he was a pragmatic man - a fire prevention service.
In 1753 he became Postmaster-General of the colonies. Through this experience he began
to develop the idea that the colonies of North America should be a single nation. Later, he
went to London to try to persuade the British government to change the conditions,
especially the taxes, that later led the American colonists into rebellion.
Whatever Benjamin Franklin’s personal feelings about the rebellion of the American
states, he worked hard to make it succeed. As ambassador to France, he encouraged the
French to help George Washington. After the war he attended the American constitutional
congress. This was his last contribution, for he died later that year. He is still fondly
remembered by Americans as one of the creators of the United States.
1. What is a good description for this text?
A. An autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. B. The life of Benjamin Franklin
C. The works of Benjamin Franklin. D. Franklin and American Independence.
2. When was Benjamin Franklin born?
A. 1806 B. 1794 C. 1717 D. 1706
3. Which of these happened first?
A. Franklin trains as a printer. B. Franklin runs away to Philadelphia.
C. The American colonies rebel. D. Franklin starts his first publication.
4. What was Poor Richard’s Almanak about?
A. Franklin’s reputation. B. How to succeed in business.
C. How to do government printing. D. The text does not say.
5. In which countries did Franklin live?
A. England and France. B. Philadelphia and England.
C. London and America. D. England, America and France.

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Verbs Pronunciation Meaning
1. apologise /əˈpɒl.ə.dʒaɪz/ xin lỗi
2. encourage /ɪnˈkʌr.ɪdʒ/ khuyến khích
3. recommend /ˌrek.əˈmend/ đề xuất, khuyên bảo
4. challenge /ˈtʃæl.ɪndʒ/ thách thức, thử thách
5. enquire /ɪnˈkwaɪər/ hỏi, điều tra
6. comfort /ˈkʌm.fərt/ an ủi, làm dịu
7. entertain /ˌen.təˈteɪn/ giải trí, tiếp đãi
8. complain /kəmˈpleɪn/ phàn nàn, than phiền
9. inform /ɪnˈfɔːrm/ thông báo, cung cấp thông tin
10. warn /wɔːrn/ cảnh báo, báo trước
11. describe /dɪˈskraɪb/ mô tả, diễn tả
12. persuade /pəˈsweɪd/ thuyết phục, làm say mê
13. prescribe /prɪˈskraɪb/ kê đơn, ra toa
14. come up with /kʌm ʌp wɪð/ nảy ra, nghĩ ra, đề xuất

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Ex1. Describe the photos. Where are the people? What do you think they are

Ex2. What is the intention of the speakers in sentences 1-6? Choose from the verbs
below. Match three of the sentences (1-6) with the photos.
to apologise to challenge to comfort to complain to describe
to encourage to enquire to entertain to inform to persuade
to recommend to tell a story to thank to warn to welcome

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1. 'Be careful not to touch the cooker. It's hot.'. __________________

2. 'This is ridiculous! Why is there such a long delay?" __________________
3. I'd go and see this film if I were you. It's brilliant.". __________________
4. 'Good morning. Let me show you to your table.". __________________
5. 'I'd like some information about opening times, please.". __________________
6. 'Don't worry, everything will be fine." __________________

Ex3. Listen and identify the intentions of the speakers. Circle the correct verbs.
1. a. to persuade b. to thank c. to complain
2. a. to describe b. to challenge c. to persuade
3. a. to comfort b. to encourage c. to complain
4. a. to warn b. to persuade c. to complain
5. a. to comfort b. to challenge c. to warn
6. a. to inform b. to welcome c. to recommend

Ex4. Read the questions below. Then listen and circle the correct answers.
1. The scientist's main aim is to _________
a. warn people about the dangers of overeating.
b. inform people about a scientific advance.
c. persuade people to try a new product.
2. The boy's main aim is to _________
a. compare his new motorbike with his previous one.
b. try to persuade someone to buy a second-hand motorbike.
c. complain that he can't afford a brand-new motorbike.
3. The doctor's main aim is to _________
a. encourage the patient to live a healthier lifestyle.
b. warn the patient of the dangers of eating too much.
c. recommend a course of treatment.
4. The speaker's main aim is to _________

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a. describe a new invention.

b. advertise a new product he has invented.
c. persuade somebody to invest money in his invention.
5. The head teacher's main aim is to _________
a. persuade students to use the minibus.
b. inform people that the school will buy a minibus.
c. thank people for helping the school to raise money.

Ex5. Match the verbs in A with the words and phrases in B to make collocations.
Then listen again and check.
A lose get prescribe come up with browse run
B a good deal an idea on biofuel drugs the internet weight

1. ___________________________ 4. ___________________________
2. ___________________________ 5. ___________________________
3. ___________________________ 6. ___________________________

Ex6. Listen to four texts and answer the questions. Circle the correct answer (A-D).
1. Where would you hear this announcement?
A. in a shopping centre B. in a clothes shop
C. in a department store D. in a camera shop
2. Who is the announcement for?
A. people who know something about a crime B. police investigating a crime
C. the victims of a crime D. visitors to an art gallery
3. What does Lucy do to save money?
A. She never goes out. B. She works every weekend.
C. She doesn't buy many things. D. She works every day.
4. What is Jake going to do?

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A. apply for a job B. make a phone call

C. work as a waiter D. tell someone about a job

Ex7. (optional). Work in pairs. Prepare a short speech (30-50 words) to do one of
these things. Use the questions and phrases to help you. Deliver your speech to your
1. persuade someone to come out with you
Where? When? Why will they enjoy it?
Why don't you...? I think you you'll enjoy... It'll be (great fun). (George) is coming too.

2. thank the parents of your penfriend for their hospitality

How did they make you feel welcome? What did you particularly enjoy?
I had a (wonderful) time. It was so kind of you to...
I really enjoyed the... Hope to see you again soon.

3. inform your cousin about your plans for your gap year
Where are you going and when? What kind of work are you going to do? How long will
you stay?
I'm going to... I'll be there for...
I'm going to work (in a shop). When I come home, I'm going to...

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Ex1. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Remember to use the correct
form of the verb.
(Chú ý chia động từ!)
browse come up with get lose prescribe run

1. He _______________ 10 kg during his trip to Antarctica.

2. Yesterday, my friend _____________ a great idea for how to raise money for our club.
3. My mum's got a new car and it _____________ on biofuel.
4. If you've got a smartphone, you can _____________ the internet wherever you are.
5. My sister always _____________ a good deal when she goes shopping for clothes.
6. Last month, a doctor _____________ some medicine for my headaches.

Ex2. Complete the definitions using the verbs below.

apologise challenge comfort complain encourage enquire
entertain inform persuade recommend warn welcome

1 If you ______________ somebody (about something), you tell them about a

2 If you ____________________ to somebody (about something), you tell them
why you are unhappy about it.
3 If you ____________________ (for something), you say that you are sorry.
4 If you ____________________ about something, you ask questions about it.
5 If you ____________________ something (to somebody), you say why it is good.
6 If you ____________________ somebody (to do something), you make them feel
more confident about it.
7 If you ____________________ somebody or something, you say you are happy
about their arrival.

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8 If you ______________ somebody (about something), you tell them facts about it.
9 If you ____________________ somebody, you invite them to compete with you.
10 If you ____________________ somebody, you try to make them feel better when
they're sad.
11 If you ____________________ somebody (to do something), you say things
which make them want to do it.
12 If you ____________________ somebody, you keep them amused and interested.

Ex3. Listen to six speakers. What are their intentions?

Complete the sentences with the -ing form of verbs from Ex2.
1. Speaker 1 is ____________________ a group of tourists.
2. Speaker 2 is ____________________ to a friend.
3. Speaker 3 is ____________________ about a museum.
4. Speaker 4 is ____________________ a friend.
5. Speaker 5 is ____________________ a friend.
6. Speaker 6 is ____________________ in a hotel.

Ex4. Read the questions below. Then listen to the speakers and circle the correct
1. The speaker's main aim is to _________
a welcome people to a special event.
b complain about problems with a new car.
c enquire about a new model of car.
2. The speaker's main aim is to _________
a inform somebody about a new laptop.
b recommend buying a new laptop.
c apologise for damaging somebody's laptop.
3. The speaker's main aim is to _________
a persuade people to invest money.

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b challenge people to invent a better product.

c thank people for helping to develop a fantastic product.
4. The speaker's main aim is to _________
a describe a machine to her students.
b warn her students to be careful.
c challenge her students to do better than her.
5. The speaker's main aim is to _________
a recommend that viewers buy a new type of TV.
b inform the viewers about a new type of TV.
c warn viewers not to buy a new type of TV.

Ex5. Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer (A-C).
1. What’s the prize for the design competition this year?
A A money prize of £50.
B A visit to a fashion show.
C Some new clothes.
2. What is Sally’s problem?
A She doesn’t think her design is very fashionable.
B She can’t think of any new ideas for her design.
C She has sold all of her new designs to friends.
3. When does Sally need to enter the competition?
A Next week. B In a few days. C In July.
4. Sally has looked for some ideas ______
A online. B at school. C at a fashion show.
5. Sally likes Jake’s suggestion of designing ______
A a dress. B a jacket. C some sports shoes.

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Words Pronunciation Meaning

1. move (v) /muːv/ di chuyển, chuyển động

movement (n) /ˈmuːv.mənt/ sự di chuyển, phong trào

2. reconstruct (v) /ˌriː.kənˈstrʌkt/ tái thiết, xây dựng lại

reconstruction (n) /ˌriː.kənˈstrʌk.ʃən/ sự tái thiết

3. record (v) /rɪˈkɔːrd/ ghi lại, ghi âm

recording (n) /rɪˈkɔːrdɪŋ/ bản ghi, bản ghi âm

4. bald (v) /bɔːld/ hói, trọc

baldness (n) /ˈbɔːld.nəs/ sự hói đầu, tình trạng trọc

5. invent (v) /ɪnˈvent/ phát minh, sáng chế ra

invention (n) /ɪnˈven.ʃən/ sự phát minh, sáng chế

6. arrange (v) /əˈreɪndʒ/ sắp xếp, sắp đặt

arrangement (n) /əˈreɪndʒ.mənt/ sự sắp xếp

7. deaf (v) /dɛf/ điếc

deafness (n) /ˈdɛfnəs/ nghẽn, tình trạng điếc

8. discover (v) /dɪˈskʌvər/ khám phá, phát hiện

discovery (n) /dɪˈskʌvəri/ sự khám phá

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Ex1. SPEAKING. Look at the pictures. What do you think these inventions were

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Ex2. Read the texts. Check your answers in Ex1. Were any of your guesses, correct?

1. The Telharmonium
The Telharmonium was the world's first electronic musical instrument. It was designed
by an American, Thaddeus Cahill, in 1897. Three models of the instrument were built;
the first weighed about 7,000 kg, and the other two weighed nearly 5 200,000 kg! Music
from the instrument was broadcast to people's homes using another new invention: the
telephone. For the first time, people could stay at home and listen on their telephones to
live music from another part of the country. (The radio had not been invented.) People
loved these concerts, but there were 10 problems. Some telephone users who were not
listening to the concert were interrupted by loud music half way through their
conversation! By 1914, the world was no longer interested in the Telharmonium. After
Cahill's death in 1934, his brother kept one of the three models, but in 1962 it was
destroyed. No recordings 15 of the music were kept, so the Telharmonium and its unique
sound have disappeared forever.
2. The Rejuvenator
In the early part of the 20th century, there was a lot of interest in the power of electricity
to cure medical conditions. A device called the Rejuvenator was invented by 20 British
scientist Otto Overbeck in 1925. It was used in the home to treat all kinds of medical
problems, including deafness and baldness, and became very popular. It was advertised in
newspapers and members of the public were invited to watch live demonstrations in
theatres. The users placed electrodes on 25 any part of their body and a small electric
current was passed through it. It was unclear exactly how the machine worked, but

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hundreds were sold all around the world and Overbeck became rich. In the 1950s, it was
still possible to buy new parts for these machines, but today they are only seen in
3. The Writing Ball
The Writing Ball was invented in 1865 by Rasmus Malling- Hansen from Denmark. It
was a machine for typing onto paper. Malling-Hansen spent a long time working on the
design. For example, he made sure all the keys were placed in the best positions for
typing quickly. The machine even used electricity 35 to make the movement faster. There
was one problem, however: you could not see the paper as you were typing.
Nevertheless, the Writing Ball was sold all over Europe and was very successful.
However, each model was made by hand. Soon, other machines became more popular
because they were made in 40 factories and were cheaper. A new keyboard was
developed with the keys arranged differently. This arrangement is now used on phones
and computer keyboards all over the world, even though it was quicker to type using the
Writing Ball. The once-popular Writing Ball was forgotten.
4. The Antikythera Mechanism
In 1901, a ship was discovered at the bottom of the sea near the Greek island of
Antikythera. On the ship was an ancient machine. It had been made about 1,900 years
earlier, in 2 BC. For many years after its discovery, nobody understood exactly what the
machine was for. But in the 1970s, scientists used X-rays 50 to find out its secrets.
Amazingly, they found that the machine was an ancient computer. It had been designed to
predict the movements of the sun, the moon and the planets. It did this using more than
thirty hand-made metal wheels of different sizes. A study of the mechanism in 2006 was
led by Professor Michael 55 Edmunds from Cardiff University. He described the device
as 'just extraordinary, the only thing of its kind' and 'more valuable than the Mona Lisa'.
Reconstructions have been made and the device works perfectly.

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Ex3. Decide which of the inventions is the most impressive and/or interesting, in
your opinion. Give reasons.
=> Then, share it with the class.

Ex4. Number the pictures (A-D) in the order in which they were invented.
A. B. C. D. 1

Ex5. Match the texts (1-4) with questions A-F below. Some questions match with
more than one text.
Which invention(s)...
A. was/were lost and then found again? __________________
B. was/were popular for a time but then disappeared? __________________
C. used electricity? __________________
D. was/were designed by an unknown inventor? __________________
E. was/were designed to improve your health? __________________
F. was/were first designed in the 19th century? __________________

Ex6. Explain why 'does not say' is the correct answer to this sentence.
‘The third of the three Telharmonium models was the heaviest.’ DNS

Ex7. Decide if the sentences below are true (T), false (F) or 'does not say' (DNS).
1. The Telharmonium was invented before the radio.
2. Thaddeus Cahill destroyed the final model of his invention before he died.
3. The Rejuvenator successfully cured deafness and baldness in hundreds of people.

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4. The Rejuvenator was a commercial success even though it was not clear how it
5. The Writing Ball was the first machine that used electricity for typing.
6. Other typing machines were cheaper to make because they were not made by hand.
7. The Antikythera Mechanism was at the bottom of the sea for nearly 2,000 years.
8. For about 70 years after it was found, the purpose of the mechanism was not known.

Your answer
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.

Ex8. VOCABULARY. Find nouns in the text related to these verbs and adjectives.
Noun endings
Text 1 Text 3
a. invent => __________________ e. move. => __________________
b. record => __________________ f. arrange => __________________
Text 2 Text 4
c. deaf. => __________________ g. discover => __________________
d. bald => __________________ h. reconstruct => __________________

Ex9. (optional). SPEAKING. In pairs, decide which three inventions and discoveries
from history are the most important.
Use the ideas below or think of your own. Give reasons.
books / cars / computers / electricity / fire printing / television / wheels
E.g. - If the wheel didn't exist, we couldn't travel by car or bus.
- If we didn't have aeroplanes, journeys would take much longer.

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Ex1. Complete the sentences with nouns formed from the verbs and adjectives below
in brackets.
1. The Hubble telescope can measure the __________________ (move) of distant
2. The city centre was destroyed in the war. The _______________________
(reconstruct) took many years.
3. Hard disk recorders allow us to make _________________ (record) of TV
4. Many men hope doctors will invent a cure for _______________________ (bald).
5. The aeroplane is a wonderful _______________________ (invent).
6. That's a lovely flower _______________________ (arrange).
7. Beethoven suffered from _________________ (deaf) during the last 25years of his life.
8. Before the _______________________ (discover) of America in 1492, many people
thought the Earth was flat.

Ex2. Read the texts and match two of the inventions with the photos (A-B).
Picture A. – Text ____________ Picture B. – Text ____________

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1. Hippo-Roller
Many women and children in Africa spend between three and nine hours a day carrying
water to their homes. They use 20-litre plastic buckets, which they carry on their heads.
The buckets are very heavy and often cause back and neck injuries. So engineers Pettie
Petzer and Johan Jonker designed a 'rolling wheel' which can carry ninety litres of water
and is much easier to move. 33,000 'Hippo-Rollers' have been made and delivered to
remote villages in Africa. The results are good: women have more time to look after their
families, the children have more time at school, and there are fewer injuries.
2. LifeStraw
There are 780 million people in the world who don't have clean safe drinking water. This
fact led the Swiss company Vestergaard to invent a special kind of straw that allows
people to drink dirty water without getting ill. The 1s LifeStraw is a long thin tube that
cleans the water as it passes through into somebody's mouth. LifeStraw is very light and
can clean up to 1,000 litres of water before you need to replace it. LifeStraw was used to
help people after the Haiti earthquake, and floods in Pakistan and Thailand.
3. AidPod
When Simon Berry was travelling in Zambia, he noticed that he could buy Coca-Cola in
the remotest villages. But in these same villages the people had no medicines and,
because of that, one in five children were dying before their fifth birthday. He had an
idea. 'Why don't they bring medicines 2s when they deliver the Coca-Cola?' So he
invented the AidPod, a triangular packet of medicines that fits between the bottles in a
crate of Coca-Cola. Berry has experimented with a number of designs for his AidPod and
is testing his ideas in Zambia. If his plan works, he hopes to do the same thing in other
African countries, and save thousands of lives.

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Ex3. Decide if the sentences below are true, false or 'does not say. Tick X.
1. Carrying water on your head can cause
neck injuries.
2. With the Hippo-Roller people can carry
more water than with a normal bucket.
3. The LifeStraw is made from natural
4. The LifeStraw never stops working.
5. The Coca-Cola company worked with
Simon Berry to design the AidPod
6. The AidPod is used successfully in many
different countries.

Ex4. Read the passages. Tick X to the right column for each answer.
Three museums
Eureka! is a complete hands-on experience, which means that visitors can actually pick
up any object in the museum. It’s a great way for young visitors to learn about the world,
the body, how things work and move. And when you buy an entry ticket, it allows you to
come back as many times as you want for a whole year for no extra cost. As Eureka! is
right next to Halifax train station, it’s very easy to get to from all over the country.
Museum of Museums
Every time you visit the Museum of Museums, you’ll be able to see something different.
And that’s because the things you see there are actually lent by other museums around the
country. The museum always has lots of different vehicles, from ice-cream vans and old

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motorbikes to the different kinds of public transport people used to get to work many
years ago. You can find out about all this and lots more.
Cinema Museum
Ronald Grant, who opened the Cinema Museum in the 1960s, travelled round the country
and bought things from cinemas which were closing down. This included old film posters
and wooden cinema seating. At the museum, you can now see these and much more,
including the uniforms that cinema staff once had to wear.
Please let us know by phone or email if you’d like to come. We’ll be happy to see you,
but we need to arrange a guide, as it’s only possible to visit the museum on an organised

1. Which museum has an exhibition of clothes?

A. Eureka! B. Museum of Museums C. Cinema Museum
2. Which museum is full of things which visitors can touch?
A. Eureka! B. Museum of Museums C. Cinema Museum
3. Which museum is a good place to learn about how people travelled in the past?
A. Eureka! B. Museum of Museums C. Cinema Museum
4. Which museum can you visit again for free after you pay once?
A. Eureka! B. Museum of Museums C. Cinema Museum
5. Which museum do you need to contact before you visit?
A. Eureka! B. Museum of Museums C. Cinema Museum
6. Which museum shows things that were borrowed from other places?
A. Eureka! B. Museum of Museums C. Cinema Museum
7. Which museum has some furniture which wasn’t needed anymore?
A. Eureka! B. Museum of Museums C. Cinema Museum

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