Junior Angol Irasbeli Feladatsor

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Text 1 5/_____

Choose the right question as in the example below (0).

a) Do you want some eggs?

b) Can you pass me the sugar?
c) have we got any bread in the basket?
d) Tea or coffee today?
e) Is there any milk?
f) Can I have the salt, please?
g) What do you have for breakfast?
h) And is there any cereal?

A: Darling, (0)_____e__________?
B: Yes, dear. There is some in the fridge.
A: Oh, thanks. (1)_________________
B: Yes, there’s a box behind you.
A: Sorry darling, I’m still very sleepy.
B: (2) ___________________________.
A: Yes, 3 please. And (3) ______________________________
B: Yes, of course. Here you are. Take as many slices as you want.
A: Coffee, please. (5)___________________________________
B: Salt for your coffee?
A: Not for my coffee, for my eggs. Wake up Susan, and pass me the sugar, too, please.
Text 2 5/______
Read the text then choose A, B or C as in the example below.

The Canterbury Tales

The Canterbury Tales is an amazing visitor centre that can take you back six hundred years to
the time of Geoffrey Chaucer, the famous poet who lived in the 15th century. You can have a
fantastic historical adventure and be a real traveller. Today’s tourists can walk from London
to Canterbury to visit the great Canterbury Cathedral. At the start of the journey a guide meets
you in London and shows you the way. You can see the sights and hear the sounds of England
600 years ago.
If you arrive in Canterbury and you are very tired and hungry, stop and have a sandwich or a
drink in the café. Visit our gift shop and relax. In our gift shop you can buy souvenirs,
jewellery, cards and books.

The Canterbury Tales is open seven days a week.

From 1st April until 31st October, the centre is open from 09-17:30
From 1st November to 31st March, it is open from 09-16:30
You need one hour to visit the museum.
You can find us in Saint Margaret Street, near the Cathedral.

(0) Geoffrey Chaucer lived A 600 years ago

B 500 years ago
C 700 years ago
1 You can buy A sandwiches in the gift shop.
B souvenirs in the coffee shop
C books in the gift shop.

2 The centre is open from A Monday to Saturday.

B Monday to Sunday.
C Tuesday to Sunday.

3 The centre closes in August A at five o’clock.

B at half past four.
C at half past five.

4 The centre is A in the Cathedral.

B near the Cathedral.
C far from the cathedral.

5 The visit to the museum takes A about 60 minutes

B about 20 minutes
C half an hour
Text 3 8/_____

Read the text and decide whether the statements are true (T), false (F) or not in the text

The four members (Bono=Paul Hewson/singer, The Edge=David Evans/guitar, Adam

Clayton/bass guitar, Larry Mullen/drums) of the most famous Irish rock band were school-
friends in Dublin during the early ’70s. Their first concerts at the end of that decade were very
small. Once they had only 9 people at their concert.
But at the beginning of the ’80s they became very popular, first in Ireland then all over the
world. They sing about really serious problems: terrorism, wars, political fights, homeless
people and hungry children, but sometimes they also write songs about love and their friends.
They have won so many prizes: Grammy Awards, Music Television Awards etc.
Their albums and CDs have made them one of the best-loved bands in the world. Today they
still live in Ireland, where they have their own studio. ‘The Joshua album’ came out in March
1987. It was number one for nine weeks on the US top list. U2 have worked with artists
including Green Day, Bruce Springsteen, Mary J. Blige.

0 U2 is an American band. ___F____

1 Bono’s real name is David Evans.______

2 They started their career together at the end of the ’70s._____
3 Their songs are popular in many countries around the world.______
4 They record their albums in a studio in London.______
5 They won an Oscar Award, too._____
6 U2 sang together with Mary J. Blige._____
7 ‘The Joshua Tree’ is not only their most famous album but also a very popular
8 ‘The Joshua Tree’ album was the most popular one in America for nine weeks
Text 4 7/_____
Read about the following animals, then answer the questions as in the example (0)


Kangaroos are mammals. They have babies and feed them on milk. They live in Australia.
They are about two metres tall and weigh about sixty kilos. Kangaroos have got two back
legs, two short front legs and a long tail. They can jump very high because their back legs are
very strong. They sleep during the day and they eat leaves. Kangaroos carry their babies in a
pouch. They live in small groups. They live for about twenty years.


Koalas are mammals. Mothers carry their young in a small pouch for the first six months of
their lives. Koalas can climb very well. They can swim, too. They have got thick, grey fur and
a big, black nose. They also have very sharp claws. Koalas live and sleep in the tops of
eucalyptus trees in eastern Australia. They live alone and eat eucalyptus leaves. Koalas live
for about fifteen years.


0 Which of the two animals live alone? Koalas


1 When do kangaroos sleep? ______________________________________

2 What type of animals are they? __________________________________

3 Where do both animals carry their babies? _________________________

4 Which animal can swim? _______________________________________

5 Which animal lives longer? _____________________________________

6 Where do koalas spend their days? _______________________________

Use of English

1 Underline the correct answer as in the example (0) below.


Tim (0) ………. from the north (1)……….Canada. The winter in Canada is cold, long and
dark and you need a car or a sleigh to get to school. It usually takes a long time to get there.
(2)………..students live at the school and only go home (3)………the weekends. But Tim
lives (4)……….a village with a school. In winter he usually skis to school or goes with his
father, who takes him on the snowmobile. They go very (5)……….and it’s fun.

0 a/ coming b/ come c/ comes

1 a/ in b/ of c/ at

2 a/ every b/ some c/ any

3 a/ at b/ from c/ by

4 a/ near to b/ near c/ next

5 a/ fastly b/ faster c/ fast

Write questions to the underlined words as in the example (0) below.

(0) My name is Andrew

What is your name?

1 Tim is going to school by bus because his father is not at home.

____________________________________________ _by bus?

2 They’ve got three dogs.

_______________________________________________ got?

3 Mark went on holiday with his friends to Canada.

________________________________________ on holiday?

4 I would like to see the new 3D film.


5 This river is 100 kilometres long.


Write the correct verb forms into the sentences as in the example below.

Last weekend I went (go) camping with my friends. We…………… (take) tents and sleeping
bags. Three of us…………….. ( put up) the tents and the others …………… (make) a fire. In
the evening, we………………... (sing) songs and we………………… (not feel) sleepy until

1 5/______
Read the list of Mrs. Taylor’s weekend activities. Write at least 5 sentences about what
she did and what she didn’t do.

Dirty clothes ×
A cake for Tom’s birthday
Decorate the living room
X-Factor on TV ×

Church ×
Birthday party with the family and Tom’s friends


2 5/______
You are going to work as a zoo - keeper assistant at the Rainbow Zoo. They need some
information about you. Here is the form you have to fill in.

Rainbow Zoo
(Information form)

Full name:_____________________________________
Date of birth: day_ _ month_ _ year_ _ _ _
Favourite animals: _______________________________
Animals you would like to work with: __________________

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