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Recalls September 2016

Paper 1


1.During Laparoscopy injury to vessel during right lateral port insertion this vessel is a branch of
which artery?

External iliac artery

Internal iliac artery

Uterine artery


Inferior epigastric artery

Answer : External iliac artery

2.which structure Forms the lateral wall of the ischio-rectal fossa

A. Skin

B. Anal canal

C. Obturator internus fascia

D. Vagina

E. Rectum

ANSWER : Obturator internus fascia

3. To perform an elective lower segment caesarean section, the obstetrician

makes a transverse suprapubic incision. Which of the following abdominal wall

layers will not be encountered transected during this incision?

A. Anterior rectus sheath

B. Posterior rectus sheath

C. Rectus abdominis muscle

D. Skin and subcutaneous tissue

E. Transversalis fascia and parietal peritoneum

ANSWER : Posterior rectus sheath

4. At what level ovarian artery arise




Answer : L2

5. Which of the following muscles leaves the lesser pelvis through the greater

sciatic foramen?

A. pubococcygeus

B. Iliococcygeus

C. Puborectalis

D. Piriformis

E. Coccygeus

ANSWER : Piriformis

6. To reduce postoperative pain after caesarean section, an obstetrician performs

ilioinginal-iliohypogastric nerve block (IINB) on his 25-year-old patient. What is the

nerve root of ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerve?

A. T12

B. T12 and L1

C. L1

D. L2

E. L1 and L2


7. Following radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy for Stage I carcinoma of the cervix,
63-year-old woman reports weakness of hip adduction. Which nerve most likely to have been
injured during the operation?

A. Obturator nerve
B. Femoral nerve

C. Inferior gluteal nerve

D. Superior gluteal nerve

E. Sciatic nerve

ANSWER Obturator nerve

8. Surgeon wants to take blood from femoral artery. What is the relation of nerve with femoral
artery and vein from lateral to medial?




Answer NAV

9. Dorsal artery of clitoris and deep artery of clitoris are a branch of?

External iliac artery

Internal pudendal artery

Answer :Internal pudendal artery

10. What is the dermatome level at suprapubic incision





Answer L1

11. What is the level of dermatome for epidural at umblical region ?





Answer T10

12. What is the nerve supply of external anal sphincter ?

Pelvic splanchnic nerve

Pudendal Nerve

Inferior hypogastric plexus

Answer : Pudendal nerve

13.Which structure in female is homologous to male prostate?

Skene gland

Gartner duct

Bartholin’s gland

Answer : Skene s gland

14. Pudendal cleft is defined as

Area btw labia majora and thigh

Area btw labia majora and hymen

Area between labia majora

Answer area btw labia majora

15. What is the anatomical location of Bartholin’s gland?

A. Deep perineal pouch

B. Ischiorectal fossa

C. Pudendal canal

D. Superficial perineal pouch

E. Urogenital diaphragm

Answer : superficial perineal pouch

16. Pyramidalis is supplied by which nerve?

Obturator n.

Genitofemoral nerve.

Subcostal nerve



Answer: subcostal nerve

17. Pain due to ovarion irritation can be felt through which nerve segment

A. T10

B. T12

C. L1


18. During Laparoscopy structure is seen which is a remnant of Mesonephric duct


Gartner duct cyst

Ovarian ligament

Answer Epoophoron

19.During Sacrospinous ligament fixation which artery can be damaged

Internal pudendal artery

Internal iliac

External iliac

Femoral artery

Inferior vesical artery

Answer : Internal pudendal artery

20. Superior vesicles artery is direct branch from

Anterior division of Internal iliac

External iliac

Umbilical artery
21 In Renal transplant kidney is anastomosed to

Vesical artery


External iliac artery

Internal iliac artery

Uterine artery

Answer : external iliac artery

22. Symphysis diathesis in a patient ..what is the type of joint which is involves

Primary cartilaginous

Secondary cartilaginous


Answer : Secondary cartilaginous


23. Correct relation of round ligament with its embryological origin and anatomy is:

Gubernaculum ovarii. In front of the uterine cornu to the labia majora

Gubernaculum ovaria. In front of the uterine cornu to the ovarian ligament

Paramesonephric duct. In front of the uterine cornu to the labia majora

Paramesonephric duct. Behind the uterine cornu to the labia majora

Answer: Gubernaculum ovarii. In front of the uterine cornu to the labia majora

24. Partial mole genotype


69 XXY



Answer 69XXY
25. Layer surrounding the zona pellucida?

Mural granulosa cell

Cumulus oophorus

Basal lamina

Theca externa

Theca interna

26.. What happened to decidua basalis is in third trimester?

Remain decidua basalis

Become nutabach


Merge with placenta

27. The ureteric bud is derived from which of the following embryonic structures?

A. Urogenital sinus

B. Pronephros

C. Mesonephros

D. Mesonephric duct

Answer Mesonephric duct

28. Lower part of vagina is derived from



Urogenital sinus

Mesonephric duct

Answer : Endoderm

29. Which hernia will be the result of small defect in lateral umblical region due to regression of
umblical vein

Congenital umbilical hernia



Answer : Gastroschisis

30. The medial umbilical ligament is a remnant of what structure?

Fetal paraumbilical veins

Fetal umbilical arteries

Lateralumbilical fold


Answer : fetal umblical arteries

31. In the new non invasive prenatal diagnostic test of cell-free fetal DNA what is the source of the
cells in maternal blood ?

Fetal WBCs

Fetal fibroblasts

Amniotic cells

Placental trophoblast

Answer : placental trophoblast

32. Embryological origin of GnRH neurons

neural crest

Neural tube

Olfactory bulb


33. Gastrulation is the process of

Answer : Triple germ cell layer formation

34. Indifferent gonads arise from

Intermediate mesoderm

Paraxial mesoderm


Answer : intermediate mesoderm

35. What is the name of structure that shunts oxygenated blood from the right to

left atrium in the fetus?

A. Ductus arteriosus

B. Ductus venosus

C. Foramen ovale

D. Ligamentum venosum

E. Pulmonary trunk

ANSWER : Foramen ovale

36. Which of the following agents can cause premature closure of the patent

ductus arteriosus?

A. Prostaglandin E1

B. Nitric oxide

C. Cortisone

D. Acetaminophen

E. Indomethacin

ANSWER : Indomethacin


37. What do the bottom and top represent on the box-and-whisker plot?

A. Mean and mode

B. Mean and median

C. Standard deviation and mean

D. Least and greatest value

E. Lower and upper quartile

ANSWER : Lower and upper quartile

38. You wish to investigate the time it takes to perform a caesarean section on

women with and without pre-eclampsia. At the end of the study you have two

groups of women with the duration of caesarean sections recorded for each. It

can't be assumed that these are normally distributed.

Which non-parametric statistic test would you use?

A. Chi-squared test

B. Linear regression analysis

C. Mann-Whitney U test

D. Pearson’s R test

E. Student’s t-test

ANSWER : Mann-Whitney U test

39. .Data was collected from maternal records of the women having shoulder dystocia at delivery
and reviewed and compared with normal deliveries along with birth weight of babies.what is the
type of study

Retrospective cohort

Case Control

Cross sectional

Randomised control

Answer : retrospective cohort

40.. The number of hours worked per week for a sample of students is shown


Hours. students

1. 12

2. 9

3. 29

4. 28

5. 15
6. 10

7. 18

8. 15

What is the mode of the above data?




41. Calculate the odds ratio of asymmetrical iugr and symmetrical iugr ....etc etc

Assymetrical. Symmetrical

Apgar <7. 2. 10

2. 40




Answer: 4

42. .What type of variable is BMI ?





43. How to calculate standard error of the mean ?

Answer : SEM = SD/√n

44. A range of one SD above and one SD below the mean includes CI of




Answer 68.2%

45. Which one of the following statements best describes a type I statistical

(α error)?

A. Rejecting a null hypothesis when there is a difference

B. Rejecting a null hypothesis when there is no difference

C. Rejecting the alternative hypothesis when there is a difference

D. Accepting a null hypothesis when there is a difference

E. Accepting the alternative hypothesis when there is a difference

ANSWER : Rejecting a null hypothesis when there is no difference

46. 700 women were enrolled for the assesment of PPV for test preterm labour?320 women were
test positive out of them 80 had preterm labor .380 were test negative and out of them 20 had
preterm labor.what ia the positive predictive value of the test?






Answer. :25%


47.. In which phase of the cell cycle do chromosome are allign to the equatorial plate




Answer metaphase

48. Which chromosomes are capable of robertsonian translocation

C. 16, 17,18, 20

D. 9, 10, 11, 12

E. 13, 14, 15, 21, 22

Answer : 13, 14, 15, 21, 22

49. .In which stage DNA replicates.




S phase

Answer S phase

50. What is the primary function of DNA polymerase?

Addition of nucleotide

DNA repair

51. Which one of the following stages of the cell cycle is cell become quiescent?

A. Synthetic phase (S)

B. Gap phase 1 (G1)

C. Gap phase 0 (G0)

D. Gap phase 2 (G2)

E. Mitotic phase (M)

ANSWER : Gap phase 0 (G0)

52.. Mother has sickle cell disease married to sickle cell trait husband chance of baby to having





Answer 50%

53. Father with cystic fibrosis mother normal

Chance of baby to have cystic fibrosis ?




Answer 0%

54.. What role does messenger RNA play in the synthesis of proteins?


55. Detection of protein?

Southern plot

Northen plot

Western plot


Answer : western plot

56. Which nucleotide only present in DNA

Answer Thymine

57. Which protein coiled in DNA ?

Answer Histones
58. Image

What is the diagnosis?

Answer : Klinefelter syndrome

59. Pedigree of X linked recessive


60. Which hormone prevent regression of corpus luteum?






Answer hcg

61. Estradiol 20% bound to?



Answer : albumin

62..Patient with primary hyperparathyroidism what will be the correct value of calcium and
Inc Ca. Dec phosphate

Dec Ca. Inc phosphate

Inc Ca. Inc phosphate

Dec Ca. Dec phosphate

Answer : increase Ca. Dec phosphate

63. ADH synthesised in

Para ventricular nucleus of hypothalamus

Acidophillic cells of anterior pituitary

Neuroendocrine cells of posterior pituitary

Answer : para ventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus

64. HPL similar to?



Answer : GH

65. What is the second common cause of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)?

A. 17-hydroxylase deficiency

B. 21-hydroxylase deficiency

C. 11-Beta hydroxylase deficiency

D. 3 Beta- hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency

E. 17 Beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency

ANSWER : 11-Beta hydroxylase deficiency

66. What kind of cells produces parathyroid hormone (PTH)?

A. Chief cells

B. Parathynotic cells
C. Oxyphilic cells

D. C cells

E. Follicular cells

ANSWER: chief cells

67. most common cause of hyperthyroidism in young woman

Graves disease

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

Iodine deficiency

Answer Grave s disease

68. Commonest cause of cushing disease

A) pituitary adenoma

B) adrenal adenoma

Answer : pituitary adenoma

69. What percentage (T4) is free?

A. 0.1%

B. 1%

C. 5 %

D. 15%

E. 70%

Answer : 0.1%

70. Which test you is used to check ovarian reserves in pre menopausal women

Antimullerian hormone



Answer : Antimullerian hormone

71. which inhibit prolactin


72. Question about obesity amenorhea which hormone decrease apetite?

Answer : Leptin

73. After how many hours of LH surge ovulation occur

A. 16 hr

B. 24 hr

C. 36 hr

D. 48 hr

E. 72 hr

ANSWER : 36 Hours

74. Which hormone causes rupture of graffian follicle and release of esrtogen and progesterone?






Answer : LH

75. Increase Order of potency In male

DHT ...Testosterone. ...Androstanedione A2 ...DHEA

DHT...A2...DHEA ...testosterone

Testosterone. .DHT...A2...DHEA

Answer : DHT(most potent) ...Testosterone. ...Androstanedione A2 ...DHEA (least potent)

76. Androgen secreted through which layer of adrenal ?

Zona fasciculata

Zona reticularis
Zona glomerulosa

Answer zona reticularis


77. The graph showing normal spirometry of a preoperative woman.

Which lung volume is indicated by the number 6 on the spirometry tracing?

A. Residual volume

B. Expiratory reserve volume

C. Inspiratory reserve volume

D. Tidal volume

E. Vital capacity

ANSWER : Residual volume

78. In ECG lead V1 and aVR represent which portion of heart

Inferior wall

Right atrium and right ventricle

Right atrium and left ventricle

Left atrium right ventricle.

Answer : Right atrium and ventricle

79. women 7 week not feeling well came in ER with shortness of breath

PH 7.36

PCO2 normal

PO2 12

Base excess 9.8

HCO3 18

Normal pregnancy values

Respiratory acidosis

Metabolic acidosis
Compensatory metabolic acidosis

80. Renin is secreted from

Answer : Juxtaglomerular cells

81 . What is the most abundant carbohydrate in the breast milk?

A. Caesin

B. Galactose

C. Glucose

D. Lactose

E. Sucrose

Answer : Lactose

82. Acid base disturbance in Conns syndrome

Answer : metabolic alkalosis

83.. GFR is maximum at which gestation

32 wk

36 wk

18 wk


84. A 20 year old girl goes for walking in a hill with friends and when she is on the extreme of the
hill she becomes little breathless and has paraesthesia in her hands . What is the appropriate acid
base imbalance?

A. Metabolic acidosis

B. Metabolic alkalosis

C. Mixed metabolic and respiratory acidosis

D. Respiratory alkalosis

E. Respiratory acidosis
ANSWER : Respiratory alkalosis

85. Vaginal arousal secretion are released from



Skene gland

Bartholin’s gland

Transudate from vagina

86. Iodine accumulation in thyroid cells involves symport with

A. Chloride

B. Potassium

C. Hydrogen

D. Sodium

E. Calcium

ANSWER : Sodium

87. Mg excreted :

Excreted Unchanged in urine

Metabolized in liver and excreted thru kidney

Conjugated in liver and excreted through kidney.

88. Vitamin C action

Synthesize collagen

89. Which enzyme is present in granulosa cells but not in theca cells?


17 B hydroxylase

Answer Aromatase

90. Cloasma in pregnancy is due to



Answer : MSH

91. A women had two children who had recived phototherapy after delivery she has O - blood group
got married 2nd time and currently pregnant. Husband has A + CDe CDe what can be the blood
group of the fetus

A+ A- O+ O -



A+ O-

A+ O +

Answer A+O+

92. Physiological variation of the menstrual cycle between 21-35 days due to

A. Aberrant LH surge

B. Estrogen fails to produce negative feedback on pituitary

C. Estrogen fails to produce positive feedback on pituitary

D. Luteal phase varies in duration by time taken for corpus luteum to degenerate

E. Loss of progesterone secretion

Answer : Estrogen fails to produce positive feedback on pituitary

93. What is the change in plasma volume during pregnancy?

Increase 20 to 30%

Increase 30 to 50%

Increase 60 to 70%

Increase 50 to 70%

Answer :increase 30 to 50%

94. Transfer of free fatty acid thru placenta





95. Glucose transported across the placenta thru

Facilitated diffusion

Active transport

Passive diffusion


Answer facilitated diffusion

96.. Which types of cells are phagocytic for residual bodies left over from the

process of spermiogenesis?

A. Testicular mesenchymal cells

B. Testicular macrophages

C. Fibroblast cells

D. Interstitial cells of leydig

E. Sertoli cells

ANSWER : Sertoli cells


97. NO from which amino acid

L arginine

L aspartate

L lysine

L guanine

Answer L arginine
98. Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) is what type of Biochemical structure

A. Tripeptide

B. Octapeptide

C. Nanopeptide

D. Decapeptide

E. Polypeptide

ANSWER Decapeptide

99. Cristae are present in


Rough endoplasmic reticulum

Smooth ER

Answer : Mitochondria

100. In which part of the cell does glycolysis take place?

A. Cytosol

B. Mitochondrial matrix

C. Mitochondrial cristae

D. Rough endoplasmic reticulum

E. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

ANSWER : Cytosol

Paper 2
1. Arrow was on columnar epithelium

1) columner


3) transformation zone

Answer : columnar epithelium

2. a graph showing x y z levels (almost same in past papers) ..what is y that was asked

Answer : LH

3. Picture showing cut section of umblical cord and asked about labelled thing
Answer : umbilical vein

4. Indian Origin Lives In London Have History Of Low Grade Fever Weight Loss Cough For 5 Months.
She is pregnant. CXR image given





Answer : Tuberculosis

5. Fetal skull picture and question was asking about bone marked

Ans. Parietal bone

6. Brow presentation in labor what is the head diameter

Ans : mentovertical

7. Growth chart showing growth above 10th centile

Answer : Normal for gestational age

8. Ct scan of a post hysterectomy patient who came in emergency as not feeling well


a. Ureteric obstruction

B. Pelvic hematoma

Answer : ureter injury

9. Labetalol

Non selective alpha and beta blocker

Selective alpha and beta blocker

Non selective beta blocker

Selective beta blocker

10. What is the objective of phase 3 clinical trial?

Answer : Check effectiveness of the drug

11. Which of the following drugs is used to suppress lactation postpartum in

mother who suffers from stillbirth?

A. Quetiapine

B. Metoclopramide

C. Loperamide

D. Leuprolide

E. Cabergoline

ANSWER : Cabergoline

12. Drosperinone is






Answer: Antiandrogenic

13. When should the prophylactic dose of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH)

be stopped before regional analgesia?

A. 6 hr

B. 12 hr
C. 24 hr

D. 48 hr

E. 72 hr

ANSWER : 12 hr

14. Mirena secret in 24 hours

1_20 micro gram

2_35 micro gram

3_75 micro gram

Answer : 20 microgram per 24 hour

15. Women on anti emetics came in ER with complain of involuntary muscle movements

Which drug she is using

Answer : Metoclopramide

16. Main action of cocps

Inhibit ovulation

Inhibit fertilization

Thick cervical mucus

Answer : inhibit ovulation

17. Drugs readily cross the placenta because of which quality

A. High lipid solubility

B. High protein binding

D. ionization of molecules

18. What is the term used for the anticancer agent methotrexate?

A. plant alkaloid

B. Antimetabolite

C. Alkylating agent
D. Chain cutting agent

E. Intercalating agent

ANSWER : Antimetabolite

19.. What is the mechanism of action of hydralazine?

A. α2 agonist

B. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor

C. α blocker

D. β2 agonist

E. Direct-action on smooth-muscle

Answer : direct action on smooth-muscle

20. What is the mechanism of action of trimethoprim?

Inhibit Nucleic acid synthesis


21. Patient on lithium me which organ anomaly occur




Answer : heart

22. Which organ anomaly occur with the use of ACE inhibitor


Cranio facial


Answer : kidney

23. 28 year old Women on carbamazepine for epilepsy what is the suitable contraception

High dose coc




Answer: mirena

24. Patient on ulipristal acetate for the treatment of fibroid which contraceptive method you advice
to her

Barrier method




Answer : barrier method

25.A woman experiences a postpartum hemorrhage after delivery and is

administrated carboprost to promote uterine contraction. What type of drug is


A. Oxytocin agonist

B. Progestogen

C. prostaglandin E1

D. prostaglandin E2

E. prostaglandin F2

ANSWER : prostaglandin F2

26. Aspirin and indomethacin what is the difference in action?

Aspirin Irreversibly inhibit COX 1 than ibuprofen

Aspirin reversibly inhibits COX 1 than ibuprofen

27. Patient allergic to penicillin which drug is adviced in labor as GBS Prophylaxis?




Answer : Clindamycin

28. Most common side effect of misoprostol





29. Mifipristone action??

Anti progesterone

Clinical management

30. A 70-year-old lady had an ultrasound because she was feeling bloated which showed bilateral
ovarian masses with no solid areas associated with abdominal ascites. She is post menopausal and
otherwise well. She was sent for a CA 125 which comes back as 50 U/mL. What is her risk of
malignancy index score (RMI)?

A. 5

B. 10

C. 150

D. 300

E. 450

Answer 450

31. Commonest cause of postmenopausal bleeding?

Endometrial hyperplasia

Endometrial cancer

Atrophic vaginitis

Endometrial polyp
Answer : atrophic vaginitis

32. On performing hysteroscopy on a postmenopausal women surgeon find resistence at internal Os

what is the ratio of uterine corpus till this point






33. Women presented in emergency with acute abdomen which waked her up at night..she has a
history of surgical management of missed miscarriage one week ago.hitopathology report showed
normal decidua no chorionic villi.what is your further action

A. Admit for observation and ultrasound in morning

B. Urgent CT scan

C. Call surgical team to check for bowel perforation

D. Call a consultant as you think she may have ruptured ectopic and might need intervention

34. CTG image of 45 minutes

Baseline normal

Acceleration present

Variability normal

Some variable decelerations which are v shaped and going down upto 20 seconds.

Good uterine contractions

G2P1+0 with previous normal delivery with labor pains and membrane ruptured showed thick
meconium shebus 5cm dilated.what will be your plan

Continue CTG and reassess in 30min

Do fetal blood sampling

Cesarian section category 1

Cesarean section category 2

Answer: continue CTG and reassess in 30 min

35. Which radiotherapy need vaginal devise insertion

Answer: Brachytherapy

36. Postpartum haemorrage after vaginal delivery. pharmaceutically failed to stop the
bleeding.what is the first surgical step to stop the bleeding?

A. Intrauterine balloon tamponade

B. Bilateral uterine artery ligation

C. Bilateral int. iliac ligation

D. Uterine b-lynch brace suture

E Uterine artery embolization

Answer: intrauterine balloon tamponade

37. mother with twins diagnosed hyperthyroidism comes with vomiting TSH 0.1

FT4 29 .

A) start propiothiouracil

B) start radioactive iodine

C) bring preganncy to singleton. Like seriously.

D) treat hyerpemesis repeat tests in a week.

38. Which vitamin is deficient in wernick s encephalopathy

Answer Vitamin B1

39. Most common site of vulval cancer?

Labia majora,

Labia minora


, vagina

Answer : labia majora

40. Women died after cesarian she had shortness of breath postpartum haemorrhage. .was in DIC
Postmortem showed fetal hair and epithelial cells

Diagnosis : Amniotic fliud embolism

41. 42 year old with frequency urgency urge incontinence. No stress incontinence bladder diary
showed low compliance bladder us normal improvement in symptoms with bladder drill

What is the next plan


Pelvic floor exercise

Post tibial nerve stimulation

Urodynamic studies

Beta blocker

Answer : antimuscarinic

42. Women with PPROM..Which test is using in practice to diagnose preterm labor

Fern test

Fibronectin test

Nitrazine test

Answer : fibronectin

43. A male came for infertility check up who was taking Finasteride .Finasteride exert its action by
inhibition of which enzyme?

A. 21-hydroxlase

B. 5-alpha reductase

C. Aromatase

D. Phosphodiesterase

E. Desmolase

ANSWER : 5 alpha reductase

44. 15 yrs old British Teenager Ask about having contraception . What will the Doctor do in line with
best practice?

A. Follow Fraser's Law

B. Follow British guidelines

C. Follow non British guidelines

ANSWER: Follow Fraser's Law

45. A 34 week prenatal lady came in emergency with the complain of heavy painless vaginal

She is vitally stable.what you will advice


Perform vaginal examination

Cesarian section

Answer CBC

46. Treatment of hypovolemia after surgery?Patient vitally stable

500 ml crystaloid over 15 min

500ml haemaccel over 15 min

Group specific blood

Gelofusin infusion in 30 min

Ans : 500 ml crystalloid


47. Which one of the following imaging techniques gives maximum radiation exposure to the patient
during checking tubal patency?

A. Robin tube cannulation

B. Hysterosalpingography

C. hystero contrast salpingography

D. Hysteroscopic tube visualization

E. Laparoscopy and dye intubation

Answer : Hysterosalpingography

48. Which modality you will use to check growing thyroid nodule in pregnancy

Technetium scan

Radio isotope



49. What is the SI Unit of magnetic field




Answer Tesla

50. What is the threshold for ultrasound frequency

Answer : 20 KHz

51. The difference between the peak and the base line of ultrasound wave is called?

A. Amplitude

B. Acoustic impedence

C. Frequency

D. Resolution

E. Wave length

Answer: Amplitude

52. A 14-year-old girl is treated with radiotherapy. Which of following tissues is

most radioresistant?

A. Intestinal epithelium

B. Cerebral nuerons

C. Respiratory epithelium

D. Bone marrow

E. Skin

ANSWER : Cerebral nuerons

Data interpretation

53. An Asian woman books in for her third pregnancy at 12 weeks of gestation. She

has recently moved to the UK from Thailand to be with her new husband. After pre -test counselling,
with the aid of an interpreter, she agrees to hepatitis B virus (HBV) screening. The results return as
follows. What is the significance of these results?





A.Post vaccination

B Resolved infection

C.Natural HBV immunity

D.Chronic infection

E.Acute HBV infection

Answer : chronic infection

54. Women has PPROM at 29 weeks clear liquor managed conservatively as an outpatient
coticosteroids given.she came in labor at 32 weeks and delivered normally...she also had pph after
delivery...she was asses (on next day or after 2 days ) in ward round

Pulse 120

RR 22

Temp 38.2

BP 110/50

Urine output 100ml in last 4 hours


normal Hb

Tlc 18000

Plt normal

Lactate 3

CRP >250
Rest I forgot

What is your diagnosis

Hypovolemic shock


Internal bleeding

55. A pregnant woman got screening test for down's syndrome and the following report is obtained

Age related risk; 1:1000MoM

AFP; 1.05MoM

β-hCG; 1.7 mom

NT : 0.85MoM

Test risk; 1:100000

What will you counsel this woman?

A. The fetus has down's syndrome

B. The fetus does not have down's syndrome

C. It is high risk for down's

D. It is low risk for down's

E. Ask the patient to go home

Answer : it is low risk for down’s

56. Young girl secondary amenorrhea for 5 months

Fsh 4

.Lh 3

Prolactin normal

Tsh normal


Hypothalamic amenorrhea

Premature ovarian failure


Answer : Hypothalamic amenorrhea

57. According to who definition of perinatal mortality

Answer : No. Of stillbirth after 22 week and early neonatal deaths

58. A 28 year old tall man normal normally virilaized and do regular daily exercise came for infertility
check up

Fsh <0.1iu/L

Testosterone 42

Prolactin 300

What is the diagnosis

A kallman

B steroid use

C retrograde ejaculatio

D pituitary adenoma

E adrogen tumor


59. Peripartum cardiomyopathy resembles to which type

Dilated cardiomyopathy

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

60. SIADH is associated with which cancer

Answer : Small cell lung cancer

61. 23-year-old woman presents with fishy foul smelling vaginal odour. 'Clue cells'

are found in the smear. Which of the following cell types is belong to 'Clue cells'?

A. Neutrophils

B. Natural killer cells

C. Lymphocytes

D. Macrophages

E. Vaginal Epithelial cells

Answer : vaginal epithelial cells

62. Most common site of endometriosis?

Fallopian tube



Pouch of douglas


Answer : ovaries

63. An 18 year-old woman is found to have a largely solid ovarian neoplasm.

Tumor markers were obtained and demonstrated a markedly elevated LDH value.

Which of the following tumors is the

most likely histology for this neoplasm?

A. Theca cell tumour

B. Dysgerminoma

C. Immature teratoma

D. Brenner cell tumour

E. Endodermal sinus tumour

ANSWER : Dysgerminoma

64. Psammoma bodies are a histologic feature of ovarian papillary serous

cystadenoma. ' Psammoma bodies' are composed of

A. calcium

B. iron

C. Fibrin

D. Mucin

E. Lipid

ANSWER : calcium

65. Two months postoperatively, a 55-year-old woman who is being treated with
a diagnosis of small lung cancer presents with excessive polyuria and depression and urine showed
red cells +++

what is the electrolyte imbalance?

A. Hypernetremia

B. Hyponatremia

C. Hyperkalemia

D. Hypokalemia

E. Hypercalcemia

Answer : Hypercalcemia

66. Which cancer is most commonly diagnosed in pregnancy and postpartum

Breast cancer

Cervical cancer


67. Kleihauer test is a test to quantify the amount of fetal blood in maternal circulation, following a
fetomaternal hemorrhage. What is the basis behind Kleihauer test?

Answer : HbF is resistant to denaturation by acids

68 . Commonest type of vulval Cancer


Squamous cell carcinoma


Answer : squamous cell canrcinoma

69. In pre eclampsia what changes occur in kidney

Vascular enditheliosis

Acute renal failure


Answer : Vascular enditheliosis

70. Most common type of degeneration in fibroid

a. red degeneration

b. Hyaline degeneration

c. sarcomatous changes

ANSWER : Hyaline degeneration

71. A 42-year-old perimenopausal woman complains of 12 months history of Heavy vaginal

bleeding. Pelvic examination normal.Her husband had vasectomy since 2 years. Her family is
complete. Which investigation will you do before starting treatment

Complete blood count

Arrange for ultrasound

Perform an endometrial biopsy

ANSWER : Arrange for ultrasound

72. What is the single best description for the histological appearance of the

secretory endometrium?

A. Simple columnar

B. Simple columnar with sub nuclear vacuolation

C. Stratified columnar

D. Stratified cuboidal

E. Simple cuboidal epithelium

ANSWER : Simple columnar with subnuclear vacuolation

73. Which pattern of endometrim do simple endometrial hyperplasia most likely


A. Proliferative endometrim

B. Secretory endometrim

C. Endometritis

D. Endometrial polyp

E. Endometrial carcinoma

ANSWER : Proliferative endometrim

74. From which organ / system does the Krukenberg tumor of the ovaries originate


A. Lung

B. Brain

C. Kidney

D. Uterus



75. Twin pregnancy rash on abdomen especially at linea nigra ...rash was not on any other place

ALT normal

Bile salt 5 mmol

Alk phosphatase mildly raised


A Obs cholestasis

B Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy

Answer Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy

76. Most common cancer type in fallopian tube


Sq cell carcinoma


Answer : Adenocarcinoma
77. Patient presented in emergency with complain of shortness of breath and hemoptysis she has
history of miscarriage and histopathology showed molar pregnancy .Chest x ray showed above
pocture.which tumor marker is raised in this condition

Answer : Bhcg

78. Patient with complete molar pregnancy with ultrasound showing bilateral cyst with thin septa

Theca leuten cysts


Corpus luteal cysts

Follicular cysts

Answer : theca lutean cyst

79. Ovarian solid mass on ultrasound Benin histopathology with spindle shaped cells chest X ray
showing pleural effusion diagnosis?





Answer Fibroma

(This is meig syndrome)

80. Most commonly seen female urethral cancer?

Transitional cell

Squamous cell
81. What is the most common congenital solid tumor of the newborn?


wilms tumor

Sacrococcygeal teratoma

hepatic Hemangioma

Answer : sacrococcygeal teratoma

82. Question about cystoscopy which showed papillary bladder cancer which is the commonest type
of cancer in bladder



83. A women got infection in first trimester rash and joint pain later on ultrasound showed only fetal
ascites with no other structural defect

Parvovirus b19

84 .A patient is diagnosed as having vaginal infection Trichomonas vaginalis. .what will be the

1gm metronidazole stat

Metronidazole 400 mg BD for 5 days

1 gm Azithromycin

85. Which group of viruses causes molluscum contagiosum?

A. Adenovirus

B. Herpes virus

C. Papovavirus

D. Parovirus
E. Pox virus

ANSWER : Pox virus

86. Bacteria causing sepsis in pregnancy

Group A streptococcus

Group Bstreptococcus

Answer : Group A streptococcus

87. Bacteria causing toxic shock syndrome?

Staph aureus

Group B streptococcus

Answer : staph aureus

88. Condylomata lata seen in which stage of syphilis

Second stage syphilis

Third stage syphilis

Answer : Secondary syphilis

89. Which HPV virus is high risk for cervical cancer



Ans 33

90. Patient with Iucd came for a routine check up and high vaginal sab showed gonorrhoea .What
will be your management?

Only remove iucd

Treat the patient with antibiotics and remove iucd

Treat with antibiotics and keep iucd in situ

91 . Patient presented with thin yellow fishy smelling discharge. Vaginal ph 5

What is the most likely causative organism?


Gardenela vaginalis



Answer : Gardenela vaginalis

92. Patient came out to be chlamydia positive .She is 12 weeks pregnant.what is the management

Treat the partner

Do not treat the patient till delivery

Treat the patient and screen the partner

Answer treat the patient and screen the partner

Ask to use barrier method in pregnancy

Answer : treat the patient and screen the partner


93. Origin of macrophage

A- lymphocyte

B- neutrophil

C Monocytes

Answer: monocytes

94. Characteristics of igG

A) crosses placenta, activates complement pathway, makes up 7p percent of pool, binds to fc, froms
antibody complexes

B) crosses placenta, binds to fc, forms antibody complexes

95. Most important complement in opsonisation



Answer C3b
96.. Which of the following is the main immunoglobulin in mucosa

A. IgA

B. IgD

C. IgE

D. IgG

E. IgM

97. Which antigen-presenting cells (APCs) are mainly found in the cervix?

A. Plasma cells

B. Hofbauer cells

C. Langerhans cells

D. B cells

E. T cells

ANSWER: Langerhans cells

98 Rubella vaccine is which type of vaccine

Answer : Live attenuated vaccine

99. Thrombosis in protein C and S deficiency is due to

Dec antithrombin III

Factor 5 and 8a

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