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COLLEGE D’ENSEIGNEMENT Année scolaire : 2023-2024


Classe : 4ème
Tél : 95814852


Compétence disciplinaire n° 2 : Réagir de façon précise et appropriée à des
messages écrits.
Compétence disciplinaire n° 3: Produire de façon appropriée des textes de
types et de fonctions variés.
I-La réaction à un texte écrit
A- Contexte
La télévision et la poste sont également des moyens de communication. La poste
offre plusieurs services utiles. Les usagers y vont et sont servis par les agents qui y
Text: At the post office
It is wednesday morning and Nanfi Leocadie a forty- years old woman went in the city. She has
to get at the post office to send a few things: send two parcels, send letters and send money. She
bought a nice and attractive gift for her father's birthday and decided to send it to him by post.
The post office was not very crowded and she was served immediately. As her parcels have an
expensive vase inside, the postman advised her to send them to be signed for.
While she was there, she also sent a letter to her uncle Oscar and another to her brother. When
the postman finished with her post, she paid him 2,500 FCFA. The last thing on her list was to
transfer money to his sister Olivia in Ivory Coast. As the post office has the Money Gram service,
she was able to send money after providing the correct identity. After Nanfi Leocadie finished
with what she needed to do, the queue was very long with lots of unhappy customers waiting for
their turn to be served. When she got out of the post office, she bought some newspapers for the
family and she was very joyful to get home. At home, she watched the news on ORTB TV where
President Patrice TALON was talking to the Nation.
C- Critères d’évaluation
Après avoir lu le texte, tu montreras la preuve que tu l’as compris en :
reconnaissant certains détails dutexte;
répondant à desquestions
prouvant ta maîtrise du vocabulaire;
manifestant ta maîtrise de certaines notions grammaticales;
D- Tâches
Item 1: write True or false for each of the following statements ( 0,5 × 4 = 2 )
1) Nanfi Leocadie is 44 years old.
2) She isn't all ready to get to the city.
3) She sent a parcel to her uncle Oscar.
4) There are lots of unhappy customers at the post office.
Item 2: Answer the following questions on the text. ( 1× 4 = 4 )
1- When did Nanfi Leocadie go in the city ?
2- Name the two things Léocadie has to do at the post office.
3) How much did she pay the postman ?
Column A Column B
1- Post office a- the boss of the whole Nation
2- Letter b- Someone who collects and delivers parcels and letters from one
place to another.
3- Postman c- A written message sent to friends, classmates or parents
4- President d- An institution where customers send and receive letters or parcels
4) which channel did she watch at home ?
Item 3: Match the words or expressions in column A with their meanings in
column B. ( 0,75 × 4 = 3 )
Item 4: Copy and complete with: should or shouldn't. ( 0,75 × 4 = 3 )
1) The all the customers.
2) The President.........take good decisions for the well-being of the population.
3) You..........miss your father's birthday.
4) Customers..........insult the postman.
La production d’un texte de type et de fonctions variés
A- Contexte
A la poste, les usagers peuvent faire plusieurs opérations et même des transactions financières à
l'interne ou vers d'autres pays de la sous-région.
B- Critères d’évaluation :
Tu montreras ta compétence à rédiger un texte en Anglais en :
-respectant le contexte, le type de texte et la logiqueinterne
-complétant le texte ci-dessous avec les mots appropriésde la listeproposée
-utilisant le vocabulaire, l’orthographe et la ponctuationappropriés
Writing: (1 × 5 + 1)
Copy and complete the passage below with: envelope ; glue ; parcels ; money
order ; stamps (underline the words):
Jonathan is a Beninese who lives in France. Last monday, he sent three his family in
Benin. They contained clothes, books, dolls and toys. At the post office, he also sent a letter.
Before sending the letter, he bought some....2......To paste the stamps on the....3....., he needed
some....4.....The same day, he received a....5.....from his senior brother in Canada and he cashed
it at the post office.


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