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Assignment # _02 & 03_

Course Title : Project Planning And Management

Course Code : MGT462

Class : EEE 8B

Teacher’s Name : Humaira Khitab

Student Name Registration No

Wasay Raza FA17-EEE-082


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus
Assignment # 2 & 3

Q 1: Take any project of your choice and make a presentable Project Management Plan for it.

Software Project Management Plan

1- Introduction

In the Tradep project a system has to be designed to support electronic shopping system.
The software application to be made consists of at least three main functions, which must
interact using the internet. The application may involve the basic e-commerce activities,
such as members’ login, browsing, buy and sell activities. The entire system has to be
developed (in JAVA) in a way that it is easy to maintain and extend.

I. Project overview

This project is to create a prototype Online Purchasing System for Tradep Cake House. It
is an online application likewise virtual shop on the Internet where customers can browse
the products catalog and select products of interest. The selected items may be collected
in a shopping cart. At checkout time, the items in the shopping cart will be presented as
an order. At that time, more information will be needed to complete the transaction.
Usually, the customer will be asked to fill or select a billing address, a shipping address, a
shipping option, and payment information such as credit card number. An e-mail
notification is sent to the customer as soon as the order is placed.

II. Project deliverables

1. Preliminary Project Plan 01.06.2019

2. Requirements Specification 10.06.2019
3. Analysis [Object model, Dynamic model, and User interface] 17.06.2019
4. Architecture Specification 26.06.2019
5. Component/Object Specification 09.07.2019
6. Source Code 18.07.2016 - 31.07.2019
7. Test Plan 01.08.2016 - 07.08.2019
8. Final Product w/ Demo 08.08.2016 - 12.08.2019
III. Evolution of this document

This document will be updated as the project progresses. Updates should be expected in
the following sections:
i. References - updated as necessary
ii. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations - updated as necessary
iii. Organizational Structure will be updated as the team leaders are assigned for
each phase.
iv. Technical Process - this section will be revised appropriately as the
requirements and design decisions become clearer
v. Schedule – as the project progresses, the schedule will be updated accordingly

Revision History
Revision Date Updated By Update Comments
0.1 01.05.2016 Mohd Azam First Draft
0.2 01.07.2016 Mohd Arif

IV. References

i. Team Website

ii. Project Scope

V. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations

i. UML - Unified Modeling Language

ii. AD - Architectural Design
iii. ADD - Architectural Design Document
iv. ATP - Acceptance Test Plan Client Monitor, Agent or Submitter
v. CM - Configuration Management
vi. Customer - Tradep Cake House
vii. DD - Detailed Design
viii. DDD - Detailed Design Document
ix. ITP - Integration Test Plan Monitor Application that either monitors dispatchers
x. PM - Project Manager
xi. QAM - Quality Assurance Manager
xii. SCMP - Software Configuration Management Plan
xiii. SM - Senior Management SPMP Software Project Management Plan (this
xiv. SQA - Software Quality Assurance
xv. SQAP - Software Quality Assurance Plan
xvi. SR - Software Requirements
xvii. SRD - Software Requirements Document
xviii. STD - Software Transfer Document
xix. STP - Software Test Plan Submitter Application that submits jobs to dispatchers
xx. SUM - Software User Manual
xxi. SVVP - Software Verification and Validation Plan
xxii. TR - Transfer Phase
xxiii. UR - User Requirements
xxiv. URD - User Requirements Document
xxv. UTP - Unit Test Plan
xxvi. VPM - Vice Project Manager
xxvii. VQAM - Vice Quality Assurance Manager
2- Project organization
I. Process model
The process used for this project will be a V-model such that each stage of the model
allows us to do testing after completing a phases. Referring to the diagram below, each
phase is tested after completion.

I. Organizational structure
Team Members –
i. Bilal Ahmed
ii. Mohd Arif
iii. Mohd Azam
iv. Wasay
v. Omar

Days Deliverable Team Leader Deliverable Description

9 1 Bilal Ahmed Project Plan
7 2 Mohd Arif Requirements Specification
9 3 Mod Azam Analysis
13 4 Wasay Architecture Spec
9 5 Omar Component/Object Specification
14 6 Mohd Azam Source Code
7 7 Wasay Test Plan
5 8 Omar Final Deliverable

3- Managerial process
I. Management objectives and priorities

The management objective is to deliver the product in time and of high quality. The PM
and QA work together to achieve this by respectively checking that progress is made as
planned and monitoring the quality of the product at various stages

II. Assumptions, dependencies, and constraint

In this project plan, a number of factors are taken into account. For these refer the
following list shows the way milestones on various project phases that have scheduled:

• The team budget of 5 persons x 365 hours = 1825 hours;

• The project deadline of August 12th
• The final presentation of August 12th
• The peer evaluation deadline of August 8th
• Other days the weekends holiday is closed (June 5th, June 12th, June 19th, June 26th,
July 3rd, July 10th, July 17th, July 24th, July 31th, August 7th).

NOTE: Due to the deadline of 12th August 2019, running out of time will have its
reflection on the product, and not on the duration of the project. By assigning a priority
to every user requirement, a selection can be made of user requirements that may be
dropped out if time runs out.

III. Risk management

This section mentions any potential risks for the project. Also, schedules or methods are
defined to prevent or to reduce the risks as below:

i. Technology risk
ii. People risk
iii. Financial risk
iv. Market risk
v. Structure/process risk

IV. Monitoring and controlling mechanisms

The monitoring of progress is done by the PM using the following means:
i. Weekly project status meetings
ii. Shared document repository
iii. Project tracking by MS project plan
iv. Tracking utilizing baselines in MS project

4- Technical process
I. Methods, tools, and techniques

The project will be implemented utilizing V-model methodology, and tools such as
Dreamweaver, Microsoft Project, Java, MySQL, QTP, and Load Runner will be
utilized.. The risks for each category are listed to complete the project successfully. For
each risk, a description, a probability to occur, the action associated and the impact of
the risk are given.
II. Software documentation

Documentation such as project charter, Business Requirement Document, Functional

Specification document, Cost Benefit Analysis, Technical Specification document,
detail design document, Test Plan, Implementation Plan, and Benefit Realization

III. Project support functions

All project support documents will be completed in applicable phases

5- Work elements, schedule, and budget

I. The project is accounted for project resources, technologies and tools required to whole
analysis, implementation, and test of the application.
II. The project lead will be rotated for each phase within 5 team members.
III. The document for all phases will be revised in subsequent phases if applicable

Q 2: Take any project of your choice and make Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for it.


To help you visualize the WBS, let’s take a look at a project. For our example, we’ll be creating
a flowchart variant of a work breakdown structure to guide a commercial building construction
project. This is potentially a complex project, but a WBS will take that complexity and boil it
down to simpler tasks to make the project manageable.
he work breakdown structure example of a construction project below:
Fig1: Taken from

At the top of the work breakdown structure is your final deliverable (in this instance, the
construction project). Immediately beneath that is the next stage of deliverables, which are the
main tasks required to complete the project.

Each of those five project phases—initiation, planning, execution, control and closeout—branch
off the main deliverable at the top. Once decided, they are then broken down into a series of
tasks. For example, the initiation phase includes site evaluation work and creating the project

These tasks, however, can be further distilled into smaller subtasks. In the execution phase in our
construction example, we can look at the interior work. This task is divided into two subtasks,
which are installing the plumbing and setting up the electricity.
The WBS, when created as thoroughly as possible, is the roadmap to guide you to completion of
what would seem to be a very complicated project. However, when broken down with a WBS,
the project suddenly becomes much more manageable


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