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March 15, 2024/ Actual Grace

Spiritual Theology/ St Alphonsus Regional Seminary

Of the many Effects of Sanctifying Grace let us consider these two:
A. "Grace Gives Us Supernatural Life"
"Grace Gives Us Supernatural Life" expounds upon the profound theological concept of
sanctifying grace, highlighting its transformative impact on human existence. At its core,
sanctifying grace constitutes a direct participation in the divine nature of God, transcending the
limitations of all created beings, whether human or angelic.
This participation in the divine essence elevates individuals beyond the confines of mere
humanity, surpassing even the lofty status of angelic beings. It is a transcendence that places
humanity within the sphere of the divine, granting access to the intimate fellowship of God's
family. Through grace, individuals are not merely spectators or beneficiaries of divine favor but
become active participants in the divine life, experiencing a profound transformation of their
As members of the family of God, individuals are embraced by the boundless love and mercy of
their heavenly Father, finding their true identity and purpose in communion with the divine. This
union with God transcends the limitations of human understanding, ushering individuals into a
realm where divine attributes become manifest in their lives.
Living in accordance with this divine reality entails a radical departure from mere natural
existence. It involves a profound shift in consciousness, whereby individuals begin to perceive
themselves and the world around them through the lens of divine truth and purpose. In this state,
every aspect of life—thoughts, actions, relationships—is infused with the transformative power
of grace, reflecting the divine image in which individuals are created.
The supernatural life communicated through grace is not bound by the constraints of natural laws
or human limitations. It is a life characterized by freedom, joy, and fulfillment, rooted in an
unshakeable union with the source of all existence. In this state, individuals experience a deep
sense of harmony with the divine will, finding fulfillment in aligning their lives with God's
B. "Grace Makes Us Living Temples of the Trinity"

"Grace Makes Us Living Temples of the Trinity" elucidates the profound theological truth that
through sanctifying grace, individuals become dwelling places of the Triune God. This reality
finds its roots in the words of Christ himself, who promised that those who love him and keep his
word will be loved by the Father, and that both the Father and the Son will make their home with
them (John 14:23).
The dogma of the indwelling Trinity stands as a cornerstone of spiritual theology, anchoring the
entire systematic structure of understanding the mystical journey of union with God. It unveils
the sublime reality of the "kingdom of God within us," where the transformative power of grace
reaches its full expression on earth.
In contemplating this profound effect of grace, we are drawn into the mystery of the divine
presence within the human soul. It is a presence that transcends mere intellectual comprehension,
inviting individuals into a deep, intimate communion with the Triune God. Through sanctifying
grace, the very essence of God takes up residence within the human heart, transforming it into a
sacred abode—a living temple of the Trinity.
This indwelling of the Trinity is not merely a theoretical concept but a dynamic reality that
shapes the entire spiritual life of the believer. It is a union of love and intimacy, wherein the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit communicate their divine life to the soul, illuminating its faculties
with the light of truth, inflaming its affections with the fire of divine love, and guiding its actions
according to the divine will.
The presence of the Trinity within the soul imparts a profound sense of dignity and purpose,
elevating the human person to a transcendent plane of existence. It bestows upon individuals the
grace to live in conformity with their divine calling, to radiate the love and compassion of Christ
to the world, and to participate actively in the unfolding of God's plan of salvation.
Hence, "Grace Makes Us Living Temples of the Trinity" invites individuals to contemplate the
profound mystery of divine indwelling and to embrace the transformative power of grace in their
lives. It calls them to open their hearts to the Triune God, allowing His presence to dwell within
them and to sanctify every aspect of their being.

B. Actual Grace

 Jordan Auman’s Spiritual Theology Book, clarifies to us the following:

o The process of sanctification is primarily the work of God, since it pertains to the
order of grace, but it also requires human cooperation with the help of grace.
(collaboration – still God gives his support)
o From this, we can understand the two basic division1 of grace:
 Gratia gratis data"/"Grace freely given" or "Grace given freely - the
grace that sanctifies others. In this case, it refers to all types of graces as
all graces are gratuitously given by God. (‘Pag natanggap – babanal)
 Gratia gratum Faciens /"Grace making one pleasing) - the grace that
sanctifies the recipient.
 habitual grace/ Sanctifying Grace
o Habitual or sanctifying grace, as we have seen, is the basic
bond of union between God and the soul and, as such, it is
meant to be permanent. Sanctifying grace is central to the
Christian life, since it is the very principle of that life.
 actual grace

. On Goďs part, grace is one; the divisions are made on the basis of man
o Actual grace is a transient2 3 stimulation or movement by
which the soul is prompted to do or receive something
relating to (1)justification, (2)sanctification, or
(3)salvation. Actual grace is more closely related to man's
cooperation with God, and since it touches the freedom and
choice of man's will, and the causality and intervention of
God in human acts, it has given rise to many disputed
questions concerning man's need of actual grace to attain
justification or to perform salutary acts when justified.

Actual grace is transient and can come and go as needed. Unlike sanctifying grace, which is a permanent
indwelling presence in the soul after it's received, actual grace is temporary and is given by God to assist individuals
in specific situations or moments of their lives.
Actual grace is tailored to particular circumstances, helping individuals make good choices, avoid sin, and grow in
virtue. (1)It might be a sudden inspiration to do something good, a sense of conviction (paninindigan) (ex.
Seminarisatng nabalian) about avoiding wrongdoing, or a moment of clarity in discerning God's will.
Because (2)actual grace is responsive to the needs of the moment, it can vary in intensity and frequency. Some
situations may require a greater infusion of actual grace, while in others, it may be less pronounced. (3)Additionally,
individuals may be more receptive to actual grace at certain times in their lives than at others, depending on their
spiritual disposition and openness to God's guidance.
Overall, actual grace is dynamic and adaptive, providing the divine assistance necessary for individuals to navigate
the complexities of life and grow closer to God.
"Actual grace is dynamic and adaptive, providing the divine assistance necessary for individuals to navigate the
complexities of life and grow closer to God" encapsulates the concept that actual grace is responsive to the ever-
changing circumstances and needs of individuals as they journey through life.

Dynamic Nature: Actual grace is dynamic in that it is not static or fixed but is instead active and responsive. It is
continually at work, adjusting and adapting to the shifting circumstances and challenges individuals encounter. Just
as life is constantly changing, so too is the assistance offered by actual grace, tailored to meet the specific needs of
each moment.

Adaptive Assistance: Actual grace is adaptive in the sense that it is finely tuned to address the unique situations and
challenges individuals face. Whether it's a moment of temptation, a decision to be made, or an opportunity for
growth, actual grace provides the divine assistance necessary to navigate these complexities effectively. It adapts to
the individual's circumstances, offering guidance, strength, and inspiration as needed.

Navigating Life's Complexities: Life is full of complexities, ranging from moral dilemmas to personal struggles to
moments of profound decision-making. Actual grace equips individuals with the spiritual resources needed to
navigate these complexities with wisdom, discernment, and integrity. It provides clarity amidst confusion, courage
in the face of adversity, and grace under pressure.

Growing Closer to God: Ultimately, the purpose of actual grace is to facilitate individuals' journey toward God. By
providing divine assistance in every aspect of life, actual grace helps individuals make choices that align with God's
will, deepen their relationship with Him, and grow in holiness. It fosters a sense of intimacy with God, drawing
individuals closer to Him as they respond to His promptings and guidance.

In summary, the dynamic and adaptive nature of actual grace ensures that individuals receive the divine assistance
they need to navigate life's complexities and grow closer to God. It is a continual source of support, guiding
individuals through every aspect of their spiritual journey and empowering them to live lives of faith, virtue, and
o Two types: (Pwedeng maging ineffective ang grace )
 external or objective graces - comprise any means
at all by which Goďs loving presence can be
encountered (e.g., the liturgy, sacramentals,
sermons, good example)
 internally operative graces - must be interiorized,
that is, it must internally influence our will and
arouse our cooperation; otherwise it remains
ineffective.4 In relation to the act of the will 5,
which is the first principle of human acts, actual
graces are divided into the following types:
(1)operating grace, the movement or prompting
from God; (2)cooperating grace, movement of the
soul in conjunction with God's assistance;
(3)prevenient grace, offered prior to the response
of the will; (4)concomitant grace, accompanies the
human action in response to prevenient grace;

Let's illustrate each type of actual grace in relation to the act of the will, which is the first principle of human acts:
1. Operating Grace:
 Example: Imagine someone is struggling with a difficult decision about whether to forgive
someone who has wronged them. Suddenly, they feel a strong inner prompting or movement from
God urging them to choose forgiveness.
2. Cooperating Grace:
 Example: Building upon the previous scenario, the individual, in response to the inner prompting
from God (operating grace), cooperates with this grace by actively engaging their will to align
with the divine promptings, choosing to extend forgiveness.
3. Prevenient Grace: (before coming ay dumating na ang grasya)
 Example: Before the individual even realizes the need to forgive or before any conscious
decision is made, God offers prevenient grace, preparing the heart and mind to be receptive to the
divine promptings regarding forgiveness. This grace works subtly and often precedes our
awareness of God's movement in our lives.
4. Concomitant Grace:
 Example: As the individual chooses to extend forgiveness, concomitant grace accompanies their
action, providing ongoing support and encouragement. It strengthens their resolve, consoles their
heart, and sustains them through the process of forgiveness.
5. Sufficient Grace:
 Example: Suppose someone is facing a significant challenge or obstacle in their life, such as
overcoming addiction. God offers them sufficient grace, providing the necessary spiritual
resources, strength, and guidance to embark on the journey toward recovery and healing.
6. Efficacious Grace:
 Example: Continuing with the scenario of overcoming addiction, efficacious grace is the grace that
produces its intended effect, enabling the individual to not only begin the journey of recovery
but also to successfully overcome the addiction and attain the goal of sobriety and healing.
These examples demonstrate how different types of actual grace work in conjunction with the act of the will,
guiding, empowering, and sustaining individuals as they make choices and journey towards spiritual growth and
(5)sufficient grace, offered in view of a work or
goal; (6)efficacious grace, producing its effect in
accomplishing the act or attaining the goal. (Summa
theologiae, I-II, q. 110, a. 2.)

o In short, Actual grace is more closely related to human cooperation with God. It
touches the freedom and choice of the human will, prompting actions aligned with
God's will and aiding individuals in their spiritual journey. It serves various
functions, including disposing the soul for the reception of sanctifying grace and
virtues, activating infused virtues, and preventing the loss of sanctifying grace and
virtues through mortal sin.
o Actual grace plays a crucial role in activating infused virtues and is significant for
the growth and increase of supernatural life in the Christian context. (cf. p. 79,
para. 3)
1. Activating Infused Virtues: Infused virtues are supernatural habits or
dispositions infused into the soul by God, such as faith, hope, and
charity(theological virtues). While these virtues are present in the soul
through sanctifying grace, actual grace is (1)needed to activate them and
put them into practice. Actual grace (2) provides the necessary impulse or
movement to engage these virtues in action. For example, actual grace
may inspire acts of charity, strengthen faith in times of doubt, or foster
hope in difficult circumstances.
2. Meritorious Increase and Growth: When an individual, already in the
state of sanctifying grace, cooperates with actual grace to exercise infused
virtues,(effect) their actions become meritorious of increase and growth in
the supernatural life. Merit refers to the spiritual reward earned by virtuous
actions performed with the help of grace. By responding to actual grace
and engaging in virtuous deeds, the individual not only strengthens their
existing virtues but also accumulates spiritual merit, leading to greater
holiness and closeness to God.
3. Strengthening Against Temptations: Actual grace also plays a role in
fortifying the soul against the allure of sin and temptation. By providing
inspirations, insights, and inner promptings, actual grace enables the
individual to resist sinful inclinations and remain faithful to God's will.
This aspect of actual grace is essential for maintaining the integrity of
sanctifying grace and infused virtues, preventing their loss through mortal
4. Awareness and Discernment: Another function of actual grace is to
heighten awareness of spiritual realities and discernment of God's will.
Through actual grace, individuals gain insights into the moral dimensions
of their actions, discern right from wrong, and choose the path of virtue.
This heightened spiritual awareness contributes to the growth and
maturation of the supernatural life, fostering a deeper union with God.
(dito masasabi na nakikicooperate na)

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