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As we know, since we were kid our parent have send us to school for our education.
It is not about the culture that we been through but it is all for our future to gain knowledge
and skills from teacher at school. Based on the statistic more than 90% people in this world
have their education since kid since primary school until secondary school for their future.
But have we think why our parent send us to school and willing to pay our school fees?. It is
because the education is importance for all people to gain and get to know until now even
we were already grow. The importance of education we can build our self confidence, we
can get higher salary based on our level of education and we will not easily deceive with
Firstly, the importance of education is we can build our self confidence towards
people surrounding us. It is because from school we can gain more knowledge and we learn
how to communication with people basically with our friends and teachers. All the subjects
that we learn from school really help us in daily life and also our future. Besides, from school
we can be a multilingual person. It is because we can learn a lot of languages and from that
we easy to communicate with people and get more friends from all around the world.
Hence, without education we can not build our self confidence to meet people and be shy
to interact with people.
In addition, the importance of education for nowadays society is we get a higher
salary based on our level education. If we further our education to Diploma, Degree,
Master, and PHD. There are a lot of new things that we learn from university based on the
course we took for our high level education. From the certificate that we officially get from
the university, it easy for students fresh graduate to apply a job from the company that they
dream to work with. Their salary also might be different to other employee because of their
level education that they had. Therefore, it is importance for us to get education and further
our education for a good future.
Next, the importance of education is we not easily deceived with strangers. There
are many news that we receive from media social a lot of people get scam from scammers
because they easily trust the strangers. from education that we learn we can avoid
ourselves from get scam by be aware if get a call or link from strangers do not easily pick up
or press the link that we receive. It is because nowadays there are many ways of scam
through phone that easily can deduct our money from bank account. It is importance of
being educated person to help our people from being deceived with strangers.
To sum up, it is good for us to get education since kid and be reveal with a lot of
knowledge from school until university education. From this we know that are many
importance things we gain of education such can build our self confidence, get a higher
salary based on our level education and not easily deceived with strangers. Therefore,
education really importance for society with all ages to build people for being educated.



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