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A. Background

Promiscuity is the worst problem faced by parents in educating their children,

especially when they enter their teens. One of the effects of promiscuity is the use of illegal
drugs such as drugs, but not only drugs because liquor also stalks promiscuity which has a
bad effect on physical and mental as is known drug is one of the illegal drugs with variant
types and effects of each drug now has eaten a lot of prey, especially teenagers by poisoning
the brain using the opium effect contained in this item has a calming effect, increases self-
confidence and can lose weight the user's body also abuses psychotropic narcotics and other
addictive substances or drugs or terms that are popularly known to the public as narcotics or
psychotropic narcotics and dangerous drugs are increasingly occurring drug abuse is the use
of one or several types of drugs with respect or regularly outside of medical indications,
causing physical, psychological and functional disorders

B. Problem Formulation

1.What is the Impact of Drugs on Students

2. How to overcome drug use for students.

C. Purpose

The purpose of this paper is to determine the meaning of drugs and the effects of
drugs and ways to prevent drug use.

I also made a paper about this drug so that people don't fall into illegal drugs because
people who have used this drug even if only once will feel addicted if they don't do it it will
cause uncomfortable feelings and even feelings of extreme pain in the body.



A. The influence of drugs and the impact of drug use for students.

1. Giving the effect of drug addiction is one of the items with a high addictive effect
besides cigarettes because it contains opium supporting substances, so it is not
surprising that many people say don't even touch and use drugs or they will be
addicted forever, it is true and true for every use drugs will get addicted

2. Losing weight is not an open secret for users if drugs will lose a lot of kg and the
initial body weight of drug users can be defined by Angel having the weight he has
And also changes in the shape of the face of a person's face the user will look
lethargic, limp and Sayu eyes and jaw cheeks that are getting thinner from the initial

3. Spending money on drugs is not sold at a cheap price, but these illicit goods are
sold at very high prices. People with low incomes cannot afford to buy even 1 gram of
this prohibited item, drugs make the user spend millions and even tens of millions of
rupiah just to suck in order to get peace inside when you're worried

4. Plunge into prison, drug users will live with vigilance because one day he can be
secured by the authorities related to drug use. Recently, cases of artists using drugs
are on the rise, even those who use them are ambassadors for anti-drug illicit goods.
with a fine that must be paid according to punishment

5. The cause of drug death is one of the highest causes of death worldwide in addition
to deadly diseases such as heart cancer and stroke, drug users suggest that by using
this item it will eliminate feelings of confusion even though the cause or maker of
drug use that exceeds the dose will experience an overdose. then died

6. Dehydration

The impact of drug use on the human body can cause an electrolyte imbalance.
As a result, the body will be dehydrated. If this effect continues, the body will have

convulsions, hallucinations, more aggressive behavior, and tightness in the chest. The
long-term effects of dehydration can cause brain damage.

7. Hallucinations

The impact of drug use on the human body, especially that which is often
experienced by drug users such as marijuana. Not only that, in excessive doses it can
also cause vomiting, nausea, excessive fear, and anxiety disorders.

8. Loss of Consciousness

Users who use drugs in excessive doses, the effect makes the body too relaxed
so that consciousness is drastically reduced. In some cases the user sleeps
continuously and does not wake up as a result of drug use on the human body. In
fact, the loss of consciousness makes body coordination disturbed, often confused,
and changes in behavior occur. The impact of drugs that are quite high risk is memory
loss so it is difficult to recognize the surrounding environment.

9. Cardiovascular Disease

Stimulants, such as cocaine and methamphetamine, can damage the heart and
blood vessels. Long-term use of this drug can cause coronary artery disease,
arrhythmias, and heart attacks. This also means the impact of drug use on the human

10. Breathing Problems

Drugs that people inhale or inhale can damage the respiratory system and
cause infections and chronic respiratory disease. Opioids slow a person's breathing
by binding to specific receptors in the central nervous system that regulate
breathing. By suppressinga person's breathing, this drug can cause slow breathing or
heavy snoring. A person may stop breathing completely if they take large doses of
opioids or take them with other medications, such as sleep aids or alcohol.

11. Kidney Damage

The kidneys filter excess minerals and waste products from the blood. Heroin,
ketamine, and synthetic cannabinoids can cause kidney damage or kidney failure.

12. Heart Disease

Chronic drug and alcohol use can damage liver cells, causing inflammation,
scarring, and even liver failure as drug use affects the human body.

13. Effect on Brain

Although early drug use may be voluntary, drugs have been shown to alter
brain chemistry, which impairs an individual's ability to make decisions and can
lead to compulsive craving, seeking, and use. This then becomes a substance
dependence. All drug use — nicotine, cocaine, marijuana, and others — affects the
brain's "reward" circuits, which are part of the limbic system. Drugs hijack this
"reward" system, causing unusually large amounts of dopamine to flood the
system. It is this flood of dopamine that causes the “high” or euphoria associated
with drug abuse.

14. Risk of Infectious Diseases

Drug use is linked to risky behaviors such as sharing needles and unsafe sex
and can also. weaken the immune system. This combination greatly increases the
chances of contracting HIV, hepatitis, and other infectious diseases. Commonly
injected drugs that can cause HIV, hepatitis, and other infectious diseases cocaine,
heroin, methamphetamine,prescription opioids, steroids (performance and
performance enhancing drugs).

15. Kidney Damage

Some drugs can cause kidney damage or failure, either directly or indirectly,
from dehydration, dangerously elevated body temperature, and muscle breakdown.
Drugs that can cause kidney damage as a result of drug use on the human body are
heroin, inhalants, MDMA, steroids (appearance and performance enhancing
drugs), synthetic cannabinoids.

The content contained in these drugs can indeed have a bad impact on health if
misused. According to the Law on Narcotics, the types are divided into 3 groups based on the
risk of dependence.

 Narcotics Group 1

Class 1 narcotics such as marijuana, opium, and coca plants are very dangerous if
consumed because of the high risk of causing addiction effects.

 Narcotics Group 2

Meanwhile, narcotics class 2 can be used for treatment as long as it is in accordance

with a doctor's prescription. There are approximately 85 types of this group, some of which
are morphine, alphaprodina, and others. Group 2 also has a high potential to cause

 Narcotics Group 3

And lastly, class 3 narcotics have a fairly mild risk of dependence and are widely used
for treatment and therapy.

As mentioned above, there are several types of drugs that can be obtained naturally,
but some are made through chemical processes. If based on the material of manufacture, the
types of narcotics include:

 Synthetic Type Narcotics

This type is obtained from a complicated processing process. This group is often used
for medicinal and research purposes. Examples of synthetic narcotics such as amphetamines,
methadone, dexamfetamine, and so on.

 Semi-synthetic Narcotics

Processing uses the main ingredient in the form of natural narcotics which is then

C. How to overcome drug use for students.

1. Asking his views on drugs. It's good that you are able to make teenagers express
their views honestly. You must also always be ready to listen to their feelings and views.
2. Give a clear reason not to use drugs. At this stage, avoid scaring them. You can
emphasize it through the effects of drug use such as health, appearance and driving

3. Review messages on social media accounts. Never take social media accounts for
granted. This is because social media, television programs, songs and movies can
sometimes underestimate the impact of drug use. For that, you have to be ready and
review their feelings.

4. Discuss how to resist peer pressure. This discussion is one of the important things.
Because, in this way you can invite teenagers to refuse to use drugs. So that drug
prevention in adolescents can produce good results.



A. Conclusion

Narcotics are substances or drugs that are natural, synthetic, or semi-synthetic which
cause a decrease in consciousness, hallucinations, and excitability.

These drugs can cause addiction if used excessively. The use of these substances is as
a painkiller and provides calm. Misuse can be subject to legal sanctions.

The effects of drug use usually give the effect of addiction, lose weight, spend money,
fall into prison, cause death, etc.

And the effects of drug use Usually like depression, hallucinations, loss of
consciousness, cardiovascular disease, respiratory problems and kidney damage, liver
disease, effects on the brain, risk of infectious diseases, kidney damage, etc.

B. Suggestion

After reading this paper, there are some suggestions that I want to give

1. Never try to use drugs or narcotics, except for medical and therapeutic reasons.

2. Find out about what drugs are and their negative effects on body health.

3. Choose a good social environment.

4. Doing various positive activities, such as studying or exercising.

5. Use free time to relax with family, study, exercise or do other positive activities.

6. If you have a problem, don't use drugs as an escape or solution.


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Dermawan, moh. Kenal. 1994. Bandung crime prevention strategy, PT Citra Aditya Bakti.

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