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A. Background

Education is one of the important factors in human life. Through education, we can
transfer knowledge and skills to students so that they are able to absorb, assess and develop
independently the knowledge they learn. Education in general is guidance or direction in the
form of influence, given by adults. The meaning of maturity is maturity in an integrated
manner, namely mature thoughts, feelings, will, age, behavior, attitudes and personality or in
other words mature in creativity, taste and intention. Education is a process of educating and
demanding students to achieve certain goals in the form of positive changes in children.

Education starts from the family, namely parents, then continues with the community
and formal environment (schools). Education is one of the basic and planned efforts to create
a learning atmosphere in the learning process so that students actively develop their potential
to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and
skills needed by themselves, society, nation and state. . Children's education must be carried
out through three environments, namely family, school and organization. The family is the
most important center of education.

Those responsible for education are (parents), society and government (teachers).
Parents are a component of a family consisting of a father and a mother who are the result of
a legal marriage bond that can form a family. Because parents are the implementers of
education in the family and are responsible for the future of their children. The family is the
place where children are built or the foundation for learning, the first and foremost. The
education provided by parents must involve all aspects of humanity, physically,
psychologically, intellectually, socially. Even though schools are closed, teaching and
learning activities or learning processes do not stop based on a circular letter from the
minister of education and culture that covers the entire learning network because teachers and
parents take positive steps with online learning. Online is a learning that is carried out
remotely through internet media and other supporting tools such as telephones and
computers. The covid_19 pandemic has changed the pattern of distance learning or what is

done online (Daring). For parents, students who are accustomed to using technology may not
be, however, will have a negative impact. otherwise, left without parental control.

B . Formulation Of The Problem

Based on the background of the problem above, the formulation of the problem is

"what is the role of parents in online learning for students".

C. Objectives And Benefits Of The Research

The purpose of this research is to get a comprehensive picture of

what is the role of parents in online learning for students.

Benefits of research

1. Theoretical

Theoretically, this research is expected to enrich knowledge and

development of scientific progress. The role of parents in learning and

will certainly be a reference material that will support the development and

Indonesia's scientific progress. In addition, research is expected to be useful

as an inspiration for parents in accompanying learning when


2. practical

- For teachers, the results of the research are expected to provide input for references
in develop online learning skills.

- For parents, the results of the research are expected to provide benefits for parents

in assisting online learning and forging closer relationships

with his son.

- For students, the results of this study are used as a basic reference and students' own
goals in learning

chasing the Dream



A. The Role of Parents

Parents are fathers and mothers who are responsible for the education of children and
all aspects of life since children are small until they are adults. The role of parents in online
learning, the role of parents is a combination of two words, namely roles and parents. The
word role is often associated with an actor in a drama. So, the role of parents in the main
duties and obligations that must be carried out by parents to their children.

The form of parental participation in online learning is to help the role of teachers in
schools. Parents participate in guiding and motivating children, namely providing
motivational support in student learning that students do at home.

Based on the above problems, in online learning, the role of parents is very much needed
as a substitute for teachers at home, the fact is that parents are guiding, motivating in their
own way. Facilitating, supporting students' learning activities.

B. Online Learning

Online learning is a student activity that is carried out online (DARING). Online is a
translation of the term online which means being connected to the internet network. Online
learning is carried out using learning applications and networks that do not use face-to-face
meetings, but use the internet to help the learning process. The characteristics of online
learning are by using electronics, learning that is carried out using the internet and can be
carried out anytime and anywhere. The auxiliary applications in the online learning process
are: google classroom, whatsapp.

The advantages and disadvantages of online learning. The advantages of online learning
are being able to communicate without the need to meet in person, being able to obtain
information quickly. The drawback is finding a stable quota or internet connection in
accessing online learning so that it runs smoothly. In online learning, what is meant by this
research is a learning that uses technology using the internet where the learning process is not
carried out.



A. Conclusion

Based on the results of the research that the author carried out, it can be concluded
that the role of parents in online learning is very important. In conventional learning the role
of parents at home is limited to being parents for children, in educating. In online learning,
parents act as educators/teachers, mentors, motivators, and facilitators. Some of the efforts
made are by reminding their children about their school assignments, accompanying their
children and supervising children during the online learning process, as well as helping to
explain material that students do not understand. The motivation for children is to motivate
children to excel. So, the role of parents is very important in guiding, supervising, and
supporting children.

B. Suggestion

1. To readers and researchers, who conduct similar research, it is hoped that they will
further develop theoretical studies

2. to parents, are expected to be able to play an active role in accompanying their

children during online learning.

3. To the school, it is hoped that they will continue to develop varied learning methods
during online learning so that students do not feel bored and bored during the learning


Cahyati, Nika 2020. "The role of parents in implementing learning at home

During the covid-19 pandemic," in the University's Golden Age journal.

Lilalawati, Ahistoris 2020, "the role of parents in supporting learning activities

At home during the pandemic ", number 1 in 2020

Wardhani, Tsaniya Zahra Yuthika. 2020. “Optimizing the Role of Supervision of People

Parents in the implementation of online schools during the covid-19 pandemic

In the journal of research proceedings and community service

Bol. 7, no. 1. April 2020.

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