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1.1. Background

Humans in their lives definitely need food, because without food humans will not be able
to carry out activities or work. Food is a substance that is eaten by living things to get nutrients
which are then processed into energy. In eating food, we must eat healthy food. Healthy food is
one of the supporting factors in human life. Where food serves to provide energy or heat energy
to the body, build new body tissues, regulate and protect the body against disease and as a source
of replacement for old cells that are worn out by age. Food will be processed in the body, and the
essence of the food is absorbed and then burned and circulated throughout the body according to
its function. The body needs healthy food, because healthy food is very beneficial for the body
and good for the digestive organs. So that we can avoid digestive disorders.

Food that looks interesting, delicious, and high in nutrition, will not mean anything if it
is not safe for consumption. Sometimes people don't care about the importance of eating healthy
food. Sometimes the people around us, especially the boarding house children, on average, prefer
to consume fast food or so-called instant foods such as instant noodles, canned food, for
example. They eat the food just to be full. They do not realize that instant foods and foods
containing artificial sweeteners and preservatives that are widely circulated in the surrounding
community have caused health levels to decline and trigger dangerous diseases in the long term.
Therefore, the quality of food must be considered so that food can function properly. These
qualities include the availability of the required nutrients and the prevention of food
contamination with substances that can cause health problems. Therefore, the fulfillment of
balanced nutrition is very important in an effort to maintain a healthy.


1.2.1 What is the meaning of healthy food?

1.2.2 What is the function of healthy food for body health?

1.2.3 What are the tips for choosing healthy food?


The purpose of the writing is to:

1.3.1. Knowing the meaning of healthy food,

1.3.2. Knowing the function of healthy food for body health,

1.3.3.Knowing tips for choosing healthy foods.


The benefit of writing this paper is to increase knowledge and insight for readers about the
importance of consuming healthy foods.



2.1 Definition of healthy food

The definition of healthy food according to Hulme "healthy food" is food in the true
sense and able to enjoy the food. A healthy diet consists of main meals and complementary
foods. These healthy foods are also known as 4 healthy 5 perfect. But its popularity has started to
fade for various reasons. Food with side dishes of tofu, tempeh, a piece of meat, and a bowl of
vegetables is still not enough to meet nutritional needs, if you look at the food menu it is
considered to meet the needs of calories and protein. But does it include other nutrients that the
body needs?

Healthy food is food that meets health requirements and if eaten does not cause disease
and poisoning. While nutritious food is food that contains substances needed by the body in
adequate amounts. In addition, healthy food can be interpreted as food that is diverse, nutritious,
balanced and safe for consumption. Nutritious food does not have to be food that is expensive
and delicious, but the most important thing is the substances contained in it. The body needs a
variety of nutrients to stay healthy and growth can run optimally. Healthy food requirements (4
healthy 5 perfect), namely clean, have good nutrition and balanced. A balanced healthy diet is
food that contains carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, water and fiber. These contents
are an example of nutrition that will be obtained from food.

Carbohydrates are organic compounds composed of the elements carbon (c), hydrogen
(h), and oxygen (o). Carbohydrates serve as the main source of energy for humans. One example
of foods that contain carbohydrates are rice, corn, sweet potatoes, and bread.

Proteins are organic compounds consisting of at least one amino acid group and one
carboxyl group. The main building blocks of protein are carbon (c), hydrogen (h), oxygen (o),
and nitrogen (n). Protein has many functions for the body. Some of them are as catalysts
(enzymes) in metabolic processes and as building cell structures. Foods that contain protein can
be obtained from milk and eggs.

Fats are organic compounds that are insoluble in water, but soluble in non-polar organic
solvents such as ether and chloroform. Fat serves as a food reserve in the body and as a solvent
for vitamins A, D, E, K. Fat is divided into two types, namely vegetable fat and animal fat.
Vegetable fat is a type of fat found in plants. Examples of foods that contain vegetable fats are
nuts and avocados. Animal fat is a type of fat found in animals. Examples of foods that contain
animal fats are fish, milk, meat.

Vitamins are organic compounds found in food and are required for normal growth.

Based on their solubility, vitamins are divided into 2 groups:

1. Water-soluble vitamins, namely vitamins B and C

The fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Examples of foods that contain vitamins are Carrots, Spinach, Oranges, and Broccoli.

Minerals are substances that exist in the soil and are absorbed by the food we eat.
Minerals function in the process of building cells, helping the body's chemical reactions,
transporting oxygen throughout the body, as well as the formation and maintenance of bones.
Examples of mineral content that must be present in the body, such as calcium, examples of
foods are: eggs, fish, nuts and vegetables. Also chloride examples of food are: meat, salt and

Fiber serves to help the digestive process and is divided into two types, namely soluble
fiber and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber, which is usually found in leafy vegetables, helps the
digestive process by helping the stomach adapt to a longer emptying time. Meanwhile, insoluble
fiber, is useful for preventing digestive problems. Examples include spinach, kale, chickpeas,
oranges, mangoes and bananas.

Water is a compound composed of two types of elements, namely hydrogen and oxygen.
Water is an important element in healthy and nutritious food, in fact 60% of the human body
consists of water, so we must meet our daily water needs by drinking 8 glasses of water or the
equivalent of 2 liters. Lack of drinking may cause various health problems such as kidney stones
and constipation. The benefits of water for the body are to help absorb, digest, excrete and
distribute nutrients to the body, and regulate body temperature.

The food that must be eaten by us is the food that contains these ingredients. This is to maintain a
balanced nutritional intake in the body without lacking anything.


The function of food is not only to relieve hunger, but more importantly to:

Get energy, get building blocks for body cells, increase resistance to disease, maintain
the digestive system, take care of healthy bones and teeth, and to ensure the smooth running of
all kinds of processes that occur in the body. For this reason, the food consumed every day
should contain elements that produce energy, build cells, and regulate all kinds of processes in
the body.

In accordance with their use, the foods that enter the body can be grouped as follows:

Food as a source of energy, especially those containing carbohydrates.

Food as a source of building blocks, is used for the formation of new body tissue cells, the
formation of red blood cells, white blood cells, and immune substances or antibodies.

Food as a source of regulatory substances, is absolutely necessary, although very little.


Towards a healthy life that can be reached in various ways. Everyone would want a
healthy body. One of them is through our diet. According to experts, the key to being healthy is
to eat a balanced diet. In short, we can eat various types of food that not only contain lots of
calories but are rich in nutrients.

The following are some tips that can be followed to get healthy food and maintain a good diet:

1. Choose foods that are high in protein, such as fish and meat.

2. Choose vegetables with various colors, green vegetables contain lots of fiber which is
good for the body, other colored vegetables such as carrots contain
antioxidants, eggplant contains high folic acid, mustard greens
contain high magnesium, and so on.

3. Choose foods that are still fresh, because the ingredients are less fresh, the
benefits and content in these foods will also decrease.

4. Reduce micin and flavoring, because it can have a bad impact on the body.

5. Eat in a decent size or portion.

6. Consume whole grains, sweet potatoes, fruits and vegetables.

7. Eat regularly.




Based on the research and discussion above, it can be concluded that food as a source of
energy and building blocks for the body is a very important element in the human body and the
function of food is not only to relieve hunger, but more importantly to get energy, get nutrients.
building blocks for body cells, enhancing the body's resistance to disease, and to ensure the
smooth running of all kinds of processes that occur in the body.


After knowing and understanding the importance of eating healthy foods to spur
development and growth. I advise all of us to always pay attention to a healthy diet and pay more
attention to the food ingredients that will be consumed.

BIBLIOGRAPHY and- not–healthy.html

Purba michael.Sarwiyati Eti.2017.chemistry for SMA/MA class X.Jakarta.erlangga

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