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Name : Yumna Haura Dzakiyyah

School : Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 1 Kota Makassar



Good morning everyone, I'm Yumna Haura Dzakiyyah will bring you the update news
for today. Today we bring you several information and the headlines for today is
Indonesia heading towards a country with minimum freedom of opinion.

In this era, There are so many people who cannot express their voices or even their
opinions simply, because they are obstructed by individuals who always silence those
around them. Quite a few people have had to lose their lives just to defend the truth.
The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (KontraS) recorded that
nine hundred and sixty seven people, were arrested for voicing their rights in public

The various incidents that occurred resulted in nine hundred and sixty seven people
being arrested,"it is said that the police were the main perpetrators in the series of events
that occurred regarding violations of the right to expression.

These incidents have resulted in at least two hundred and seventy two injured victims
and three others deadand the police were the dominant perpetrators, involved in 128
incidents, followed by other government elements with 27 incidents and the private
sector or companies with 24 incidents.

Based on information reported by kompas com, the Kontras marked several cases that
occurred in Indonesia about violation of the right to expression.Such as the case of
criminalization of farmers from the Karawang Farmers' Workers Union for voicing their
rights to land that was allegedly.

The land confiscation process under the guise of land execution by the Karawang
District Court (PN) guarded by 7,000 police officers, At that time 9 farmers and 4
workers who resisted the execution were arrested, 10 workers, 5 farmers and 1 student
were injured, 1 farmer was shot and dozens of others were injured.
This execution process is very flawed because the object being executed is not clear and
does not comply with the verdict, there are still overlapping decisions and the case is
still ongoing in court.

there also the criminalization case against three farmers from Pakel, Banyuwangi. three
people were arrested and sentenced to 10 years in prison for allegedly taking over
corporate land.Furthermore, the criminalization case against PT Gunbuster Nickel
Industri workers is also continuing at the Poso District Court. Several workers were
arrested as a result of a work strike in February 2023 Then.

KontraS said that this situation would continue as the quality of Indonesian democracy
tends to stagnate. KontraS asks President Joko Widodo to ensure freedom of opinion.
They also asked the Indonesian Police to stop various kinds of acts of repression against
demonstrations related to public expression.

The President of the Republic of Indonesia to ensure that the apparatus under his control
stops all forms of efforts to silence criticism through violence, criminalization and
guarantee the civil of citizens

And that brings us to the end of another edition of News for today. Thank you for being
with us. I’m Yumna Haura Dzakiyyah, Until next time, take care.

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