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TITLE: Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning on Physical Education in Overcoming Student’s Social



According to Dewey’s Educational theory, each child was active, inquisitive and wanted to explore. He

believe that all children need to interact with other people for them to learn more effectively. However, there

is an argument that Cooperative Learning can be a strategy or another way of teaching of the educators

and not about the journey of children. They consider the educative nature of cooperative learning in

physical education, and they examine how cooperative learning can enhance the education of young

people. (Casey & Quennerstedt, 2020)

Many experts and scholars have successfully proposed cooperative learning-related teaching strategies

has continue to develop. In the fields of college and universities, 80% of the results of research shows that

cooperative learning has a positive impact of learning effectiveness while 13% of the results says that there

is no difference between cooperative learning and general teaching method. This research explored the

relationship between cooperative learning and physical education, we all know that in Physical

Education especially sports needs a cooperation and teamwork. However, there is some people who are

not into cooperation and collaboration but likes to work alone. From previous literature, it was found that

cooperative learning can be used in different projects and different stages of learning, and it can be

combined with other teaching methods so that students’ cognition, skills and motivation can be

enhanced(Chou et al., 2015; Chiang and Yang, 2017; D’Aniello et al., 2020;Ding et al., 2020).

In addition, many students who are not that sporty likes to work alone because some of their classmate

who likes to collaborate only focuses on who they know already. In that, they feel like that this people
already build a wall between them and that is one of the reason why they don’t like to work in a group.

Moreover, there is this mental illness that they’re facing that is the Social Anxiety, it is a fear of social

interaction with other people that they will feel immediate self-consciousness and judgement. Compared

with normal learners, social anxious students miss out learning opportunities by avoiding interaction.

Especially that in Physical Education Major, they are prioritizing the unity and cooperation of all the

students because that is one of the main focus on sports. One of the result in this is that the people with

social anxiety tends to have failing grade because of their fear in interacting. (Hassan, 2020)

One of the obstacles that the students with Social Anxiety is facing is the subject Physical Education,

because in this subject it is natural that all of the activities are made with collaboration with other students.

Physical Educations is a subject where students educated physically that includes a highly possibly to

interact with other people.

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