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Practical – 01 Main Book


Name of the Experiment :- Date :- 22/05/2023

Determination of the arithmetic mean, combined arithmetic mean, geometric mean,
harmonic mean, median and mode from the ungrouped data and grouped data.
Problem (1):-
The marks of 16 students in a class examination out of 50 are

35, 32, 25, 18, 39, 42, 41, 39, 48, 47, 49, 32, 32, 45, 32, 50.
Find arithmetic mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean, median and mode of the given
marks. And Also Verify whether AM > GM > HM.

Solution :-
Let, ‘X’ be denote the marks.

Arithmetic Mean, AM= =

Geometric Mean, GM = Antilog( )
Harmonic Mean, HM=
( )
Median, Me = [When n is even]
and, Mode, = Value of the repeated maximum times.

Necessary Calculation:-

Arithmetic Mean, AM=

= 37.88

Geometric Mean, GM = Antilog( )


= Antilog( )
= Antilog( )
= Antilog(1.57)
= 37.15
Harmonic Mean, HM=


= 17.149

By arranging the marks in ascending order, we get,

18, 25, 32, 32, 32, 32, 35, 39, 39, 41, 42, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50 .
Here, Total number of observations, n= 16 ( Even )

( )
Median, Me =
( )
= 39
Since, the given marks ‘32’ occurs maximum ‘4’ times.

Mode, = 32 .

Results : AM =37.88 , GM=37.15 , HM= 17.149 , Me=39 , =32 .

Hence, AM > GM > HM.

Problem (2) :-
Find arithmetic mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean, median and mode from the
following frequency distribution. And also verify whether AM > GM > HM.
Marks 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100
Number 15 20 25 21 19

Solution :-
Let, the mid values of the class = X
and , frequency = f
We know that,

Arithmetic Mean ( ̅ )=

Geometric Mean, GM =Antilog( )
Harmonic Mean, HM=

Median, Me = L + ( )
L = Lower limit of the class interval containing the median
N = Total number of observations

= Cumulative frequency of the pre-median class

C= Width of the median class
= Frequency of the median class.

Where, L = Lower limit of the modal class for which the frequency is maximum.
The differences between the frequency of the modal class and the pre-modal
The differences between the frequency of the modal class and the post-modal
C = The length of the modal class.

Necessary Calculation
Calculation Table For Arithmetic Mean
Marks Frequency ( ) Mid-Values
( )
50 – 60 15 55 825
60 – 70 20 65 1300
70 – 80 25 75 1875
80 – 90 21 85 1785
90 - 100 19 95 1805
N = 100 ∑ = 7590

Arithmetic Mean ( ̅ ) =

= 75.9

Calculation Table For Geometric Mean

Marks Frequency Mid-Values
( ) ( )
50 – 60 15 55 1.740 26.1
60 – 70 20 65 1.813 36.26
70 – 80 25 75 1.875 46.88
80 – 90 21 85 1.929 40.51
90 - 100 19 95 1.978 37.58
N = 100 ∑ =

Geometric Mean, GM =Antilog( )
=Antilog( )
= 74.70
Calculation Table For Harmonic Mean

Marks Frequency ( ) Mid-Values

( )
50 – 60 15 55 0.273
60 – 70 20 65 0.308
70 – 80 25 75 0.333
80 – 90 21 85 0.247
90 - 100 19 95 0.200
N = 100 ∑ = 1.361

Harmonic Mean, HM=


= 73.48
Calculation Table For Median

Marks Frequency ( ) Cumulative

Frequency ( )
50 – 60 15 15
60 – 70 20 35
70 – 80 25 60
80 – 90 21 81
90 - 100 19 100
N = 100

= = 50 Median class is (70 – 80)

Median, Me = L + ( )
L = 70 ( Lower limit of the class interval containing the median )
N = 100 (Total number of observations)
= 35 (Cumulative frequency of the pre-median class )
C= 10 (Width of the median class)
= 25 (Frequency of the median class) .

Median, Me = 70 + ( )
= 76
Calculation Table For Mode
Marks Frequency ( )
50 – 60 15
60 – 70 20
70 – 80 25
80 – 90 21
90 - 100 19
N = 100

Since, the maximum frequency (25) lies in the class (70-80), So the modal class is (70-
Where, L = 70 ( Lower limit of the modal class for which the frequency is maximum).
(The differences between the frequency of the modal class and the
pre-modal class).
(The differences between the frequency of the modal class and the
post-modal class).
C = 10 (The length of the modal class).

= 75.56
Results : AM =75.9 , GM=74.70 , HM= 73.48, Me=76 , = 75.56 .
Hence, AM > GM > HM.
Problem (3) :-
Find out the combined arithmetic mean from the following data :
First 32 41 30 53 70 80 91
Second 11 3 9 100 50 89 39
Solution :-
Theory:- We know, Combined arithmetic mean, =
Necessary Calculation : Given , =7, =7
= = 56.71
= = 43
Combined arithmetic mean, =

= 49.855

Results:- So, the combined arithmetic mean of the given two series is 49.855.
Main Book

Practical - 02
Name of the Experiment :- Date :- 24/05/2023
Sketch Histogram and Ogive Curve.

Problem :-
Draw an ogive curve and histogram from the following table.
Hourly 50-55 55-60 60-65 65-70 70-75 75-80 80-85
wages (in
Number 7 11 18 36 15 8 5
Necessary Calculation:-
Hourly wages (in Taka) Number of workers (f) Cumulative frequency ( )
50-55 7 7
55-60 11 18
60-65 18 36
65-70 36 72
70-75 15 87
75-80 8 95
80-85 5 100
Total N=100

Here Graph
Main Book

Practical - 03
Name of the Experiment :- Date :-29/05/2023
Determination of Median, Quartiles, Deciles, Percentiles and Mode from Ogive curve.
Problem (1) :-
Below given is the frequency distribution of weekly wages of 110 Workers in a factory.
Weekly 200- 300- 400- 500- 600- 700- 800- 900- 1000-
wages 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
No. of 9 17 13 21 11 10 5 14 10
(a) Draw a histogram and find the modal value. Check it against calculated value.
(b) Draw an Ogive curve for the distribution and use it to determine the median wage of a
worker and verify the result by formula. How many workers earn weekly wages between
Tk. 520 and Tk. 630 ?
Problem (2) :-
Draw an Ogive curve from the following table and show quartiles in the ogive.

Hourly 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-

wages 100
Number 11 10 21 32 9 3 13

Solution :-

Theory:- In order to draw histogram, we have to plot the class among X-axis and the
corresponding frequencies along Y-axis, class and its frequency taken together form a
rectangle. From the histogram we can determine mode. Also, we can determine mode in
the following formula:

Necessary calculation:-
Direct Calculation:-
We know, Mode,
Location of Mode:-
Since the maximum frequency (21) lies in the class 500-600, so, the modal class is 500-
= 544.44
Calculating mode from graph:

From the histogram, we have mode, =

By direct calculation mode is and from the histogram mode is .

Hence, graphical mode= Calculated mode ( Checked).

Median, Me = L + ( )

Hourly wages (in Taka) Number of workers Cumulative frequency ( )

30-40 11 11
40-50 10 21
50-60 21 42
60-70 32 74
70-80 9 83
80-90 3 86
90-100 13 99
Total N=99

= = 49.5 i.e. Median class is (60-70)

L = 70 (Lower limit of the class interval containing the median)
N = 99 (Total number of observations)

=42 ( Cumulative frequency of the pre-median class)

C=10 ( Width of the median class)
=32 ( Frequency of the median class).
Median, Me = L + ( )
= 70 + ( )
= 72.344

Calculating Median from Graph:


Main Book
Practical - 04
Name of the Experiment- Date- 14/08/2023
Solution of the different types of problems by drawing histogram and ogive curve
The following are the scores which 80 job applicants obtained in a screening test taken by
a large manufacturer:
Score 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89 90-
Number of 3 5 11 15 20 8 7 5 4 2

(i) Estimate the limits or interval of scores of middle 20% of the applicants.
(ii) Estimate the range of scores of central 20% of the applicants.

Main Book
Practical - 05

Name of the Experiment :- Date :- 16/08/2023

Determination of the first four moments from data.
Problem :-
The teachers age are given below :
Age (Year) : 15 17 20 21 23
Determine the first four raw moments and the first four central moments from the
obtained raw moments.
Solution :-
Theory: Let, the worker’s age be denoted by X

We know that, rth raw moment, = , where, d=X-A, A=20
1st Central Moment, = 0,
2nd Central Moment, = -
3rd central moment,
4th central moment,
ecessary a cu ation

a cu ation Tab e or irst our aw oments

Age (X) d=X-A, A=20

15 -5 25 -125 625
17 -3 9 -27 81
20 0 0 0 0
21 1 1 1 1
23 3 9 27 81
∑ =-4 ∑ ∑ =-124 ∑ = 788

1st raw moment, = = = -0.8

2nd raw moment, = = = 8.8

3rd raw moment, = = = -24.8

4th raw moment, = = = 157.6

Determination of central moments from raw moments:

1st central moment,

2nd central moment,

= 8.16
3rd central moment,

= - 24.8+21.12 – 0.512
= -4.192

4th central moment,

= 157.6 – 79.36 + 33.792 – 1.2288
= 191.392- 80.5888
= 110.8032
Results: The first four raw moments are -0.8, 8.8, -24.8, 157.6 and the first four central
moments are 0, 8.16, -4.192 and 110.8032.

Main Book

Practical - 06

Name of the Experiment :- Date :- 20/08/2023

Determination and explanation of skewness and kurtosis.

Problem :-
From the data stated below :-
Marks 10- 20- 30- 40- 50- 60- 70- 80- 90-100
obtained 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
No. of 12 17 13 21 20 25 30 19 10

(i) and and also comments on the nature of the distribution.
(ii) Karl Pearson’s coefficient of skewness.
(iii) Bow ey’s coefficient of skewness.
Solution :-
We know, = and =
Pearson’s coefficient of skewness, Sk(Pearson’s)=

Bow ey’s coefficient of skewness, Sk=

Sk (Bowley) =

Necessary Calculation:-
Table For Calculation
Class Frequency Mid- d = Fd f f f Cumulative
(f) Value Frequency
a=55 ,
10-20 12 15 -4 -48 192 -768 3072 12
20-30 17 25 -3 -51 153 -459 1377 29
30-40 13 35 -2 -26 52 -104 208 42
40-50 21 45 -1 -21 21 -21 21 63
50-60 20 55 0 0 0 0 0 83
60-70 25 65 1 25 25 25 25 108
70-80 30 75 2 60 120 240 480 138
80-90 19 85 3 57 171 513 1539 157
90- 10 95 4 40 160 640 2560 167

N= 167 ∑ ∑ =894 ∑ =66 ∑

=36 =9282

= = = 2.156

= = = 53.533

= = = 3.952

= = = 555.808

1st central moment,

2nd central moment,

= 48.885
3rd central moment,

= – 346.251+ 20.044
= - 322.255

4th central moment,

= – 34.082 + 1493.036 – 64.821

= 2048.844 – 98.903
= 1949.941

= = = = 0.889
Results:- Since the coefficient of skewness is a positive value. So, the distribution of the
given data is positively skewed.

and = = = 0.816 < 3

Results:- Since the coefficient of kurtosis is 0.816 (<3), that is the given distribution is

Pearson’s coefficient of skewness, Sk =

Here, Mean (̅)= a+
= 55 +
= 57.156

Mode, =L+

Since the maximum frequency (30) lies in the class (70-80) .

So the modal class is 70-80
L = 70 (Lower limit of the modal class for which the frequency is maximum)
The differences between the frequency of the modal class and the pre-
modal class)

The differences between the frequency of the modal class and the post-
modal class)
C = 10 (The length of the modal class)
Mode, = 70 +
= 73.125

∑ ∑
Standard deviation, =√

= 23.173
Sk (Pearson)= == = -0.689

Results: Karl pearson;s coefficient of skewness=-0.689. So, the distribution of the given
data is negatively skewed.

Bow ey’s coefficient of skewness,
Sk (Bowley) =

Now, i th quartile, L+
L= Lower limit of the ith quartile class
Cumulative frequency of the pre ith quartile class
= Frequency of the ith quartile class
C= Class interval of the ith quartile class
N= Total number of observations.
Now, 1st quartile, L+

= = 39.25, i.e. 1st quartile class is (30-40)

L= 30 (Lower limit of the 1st quartile class)
29 (Cumulative frequency of the pre 1st quartile class)
= 13 ( Frequency of the 1st quartile class)
C= 10 (Class interval of the 1st quartile class)
N= 157 (Total number of observations).


= 37.88

Now, 2nd quartile, L+

= = 78.5, i.e. 2nd quartile class is (50-60)
L= 50 (Lower limit of the 2nd quartile class)
63 (Cumulative frequency of the pre 2nd quartile class)
= 20 ( Frequency of the 2nd quartile class)
C= 10 (Class interval of the 2nd quartile class)
N= 157 (Total number of observations).


= 57.75

Second quartile = Median

Now, 3rd quartile, L+

= = 117.75, i.e. 3rd quartile class is (70-80)

L= 70 (Lower limit of the 3rd quartile class)
108 (Cumulative frequency of the pre 3rd quartile class)
= 30 ( Frequency of the 3rd quartile class)
C= 10 (Class interval of the 3rd quartile class)
N= 157 (Total number of observations).


= 73.25

Sk (Bowley) = = -0.124

Results:- Bowley;s coefficient of skewness=-0.124, So, the given distribution is

negatively skewed.
Practical - 07
Main Book
Name of the Experiment :- Date :-15 /02/2024

Construct Box and Whisker Plot and five number summary.

Problem (1):-
The following are the number of miles traveled by 35 people by car in given day:

36 50 61 37 46 47 52 46 44
32 39 40 31 32 44 54 36 39
41 45 35 34 47 57 26 27 37
33 41 42 48 49 29 34 38

Display the data in a box and whisker plot.

Theory: In order to display the data in a box and whisker plot, we have to find out
smallest or minimum value, Largest or maximum value, Median, 1st quartile and 3rd
We know, Median, Me= th item [ when n is an odd ]
1st quartile, = th item [ when n is an odd ]
3rd quartile, = th item [ when n is an odd ]

Necessary Calculation:

By arranging the given data in ascending order, we have the following table:

Serial Data arranged in Serial Data arranged in

Number ascending order Number ascending order
1 26 19 41
2 27 20 41
3 29 21 42
4 31 22 44
5 32 23 44
6 32 24 45
7 33 25 46
8 34 26 46
9 34 27 47
10 35 28 47
11 36 29 48
12 36 30 49
13 37 31 50
14 37 32 52
15 38 33 54
16 39 34 57
17 39 35 61
18 40

Here, the total number of observations, n=35 ( odd)

Median, Me= th item = 18th item = 40,
1st quartile, = th item = 9th item = 34,
3rd quartile, = th item = 27th item = 47
Smallest value or minimum value = 26 and
Largest value or maximum value= 61

In this case, the box plot is as follows:

Here Box Plot


Results: From the box plot, we seen that the distribution is symmetrical with middle 50%
of the values,. The most extreme values are seen to be 26 and 61.

Problem (2):-
Given the following information obtained marks of two students A and B in a certain
examinations. Draw a box plot to represent these data and comment on the distributions.

Student A Student B
Median 10 10
First quartile 8 7
Third quartile 15 13
Minimum marks 6 4
Maximum marks 19 16

The box plots of students A and B are as follows:

Here Box Plot Method

The median of the obtained marks for both students is the same. However, the marks of
the student B is more evenly distributed with a smaller range. There is a bigger spread of
obtained marks for student A and the distribution for this data is positively skewed.

Problem (3):-
Describe the five number summary of the observations
1 3 5 5 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9
10 10 10 10 10.

Solution :-
Theory: In order to display the data in a box and whisker plot, we have to find out
smallest or minimum value, Largest or maximum value, Median, 1st quartile and 3rd
Here, number of observations, n=20 (even)

We know, Median, Me=

1st quartile, =

3rd quartile, =

Necessary Calculation:-
By arranging in ascending order of the given observations, we get,
1 3 5 5 7 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10
Here, number of observations, n=20 (even)
Lowest value=1 and Highest value=10.

We know, Median, Me=


1st quartile, =
= 7.5

3rd quartile, =

That is five number summary is as follows:

1 7.5 8 9 10
Lowest Value First quartile Median Third quartile Highest Value

Given distribution is negatively skewed.

Main Book
Practical - 08

Name of the Experiment :- Date :- 19/02/2024

Determination of trend of time series and forecast.

Problem (1):- Apply the method of semi-averages for determining trend to the following
data and estimate the value for 1991.

Year Sales (thousand units)

1985 18
1986 19
1987 21
1988 23
1989 27
1900 31

If the actual figure of sales for 1991 is 35,000 units, how do you account for difference
between the figure you obtain and the actual figure given to you?

Problem (2):- The following table given the production figures (thousand metric tons.)

Year 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Production 66 70 110 102 133 131 129 154

Calculate the trend line by

(i) semi average
(ii) 3 yearly moving average
(iii) 4 yearly moving average
(iv) 5 yearly moving average method. Represent the given data and the trend line on the
same graph paper.
Solution :-
(i) Table for calculation of Semi-average

Year Production (in Semi-total Semi-average

thousand ton) (Trend values)
1995 66
1996 70 66+70+110+102=348 348 4=87
1997 110
1998 102
1999 133
2000 131 133+131+129+154=547 4=136.75
2001 129
2002 154

By representing the given time series data on the graph paper, the trend line is shown

Results:- Given that, the actual figures of sales for 1991 is 35,000 units. And the
estimated figures of sales for 1991 from the trend line by semi-average method is

The difference between two figures is () units = units (app.).

(ii) Table for calculation of 3 yearly moving average

Year Production (in 3-yearly moving total 3-yearly

thousand ton) moving
1995 66
1996 70 66+70+110=246 246 3=82
1997 110 70+110+102=282 282 3=94
1998 102 110+102+133=345 345 3=115
1999 133 102+133+131=366 366 3=122
2000 131 133+131+129=393 393 3=131
2001 129 131+129+154=414 414 3=138
2002 154

By representing the given times series data and trend values on the graph paper, the trend
line is shown below:

Table for calculation of 4 yearly moving average

Year Production 4-yearly moving total 4-yearly Centered

(in moving 4 yearly
thousand average moving
ton) (Trend average
values) (Trend
1995 66
1996 70 66+70+110+102=348
1997 110 70+110+102+133=415 =87
1998 102 110+102+133+131=476
1999 133 102+133+131+129=495 =103.75
2000 131 133+131+129+154=547
2001 129 =119
2002 154


By representing the given times series data and trend values on the graph paper, the trend
line is shown below:

Table for calculation of 5 yearly moving average

Year Production 5-yearly moving total 5-

(in yearly
thousand moving
ton) average
1995 66
1996 70 66+70+110+102+133=481 96.2
1997 110 70+110+102+133+131=546 109.2
1998 102 110+102+133+131+129=605 121
1999 133 102+133+131+129+154=649 129.8
2000 131
2001 129
2002 154
By representing the given times series data and trend values on the graph paper, the trend
line is shown below:

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