Abbreviations and Acronyms

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Abbreviations and acronyms

In the world of cyberspace, we are forced to follow certain rules in order to be able to communicate
fluently with other users. These include the typical language or slang and abbreviations that prevail
in the world of the Internet. In our opinion, this is the key to understanding what culture is in
cyberspace is.

Work zone: ASAP (as soon as possible), EOD (end of the day) which means that the task should be
completed by the end of the day, ETA (estimated time of arrival) which stands for the time that
someone is expected to arrive

Gamig area: AFK (away from keyboard) someone is not currently at their computer, BRB (be right
back) main use in chat forums and apps to say that someone is too lazy to write “I will be right back”
or it’s simply faster to communicate, GG, GF, GJ (good game, fight, job)- these are often seen after a
well done game, fight or mission

Colloquial, everyday language: IMO (In my opinion) is used when you want to express your opinion
on some subject but, of course, you are too lazy to type the whole phrase, LOL or LMAO (lots of
laugh, laughing my ass off) means a phrase that comes into mind when we’re laughing very hard and
want to express it quickly, L or W (Lose or Win) it is an attitude to a given situation that was either
satisfactory or not necessarily good, we can say for example that something was “a big W”

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