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FRIT 7230 Fall 2011 Katie Capshaw Emily Fincher Autumn Roberts

Digital Video Planning Document The standards our group will address are as follows: AASL 4.1.1 Read, view, and listen for pleasure and personal growth, 4.3.1 Participate in the social exchange of ideas, both electronically and in person, and 4.4.1 Identify own areas of interest. Our target audience will be a heterogeneously mixed group of third grade students in terms of gender, race, ethnic background and learning ability. The video we create will address visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles in an attempt to encourage reading among all types of students. All students will be expected to display appropriate listening and speaking skills, in addition to the ability to read at their age level. A: Through the ARCS model of motivational design the viewers attention will be stimulated through perceptual arousal, by using an anticipated timeline of students of all ages. In addition, specific examples and humor will be a part of the video, as well as, the ability for viewers to become an active participant in the process encouraging them to become a lifelong reader. R: Modeling through the book club through video, will demonstrate how reading is an acquired skill set that develops over time through experience. Being an avid reader can be best encouraged by allowing readers some choice into what genre it is they like to read. C: By modeling a successful book club, students can visualize the participation process and their success both now and in the future. Viewers can gain insight into the stages of the process and are able to draw a meaningful connections to each age level. S: Viewers will be entertained through the visual stimulation of the development of a long term book club and will be interested in being able to share with their peers. The variety of reading materials that are available, will peek the interest if the viewer and the process of cooperative learning through participation of the club will inspire intrinsic motivation to read. Our objective using the ABCD objective checklist is as follows: Given a video of people in various stages of life reading and discussing books for pleasure in book clubs, the students will be inspired to read for pleasure, join a book club, and have a life long love of reading. ABCDs Objective checklist Audience: 3rd grade students Behavior: gain of love of learning for pleasure Condition: given a video showing people reading and discussing in book clubs in elementary, middle, high school, and as adults the students will be inspired to read and join a book club Degree: and have a life long love of reading for pleasure

FRIT 7230 Fall 2011 Katie Capshaw Emily Fincher Autumn Roberts

Digital Video Script Title: Our Classroom Book Club: Whats in your Top Ten? Sequence One: Hook for the Students Need some very upbeat music here. Check out the intro to this video I love how the music goes from intense to Austin Powers to elevator. 1- Fireman: Firemen like me, like to read! firemenish with a book) 2 -Policemen: I am a Policemen, and I like to read! peak interest with action) 3- Moviestar: I am a Moviestar, and I like to read! 4 -Doctor/Nurse: I am a doctor and I like to read! (interest through action) 5 -Coach: Coaches like me. like to read! (interest through action) 6- High School Student 1 Cheerleader: Girls like us, we like to read! (White Female, Brown Hair) Focus in on one face and then back up and show her team do something cool. 7- High School Student 2 Football QB in Gear: Guys like us, we like to read! (Black Male) Focus in on one face and then show a cool throw. 8- High School Student 3 Soccer Player: Guys like me, like to read! In Spanish (Latino Male) Holding book and dribbling ball. 9 - High School Student 4 Smart Student in Library: Girls like me, like to read! (Black Female) wearing glasses, surrounded by research books & laptop 10 - High School Student 5 Student with Guitar: (Need Description) (show something (another scene to

FRIT 7230 Fall 2011 Katie Capshaw Emily Fincher Autumn Roberts

11 - Teacher One: Hi, I am Mrs. _______________________, and teachers like me like to read; not only for school, but also in my spare time. As a matter of fact, Ive read all these books since the start of the school year. (Holding a stack of books to the camera) How? Im a part of a classroom book club where I pick my top ten favorite books of the year to read and discuss with all of my friends (Teacher walks and then screen backs up to show other people from intro holding similar stacks of books) So, join us today to find your Top Ten because 12 - All in Unison: People like us, WE LIKE TO READ! Fade out (When I wrote this part, I was visualizing everyone from the above sequences standing with the teacher... so the kids would see the same faces and same uniforms etc.... if we split this part, it wont work like that, so we will need to re-think .) Sequence Two: Explanation of Book Club Wide shot of students reading and/or discussing a book with narration over scenes??? I think we should use elementary level kids in Sequence Two to support seeing kids their own age participating in a book club. Maybe discuss a book with kids in low level in the background while narrating on top of scene? 13 - Narration I: Are you wondering what exactly a book club is and why would you want to join one? Lets take a look at our classroom book club and see why you and your friends will want to be a part of a it, and become a reader for life. 14 - Narration II: A book club is a reading group with students just like you who read and then meet to talk about a book they are reading by themselves or maybe a book that is being shared with the entire class. Some book clubs meet on a regular basis at a set place while others may meet in different places every time. No matter which book they are reading or where they meet, all members of the book club have fun with their friends while talking about what they have read. 15 - Narration III: Ever had a question about something you have read, but didnt have anyone to help explain it to you? You will never have that problem if you are apart of a book club! Books are better enjoyed and understood when we're able to share in the experience with our friends through discussion. That's just part of why book clubs are so great! With a book club, you can chat about the book, author, time period, and other related topics. It's a great way to stay connected with your friends, and it can keep you on-track with your reading goals.

FRIT 7230 Fall 2011 Katie Capshaw Emily Fincher Autumn Roberts

16 - Narration IV: The coolest thing about our classroom book club is that you get to select what kind of books you want to read. So, whether you want to read about dinousaurs, animals, girls, boys, or sports, there are tons of books out there that you will love! This year our book club will ask for you to make your Top Ten book list. This is where you pick out 10 books you will read over the year. We will meet to discuss those books at our book club, where you can earn a pizza party for completing your list. Lets take a look at some of the books that have made some of our previous book club members Top Ten lists... BIG MUSIC WITH DRAMATIC TOP TEN SLIDE Sequence Three: Top Ten Lists and Participant Interviews - Katie Film Show different kids of all ages share books that have made their top ten lists... fun music and transitions between interviews Maybe oldest to youngest? Maybe interview kids about why they like their book clubs? 17 - Elementary girl (close head shot with her holding book) My name is Claire, and I am in the third grade. One of the books in my Top Ten list is Junie B. Jones loves Handsome Warren, I liked this book because it was so funny. Junie B. and her friends are fighting over a cute boy names Warren. They all do a lot of funny things trying to get Warren to like them. It has a good ending too. You should read it, you will laugh at lot! 18 - Elementary Boy: close up shot with boy in a library reading a book. Hi! Im _________________ and I am in the third grade book club. My favorite book on my Top Ten list is__________. I really liked this book because... 19 - Middle School Girl: medium shot with a girl walking into the library and moving to her club stilling at a table My favorite book on my top ten list is The Clique by Lisi Harrison. Hi, my name is TyTianna, and I am in a book club at my middle school. We meet after school once a month to talk about the books we read that month. The first time we meet a bunch of us girls read The Clique and we were hooked on the Clique series. The book is about middle school girls like us, who are either in or out of the clique. Massie is the leader of the Clique and is super rich. I find it very interesting how she lives in her life being rich and spoiled. I wish I had her life sometimes! 20 -Middle School Boy: medium shot of middle school boys sitting around the library with books. My name is Juan and I am in a book club at my school just for guys. We like to read books about sports, monsters, and sometimes aliens. One of the

FRIT 7230 Fall 2011 Katie Capshaw Emily Fincher Autumn Roberts

books in my Top Ten list is Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief Graphic Novel. The action and adventure in the Percy Jackson books are so cool. This book is a graphic novel, which is sort of like a comic book. It really brings the action to life. Us guys, really like comic books, so the graphic novel is super cool. 21 - High School Girl: close up shot of girl with her book club in the background meeting. Hi everyone! My name is and I am in a book club at my high school. Twilight is my favorite book on my Top Ten list this year. I love the story about Bella and Edward falling in love. I am not much for vampires, but my friends talked me in to reading it after they were discussing it in book club one month, so I tried it out and loved it. Book club is a great place to hang out with your friends and find new books you can escape in. 22- High School Boy: close up shot of boy with the book while sitting on gym bleachers I have no idea what a high school boy would we will have to fill this in later. I think the story board doesnt need the exact words, just the concept. (katie) 23 - Close up of a teacher holding a book: One of my Top Ten books is The Help by Kathryn Stockett. This is a story of about life in the 1960s in America. Life was different back then, and this book shows an interesting point of view. It made me laugh and cry. I know that might weird to you that we liked a book that made us cry, but my book club buddies and I really loved reading it. Sequence Four: Teacher Participation 24 - Long shot of teachers sitting around a cozy place with books, coffee cups, and snacks discussing a book. Teacher: This is my book club. Some of my teacher friends and I read the same book during a month, and then we get together to talk about it. We even have snacks! It is so much fun to talk about the characters we have read about and things we liked or maybe didnt like about the book. 25 - Close shot of the first teacher standing up talking to the camera with her book club in the background. Teacher: Have you ever wanted to just escape from your everyday life? We do too! The books we read in book club are always just for fun books. As teachers, we are busy grading papers and reading books about school, but sometimes we want to read just for fun. We can escape to fun places, go on adventures to far off places, and even go back in time. Books take us away from our regular life for just a little while as we use our imagination to put ourselves in the book. In our book club, we get to live those adventures again as we talk about the books.

FRIT 7230 Fall 2011 Katie Capshaw Emily Fincher Autumn Roberts

Section Five: Video Wrap Up Show short clips of each book club in action with fun music in the background during the narration. 26 - Narration: Dont wait! Join a book club today, and making reading for fun even more FUN! Because... 27 - Shot of kids book club in the library standing up saying to the camera: Kids like us like to read!

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