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Name: Ellianna Jessop Dates: 4-08-4-12 Class Period or Subject: Math

Topic: Like terms with Grade Level: 9th Co-op initials with date:
PA Eligible Content - A1. Simplify/evaluate expressions involving
Anchor/Sta properties/laws of exponents, roots and/or absolute value to solve problems
ndard or (exponents should be integers from -10 to 10)
Lesson • OBJECTIVE #1 The students will be able to create and solve term
Objectives equations with partners.
• OBJECTIVE #2 The students will be able to independently solve like
term equations with exponents.
Sequence • The teacher will start on the board with 2 review questions, to remind
of activities students of what they’ve been doing the week prior.

• The teacher will then introduce the new concept of combining like
terms to the students on the board.
• The teacher will give simple examples like 4x + 5x and will explain
that only the coefficient changes.
• The teacher will explain it with exponents as well and will write a few
questions for students to look at and think through.
• Using I do, we do, you do, the teacher will demonstrate and work
through simple like term equations on the board with the students.

• The teacher will then have students partner up, and will give them dice
that have different numbers and variables on it. The students will then
work in pairs, rolling each dice twice, to create addition equations.
• The students will write down their rolls on a paper, combining like
terms together.
• Each pair will come up and share one of the equations they made.

• The teacher will further review if needed.

• OBJECTIVE #2 The students will then independently complete a like
term worksheet, filling out each question by themselves to show
understanding, before the teacher assists and checks.
• The teacher will correct any misconceptions of the students.
• The students will work as a whole class, independently, and in partner
Differentiatio pairs.
• Students will be able to choose 2 questions on their worksheet to cross
n off and not solve.
• Creating and solving equations in pairs
Assessment • Independent like term worksheet
PA Eligible Content - A1. Simplify/evaluate expressions involving
Anchor/Sta properties/laws of exponents, roots and/or absolute value to solve problems
ndard or
(exponents should be integers from -10 to 10)
Lesson • OBJECTIVE #1 The students will be able to combine like terms in a
Objectives variety of exponent equations.
• OBJECTIVE #2 The students will be able to recall how to simplify
division equations with exponents.
Sequence • The teacher will start by reviewing the like terms lesson they did the
of day prior. OBJECTIVE #1 The teacher will give the students a quick
like terms review paper, to ensure comprehension before moving on to
another part of the topic.

• The teacher will then re-introduce the division equations with

exponents the students were working on the week before, and will
explain that within these equations, you may see like terms to
• The teacher will go through PowerPoint slides explaining step by step
how you combine like terms with exponents and divide them by other
like terms.
• The teacher will have the students recall topics they’ve learned such as
putting the variable on the top or bottom depending on if it has a
bigger exponent or not. The teacher will also explain you can divide
the exponents by subtracting them, but they don’t have to be exactly
the same like in the addition and subtraction questions.
• The teacher and students will work through the topics together as the
teacher demonstrates the question and concepts.

• OBJECTIVE #2 The students will then do a pretty simple 8 question

comprehension sheet to demonstrate the concept they just learned.
• Students will work through the first couple with the teacher before
independently finishing the past few.

Assessment • The students will complete review questions at the start of the lesson.
• The students will complete division equations with exponents and like
PA A1. Simplify/evaluate expressions involving properties/laws of
Anchor/Sta exponents, roots and/or absolute value to solve problems (exponents should be
ndard or
integers from -10 to 10)
Lesson • OBJECTIVE #1 The students will be able to simplify division
Objectives equations with exponents and like terms.
Sequence • The teacher will start with a simple division question like the ones the
of day prior.
• The teacher will pose some newer questions, adding more variables
and parts to the division equations with like terms.
• The teacher will explain them on the board but will have students
individually come up and demonstrate one of the questions.
• The teacher will briefly mention that we can do the same thing with
multiplication exponent equations and will ask students what the
difference is for exponents when multiplying them vs. Dividing
• OBJECTIVE #1 The students will demonstrate their comprehension
by answering 5 questions that the teacher will pose on the board. The
students will write down the answers on a piece of scratch paper as the
teacher goes through each of the 5 slides. After the teacher checks the
students' work, they will show the right answer on the board.

• After these questions, the teacher will start the jeopardy review game
with the students to prepare for the concepts the next day.
• The teacher will not let the students click the multiplication option
since they’ll be going over it the day after.
• The students will be given the choice to follow along on paper for the
Differentia math questions, or come follow along on the white board.
• 5 Question Comprehension Check
PA Eligible Content - A1. Simplify/evaluate expressions involving
Anchor/Sta properties/laws of exponents, roots and/or absolute value to solve problems
ndard or
(exponents should be integers from -10 to 10)
Lesson • OBJECTIVE #1 Students will be able to add like terms when
Objectives simplifying exponent equations
• OBJECTIVE #2 Students will be able to demonstrate correct
computation of concepts we’ve learned the past 2 weeks.
Sequence • The teacher will start with a quick page of review for
of multiplication/division equations with exponents.
• The teacher will ask students if they can recall how to add like terms
with like exponents in equations.
• The teacher will then tell students the rules around adding or
subtracting like terms, and how the powers NEED to be like.
• The teacher will go through the PowerPoint slides with the students,
reminding them of the rules and slowly adding more complex and
complicated questions.
• OBJECTIVE #1 The teacher will give students the option to come up
and demonstrate answers, but will have at least one question in the
presentation they need to independently write the answer for.
• With the PowerPoint, the teacher will be able to introduce the
multiplication equations that have like terms and exponents. The
teacher will explain to the students that just like the division ones we
were practicing the day before, we can only add or subtract if they
have the same base and exponent.

• The teacher will help the students look at the whole equation, and
check/underline like terms BEFORE solving or simplifying.
• OBJECTIVE #2 The teacher will test the students understanding by
playing a big jeopardy review game. In this game, students will have
multiplication equations with exponents, division equations with
exponents, multiplication facts, and like term equations.
• Students will get to choose the type of math questions to demonstrate
Differentia their understanding with, through the labeled question choices on
• Students will be learning the new concept through combining two
concepts they already know, and seeing it visually modeled/orally
explained to them.
PA Eligible Content - A1. Simplify/evaluate expressions involving
Anchor/Sta properties/laws of exponents, roots and/or absolute value to solve problems
ndard or
(exponents should be integers from -10 to 10)
Lesson • Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of all concepts
Objectives learned throughout the week of simplifying equations with exponents.
Sequence • The teacher will start with finishing any jepordy questions the students
of didn’t get to the day before.

• The teacher will then go through the 10 Quizlet review cards with the
students, having them practice the review questions and having them
give definitions for terms and concepts.
• The teacher will emphasis terms so the students are prepared for the
• The teacher will review the combination of like terms in equations, and
will GREATLY emphasize the difference between simplifying
division equations with exponents, and simplifying multiplication
equations with exponents.

• OBJECTIVE The teacher will then hand out the math test to students
along with calculators, and will have them all independently complete
• Students will be given extra time if needed to complete the math test.
• Students will be able to choose to listen and follow for the review, or
answer comprehension questions throughout.
• Math test

Modification/Accommodation (Generalized across the week):

• Many students were given less or more work for assignments based on the emotional
spot they were in during math class.
• Students were able to choose which problems I would demonstrate for multiple
• After seeing some of the answers, a few math worksheets ended up getting modified by
End of the week self-evaluation:

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